Saturday, February 02, 2008


Hi everyone, this is Jessie typing for mom. She successfully made it through the first week of Dacogen. Unfortunately, she woke up Thursday feeling fluish and had a low grade temp. By the time our friend Kathy, the visiting nurse came, mom was feeling pretty poorly. Kathy took her temp and mom had a fever of 101.3. Kathy had to call Dr. Porter and let him know - HUP of course wanted her to come right down for stat blood cultures. Mom refused since she was getting the chemo at home and wouldn't have made it to HUP before rush hour. She promised to come down first thing Friday AM. Dad had her down by 0730 on Friday and mom was home back in bed by 0845. She received her last dose of chemo on Friday afternoon.

Mom thought she sailed through the week with Dacogen and was thrilled to have it administered at home. The labrynthitis and sinusitis continue - the dizziness and hearing loss is still quite remarkable. She did not imagine the blood cultures would amount to anything. At 0330 this morning HUP called and urged mom to come right down for treatment as her cultures had come back positive. Mom's WBC went from 5 to 2 this week and they were concerned that she needed IV antiobiotics. You know our Debbie. She began arguing with the doctor over the phone that the cultures could be showing a contamination, as she was without fever and feeling better.

Dad took mom down later this morning, and thanks to our Angel (MR), they were whisked through the ER and quickly attended to. They admitted mom and here we sit up on Rhodes 6. We've seen a few doctors since we've been here, and all seem to think mom's pic line is infected. They are making a plan to pull the pic line, but because of the previously traumatic issues with access we are a bit concerned. We've learned now that 3 out of 4 of the drawn cultures have returned back positive so it is confirmed that mom has an infection in her blood. They will begin treating her with IV vancomycin. They also were able to start a whopping 18 gauge IV and will plan to pull the pic line tonight. Let's keep our fingers crossed that mom does not develop a cellulitis from the IV or other needle sticks she's had today. They will do an ultrasound of her left arm to see if they can insert a new pic line there later. That is the arm that has the clot in it - from the pic line she had in August. Mom had been taking the cumadin to help resolve that clot - the cumadin is believed to be the cause of the bleed in the brain - so no more cumadin. We'll see what will be. This is all getting too complicated. Especially now that the Dacogen is working - all these new problems keep popping up! Mom's getting flakier and flakier (she said to type that) and cannot recall the simplest thing. One thing she DOES remember is the love and support you all show her by your frequent calls, cards, and blogs. She says she feels blessed every day by the love that you show her. But she can't remember what I brought her for lunch. We'll keep you up with what's going on but we suspect she'll be here for most of the week. We hope and pray that's all - she claims she will sign herself out after Friday (uh huh...heard that one before!)

Hope you are all well. Love to you and your families.

Jessie and Mom


Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Jessie, thank you for posting. Your dear mother seems to have every complication under the sun, yet she continues to amaze us all with her tenacious spirit, will and courage. I pray that the hospital stay will be short and uncomplicated. Debbie, as I have said a thousand times before, you are much loved and a true inspiration to all who have had the blessing to be somehow involved in your life. I hope you have a peaceful nights sleep and that the antibiotics work their magic. I love you like a sister, you are very special!!!!!

2/02/2008 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, I was lost with all the medical terms about the 3rd line in. Not quite sure how you all keep on top of that, but it's pretty amazing that you do. I'm sorry to see that so many problems are arising and that Ms.Debbie is back in the hospital. I'm sure that she will check herself out on Friday, also- if she isn't already discharged. DEBBIE, you are always in my thoughts and prayers and they will be a whole lot stronger this week. Sending airwave priorty prayer mail straight down to HUP. I hear ya on the flaky part- with this pregnancy I can't remember anything, and all of my terms are mixed up- it stinks. Last night I was yelling at Kate about why she didn't take out the toilet bowl? Needless to say, and after much yelling with my 14 year old sister... I mixed up trash can with toilet bowl. Thats why she didnt take out the toilet bowl. And I think Matt's about had it with my mood swings... oh well, 3 more weeks hopefully?

