Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Dear Fods,

We hope that this post finds you all well and ready for the busy night ahead of us! Hopefully, we will do better than our tally of trick r' treaters' for last year (2). We have enough for 200!

Since our last post, Debbie continued to do poorly on Sunday and into Monday with high fevers, 104.5, stomach aches and the rigors. The jacuzzi was running hot and often to provide her with some relief. On Monday, Debbie went to see Dr. Kuhar and between her and Heather at HUP they were able to come up with combination of high doese steriods and vicodin that has made Debbie feel much better -- even though only a short term fix. She did not have a fever since she took the first dose of steroids on Monday and her appetite is returning. Today she had gained 5 pounds since her last visit.

We had our appointment with Dr. Porter today. It was very busy and it was a very long day. We arrived at 9:30 for a 10:00 appointment and we saw the doctor at about 11:30. Heather is back in the office and looks great and we are glad to have her back on Debbie's team. She and Bridgett spent a lot of time with Debbie discussing her symptoms and checking her hot spots and Debbie was glad to be able to speak with them.

Debbie's counts were OK today although she needed platelets which were low, i.e., 10 and this was after the transfusion over the weekend. It seems that Debbie is now platelet dependent. Dr. Porter said that they can work with that, but thank God for all of the donors. It takes 4 donors for one of Debbie's packets. Her WBC is 3.7 and she had a hemoglobin of 9. The WBC could be deceiving because of the high dose steroids which tend to inflate the WBC.

As to future courses of treatment, Dr. Porter -- somewhat apolgetically -- felt compelled to again mention another transplant. Not at HUP or at Johns Hopkins, but at Jeff. Neither HUP or Johns Hopkins would accept Debbie because of the failed transplant. Debbie said "No" to that. He next suggested conventional in-patient chemotherapy and Debbie again nixed it -- after her last experience at HUP. She said that she was tramatized by the last admission and does not want to come back to HUP.

As to the next phase, Dr. Porter said that they could experiment with various doses of IV chemotherapy that would hold the leukemia at bay for a time but not make Debbie so sick that she has no quality of life. They will let Debbie finish her current steroid regime -- a couple of weeks -- and she what happens. If the fevers, stomach cramps and rigors come back -- they will start a maintenance round of chemotherapy to make it easier on Debbie, plus they always have the steroids.

Unfortunately, the steroids are not a long term fix as they cause their own muscle wasting and imunosupression of the patient further allowing for infections. When we got home today, Heather had called in a pre-emptive prescription to avoid infections while Debbie is on her current steroid regime.

At one point in the conversation, Debbie asked Dr. Porter, "How long do I have if I do nothing? His anwer was 6 weeks!

While I am virtually certain that Debbie will do better than 6 weeks, we are now entering iinto a different phase of the treatment regime which will focus on extending Debbie's life -- but with as much quality as possible.

Thanks to all for your cards, blogs and calls.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am not quite sure what to say after reading the blog today. I am constantly praying for all of you and for all of you to enjoy and spend some quality time together. I hope that you get more than 2 trick or treaters tonight, geez. We normally have about 100 around here, at least. Just wondering... what is the protocol for platelet donations? Is it the same as blood donations and can pregnant girls donate? Thats amazing that it takes 4 donors for 1 bag. Have a nice and restful weekend, Debbie. I love you.

xoxo Meg

10/31/2007 5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Joe,

Happy Halloween!!! Hopefully, you had dozens of little Trick 'r Treaters ringing your doorbell. We didn't have one! That's not surprising, tho', because here in our "old folks" community it would have to be senior citizens donning costumes, walking the streets and ringing the bells! Even our grandchildren know better than to come to our house, because they know the only treats in my pantry are protein bars!!!

On a more serious note...the two of you and the kids continue to be on our minds and in our daily prayers.


Linda & Tim

10/31/2007 9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isabelle and I can;t wait to visit with you soon. And we are sooo sorry that you haven't been feeling good!! I will e-mail you pictures of the little lady bug tomorrow!!!
Love you !
Alli & Isabelle!!

ps- Meg I dont think pregnant girls can donate.. since I was not able to donate blood while I was pregnant. I am not sure if platelets are different?--- congrats on your little bundle of joy!!! we will have to get the kiddies together for playdates when we are in PA!

10/31/2007 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, we're thinking of you every minute.


10/31/2007 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes,I did not like your post this time. Maybe once Debbie feels a little better again from the steroids she'll reconsider some of the alternatives. I know it's a lot of hard and painful work but...I'll definitely be praying for you Debbie. Get strong.

