Saturday, November 29, 2008

Special Guest Posting #2 from Tennis Way

Dear Fods,

Belated Happy Thanksgiving. We are wishing that you all had a great day with your families and friends. I wanted to write on Thankdsgiving Day to tell you all that I am most thankful for, but the day got away from me. I actually cooked a turkey and all the trimmings with a lot of help from Joey and Joe. Jessie, Walid and the kids were here, as well as Laurie, Mike and Pam. While it was quiet, it was just perfect. Izzie is in Disney World with Allison's family. There are twenty one of them there now. We hope to see them in the next several weeks. Apparently, Izzie went from crawling to running and is climbing on everything.

Things for me are coming along, but very, very slowly. Last Monday, I took the dreaded trip to HUP for a pic line replacement and to see Dr. Porter. Joey and Mike were on duty that day and we made the trip in the wheelchair. It was a long day from 9:00 to 4:00 -- as is typical of HUP. Dr. Porter does not have any explanation for my returning from the Dark Side -- but that I am/was very strong physically and it must not have been my time. I will see him again in 2 weeks.

The nurses come to the house 2 times per week. I do manage to come downstairs every day -- but going up stairs is very hard for me. I am eating fairly well and trying to maintain my strength, although my weight is way down so I will have to try harder.

But back to what I am thankful for. I am thankful for my incredible family, who have made it their full time job to take care of me. I don't know where I would have been (St. Mary's Manor??) without them. Most of the last few weeks fell onto Joey, but Jessie set up the protocols and she taught them all well. I am also thankful for all of you, my wonderful friends, for the cards, meals, blogs, etc. and for those who came to keep an eye on me. I wish I could thank you all individually and give you a big hug -- but until I can do that personally please know that I love you all and appreciate more than you will ever know all that you have done for me and my family.

I pray to get stronger so that I can get out and see you all again. Today, I did do Target in a wheechair, pointing and dictating what I thought we needed. I came hone and needed a two hour nap. Oh well, one day at a time.

I love you all.


PS: To the HUP nurses on Rhoades 7 and the Chemo clinic. I am so grateful to all of you for the care that you gave me while I was so sick. Luckily, I was not aware of most of the hospital stay, but Jessie told me that you were at my side, so thank you again for all of the care that you always give to me. Bridget, this includes you too.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

EXTRA EXTRA Read all About it!!

Dear Fods, Cods, and every other wonderful person who has been keeping up with my mom's blog:
hey everyone its joe or i guess joey to most i never usually post but today is a very special day. Today my mom made it downstairs!!!! She has really been working so hard on the steps and knows its a big obstacle but just totally crushed them and hung out downstairs for about an hour. She was delighted to see her downstairs finally and was so happy about the living room, thanks ron and mary G., and also noticed the beautiful mirror and stitching job that cod eileen sent a while back. Then when she felt tired she trucked back up the steps with very little effort and is now resting in her own bed!! I must admit that the last week i was nervous with jess being gone(shes kind of like our teams franchise player), woops sorry mikey, but the progress my mom has made is unreal. Each day she does a little more and its paying off big time shes eating regularly now and is constantly getting stronger. As you all know i have always been a momma's boy but i am in total awe of her fight,drive,determination,and her ability to stay positive in the darkest days. There was a time in my life that i thought i was tough, now seeing my mom claw her way back like she has, yea im not so tough! The women is amazing, shes my hero and the past few days have just proven the fact that there isnt an ounce of quit in her.
My mom asked me to thank you all for everything, for the blogs, cards, food, calls, prayers, and all of the encouragement all the time. I am not real good with words but i think all of you are a big part of the reason she just doesnt quit, RELENTLESS, is a great word, and all of you have been relentless with the support the love the uplifting words your all amazing and from the bottom of my heart i thank each one of you. Reading the blog puts a smile on my moms face every time and it lifts the rest of us up too so again thank you all so much we love you all and cannot say it enough times how much all of the beautiful messages mean to us and do for my mom. SHE IS BACK!!!!!!!! and with christmas right around the corner i think the best christmas present ever has already been given to all of us, another one with our hero who remembers three years ago when the doctors told us 3 months. lol i dont think they had any idea who they were dealing with and how stubborn she is aunt kris i think im seeping, oh well tears of joy
thank you all sooooo much i love you all and cannot wait for the celebration cause oh yea theres gonna be a party!!
joey and Debbie