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo MEG

2/02/2008 7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and the Teklits,

I know how hard it must be to keep us all updated via the Blog, but thanks for the posting. We check this every day, along with our hopes and prayers for your relief from symptoms and pain, and strength for your family. We are so happy when there is some good news, but are always inspired by your endurance and love of life. As I count my blessings, the example you provide us all is high on the list. May the Lord provide you with His presence.

Love, Bob & Kay

2/03/2008 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isabelle and I miss you and hope you are feeling better and are back at home soon!!! Love you !
Alli & Izzy

3 WEEKS!!! you are almost there.. hang in there, I am sure you have just about had it with being preggers by now, but your almost there. Then you can meet your little man- I am so excited for you!!! SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP, everyone told me to sleep as much as I could before Iz was born but I was so antsy.... Now I wish I had listened haha.. GOOD LUCK.. we are thinking about you!

2/03/2008 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first thought was.. boy, if i lived there i would have the get a way car ready for you on friday. then i, you need to take those antibiotics,thru the "18" get rest, and get stronger, then get the hell out of there.. im so glad you are doing well with the dacogen though.. and as usual, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. .
now meg.. your getting close enough that i think you should be warned of the after pains after you give birth.. not really , really bad, just no one warned me of them, plus seepige.. and that is all im going to say on that subject...
deb.. you can still watch cialis and levitra commercials from the hospital.. we all love you.. mdf

2/03/2008 1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first thought was.. boy, if i lived there i would have the get a way car ready for you on friday. then i, you need to take those antibiotics,thru the "18" get rest, and get stronger, then get the hell out of there.. im so glad you are doing well with the dacogen though.. and as usual, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. .
now meg.. your getting close enough that i think you should be warned of the after pains after you give birth.. not really , really bad, just no one warned me of them, plus seepige.. and that is all im going to say on that subject...
deb.. you can still watch cialis and levitra commercials from the hospital.. we all love you.. mdf

2/03/2008 1:41 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...


Just got home from the store, a pretty busy Super Bowl day.... and wanted to check in and say hello, let you know that I'm thinking of you and hoping you had a good day.
Love ya

2/03/2008 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessie. I'm happy to hear that you are there with your mom, but sorry to hear that things aren't going well. Let's hope everything works out with the pic line, infection, labrynthitus and loss of hearing(still can't believe they can't do anything about these), and the so-called flakiness. To be honest, it's probably better NOT to remember everything they're doing to her there. Thanks for keeping us posted. You continue to be in my prayers!


2/03/2008 8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope things turn around and you start feeling better very soon. My thoughts are with you and the family!

2/03/2008 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Debbie i was wrong on both accounts.. watched the super bowl, and there were none of "those" commercials which was nice, and the Giants won, which i think is also nice...the men in my house weren't as thrilled about the Giants as i was.. but alls well that ends well...
Talked with Missy, and she too got clots from the pic line and i was telling her other symtpoms you have ,and they happened to her also! I sure hope your feeling better today!Maybe these iv antibiotics will somehow do something good for your hearing.. you never know. sometimes they have strange affects..
Well i hope the writers strike ends that the super bowl is over, i have been watching women in lockdown and noticing that we have the same hair syles!
Is Jessie still there? So nice that she can come visit and help out also.. thanks for the blog Jessie and Deb. i'll continue good thoughts and prayers for you! love, mdf

2/04/2008 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
My heart breaks for you... and I shudder even thinking of Rhoades 6.... you poor darling. I'll light a candle for you.. know I think about you all the time. Hi Jessie, hang in there... a mini miricale is on its way....
Lots of love,
visitor Alison.

2/04/2008 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... flaky...ahhh come on!

Dang the setbacks. I was just thinking when I read the Jan. 30 blog that your counts were looking better than Aunt Angies.

I am always wishing that these struggles will subside but they seem to return each time a little trickier. God bless you Debbie! I wish there was something more all of us FOD's and COD's could do for you.

My prayers continue and the family sends lots of germ-free hugs and kisses.