11/01/2007 6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too do not know what to say after reading the blog today. I can not imagine how hard it must be for you each and every day and how hard it is for your family. I can only ask God to keep you in his special care each and every moment of the day. I know I have told you this before Debbie, but you are my inspiration each and everyday. You are an amazing Lady!
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and I pray it continues. Well we will continue to think about you daily and keep you in our daily prayers.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck and Wyatt

11/01/2007 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and all the T's...

I have watched the blinking cursor for a while trying to think what to type next. What can I say to such news. Debbie, I understand you not wanting to go back to HUP... I understand.

Alrighty then...onward we go... Got to tell you this true story.

One day I stumbbled across the most amazing guy Bill. He is a check out guy at our local grocery store. He gave incredible service, packed my bags like he knew my kitchen cuppards and chatted and told stories. As he handed me my receipt he also handed me a plain black and white business card that said "The leaves of Fall are natures carpet" Bill. He prints inspirational cards and gives them to all his customers. What a guy. Over the months I made sure to get in Bill's line and listen to his cheerful chat, receive top class customer service and of course the lovely card with different sayings each season.

One day I got chatting a little more serious with Bill, telling him how I thought he really made a big difference in other people's lives. He then told me of a story of a woman who came through his check out. She normally was cheerful but this day seemed so sorrowful. He asked her what was wrong. She said she had just come from the Doctor and he told her that she was terminal and there was nothing he could do, she would die very soon. Well Bill was horrified and said "What do Doctors know?" (if you knew Bill you would know that once he said this a smile broke out on the woman's face). He said there are only 2 people that know your fate... You and the man upstairs. He gave her a copy of the Lords prayer and told her to read it over and over and trust god that she would be fine. Weeks later the woman was in Bill's line again, all cheery and smiley... she had come back from the Doctors office where she had been told she was in Remission. I kid you not... and she told Bill that she went home and read the prayer over and over again and cried and kept thinking of his words, only God and I know my fate (and faith!). She believed Bill was an angel sent to her that day.

I have told Bill's story many times when I'm teaching customer service skills, and the power of attitude in general... He is the most amazing guy, I love him and his wonderful work.

The reason I'm sharing this with you today Debbie is I know you are not giving up, and I know you have more than 6 weeks. I whole heartedly support your every decision because I know it is made with faith, love and kindness for all around you.

You have definetly ensured an "all inclusive package" in paradise when you arrive. We all selfishly want you to stay with us longer.. and I know you will oblige.

Catch the biggest every cyber hug... I hope I get to meet you soon... but I know we have already "met" where souls meet without seeing....know without evidence... we just know...

Lots and lots of love
Visitor Alison

11/01/2007 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie:

At a loss for I sit here, I am having completely selfish feelings of how much I need a hug now! And if Dave were here to read this I know what he would say. How does Joe write the blog? Both of you are our heroes.

Stay strong and I pray that you get some relief with this new regime.

Lots of love and hugs and prayers,

COD Eileen and the fam....

11/01/2007 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As everyone else has said I am speechless. Debbie you are so strong and I can not believe everything that you have gone through. I will make sure that everyone here is praying for ya! I love ya so much and miss ya tons!
Love ya, Mere

11/01/2007 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, once again I'm checking the blog. I'm feeling so lousy since I read it earlier today. I'm hoping you are comfortable and are feeling better. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Joe to actually type out what the doctor told you and the decisions you are making. I wish we lived closer so I could help you out. Please know you and your family are always in my thoughts and I pray the doctor is wrong.
Love Betty

11/01/2007 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
It was great to see you, as always, at HUP yesterday. You are so special & your kindness and brave spirit never ceases to amaze me! I will truly miss seeing you for your regular study visits. Please know that you can always contact me if you ever need anything or even just to check in & say hi! You have overcome so many rough times & I know you're not done fighting yet! I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the clinic but in the meantime, know that you will be in my thoughts & prayers!
Take care....Bridget

11/01/2007 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Family,
Had to digest this last blog for a few. As always you will all remain in my prayers. I pray God will be with you all. I will not give up praying for a miracle!
Debbie, I again must tell you what an inspiration you have been to me, not only now through your illness, but since I first met you with a plate full of cookies. Time and circumstance may separate, but the heart always remains close.
Pam Kuntz and family

11/02/2007 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Joe,
We will keep praying for a miracle! It is not over yet!
We hope that Debbie feels better and the steroids keep you comfortable.
We love you.
Cindy, Keith, Uncle Joe, Aunt Shirley and family

11/02/2007 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have a restful weekend, it's supposed to be a windy one !!! In my thoughts...



