Monday, November 12, 2007

November 12, 2007 Update

Dear Fods,

Thank you so much for keeping up with Debbie, even though we are posting less frequently. I will try to keep the posts updated again on at least a weekly basis. Before we start:

Congratulations to OC Donna and the pending adoption! That is great news and we know how excited you, Chuck, Wyatt and the puppy must be. We will have the "beach bubble" ready for you this season!

Also, sorry to hear about Beach Betty and the "header" she took for the team! Hope all the parts heal quickly and soundly.

Finally, good luck to Colin in his game -- but we will refrain from commenting on the descriptive Missouri adjectives for now.

The last week has been difficult for Debbie. As they are weaning her down from the steroids, she has been getting more congested and short of breath. Recently there have been times in the day when she cannot catch her breath -- as was the case today.

When the visiting nurse arrived today, Debbie was having one of her breathing spells and the visiting nurse called 911. While Debbie normally catches her breath, they called the ambulance this morning to put the O2 on and to take her to Grand View. Joey rode up with Debbie in the ambulance and Mike beat them all to the hospital.

Grand View did a chest X-ray (negative) and an EKG (fine). The blood work was OK for Debbie, i.e., WBC 2.1, platelets 17, hbg. 11. They are a bit confused with her symptoms vis a vis her counts (so what is new?).

They were concerned that Debbie had a PE (pulmonary embolism) -- but her symptomatology did not support it. Since she typically had difficulty breathing in the morning, every morning, they think that her problem is a bronchial spasam caused by acid reflux and the steroid weaning. They prescribed some new medications that we will start tonight and hopefully Debbie will be more comfortable tomorrow.

Remarkably, throughout this difficult day, Debbie still has an appetite! She had a cheesesteak and fries when she got home and is very glad to be sitting on her own couch watching ET with her buddy Joey (who ate a chicken cheese steak).

We are continuing to consult with HUP and I suspect that we will visit with them later in the week.

Thank you again for all of your cards, blogs and calls.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - what a day, Chizzie!

So sorry to hear about the breathing diffs - just when you thought you had experienced just about every darn thing in the book! For crying out loud.

It's a good thing the boys were there and able to be with you - I'm sure everyone was FREAKED. Mikey - can't believe you beat the ambulance to the hospital. LOL - maybe you should give them some driving tips?

Super glad to hear that it's NOT a PE and that your counts are hanging tough, honey. Let's hope the new meds do the trick and you get some relief. (Besides, there's nothing a good cheese steak can't help!)

Sending you all of my L-O-V-E and praying for enlightened healing individuals to guide you on your way this week, my friends.

Prayers up for miracles, large and small and that God continues to bless you as you go through this latest go round.

I miss you and love you so much.
(cue the seeping)


11/12/2007 8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Thanks so much for the Congrats!
We are all very excited and realize she will be here before we know it. I was so glad to read your post. So sorry about your trip to the hospital today. I am glad that you came home are are comfy on your sofa with Joey. Pleae know we are always wondering how you are feeling. You are in the morning and later eating a steak on your sofa. We continue to pray for you and keep you in our daily prayers.
Take care my friend!
Donna,Chuck and Wyatt

11/12/2007 8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was sad to hear about your trip to Grandview today, that is the kind of excitement you could do without, I am sure. You must have been very comforted though to have the boys with you. A great BIG thank you to Joe for the post... it is always good to hear from you. Let me know when you are up for company, I'd love to see you.


11/12/2007 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and family,
Thanks for thinking of me. It's such a panicky feeling when you can't catch your breath. For years I've been getting "Charlie horses" in my throat. Sometimes the only way I could catch a breath is if I yawned. I've had several tests and they can never find out what's wrong.My friend sent me an article about what asparatame can do to you. I finally gave up diet soda and anything containing aspartame. I feel like a new person and my breathing is 100%.
So, you are hanging touch just like I knew you would. How's Joey's baby doing? Have they been down for a visit yet? I hope your health improves enough for you to enjoy Thanksgiving. I look forward to the next post when Joe writes how much you have improved.
Take care,

11/13/2007 4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
For the love of God what is going on! If I were you I would buy hundreds of dollars of lotto tickets because the odds have got to be with anything you do right now!

