Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still Spinning

A long overdue hello to everyone,

I'm sorry its taken me so long to blog. I know from your cards and blogs and calls that you were worried what was going on. Well actually alot has been happening. After the packing was removed and i was repacked (for a total of three weeks-YIKES !!! I was pretty miserable for a few days. Breathing thru my mouth and alot of sinus pressure. The next weekend was Memorial Day so we went to the shore and Allison and Isabelle came down from New York and Jess and Walid and Christian and Emma Grace all came to join us. The kids were just the medicine that MomMom needed. No time to feel sorry for myself with the kids around. We had a great time and ate lots of ice cream. There is a new ice cream store across the street which is too convenient. Anyway Sat. Nite i got very congested and felt like my left ear was very plugged up. Remember, my left ear is my good ear. Sunday morning I woke up and couldn"t understand Christian and Emma.I thought Oh No !!! Not my hearing again. I could hear the adults but only if they were talking directly to me. Later in the day a friend called and i realized I couldn't hear at all on the phone. Well now I was in a mild Panic. Thank goodness everyone was there because as long as i was busy i was ok. I was scheduled to see Dr. Chiu (ENT) for a sinus checkup first thing Tues. morning. When i saw him and he said "how are the sinuses? I said " the sinuses are fine but the hearing isn' so good". He took me right over to the lab for a hearing test and nerve testing. I have a 70% hearing loss in the left ear and still significant loss in the right ear. So back on massive doses of steroids and antibiotics in case its a virus but he is puzzled. Because it did not occur until 10 days after surgery it was not a result of the surgery. Of course this new hearing loss made the dizziness wose. I can't taste or smell or hear and i walk around like I'm drunk. OOOHHH!!!!and i've gained a million pounds because of the steroids and i'm eating everything in site. Still down at Penn once a week and i have to tell you i outweigh every other pt. there by 50 lbs. Maybe this is a good thing? So we waited a week to see what the steroids would do and back to Penn for mor e tests. Slight improvement but there is so much noise in my ears i can't tell. I'm ok if people talk directly to me but if there is any noise I'm not able tohear. So then Dr Chiu decided we needed to make sure the Leukemia did not spread to my brain causing the dizziness and hearing loss. Actually Dr. Porter has wanted to check this out by spinal tap fer several months but i have refused. So last Tuesday i went back to Penn to neuro Radiology and had a spinal tap (it really only hurt for about 5 seconds and then was fine.) Very nice Drs. and nurses. I had to lay flat for ann hour and then was released. I was supposed to come home and lay flat for the rest of the day but i felt good and wanted to take My sister Pam out to lunch for taking me downtown. So we had a quick lunch and came home and i still felt good
so i made dinner in case i would feel bad later. Well needless to say by 4 pm i had a whopper of a spinal headache. I was pretty flat on my back till Sat. nite when it started to ease up. My dear friend and blogger Kris came all the way from Ohio where shes been taking care of her mom after a broken hip, and she just sat on the couch while i just layed there, We laughed alot. Then Monday nite i had yet another MRI of my brain and inner ear. No official results but i picked up the CD to take to Penn next week and the report said i had diffuse sinusitis. I sure hope that means swelling from the surgery. We shall see. Anyway a long winded way of explaining why i"ve been negligent in writing. I think of you all the time. I can't believe the collegians have already completed the first year. Meredith, Laura, Patrick, Carolyn and anyone that I'm fogetting. Congratulations and have a fun summer. Its tough being home at first but also so nice to be with family. Alison, its great that you have family visiting. So much to show them in your area. Beach Betty you sound busy. We will be down the shore over the 4th. By then i can read lips and we will catch up. Mdf, as always you sound busy but a little alone time with Tim sounds nice. And your father in law is back in Boston now? Beth it was great to see your new place and it was so good to get out of my house for awhile, Thank you and Eileen for picking me up. Well i hope you are all enjoying the summer and getting some good quiet time by the pool or beach. I worry about friends Penny and Dick who live in Iowa which seems to be under water. I PRAY that you are safe and dry. It has been a crazy couple of months weather wise. Every day i am thankful for all of you and the many, many blessings in my life. When you listen to the news we are so lucky that we live hear and are safe . Michael says that i now have "roid" rages. NOT TRUE but i do get weepy. So before i do that i will stop here, but not before thanking all of you for everything always. You are the best friends a gal could ask for...I promise i will write again soon.
Love to all of you Deb


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie!
I was so glad to see your posting! I think of you often & am always checking the blog for updates! So you've got them baffled once again with the ear thing huh?! I'm really sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your "good" ear now! God, you can't get a break! I will say a prayer for you that the spinal tap & MRI turn out fine. I'm happy to hear you've been able to spend some quality time in OC w/the grandkids! Thanks again for the always, you are in my thoughts & prayers. Tell the old gang at HUP I said hi next time you're there! I miss seeing you!

6/19/2008 10:13 PM  
Blogger jean said...

hi deb,
so glad to see your post. so sorry you have had such a time of it. as always you are in my prayers. gotta love those grandbabies, best medicine ever. I pray for positive results on the tap and mri. work is work, back into the grind again except that i leave the building on time or a bit early due to the fact that i can not keep my eyes open. the drive home is interesting some days.going to cape may over the 4th. take care and my love to your clan.
love, hugs, and prayers, jean

6/20/2008 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was so nice to see you guys last week! Izzy is so super cute and I believe we have alittle romance between her and my Matthew! Thank you for the card, I got it yesterday and you are too generous. I'm sorry you couldn't make the party but I think the shore was calling your name! Truth be told, I wish I was at the shore instead of hosting a party... shhhhhhh! Okay, I hope you start feeling better and see you soon. You and your family are always in my prayers!