Love you to pieces...COD Eileen

2/04/2008 4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, the last blog I checked it sounded like you were doing better - hadn't checked since then, but can't believe all the trouble you are having now. Keep up the faith girl, you can do it. I know it must feel you take one step forward and a few steps back, but at least you are going forward a little each time. You can beat this. I don't understand all the medical stuff that they are doing, but keep the chin up and know that we are all pitching for you. Take care. Love Shelly

2/04/2008 9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you are feeling better and that the IV lines are OK and there are no infections. I am afraid to ask if the food is any better?
You are in our thoughts and prayers every day!. And thanks Jess for the update!


ps- Deb, can you believe that Stephanie turned 17 and has her drivers license?? YIKES!!

2/05/2008 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, Chiz!

Can't believe you are back at HUP. I read the Jan 30 posting and was so encouraged about your counts and stuff(not so much the hearing and spin stuff) and were hoping you were on an upward swing. Bless your angel MR for greasing the skids upon your admission. Glad to hear that Jess was able to make the trip up to be with you as well- that's always good for what ails you, I know!

Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts honey. Have much to tell you about Mardi Gras! It was wild! So much fun. I loved being in the parade- it was like nothing I've ever experienced. What a rush! Swarms of people, all standing around with their arms upraised and screaming, "Beads! Beads!" It was incredible. Unfortunately, I came back with a killer cold (so did Mr. Hal)so we're coughing and hacking around here like crazy.

I'm hoping that your going into HUP so quickly (in Debbie time anyway)will mean they can nip this in the bud and you won't have such violent presentation of symptoms. Also keeping the fingers crossed that a new Picc line can be inserted - that would be good.

And I'm sorry that you are feeling flakier than a parker house roll. That must be frustrating as hell. Like you need more frustration right now, right?

Well, honey. I'm thinking of you tonight and hoping that you are getting some rest.

I love you honey. Prayers up for all the Teklits and for miracles big and small.

2/05/2008 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just learned that you were back in the hospital. Sorry to hear this news. But you are going to get well and get back home soon!
I also just saw the pictures of you and your beautiful grand daughter, Isabella Rose. You both look wonderful! How grand to have another grandchild.
I am still not able to drive, so I'll ask Kathi if we can make a visit to see you in the hospital.

Love you,
Donna Tea Bags

2/07/2008 4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chiz-

Just checking in again. Wondering how your day is going and how you're feeling. Still recovering from Mardi Gras (what a wimp) and my cold. Mr. Hal is in Kansas until tomorrow so all's quiet on the western front.

I hope you're getting some rest and you can make your Friday HUP departure as planned.

The word didn't move me very much today but this scripture sure did. Made me think of being at the farthest limits of the sea, yet still able to hold your hand. I love you, honey and I am holding you in my prayers. K

“If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.”—Psalm 139:9-10

2/07/2008 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessie - God love you, sweety. You grew up just like your mom - the most caring and loving person. You had a smile when you were a baby that would melt anyone's heart - what a joy you brought to all of us. I miss you all so - I have to get up there! Love to you all, Cheryl Crone

2/07/2008 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie. i hope your "leave on friday " plan is in action as i write this.. been thinking alot about you and hoping you are feeling so much better..
I am staying home from work today,, always feel guilty about calling in.. but i have this horrendous cough,and now one of those bad headaches behind your eye.... and the coughing just increases the pain.. darn, and we were having chinese food at lunch today to celebrate chinese new year!
did i tell you i got a ticket the other day taking mark to school! i got pulled over across the street for the high school .. lights and all! When i made a left turn, not all 4 wheels of my "vehicle" were on the rt. side of the road.. why can't they just say car."are you running late this morning mamm?" " now i am!". anyways..poor Mark, jumps out of the car, grabs his baseball bag, and backpak, and runs the rest of the way to school... by 10am i got a text message from Patrick at college."you got pulled over?" so i figured Mark must have told him.. but no,, some girl that patrick knows saw his mother getting the ticket and texted him .. ha..this is why my kids dont get too embarrassed by much.. they have been humiliated by their mother for years.. ha
well Debbie, i do hope you get our of ther today..well wishes your way.. love,,mdf

2/08/2008 10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope you're feeling okay! Reen said you've gotten out alittle and are looking better, which is always good. How 'bout this crummy weather, yick! Hopefully I don't go into labor during all of this ice! I'm 1cm dilated and 50percent effaced, as of Monday. Apparently progressing well for a first time Mom. What a nail biter- come on out already!!!