I must say after such a sad post I did chuckle at the picture of you sitting eating your cheese steak.. there really is no stopping you!

Lighting the candle again as I get into my shower and get ready for a meeting in Annapolis. Lots and lots of luv & stuff from your visitor Alison.

11/13/2007 7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, Chiz -

Hope your night was restful and peaceful, honey. Crossing my fingers, rubbing my lucky knee and praying that your SOB didn't make another appearance this morning. That's enough of that business!

Hoping you're curled up in your cozy, warm bed with a fresh stack of tabloids, a cup of tea, a slice of sour cream pound cake and with Joey and Mikey your obedient (and handsome!) houseboys, waiting on you, hand and foot.

I am SO thinking of you, honey.

All my love - Kris

11/13/2007 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Reading the posts, I figured out that SOB is short of breath, but I think it's the OTHER SOB, the one I won't write out!

Thinking of you everyday and sending you tons of love. Can you feel it?

Hope the new meds do the trick for you. You are going to have doctors all over the Delaware Valley writing new articles for the medical journals as you keep them searching for solutions.

I will be traveling to Wilkes-Barre to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my mom and look forward to that. Will be staying away from stores on Friday, plan to relax and eat leftovers.

Hope you are up for company soon.

Love, hugs and kisses,

11/13/2007 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie: Hopefully by the time you read the comments you are feeling better and the new medicine is taking effect and your breathing is improving. Cheesesteaks - yum -enjoy this beautiful fall. Love shelly

11/13/2007 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well "Luck" we have it in you!

Colin's team won the quarterfinal game 49-21. I just can't tell you how excited we are. As Joe noted...Missouri is hot this year with football. Sorry ~ Domers.

He brought me to school today as I leave on Kairos #25. Didn't want to leave my car up here. I read the sports editorial to him on the way in the car. He got some ink! At the very end it said that we could be headed to the Dome after this game on Saturday. I started to cry. He couldn't get over me. I am just so overjoyed for him. He has worked so hard.

And so have you Debbie. You just amaze me and I know that Colin as well as all of us use you as our inspriation.

Today I will be giving my talk and you are the anchor leg of it. The topic...Results of God's Friendship.

I hope you get all warm and fuzzy as I try and explain how I see God's love in you.

Love ya mucho. COD Eileen

11/14/2007 9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joe ,Deb and Family;
Oh it was so wonderful talking to you. Deb you make me laugh and call me a hoot, I hope that is good. I'm not sure in todays language.
I love you,you know you are my inspiration.
We all keep praying for you.
Eileen is away for 3 days on retreat with some High School kids.I bet she is crying, These kids tell it all sometimes saddening.
Lotsa of love going your way give Joe and all your family a great HUG from Aunt Angie.
God Bless and take care of you
and your family.
Your Aunt Angie

11/14/2007 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I have been thinking of you since our talk and want you to know I am coming your way if you want me to. Mike feels the same way.
Love you so much and hope you can just get a few days peace!
oxox Edie

11/14/2007 9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Stay strong! We're all here for you and sending positive vibes and prayers your way!!!

xoxo Meg

11/15/2007 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


we love you!! Hope you are feeling a little bit better-- we can't wait to visit with you again soon... !! (Isabelle misses you all!!)

Love Always,
Alli & Izzy

11/15/2007 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, it was so good to hear your voice yesterday... I hope you had a good day today. I know you are looking forward to having all the kids around you. They are the best medicine ever. If you need anything, you know that I'm only a call away. Thinking of you always.

11/15/2007 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is your original recipe we have had every Thanksgiving and Christmas since about 1984 or so.

Aunt Debbie's Broccoli Rice Cheese Bake

Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Place in a lasagna size pan.
1/2c oil
3 Tbsp butter
1 cup milk
1 can cream of celery soup
2 beaten eggs
1 small grated onion
2 10oz pkg frozen broccoli
2 cups (7oz.) Minute Rice
1 lb Velveeta
If making ahead, add rice just before baking. Half the recipe makes plenty.

