Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 19 Update

Dear Fods,

We are sorry to say that the first sentence of the last post was prophetic. That post was "premature". Debbie has done poorly since our last post even though her counts continue to improve. No one can make any sense of this predicament or provide a prognosis. While Debbie's counts have held or improved, including her platelets, her strength, ability to move and alertness have continued to decline. Our most recent problem is her left eye. Apparently, while her counts were down and when she was wretching, she broke some blood vessels in her eye. This has resulted in her bleeding out of her left eye and down her cheeks. She looks like a Rocky movie and it is very painful for her. For now she is blind in that eye.

Debbie can only get out of the bed now with 2 people helping her, although she tries hard and demands a high level of personal hygiene. The children continue to amaze me and tend to their mother in ways not imaginable. There is no substitute for this level of care and Debbie constantly thanks everyone.

The kids are moving to military "watch shifts" tonight to increase Debbies's coverage. I had the jump seat last night and it is very demanding. Debbie is up every hour for rinsing, cleansing or changing. Around 3:00 AM she usually needs a bed change and then she will sleep for 4-5 hours with her medication.

Debbie has asked for no visitors until things improve.

Thanks for your cards and blogs. We read them to her every day.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joe, Jessie, Joey, and Mike,

I'm so very saddened by this new turn and hope Debbie's body responds to what her numbers are showing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you all for your love and dedication. Please give Debbie my love.
Love, Donna K. (Brandon, Chad and Derek send their love too)

11/05/2008 8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,Joe,Jessie,Joey and Mike,
I am sad to hear that Debbie is not doing so well. She is on my mind all day. It is so heartwarming to hear what tender care she has from her wonderful and so loving family. I will continue to keep you and the family in my thoughts and prayers.
You have touched a very special place in my heart and that will be felt forever my dear friend. Sending a warm hug to you!
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

11/05/2008 8:49 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Joe, Jessie, Joey and Mike,

God love you.... you are an amazing, wonderful family. I pray for Debbie's comfort and for your strength. I wish I had some really awesome thing to say to make this easier .... know that your love and tender care for Debbie is a wonderful gift, a testiment to Debbies love and caring for each of you. As someone who loves Debbie like a sister, I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for your courageous, loving care for a truly inspirational woman.

11/05/2008 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We are here if you need anything, anything at all! Please tell Deb how much we all love her, she has been the most wonderful friend to all of us. You know that we feel that you all are family. You are doing an amazing job taking care of, Mary , Ron and family

11/05/2008 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, Joe, Jessie, Joey and Mike,
I was so sad to read that Debbie is not doing well. My thoughts and prayers are constantly with you. I hope Debbie is feeling more comfortable. You are really an amazing family.


11/05/2008 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This experience is a roller coaster. My prayers go out to you. I remember the "shifts" with my Mom and they are times I will never regret. Your Mom was such a great caregiver and I loved every 12hr weekend we used to work together.
Prayers and love, Jenny

11/05/2008 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and family,
I'm sad to read Debbie isn't doing well this week. Deb is constanly on my mind. She is such a fighter and an inspiration to all. So are the rest of you. How wonderful for Debbie to have children willing to take such great care of their mother. They were taught well. I have nothing terrific to say. It breaks my heart that Debbie is going through this. Thanks again Joe for keeping up the post. It's probably hard to do.
Take care,
Beach Betty

11/06/2008 6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
"We have been in God's thought from all eternity, and in His creative love, His attention never leaves us." - Michael Quoist

I think of you often, and pray for
you and your dear family. As in my
own life, I am continually amazed at God's plan at work within us.
The journey we're on, it's always
with His guidance and blessing.

Sending my love and prayers,
Linda Mack

11/06/2008 7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of all the ding-dang things to have happened. Oh Chizzie, I just can't believe it. Racking my brain trying to think of something to help ease the discomfort you must be feeling with your eye. Any ideas NFOD's? (nurse friends of debbie)

I am praying that improved counts also mean improvement in your symptoms and level of discomfort, my friend. I also continue to pray for enlightened, healing miracle workers to cross your path, kiddo. It sounds like Joe, Jessie, Joey and Mike are the answers to my prayers.

