Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just Missed ICU

Dear Fods,

We had a close call this morning. My BP has been very low this time and they have been having a hard time stabilizing me. They decided that it would be best for me to be moved into ICU. The kids told Joe while he was on the way down and stuck in traffic. He got here while I was in the bathroom and just as the resident came in to speak to me. Joe rather forcefully explained why we did not want to be moved into that terrible environment again where we have never had a good experience. We asked for some time to speak among ourselves privately and we began to pack up the room (another HUP practice which is infuriating). The resident came back in and spoke with Debbie and she again explained all the reasons why she refused to go. She asked what would they do more for me upstairs than they would do for me here and he said that they could give me dopamine that would make my BP go up. I told the resident that my HGB is only 7.9 and I need blood! Not ICU!! My heart rate is elevated because I need blood and have had a fever since I got here. Give my tylenol and not ICU!!

The resident came back in and said that I could stay here and that they would keep a close eye on me. So now, they are giving me tylenol every 4 hours and they just hung a unit of blood. Just what Dr. Teklits ordered! The resident came back in and said that it looked like I knew my body better than they did.

So needless to say, I am sitting here getting my blood and high rate fluids and puffing up again like the Pillsbury dough boy, have probably put on 20 lbs of fluid since I got here and I have not eaten anything for a couple of days -- am just too sick to my stomach. They are giving me reglan, four antibiotics, and adavan. And this was supposed to be a 24 hour stay!!! Anyway, glad to have ducked that ICU bullet for now.

Thank you for your blogs and cards. Someone reads them to me every day.

I love you all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Debbie and Family! So glad you were able to avoid ICU and stay in your room there - not that being HOME would be even better! We stopped in Ocean City yesterday on our way home and thought of you - there was some kind of craft show going on!!!! It was a beautiful day but we had to get back to pack for CA. Looking forward to seeing Jen and my sister. I will be checking the BLOG for good news!!! Always my prayers and Love, Trudy

10/12/2008 4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

I was wondering when they were going to give you the blood. I have never understood the theory behind putting your body under such a strain before "giving in" to get the units to you. I am glad to hear you put your foot down as I can still remember the ICU trauma you experienced.

I should have the tiny sampler finished tonight. It will look good on your newly painted walls. Save a spot for it.

We are enjoying a quiet weekend here in Missouri. Boys are studying for tests tomorrow. Dave had to do a little organizational business with work today. They are reworking their by-laws. Mere called first thing this morning she got a stomach virus. She is wishing she were here. Her roommate is taking good care of her.

Love to all and glad to hear the blood was finally hung.

COD Eileen

10/12/2008 5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Of course you know your body better than anyone! I'm glad you're not in ICU, especially since you haven't had good experiences there. I'm sure all of that extra fluid weight does not feel pretty. Don't worry, you'll shed it all off soon and be able to have some lasagna & meat sauce, and a cosmo on the side.

Matt, Matthew and I just went to an ALPACA FESTIVAL! It was so much fun, and they are such beautiful, docile animals. Oh my gosh, and you would LOVE all of the sweaters and stuff that they make with their wool. It is soooo soft. Matthew was "talking" to the baby alpaca's the entire time, it was so cute. We were supposed to go to a pumpkin patch again, but I saw this in the paper & surprised the boys- since I was driving. Matt looks at a sign and says, 'Oh there must be an alpaca festival around the corner from the pumpkin patch...' I go, 'SURPRISE we're seeing Alpaca's today instead!' I'm not sure Matt really liked my surprise at first, but it ended up being a lot of fun. They had free alcohol so Matt perked right up. The pottery there was glazed with alpaca spit + something else. Very unique stuff being sold. Also, very 'unique' people too, ha, to say the least. There was this elderly woman with black tights, a mini skirt, stilleto's and a huge derby hat! I watched her walk in a huge clump of po*p and she teetered off to the side of the grass. Her husband- who looked like Rock Hudson but in crocidile dundee garb, had to help her back up. A very exotic looking couple to say the least. You'll have to come next year to the ALPACA FESTIVAL! YOU WOULD LOVE IT! I'm thinking about buying one- after we get things in order, of course, as in 6 years down the road- they start at $300 and I'll be able to make sweater's for everyone! I guess I'll have to learn how to spin alpaca wool first... hmmm.

Maybe you should ask Santa for an alpaca for Christmas. They are great company. Excellent listeners...

<3 see you soon and feel better!

Meg, Matt and Matthew Thomas!

10/12/2008 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Joe,
I have been praying every day that you would be home by now!I love the fact that you tell little old Hup what to do!I hope you are giving the other pts lesssons.I will miss not going out tomorrow,I was really looking forward to it,but sometimes God laughs at our plans and changes them.I will pray that your fevers stay down,and that your appetite will increase.Will keep an eye out for your discharge.
Love Kathy Trinkle

10/12/2008 6:59 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie.& Joe ... UNBELIEVABLE!!! Thank god you guys are not push overs and aren't afraid to stand your ground. Stay fever free for 24 hours so you can get the heck home.
I swear that is my next career move.... I've been saying it since all the crap I dealt with with my mom.... better patient care. Hoping and praying that the blood and the tylenol does the trick and you can get back home.
Love ya,

10/12/2008 7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


WTF were they waiting for???? 7.9??? Gimme a break. How long has that resident been actually taking care of pt's???? Bev called and said she talked to you today. I can't believe I missed your call. Sounds like we will be storming the gates tomorrow if you're up for it . Love you, love you and saying extra prayers whenever I think of you...which is all the time! Hope you get some sleep tonight and keep that pecker up!!!