Yes, I looked it up and pregger girls cannot donate. Yikes, apparently we need all the extra blood etc we can get. And we will definitely have to have a playdate down the road. My due date has been moved up to February 17th, so I'm almost at my 6 month mark today. Hope you are getting lots of rest etc. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy the first 6months b/c it goes so fast, so I hope you are doing the same with your new baby!

11/02/2007 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Debbie and Uncle Joe,

I enjoyed the pics of your new little granddaughter. She is beautiful! I can't believe how big Christian and Emma are now!

I check the blog daily and although I don't always post, you are always in my prayers. I'm glad you don't have to deal with HUP anymore, but hope the new hospital takes good care of you. Stay strong and keep fighting.



11/03/2007 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and family:

Thinking of all of you and keeping you in my prayers.

Carolyn Stuart

11/03/2007 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,

I just read your blog entries for the last couple of days. I hardly know what to say. I called today (Saturday) and your machine picked up. If you want any company or just want to talk, I'm here. I stopped by a couple of weeks ago and visited with the boys, left you a note that was full of love, and caught up on all your family's biznez. The boys were delightful as usual and I heard all about your lastest grandchild. And the photos on the blog are sooo beautiful.
Please know that I will drop everything to run over and see you so don't feel funny calling. I miss you so much and my heart aches thinking about all you have been through the last few weeks.

Do you need a driver? EVER?


11/03/2007 7:37 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello dear Chizzie-

Kind of choked up with this post, honey. Seepage galore.

All I can say is this - I sure am glad we had such a great visit - I hope you know how much I love you.

Know too, that I can be there in a flash if you feel the need for me to sit and hold your hand and pet you!

Today's Daily Word - Saturday, November 3, 2007

I am a vibrant, whole, and prosperous creation of God.
An old cliche cautions us to not judge a book by its cover. This advice is helpful not only as I look at the world around me, but also as I look at myself.

Is there an apparent health challenge or limitation in my life that I am allowing to define me?

Then it’s time for me to open my mind to the fullness of God’s grace.

As I do, I remember this important truth: “For God, all things are possible.” Open to infinite possibilities for growth and healing, I am receptive to God’s grace in all the ways it blesses me. I claim my good and affirm the truth about myself: I am a vibrant, whole, and prosperous creation of God.

“You have heard of this hope before in the word of the truth, the gospel that has come to you. Just as it is bearing fruit and growing in the whole world, so it has been bearing fruit among yourselves from the day you heard it and truly comprehended the grace of God.”—Colossians 1:5-6

Praying for the fullness of God's gentle grace to be with you today, my friend. Still praying for miracles, large and small. (Still seeping. ;->)

Love you, honey - K

11/03/2007 10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
I am sorry things aren't what you and all of us would like at the moment, but you've been down this road before and have pulled through. Keep the faith as all of us are doing. Love you lots.

To answer the question of platelets. There is a collection site in Willow Grove. It takes about 2 and 1/2 hours from start to finish. I don't give whole blood anymore because you have to wait too long for the next platelet donation. I give once a month on a Saturday. Some advice for those going. Eat half a box of raisins on your way down-helps with the iron. Eat some cheese-calcium. DO NOT drink too much as you can't go to the bathroom once you start! I try to drink lots of water the day before and have only a small cup of coffee the day of and that early enough to be sure it all comes out! Don't be timid about asking for Tums while you are giving. It helps with calcium depletion. They have nice reclining chairs and you get to pick a movie to watch and they don't mind if you stay to see the end if it isn't over when you are. Basically, they put a needle in one arm which drains the blood, in the other arm is a return needle, giving you back your blood minus the plasma and platelets. Don't be alarmed (as I was the first time) to see the blood going out and nothing (clear liquid) going back in! (I thought...Hey, wait a minute!) It takes a little time for the machine to pull out the good stuff.

The mobile platelet van comes to Doylestown Hospital once a month but I can't do one arm donations. Something about my veins being too small to handle the pressure. But it is worth a shot if you live close to D-town.

Hope this encourages others to try platelet donation.

11/04/2007 8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your latest information; the "roller coaster effect" can be very challenging, I am sure. Please know of my and others' continued thoughts and prayers.