If anyone wants to see photos of the baptism you can go to and look at and password is chips!

<3 MEG

6/20/2008 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
so good to hear from you but so sad to hear you are still going through so much. What a trooper you are, you put me to shame. I left my visitors back to Dulles airport yesterday, we had a wonderful time. My house seems very empty as Sam is in Ireland now for 3 weeks, so just me and my dog Penny. This is a quite time for my business so I'm starting a small business book I hope to publish in the Fall! I promise you will be one of the first to get a copy.
I think of you all the time and look forward to seeing you soon.
Lots of love, visitor Alison.

6/23/2008 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Deb. So glad to hear from you again - I missed your reports. Sure hope you feel better by now. I am in my new job where I work all year round - haven't done that since before Jenny was born! But, that is fine - lots of vacation and benefits with this job. Jen and Thomas are running the Marine Corps Marathon in October - I may try to come to DC for that. All is well here in Indy - I still continue to be blessed in so many ways. Hope all of you are doing well. I love you and miss you! Love, Cheryl Crone

6/24/2008 3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow was really beginning to worry. Sorry to hear everythig you have been through since Memorial Day. Don't worry about the weight - it is probably good that you have extra to keep you going - otherwise you might get too weak to fight this thing. You sound like your spirits are still high and are enjoying what you can of the beautiful weather. Keep your head up and stay as positive as you have been. We are all here for you Deb. Will wait anxiously for the results of the tests and hopefully it is nothing too serious and your hearing will be back to normal.

Thinking of you often - Love Shelly

6/24/2008 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie -
I want to see if any of the other bloggers have embarrasing things happen to them....
The other day I went to a VERY NICE nail salon for a pedicure and manicure. I talked with the women around me, loved every moment of my day at the salon. When I stood up to leave my shorts fell down to my ankles. I was standing there in the middle of the nail salon in my underwear!!! O.M.G. As embarrassed as I was and the salon woman was she helped me pull my shorts back up. We laughed so hard we had tears in our eyes! Anyone else run into these situations???

6/26/2008 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Got back last night from 10 days in Wilkes-Barre. Mom is doing well, gets a bit confused but don't we all. Finally have her "digestive problems" under control and she is like a toddler showing me "what she made." (I'm trying not to get too graphic here. Hope you can read between the lines!) I will spend nine days here and then I will be going up for four when my brother is on night shift. This pattern will continue throughout the summer. I will miss this once school begins but hope to continue at least every other weekend up there.

It was great to see you and I enjoyed out family stories. Hope we could do it again soon.

Greg took care of the house for me when I was away and did some much needed repairs. There is painting in his future, too! We hope to take a trip to Nova Scotia and Deb Kuhar and Alan had the same idea so we may make it a foursome, probably in early August. The summer goes by so quickly, I can't believe it is almost July.

Well, girl, I have tons of mail to go through and a house to clean (Greg didn't do that!) Hope everything turns out well and keep me posted.

Love, hugs and kisses,

6/29/2008 10:09 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...


I wanted to wish you, Joe and family a GREAT 4th of July holiday. I hope you had a good weekend. Brian and I were crazy busy at the store with a ton of catering jobs.... lots and lots of work. We will be closed on the 4th, wow ... a real day off. We will be going to Janets for a cookout and kids fireworks, they are so excited. I can't wait.
Have a great holiday.
Love, Patty

6/29/2008 8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEBBIE,CAN YOU HEAR YET? I get so worried when you drop a bomb like"wating for mri results" then we don't hear from you.. your a better suspense writer than james patterson at this point ! I have been hoping and praying that it all turned out good..
Patrick is back at summer school at cal poly cut will most likely come home for the 4th, although i say home,, he will drop off laundry on thurs then friday head to the city to watch the fireworks from somewhere in sf..
Mark has returned from arizon..had fun playing in that tournament,, his team got spanked pretty good,but he batted .500, so was happy ( joe will explain) he caught at times like 2pm in 115 degree heat and didn't even mention it.. i would still be bitching about it.. oh, speaking of heat..this is my summer of hot flashes.. would be nicer if it was winter,,have my own heater..but no.. don't mind getting them though when grocery shopping and in the frozen food aisles.."oh. let me just read the calorie count on that ice cream.."
well, i would call, but don't think we would have much of a conversatin till this thing clears up with your hearing.. i'll continue praying..and i also have tried calling mo.. getting worried on that front also..
have a wonderful 4th.. you'll be in my thoughts.. and i'll blog you , mdf

6/30/2008 3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy Chizzie-

Trying to get back into my groove here. It's good to be back in Denver and have access to a computer again! Haven't wanted to do much but veg out since I've been back. Feeling very lazy and indolent.

Hope this finds you doing okay and that your hearing is improving by the day. Thinking, thinking and thinking about you, honey.

Hello to all my long lost FOD buddies. Hope everyone's having a good summer!

Love you, Chizzie. YOU are the best friend a gal could ask for!

7/03/2008 10:48 AM  

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