Thinking of you... xoxo MEG

2/13/2008 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Meg. Hope you're feeling okay and hanging in there!

Been wondering about you Chizzie - so glad to hear that you are OUT - out. Hope you are taking good care of yourself and doing what you need to do to build up your strength. Are you eating?

So many questions. Hah-hah. Just know that I'm thinking, thinking, thinking about you, honey. Sending you all my prayers, too.

Mr. Hal was in DC today, will be in Boston tonight and back in Denver on Saturday. I'm hanging out and still hacking with this dumb poodle cough. Annoying.

It was 60 degrees here today. I took the dogs for a walk wearing that blue jean jacket you gave me several Christmases ago and was too hot! The sun really did feel good on my face, though. Here's hoping that you are able to get a little warm sunshine on your face too, kiddo.

Hope all is well with the Teklits clan and that you are all doing well. I love you guys! Kris

P.S. How about some joy today??? I'm feeling it hearing that you're looking better and getting out and about!


Acting from the joy in my heart, I accomplish great things. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and I know that no matter what awaits me, I will face it with confidence and enthusiasm.

My joy is a deep, abiding awareness of God’s love. Although laughter and happiness can be dependent on circumstances, events, and people, my joy in God is within me and can never be taken away from me.

Such gladness sustains me and enables me to reach out to others with love.

Acting from the joy in my heart, I accomplish great things. I am finding the answers to life’s questions, and I am becoming the person I am destined to become.

My joy is a direct link to the love of God for me and within me.

I greet this and every day with joy, giving thanks for the love of God that fills my heart now and always.
“Though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.”—1 Peter 1:8

2/13/2008 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can"t believe i missed your phone call this am..i am trying to get mark to school early fora few reasons..1) he needs to drop off all his baseball stuff before his spanish class and 2) to avoid the motorcycle cops..but..we saw them again today..but i do have an update on the foley criminal life...
ON monday, mark had a bb practice from 8:30- 6pm (we had the day off from school). anyways,, tim drove to the school to drop something off...i was home talking with Patirk, he puts me on hold.. next thing i know, he gets back on the phone and said,,"mom, is dad driving the explorer today?" i said "yes, he is dropping something off at the school" and he said" well, he just got pulled over by a motorcycle cop" Ha,, it happeend to tim also, except he was going over the speed limit....another one of patrick's friends called cause he saw the "foleymobile" being pulled over!! Now,, im not sure why patrick and his friends all call that car the foleymobile.. but apparently its famous for something!
well tomorrow is valentine's day.. i noticed i already have a bag full of valentines from the kid..."you power me up, valentine" with power rangers on it.. always fun to see.. ha
hey, when is meg due? i hope your well and out? i'll try to call you sometime soon, and early.. lots of love.. mdf

2/13/2008 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Family,
Sending heart felt wishes for a Happy Valentines Day. Hope things are going better for you and your cross is getting lighter. You are in my prayers everyday! May faith and hope remain with you even if it seems you are only going backwards, the forward steps will come.
Pam K and Family

2/14/2008 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and Family,
Just checking in to let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope all is better then last week.
Mexico was wonderful. All seven days were hot and sunny.I took tennis lessons and yoga. We went to some Myan ruins,swam in a cenote'(undergrouond springs)and went parasailing.I ate too much, drank too much and of course tanned too much. I may be giving up cruising and sticking to the all-inclusive vacations. I think this was our best vacation yet.The week has flown by since our return. I'm busy catching up on work and planning Art's 50th birthday bash on March 1st.I'm looking forward to an update. Take care of yourself.

2/15/2008 11:15 AM  

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