Right now I'm watching the sun come up and thinking of you. Actually I'm thinking of the time last year when we went out on the QT for Chinese food and how good it tasted to you. Do you remember that? Wish I could remember the name of the restaurant - it WAS very good. Hope you are finding something that tastes good to you now to give you strength and nourishment.

I love you honey.

P.S. The Wild Turkeys are back - I saw about thirty of them in the back yard yesterday.

11/06/2008 9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know that Joe doesn't always tell you what he puts on the blog but this one sure made my heart heavy for the setbacks you are experiencing.

Just want to bring some sunshine into your day.

Last night Colin played in the Regional Playoff game and his team pulled out a victory. The score 29-10 doesn't take into account that at halftime we were losing 10-9. The difference in this level of play is the teams are getting better and better that we are facing. This team was fast but sloppy and we just kept the course and did well. So now we play on Monday and it is a similar team we face. We are hoping for a similar outcome.

But through it all we continue to keep you first in our thoughts and even out on the football field. Colin and Bee keep you as a constant reminder of what sheer determination can do for someone. You are all of ours hero.

God bless everyone around you. They have shown us all what the love of family and friends can endure and overcome. Hugs to all of them.

I love you Debbie. I pray that the counts are a sign that there is some better days ahead.

:) COD Eileen

11/06/2008 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are such a strong women and it is amazing to me everything you have gone through. AND still continue to fight! You are such an inspiration to me! As my mom said I hope the counts are a sign of better things to come. I'm thinking about you everyday and you are always in my prayers.

Love you dearly! Mere

11/06/2008 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thinking about you always. I'm so sorry about your eye- that has to be horrible! We love you...!

xoxo Meg & Kate

11/06/2008 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear debbie,joe,jessie,joey, & mike......

a minute at a time...sorry it is like that at times (for each of you).
now, debbie...about that eye...would a patch covered with hot pink glitter be the thing to do? is it the same side as your hearing loss? you are certainly giving some of us refresher courses!!!!!
you are all on our hearts and we can't wait to see how God works in this bad stretch-we know He will, we just pray you will be able to see it...feel the sun on your cheeks!
grace, peace,love, hugs
tony & jill

11/06/2008 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
I was 36 minutes from your house today while visiting with Lynne's children, and I was going to drive up but something told me not to.... I had the directions printed since Sunday. I'm glad I didn't spring the surprise on you as you did not need this loud Irish visitor today.

Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.. lots of love, Visitor Alison

11/06/2008 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Debbie: Was hoping to hear some good news and was only sadden by the news that you were not doing so well. What more can happen to you. Thank God you have such a strong family behind you. One could only hope their fammilies would be like yours have been over the past years. You might be down right now, but don't give up - Your friends are behind you even though they can't be with you right now. Get your strength up and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers always. Love Shelly

11/06/2008 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, Joe, Jessie, Joey, and Mike,

Please know our love,thoughts,and prayers are always with you. Truly, Debbie you are surrounded by so much love. Your family's loving care is certainly a tribute to your lifetime of caregiving. You are all amazing.

Carol and George

11/07/2008 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
Dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

11/07/2008 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Chizzie-

My thoughts are with you this morning (and pretty much all day). Hope this finds you resting comfortably and peacefully this morning. I'm envisioning you resting quietly with either a pink glitter eye patch OR one of those Johnny Depp pirate jobs on. Silly me, can't stop thinking about your eye and I sure hope it has settled down and it isn't bothering you. Praying for healing and miracles, small and large, my love!

Today Mr Hal is down in Colorado Springs attending something called the BEEF QUALITY SUMMIT. He'll be back in time for me to jet down to the mall to meet Lynn, our realtor for lunch. Not to diss Lynn or anything, but I'd much rather be having lunch with you. Lynn is nice - but she's no Debbie Teklits. ha-ha. Other than that, I've just been cleaning house and thinking of you...

I smiled when I read today's word because I knew it was meant for you.


The indwelling spirit of God loves and supports me always.