Anon from St Louis

11/04/2007 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Joe,
The pix of the grandchildren are beautiful. And Deb you look especially beatiful and glowing when you are with the grandkids. Nothing but positive thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep positive. Love, Diane and Joe Rad

11/05/2007 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so debbie, its been about a week since the last post, and i am wondering how you are doing on the steroids.. are you feeling up to doing stuff? any talk about the next chemo step? I hope and pray you are feeling well enough to visit with your friends and all...
Happy birthday to joey yesterday! seens like he got an early gift this year, and believe me, its a gift that keeps on giving.. enjoy your daughter!
Patrick came up to surprise mark on his birthday. he's 16 now! (mark) patrick looks good, tim thinks he looks like one of the monkees..hey hey we're the monkees.. mark thinks he looks like a surfer/stoner dude with his hair longer.. i was just happy to see him! he still loves being down there at college near the beach, but who wouldn't??
Mark is working out to get ready for the conditioning in jan. for baseball, his fall ball season has ended..
well deb.. i sure hope this new plan works and you are feeling up to doing stuff... let us know when you can how you're

11/06/2007 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Just had you on my mind and wanted to say Hello. Want you to know that you are always in my prayers.
I think I told you that we added an addition to our family....a puppy named Bailey. She has added alot of giggles and smiles to our house! Wyatt loves her but as far as the work that comes along with her he still seems to find something else to do conveniently when it is time to take her outside. Well take care and hello to the rest of the family!!
Love ya,
Donna, Chuck and Wyatt

11/06/2007 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
I, too, join your many friends in sending my prayers to our Loving Father for your miracle of healing. Remember, I, too, had a bleak outlook, dismal survival chances; and yet, here I am today.
So never give up hope. God has His own plans; trust them to be perfect.
Much love, Linda Mack

11/06/2007 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie: Sitting at work and just thought I should check the blog to see how you have been while I was away in Mexico. It is really hard to fathom what you are going through - but only wish if I had to go through it I would have that same strength as you and your family have. You are truly an inspiration. Keep the faith - and the right decision to follow which treatment will come to you. Only you and God knows what is the right course to take. I wish I could donate some platelets, but I am not allowed because of my health - Stay strong. Love Shelly

11/06/2007 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for the card and gift. You did not have to do that. You are toooooo much. Thank you, thank you and thank you. I hope that you are feeling better and enjoying the crisp and wet weather, we're supposed to have our first snowfall this week- well, flurries. Always thinking about you!

xoxo Meg

11/06/2007 4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was thinking of you and wanted to say hello. I hope you had a good day. I left you a message the other day, you know if you need me ... I'm there.

11/06/2007 7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Focus on the present and enjoy everyday with your family. I look back on the time with my Mom and I really enjoyed the small times we did together. Your family has been given the the opportunity to cherish the time together. Many people go through life rushing and getting things done. Enjoy the "pause" and soak in the time together. Enjoy life. Love always, Jenny. I am a phone call away..

11/07/2007 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, here's hoping "no news is good news". I was just thinking about you and your family. I hope you are having a better week. We closed our place for the winter last week. I always hate to call it quits but with my work schedule I knew I'd never get down there again before Christmas. All is well with the Sullivan's.Hope things are looking up for you.
Take care,

11/07/2007 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Family,

I don't know what to say. Just know that you will do what is best for you. You will always remain in my prayers.

I love the pictures of you with your new grand-daughter. I have your picture with the new baby on the wall at my desk. You just looked so happy. Joey,congrats.

Mom sends her love and prayers also.
love hugs and prayers,

11/07/2007 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help! I've been kidnapped by relatives from outer space!

Hope this finds you doing okay, my Chizzie. I was going to try and call you again today but I was on hospitality duty. Spent a long day touring around Castle Rock with Papa Joe and his bride.

Mr. Hal is in Kansas for a few days...(you had to see that one coming, didn't you?)

Been thinking, thinking, thinking of you though - especially when the tour guide at the Castle Rock Historical Society said that the original name for the rock formation now called Castle Rock was POUND CAKE ROCK.

Hope this means that the steroids, antibiotics, pain rx are doing their job and you are eating sour cream pound cake with both hands! And I wish I was there with you.

Thinking of everyone there in Teklits land with love.

Love you too, honey. K

Just had a chance to look at the word and knew you were supposed to hear it. Still thanking God for answered prayers and praying for miracles, large and small.


The healing spirit of God is flowing throughout my body. I am healthy and strong.
In this moment of prayer and meditation, dear God, I am aware that Your spirit is flowing throughout my body.

As a living, breathing expression of Your spirit in the world, I am whole and vitally alive. I am one of Your beloved creations, healthy and strong in mind and body.

Immersed in Your spirit of love, I know that healing is taking place to the very depths of my being.

As I pray for others who need healing, I know that each one can experience total renewal through Your healing spirit. I visualize each one open and receptive to spiritual wholeness.

Thank You, God, for healing us in every needed way. We are healthy and strong.

