Monday, October 01, 2007


Dear Fods,

Debbie was moved out of the MICU around noon this morning and she is much improved. With the steroids she has received since yesterday afternoon, her tongue was almost normal, her right arm is much better and she is able to eat and take her pills by mouth. This is very much better than the situation yesterday and we will simply leave it at that. As Forrest would say, "that is all we have to say about that!"

Joey came down with me this morning and helped with moving Debbie into her new room on Rhoades 7 (7011). This is the floor where Debbie had the transplant and everyone was happy to see Debbie again (and with hair!). They are calling her "curlylocks"! Tara, a good friend, is Debbie's charge nurse and Nicole, another friend from our old neighborhood in Southampton, did the stick for Debbie's IV this afternoon. Housekeeping and Food Service came by to visit and while not "home", Debbie is very comfortable and cared for in her home away from home. Many, many thanks to our special friend who I called yesterday to help with these logistics. This is where Debbie needs to be now.

Interventional Radiology will try to insert a new central line tomorrow. As you know, Debbie's last line failed with a clot and infection about a week ago. The little IV sticks just cannot hold up after two days and she is being stuck constantly to keep more than one access line open in case of an emergency, like yesterday. In the MICU they had to put a line in her foot to have a second line of access. These IV's fail after two days and they need to have a reliable, long term point of access. Hopefully, this procedure will go well tomorrow and will not be too painful for Debbie.

Things are so much better today than yesterday. We have no idea when Debbie will be discharged. She has not had any fevers since the steroids started, but that is what the steroids do. They knock down all of the bad stuff but are not the long term solution. Hopefully, we will have the results of the BMB in a few days and once they are in, we will get a better picture for the future course of treatment. Debbie is still very much in the game and fighting like a trooper.

Debbie read the blogs today and is up to date. Thanks for your posts. They help Debbie know how many friends are supporting her.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, So glad you are improving and back in a familiar room! Everyone's prayers are working! Our thanks to Joe for keeping us posted. Hope all goes well and you are back in L-dale soon! Love and prayers, trudy

10/01/2007 8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear better news! Sounds like you have an amazing team taking care of you in your home away from home...! We'll keep hoping for more good news...thanks for keeping us up to date!
Love always,
Sarah and the Booths

10/01/2007 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better to day. It must have driven you crazy to have a swollen tongue! Did it stop you from talking?( I doubt it) Keep up with the fighting spirit. There are 2 little grandkids that want to show you their Halloween costumes! jenny

10/01/2007 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Debbie--I am thrilled to hear that you are doing so well. And most happy that you are getting all the pampering and personalized service that all those years of nursing should be returned to you!

Bless you my dear. A trooper! Joe! She is a saint. You know that someone is really taking care of you.

Picked up Aunt Angie for Brendan's game tonight. They won 20-12 against a team of Freshmen and Sophmores. Colin is studying for Algebra II and a Child Development's on childbirth...he has to learn terms like mucus plug...hahahaha.

All else is quiet here. Much love to all.

COD Eileen

10/01/2007 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you are doing better! It makes me so happy to hear this....Always praying for ya! LOVE YA! Mere

10/01/2007 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

When I got in from work last night I came right up to check the blog and sure enough it was good news!
I was so happy to read that you were on the mend. It sounds like you'll get great care on that floor. I do have a suggestion if the nurses are ignoring you, have Joey and Michael stand in your doorway with their shirts off! You'll be flooded with hospital staff!(yes, we know I'm a perv and now so do all of the wonderful people who read your blog!) Hey, whatever it takes!
So, I've been working around the clock. Unfortunately shooting the pictures is followed by hours of editing and imputing into the computer. Everytime I turn around someone is calling me for another league. Luckily I got in with a great league last year that keeps passing my name around. It's pretty wonderful actually. Well enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think about me? Just kidding. Looking forward to reading more great news.
Take care,

10/02/2007 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Praying for a smooth central line insertion and leukemia-free results! Love ya' Mussie

10/02/2007 9:33 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hi Chiz-

Phew! Thanking God that you are out of the MICU and back among all your buds on Rhoades 7. (deep sigh of relief from here.)

A special big thank you to our special enlightened, healing and helping friend (aka She Who Must Not Be Named)for greasing the skids for you.

And an extra special thank you to Mr. Joe for keeping us all informed.

Hoping and praying that your central line is in and working well, that your fevers are still at bay, your arms are less painful, swollen and sore, your tongue is back to normal (and you are sticking it out at everyone who stops by!)oh, and that a George Clooney lookalike delivers your lunch tray.

Laughing at Beach Betty's idea about using Joe and Mike as your Chippendale call me a perv, too BB - but I think you might be onto something there.

Honey, I am counting the days til I see you again. Still planning on a trip back to your neck of the woods on/around the 24th.

And I am STILL praying for miracles large and small, and for enlightened, healing individuals to swarm around you...and get this Daily Word, will you? I swear Chiz, it's like they are tailor made for you!


Blessed by God’s presence of light and love, I am ready for a new day.

I feel so blessed to be in a home (or Rhoades 7 bed) that provides me with the comfort of a safe retreat from the elements.

I know, however, that wherever I am, whatever the situation may be, I am at home with God.

I feel the blessed assurance that God’s presence brings me in both familiar and unfamiliar places and situations. The presence of God shines within my heart at all times. Even in those times when a cloud seems to settle around me, the revealing light of God shows me the way out of confusion.

As I still all thoughts and concerns, I feel the love of God radiating from my heart. Uplifted in mind and body, I breathe deeply and fully. I am ready for a new day.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.”—Psalm 23:4

10/02/2007 10:14 AM  

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