Friday, November 14, 2008

Special Guest Posting #1 from 912 Tennis Way

Dear Fods,

This note will just be quick and short. Today is the first day that I have been able to hold my attention span for more than 5 minutes. While I do not remember most of the last month, I do have special remembrances of Kris and Edie travelling to take very good care of me and my special family. Thank you all for the food and the visits and help to us all.

The food has been incredible and thank you so much for your consideration. But what I am most grateful for and in complete awe of is my family. They brought me home thinking that I would linger for only a short time. Well, the short time has now turned into a month and they have done it all by themselves. Jessie was here for my last week at the hospital and my first week at home. With Jessie gone, Joey has taken over the nursing duties at home. He is the best nurse that you could think of -- maybe better than me.

The recovery time this time has been very slow and I have to come back from waaaay further down than before. I have not been this debilitated during any of the other trips to the dark side. I cannot walk without assistance, have a foley catheter and an eye patch. Everything is very slow and I am very frustrated. I cannot get down the steps but am trying a few more steps every day. Today, I did 4 steps down and up.

The big news is that I am finally eating. Everyone convinced me that I was starving myself to death and had to force some food to have a chance at getting better. We are trying yogurt, mac and cheese, wedding soup, grilled cheese -- and whatever I feel like. Eating is making a difference and slowly my strength is coming back.

So thank you a million times over for your thoughts and prayers, food and support. Your kind attention may have brought me back from the dark side one more time.

I love you all.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Four Weeks In

Dear Fods,

Tomorrow will mark 1 month since Debbie was discharged by HUP. While every time we post something positive, something negative seems to happen the next day, Debbie does seem to be on the mend again, albeit on a long, slow road to some sort of recovery. As in the past, she has no memory of the past weeks but is thankful to still be here with us all.

Since our last post, HUP agreed to increase the lasix and continue a low dosage of steroids and this seems to have helped Debbie to turn the corner. Debbie has been off-loading +4,000 CC of fluid per 24 hours and is returning to a normal form. This makes her moving less painful and the more that she moves the stronger she gets. She is eating a few "meals" per day and she is able to get in and out of bed with minimal assistance. Today she had yogurt and mac and cheese and has "ordered" a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. In addition to her baths, Debbie is walking the halls a few times a day. Even though her food intake is minimal, it is having a marked impact in her strength. Today, she even did a few steps -- toward her next milestone. Going downstairs -- Yikees somebody better get cleaning down there!

The children and Debbie's friends continue to amaze and help us. She is very well cared for and the quality of her care could not be replicated elsewhere.

Thank you for your blogs and cards. We read them to Debbie when we can.

Debbie sends her love to all.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Three Weeks and Two Days

Dear Fods,

Sorry to say that Debbie continues to struggle and is taking on more fluids than we can off-load. The nurses will come by tomorrow and we will see what adjustments can be made to her meds. Yesterday, Debbie had some swelling in her neck and she complained of the pain from the swelling she had on her tongue when we had to go to ICU some time ago at HUP. Not wasting time or money and since my pharmacy now rivals WalMart's, we broke out some of the old steroids and took care of the swelling. While the swelling went down today, she took on more water weight over night. A tough balance between a bigger problem and more discomfort. Hopefully, we will know more about this tomorrow.

The steroids are remarkable. We went from fighting to get Debbie to eat last week to having her ask for food! (with just 2 pills) She had Charlene's chicken stew last night and asked for an egg sandwich with cheese today. We did a shower in the middle bathroom this morning and Debbie walked to the back bedroom later in the afternoon and sat for a while looking out onto her backyard. While she did not see it because of her bad eye, a big deer ran along the creek at dusk on her way home. It was a nice Fall setting. Debbie even ate a piece of Karen Law's brownies and has been sleeping ever since. Debbie is in her bed +95% of the time and is still in much pain.

