Thursday, October 09, 2008

Still here...

Hi Everybody, what a surprise, my 24-hour visit to HUP has turned into five days! I'm still being held captive here. Low grade fevers persist and my white count is becoming dangerously low. I feel ok, but much like I have the flu. Most of the worst side effects, ie. the high fevers, rigors, etc. are gone but the nausea persists.

Mikey has been down to visit each day and Joe comes to see me each evening. Today, who comes walking around my drawn curtain but Jessie. She left the kids behind with Walid and came to visit, which hopefully will be a help to Mike and Joe. She's always great company for me.

I'm hoping if the fevers can stay down below 100 for the next 24 hours they will let me go home provided I obey very strict house arrest orders. My platelets are down to 25k, which means a transfusion will be needed in the next day or so. The nurses here tell me I'll be platelet dependent for about the next month.

It was good to hear from all of you on the blog. Thank you for your prayers, calls, and cards, and I will keep you posted. I love you guys.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

we love you!!!!!! Hang in there ,you will be home soon <3
Love You,
Alli & Izzy

10/09/2008 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie et al:

I am so excited today we are back on high speed internet which makes my time on the computer much more bearable.

Mere sent me the latest photos she found on Jessie's Face book page. I love them...and it is great to see everyone is well.

The only bad feature of being back on high speed is the boys are now off on their computers which means less time for me to dig and probe into their lives.

25K on the platelets it does look like you will be spending some time with transfusions again but on the bright have been able to get back up in the past and for a really long time so lets hope for the best here.

Make sure and give Jessie a hug! What a sweet thing of her to run up to check in on you.

Miss you all! COD Eileen

10/09/2008 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh Deb,

Drat! This is exactly what you feared, but hopefully spending a few more days now, means you won't have to be admitted again later.
And you're probably getting foot massages and pedicures galore now that Miss Jessie is there. I bet you were thrilled to see her.
I'm working tomorrow but than I can be at your back and call if need be. I'd love to help out if I can.
Bob sends his best and big hugs and prayers from us both.

We love you, Mo

10/09/2008 9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh man, if we could take all the horrible reactions and pain away we would. But, when you get home- and that will be soon- you'll come home to newly painted walls? Ha. It's always nice for a change! Keeps things alive! And it's so beautiful out... the leaves are so vibrant now! Bright reds & yellows on our trees, mixed with orange pumpkins and screaming kids in the streets.

I cannot wait till Matthew is that age, and I can let loose for awhile! As in, watch him from the window riding his bike etc. Although, I'm sure I'll miss this baby stage once it's over. He is already getting antsy in my arms sometimes and wants to get right down on the floor to scoot around! We're going on a hayride tomorrow evening (1st hayride, how exciting!) and then Saturday we are going to yet another... 1st birthday party. Must have been something in the water last year! Everyones pregnant or just had babies! Yikes- who's next?

Anyways, Debbie... I think about you every day and you are always in my prayers. You are the toughest gal around this side of PA! You'll be home before you know it!


PS. Dr. Oz, on Oprah last week, said that Mommy brain is a real condition after childbirth and many months following! PHEW!

And you Nurse's are crazy... I saw some pictures from your weekend! Sounded like a fun and much needed break!

Oh and I almost forgot... I started giving Matthew those little puffs like you guys told me about. I split them up into a million pieces though. I almost have a heart attack every time a little cough comes out!

10/09/2008 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie!
Hang in there! You'll pull through like you always do! Are you on Rhoads 6? If so, tell the nurses I said hi (although they probably have a lot of new people there by now!). I'm doing pretty well. Since I left Penn I've been working in Radiation Oncology at Lankenau & for the most part I really like it there! I'm in school at Villanova for my Nurse Practitioner, so that is keeping me busy! Hope you are starting to feel better & that the fevers are staying away! I e-mailed my mom your blog & you are in her thoughts & prayers as well! She always asks how you are doing after meeting you at the Light the Night walk last year....she was very inspired by you, as everyone who knows you is:) Hang in there!!

10/09/2008 10:36 PM  
Blogger jean said...

Hi Deb,
Just wanted to send lots of prayers your way. Kick those fevers and get home. I will check in with you when I get back, hopefully you'll be up to a visit with pictures. Take care and enjoy being pampered by Jessie.
love, hugs and prayers,

10/10/2008 2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Sending lots and lots of positive energy your way, and lighting candles for you. God bless, lots of love Visitor Alison.

10/10/2008 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If reincarnation is real.. then i think i would hate to come back as a cricket! can you imagine having to rub your legs together all the time.. its bad enough that my thighs now constantly rub, but thats out of my control.. I would hate to have to warn about the weather, or find a mate by rubbing my legs together.. ha. kind of ironic when you think of that!! Explains why there legs are thin as sticks though..
Have had one in my house for the last few days,, can you tell? Deb. you inspire all of us. . Hang in there.. don't let the nausea win.. let the platlets make you stronger, then get out of there.. enjoy your beautiful home and family!
Prayers are continuing.. love ys. mdf .. ps.. jean,, when the heck are you going to italy? thought you had already gone and come back! have fun..

10/10/2008 1:03 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, you are such a trooper.... hang in there ... you will be home very soon. Nice surprise having Jessie come up to visit. You have great kids!
Thinking of you always. Sending lots of love and good thoughts,

10/10/2008 7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying that you get to come home real soon. So sorry to hear that you had to endure all those nasty side effects. You certainly are a real trooper. What a wonderful surprise to have Jessie by your side. Mackenzie went for her nine month check up...she is 23pounds and 13 ounces can you beleive it. No wonder my back hurts. She continues to be the happiest and sweetest baby ever.
Well I miss not seeing you in Ocean City. Please know that I think about you often and always talk to God about you!!! Hello to Joe and the family. Take care.

Love ya,
Chuck,Donna,Wyatt and Mackenzie

10/10/2008 10:40 PM  

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