God is my strength, my guide, my all. God is the promise that when life's situations and events become difficult, transformation and recovery are possible. I am comforted as I pray and release my life into God's care.

When I think of others who may need comfort and strength in order to respond to life in attentive and effective ways, I affirm that God is life within them expressing as them. All good is possible. And as I meditate on the good, I hold thoughts of comfort and strength for each person.

The promise is not that there will be an absolute absence of difficulty, but that the indwelling spirit of God loves and supports us in each moment.

Comforted by this awareness, I give thanks for life ongoing.

"This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life."--Psalm 119:50

11/07/2008 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to pray that things turn again for the better. You all are wonderful and you will continue to be blessed throughout your life for all you have done for Deb, who is the most amazing person I have been fortunate to know. My love to you all. Cheryl Crone

11/08/2008 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,Joe,Jessie,Joey and Mike,
I wanted to let you know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You are on my mind constantly. May you be resting comfortabley with all the love from your amazing family. Sending you a big warm hug to my very dear and special friend.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

11/08/2008 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
I am so saddened to hear Debbie is not doing well. Debbie, you and the family are in our prayers. If there is anything I can do to help in anyway just let us know. Joe and Diane Radvansky

11/08/2008 9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Chizzie-

Another Colorado sunrise and I'm thinking of you.

Hope you are resting well and feeling comfy, kiddo.

We had a busy day around the house yesterday. It sounds like the snow is going to start flying around here in earnest so we spent the day raking up the leaves and pine needles (no cones this year - last year we had more pine cones than you could shake a stick at but had NONE this year), putting away the garden hoses, etc. Figured it was also time to get the winter clothes out and put the summer ones back in storage, so I did that too. This was followed by a big nap. ha-ha. We're just a ball of fire out here, aren't we?

Sending you all my love today and praying for lots of blessings to come your way.

I love you honey.

Let Go, Let God
Open to the wisdom of God, I am led to the right outcome for each situation.

Little children are often in such a hurry to learn to do things for themselves that they don't listen to the instruction of adults.
Like a child, I may at times be so intent on accomplishing a task that I do not take time to consider that there may be more than one solution. However, when I open my mind to the wisdom of God before starting something, things always go much more smoothly.

Whatever I am doing, I am sure to receive a blessing when I let go of a need to have my own way.

Instead, I let God guide me to right outcomes. As I release any tendency to control, I realize that God is the answer. I let go and let God, and everything falls into its perfect place.

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path."--Psalm 143:10

11/09/2008 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Not to contradict Joe, but Rocky is not even near the fighter you are. You are the hardest fightin' woman I know. I think of you so much and ask everyone I know to continue their prayers for you.

Spending the weekend down here and have to clean and rake leaves. They don't come by and scoop them up like in Doylestown so I have to get some bags at Lowes. Having a tough time gettin started, though!

I wish you peaceful, restful nights and alert comfortable days to spend with your wonderful caregivers.

Love, hugs and kisses,

11/09/2008 9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie and Family!

Know everyone is giving their 110% at 912 and we'll be doing the same Monday night between the boys on the football field and me in the stands making a spectacle of myself.

We'll win another post season game with your fighting spirit as our driving force.

God bless you guys...COD Eileen

11/09/2008 11:14 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Just sending my love and hoping Debbie is comforable. You guys are constantly in my toughts and prayers!

11/09/2008 5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
Bob in sunny Florida. I never did like hearing bad news and this is no exception. I've put you back on my church's prayer list and you will be in my bands prayers Wednesday and your always in my daily ones.
Strange but true news. When I was 20 I dated a girl who went to Hatboro Horsham High School. Donna. Her dad thought I was too old for her and ran me off. We found each other on earlier this year. Been emailing and talking on the phone a lot. Long story short she moved down five weeks ago. There may be wedding bells in my future. Who would have imagined. I'm excited and a little amazed.
Anyway, hang in there Teklits's (or is it Tekliti). We are coming to PA in July for a family reunion. I want to see what everyone looks like old, like me.
I love you guys.


11/09/2008 6:10 PM  

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