Joey went up to NY today to visit with Izzie and Allie and we expect him later this evening. Mike finally went home last night to see his own place and too bad for PSU and those bad boys from Iowa. I am sure that they will get theres next week! Jester is still here but will go home tomorrow morning. The "T-men" will be in control next week -- so God help Debbie. While her girl friends will be here during the day, it will be to the boys to handle the heavy lifting. I have written instructions from Jester and we will hope for the best. The kids have been fantastic through this ordeal.

An out of character and a closing note to Colin and Brendan of COD Eileen's clan. Where I went to school, they had a simple saying -- "Play like a Champion Today" -- and we have that sign in our house and touch it often. Where I live, we have an Italian Stallion who says, "NO PAIN!!" and "DON'T GO DOWN!!" So you boys -- just go and DO IT!!! Good Luck and God Bless from Debbie.

Thanks for the blogs and the cards. We read them to Debbie every day.

Debbie sends her love to all.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 19 Update

Dear Fods,

We are sorry to say that the first sentence of the last post was prophetic. That post was "premature". Debbie has done poorly since our last post even though her counts continue to improve. No one can make any sense of this predicament or provide a prognosis. While Debbie's counts have held or improved, including her platelets, her strength, ability to move and alertness have continued to decline. Our most recent problem is her left eye. Apparently, while her counts were down and when she was wretching, she broke some blood vessels in her eye. This has resulted in her bleeding out of her left eye and down her cheeks. She looks like a Rocky movie and it is very painful for her. For now she is blind in that eye.

Debbie can only get out of the bed now with 2 people helping her, although she tries hard and demands a high level of personal hygiene. The children continue to amaze me and tend to their mother in ways not imaginable. There is no substitute for this level of care and Debbie constantly thanks everyone.

The kids are moving to military "watch shifts" tonight to increase Debbies's coverage. I had the jump seat last night and it is very demanding. Debbie is up every hour for rinsing, cleansing or changing. Around 3:00 AM she usually needs a bed change and then she will sleep for 4-5 hours with her medication.

Debbie has asked for no visitors until things improve.

Thanks for your cards and blogs. We read them to her every day.

Debbie sends her love to all.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Day 16: Turning the Corner!!!

Dear Fods,

While I hope that this note is not premature, Debbie is definitely coming back from the dark space she has been in for the past two weeks. Yesterday, she was able to walk -- with help -- to the middle bathroom for a standing up shower, had two good BM's, and ate solid food (again FOD Charlene's chicken stew). She was very alert yesterday and spent good quality time visiting with FOD Kris. She was up and awake more than 50% of the time yesterday.

FOD Kris arrived on Wednesday evening from Colorado and she left earlier this morning. On Thursday we had a full morning with Social Workers and nurses while Kris began learning the ropes of "D" Care. Nurse Kathy (Debbie's regular nurse) will now be her nurse every Thursday and she was glad to visit with Debbie again. She drew blood and we got the results on Friday morning. Remarkably, Debbie's WBC is now down to 30K from a high of 117K without any of the new drug. Her RBC is fine and only her platelets are low @ 15K. With the Phillies parade, even HUP thought better of a transport on Friday and Debbie has been fine over the weekend, with only a little nose bleed. That could have been caused by the sinus surgery as she just passed a huge piece of packing that must have been left behind some months ago. They will draw blood again on Monday and we will see if we need a transport next week.

This morning, we were up early to see FOD Kris off for her plane. Luckily, I forgot to turn the clocks back last night or she would have been with us for a while longer! Debbie was out of bed this AM for some final Kris care and she is resting now. Also, she read the blogs herself this morning after Kris left!

While Debbie still has a way to go, I think we are coming out of this latest tunnel and back into the light.

Thanks for all of your cards and blogs -- they mean a lot to us.

Debbie sends her love to all.