“My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.… For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.”—Proverbs 4:20, 22

11/08/2007 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Just a quick stop by to say Happy Friday... hope you have had a peaceful and painfree week..thinking of you all the time.. Just lit a candle... and I'm humming.. this little light of mine.... Go Debbie!
Lots of love visitor Alison

11/09/2007 6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We sure do hope "no news is good news," that your many meds are able to keep away all the awful things of this illness and you're feeling as well as it's possible to feel. We hope you're able to rest comfortably and eat well, there with Joe, in your own home and bed.

Ahhh, November...with its gray sky and crisp coolness in the air. We hope you're enjoying the colors and scents of the season, that you're getting to watch the leaves fall, the birds empty the feeders, the squirrels scurry around searching for the nuts and berries they'd just put into their hiding places!

Please know you're on our minds each and every day. We continue to hold you in our hearts and pray for you, Joe, and the kids.

Linda & Tim Radel

A hug for you...(((((Debbie)))))

P.S. Veterans' Day is almost here. To all Veterans reading this...THANK YOU for your service to our country!

11/09/2007 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you are feeling okay! I wanted to share some exciting news that we received yesterday afternoon. A birthmother picked us to be the parents of her daughter that is due on January 7!!!! We are so excited and pray that all goes well. She lives in California. It feel really right.
I have really good feelings about this. We can not believe that it is only two months away. Well new puppy and new baby. I think God was preparing me with this puppy for the new baby. My mom said to me this morning please share this news with Debbie. Well back to you, I think about you and want you know that you are always in my daily prayers. You are my daily dose of inspiration my friend!
Love ya,
Donna, Chuck and Wyatt

11/09/2007 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and Family,
I hope things are looking up for you. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you on this beautiful fall day. I just returned from shooting someone's family picture up in PA. The ride was beautiful with the trees in full fall color. We shot in Ridley State Park which was also very colorful. I was slightly uncomfortable since I was shooting with a boot on my left leg. I fell at a job yesterday and twisted my ankle. I managed to shoot the whole job, went home, shaved my legs and proceeded to the urgent care unit where they told me I chipped a bone in my ankle and either tore or pulled the ligaments. I also have a chip in my thumb. What a mess. It happened so fast. I was laughing because it was funny and it was embarressing!
Oh,well. Them's the breaks!
Hope you're feeling better.

11/11/2007 2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Hope all is well. Just wanted to you to know that tonight Colin's team is in the quarterfinals for football. It is an away game (2 hours) and we are so pumped around here we can barely stand it.

A few weeks ago Brendan asked me to order the red rubber "relentless" bracelets from the Leukemia Society. We are all sporting them and ironically Colin's coach used the word "relentless" in his go get um speech. So you can imagine you are the driving force behind this game tonight and hopefully for the next two as we make our attempt at making it to state in Class 3A football. We have a really good chance with this team.

Think of Colin or Big Sexy as we call him as I know you will be in his thoughts tonight.

Love to all COD Eileen

11/12/2007 9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chizzie-

Just checking in via blog (as opposed to the steady stream of thoughts and prayers I'm beaming your way)to see how you're faring. Hoping that you are resting comfortably, getting good nourishment and lots of smiles.

Snatching a minute before going out to breakfast with the gang - if we can ever get Mr. Hal out of his office. We're headed downtown to a place called the B & B. Believe me when I tell you they put the "greasy" in spoon but they make a mean breakfast burrito.

Well, I hear the relatives getting restless out in the family room. Guess I better hop. I love you honey.


P.S. Trying to remember if the first commandment has a stepmother clause - ha-ha!

11/12/2007 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just letting you know that you are in my prayers and thoughts constantly. I hope you are having a good day. You are much loved!

11/12/2007 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been holding out, hoping to read an update about you.. i am hoping that you are good, and too busy to be bothered by the computer...
we just returned from homecoming at cal poly.. had a blast.. basically dropped mark off with patrick and the 2 of them hung out almost the whole weekend( we didn't let mark sleep in the dorm though, we want him to have some things to look forward too!)
they had a nice tri tip tailgate party before the football game which patrick, mark and his roomate came to with us, then the football game against north dakota,which they lost, but it was still fun... we also fit in time going to the beach, shopping and a "lost drive".. we sent patrick, mark and george back to get their sweatshirts before the game.. wondered what took them so long.. they stopped and played raquetball, then went to the art museum..but they did make it back in time for kickoff..
school tomorrow, we had it off today for veterans day.. tim had to work, and he's the only veteran in the family! ha
i do continue to pray that you feel better everyday.. im also getting worried about mo, and all that she is going thru.. meg, if you have any updates on that, it would be much appreciated..
...better go, just know that we're thinking of you out west,,even farther west than kris! love..mdf

11/12/2007 7:16 PM  

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