10/12/2008 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys...the alley felt empty without joe washing his car
so sorry you had to spend the wknd in phila! saw donna and she had checked the blog so tony and i have been praying with more direct "get me out of here"!
we will keep praying hard on the "no-icu" bit.
may the sunshine hit your cheeks in just the right place so you know we all care (and so does God)!
tony and jill

10/12/2008 11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MO.. by the way.. what does wtf stand for?? could you please spell it out so we can all understand..(ha)
Deb.. 7.9. is low.. believe it or not, i've been there.. won't go into it too much.. just let me say " i am woman, hear me roar".. and that is all you need to know about that. but do know you don't feel great at all.. so,, im so glad you let them know what you really needed.. i do hope and pray your out of there today.. hopefully you set them all straight.. get home , relax, and start recuperating..
prayers never stop! love ya..mdf

10/13/2008 10:00 AM  
Blogger Bosszilla said...

Hi Debbie,
So sorry to read that you are still there, but so glad you stuck to your guns and made them leave you in your room. Good for Joe for standing up for that. Ya think he'd ever think about being a lawyer, he'd be really good at it! LOL. Good job Joe!
I hate when these medical people think they know it all. It's your ride - you know better than anyone as to what is good for you.
On a lighter note - have been getting email reports from our friends in Montana. They got 42" of snow over the past few days. WOW! And to think I thought about moving there some day.
I'm keeping you both in my prayers.

10/13/2008 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry I keep missing you. Spoke to Bev this am, then called you, but got no answer. I've got questions about your bp....wondering why they want to do dopamine if your hgb is so'd think you need blood and fluids, but then you say you're edematous, so I wonder what are your bun/cr and what is your output like? Do you maybe need a little renal-dose dopamine to jump start your kidneys? I'm sure you've thought of all this, but not entirely sure you're in the best condition to haggle over your treatment. Well, I'm gonna give you another call now. Prayers and peckers up.

10/13/2008 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and Joe,

I am so sorry to hear that you are still in the hospital...glad not ICU. I was thinking of you this weekend while I was down OC. Mackenzie and I went down Saturday until Sunday afternoon. Just a short visit....makes me happy to be there....makes my stress go away while I am there. Chuck is looking for a job....such a bad time to be looking for a job. We know that there could be a possibilty of being relocated....well lets not think about that right now. Debbie I wish you were home with your family I pray you will be out of there soon. I think and as always pray for you daily. Hang in there. Big hug to you!

Chuck,Donna,Wyatt and Mackenzie

10/13/2008 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie....

WOW how crazy, I know only too well the battles at HUP. Good for you sticking to your guns...

Boy oh boy, I will light a candle for tonight...

Rest Dough boy... love Visitor Alison

10/13/2008 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb--You are truly the bionic woman! I'm missing you and hope that you get home real soon. As always, you're in my prayers and I love you.

10/13/2008 8:16 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, I was hoping I'd see a post that you are snug in your bed at home...I'm hoping that that is the case. Sending good vibes your weay and hoping your feeling better and are able to eat without getting queezy. Sleep well!

10/13/2008 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie,
Taking a break here from studying (advanced pathophys....yuck!)to check in on you & see if there are any updates. I am so sorry to hear you had a near-MICU trip! Thank god they listened to you (& Joe)! I hope you weren't at the mercy of some brand new intern! I know after your last experience there, it's a place you never want to have to visit again. I hope the blood & fluids have brought up your BP & that you aren't too puffy! Have the fevers resolved yet at least? Hang in have lots of people pulling for you!! Take care & I'll pray for some good reports on you the next time I check the blog!

10/13/2008 9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Jeez, I've been wrapped up in work and didn't check your blog last week. Boy was I surprised to read you were back in the hospital. I hope by the time you read this you will be well enough to be discharged. Well, at least your summer seemed to go well. We were at the shore this weekend. We closed up the boat for the winter. Still need to go back to close our place for the season. I'll keep checking the blog.
Feel better!

10/13/2008 10:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon Deb, It was great seeing you and mike at poppys funeral. Thank you so much for coming. I will continue to pray for you, and hope to see you and Joe again soon down at the beach!


10/14/2008 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! They listened to you! And thank God you just said no to ICU!...that's not a good scene and I'm sure you guys all feel like you have been through the wringer. Hope this finds you better today.

cod Eileen? Maybe you could stitch a big black "ICU" and with a red circle around it and a diagonal line drawn through it as a sampler to hang above Debbie's bed!

You are the most amazing person I know, honey. Keep hanging in there and remember, don't let the you-know-what's wear you down. And never lose your sense of humor. Remember: All you have to do is make it to the door. ;^D

I read this morning's word and thought of you. Now I know why.

(We got home last night on the red eye and have been trying to get used Mountain time and 30 degrees again. Brr.)

I love you honey. I'm off to light a candle and say a prayer for you but before I go here's today's word for you.


The ever-present spirit of God infuses me with peace and love.

Thoughts of comfort engage my senses as warm, reassuring images come to mind: hearty, simmering soup; a soft comforter on a chilly night; a peaceful pet curled in my lap; one-to-one conversation with a dear one.

The greatest comfort of all, however, is the comfort of ever-present Spirit. Even when there appear to be no answers, God is here. I breathe deeply and pray, allowing the peace and love that are present to infuse my very being. I am reassured spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Caring and peace surround me, confirming that I am supported and loved.

"Praise the Lord! ... He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds."--Psalm 147:1, 3

10/14/2008 5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

Need some "magic tea"?

10/14/2008 5:20 PM  

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