Keeping my plans for Dec 1 weekend, Mike too.
Love you,

11/15/2007 9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just letting you know you are in my prayers. Talk to you soon.

11/16/2007 9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Joe:

Back from Kairos retreat. Aunt Angie was right! Cry I did. Even for you at times. You were included in everyones prayers.

I got home around 8:30 last night and went to bed early. I was drained. What our kids have to deal with these days! But we made some great headway and my share group was beyond fabulous. It really touched my heart. It is now 4AM...couldn't sleep. Today is the semi-final game for the Class 3A Football title. I am too excited to go back to sleep. Colin is up for the task and I think the weather will hold out for us to even get Aunt Angie there. Gametime is 1:30 pm and we are playing Mary Institute/Country Day MICDS to St. Louis folks. Two private schools that merged. They are having an undefeated season thus far. We shall see.

As for the rest...Mom started her treatment for the MDS. We stopped over last night before I came home. She looks like she is doing well. Mere came home 1) to get her service hours in for her Spanish 310 class and 2) You got it...Football!

You'll hear from me after the game. Much love....COD Eileen

11/17/2007 5:10 AM  
Blogger Jan Russell said...

In case of an emergency I'm calling Mike! How crazy that he beat you to the hospital! When I took Sawyer to the ER (twice in one week I might add)this Summer, I was such a hysterical mess I kept making wrong turns, and had to put my flashers on, becauseI was a maniac at the wheel (probably from looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the hideous head wound -which narrowly avoided staples)ANYWHO, it is NEVER fun to rush off to Grandview in a panic. I hope you are doing MUCH better, and that your appetite remains strong for Thursday ;-) I pray for you tons!


11/17/2007 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in. Hope all is well. My daughter-in-law is pregnant again(just).She's due in July. We're very excited. My friend came up from Maryland for the day and we went to Cowtown. She's addicted to the knock offs there. Everytime she comes up she buys so much jewelry. There's a great table there with the best knock off David Yurman. Anyway, we had loads of fun. The leaves were wonderful on the drive there. I always make a big deal about fall colors because up until a few years ago I never saw them. I would be so busy with school pictures that by the time I would be able to catch my breath again it would be Christmas and Fall passed me by. A few years ago I decided to make an effort to stop and notice the Fall. I know it sounds corny but...
Anyway, here's hoping you stop to see the trees this year and for many more to come.
Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.

11/18/2007 1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was a picture perfect day yesterday here in Missouri. Clear skies/mid 60's. Fortunately, that way Aunt Angie could get out for the big game.

Three overtimes and we just ran out of gas. We lost 42-35. The boys left everything they had on the field yesterday, along with a few tears. It was the best football game I have ever been to, despite the loss. Colin of course was overwhelmed with sadness but he just has to get on with making his senior year next year equally as memorable.

But the most memorable event this weekend wasn't out on the football field but it was in a field. Colin snagged a 16 point buck (this morning - Sunday) on our land. You can imagine how high he is from that. It has made the football game a little easier to take. I wish you could see his face.

All else is well. Aunt Angie is doing great. Mere came home for the game and will be back for Thanksgiving.

I send lots of hugs and kisses your way for Turkey Day! Post some more pics from the holiday.

Love to all...COD Eileen

11/18/2007 12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, how are you and the Teklits all doing? i hope and pray you are doing okay this week and able to enjoy everyone...
Mark and i have the week off, yeah, for thanksgivng, ,and Patrick is coming home tonight till sunday.. can't wait..then on sat. we are going down to stanford to watch the notre dame vs stanford game..should be a fun time..
Update when you get a chance or feel up to it.. also,,, havent' heard a peep out of mo.. im hoping she is doing okay with all her family buisness and that dr. mazzola is also feeling better for this thanksgiving.. love to all..mdf

11/20/2007 2:14 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chizzie cat-

Hope all is well with you and all the Teklits clan. Are you getting ready to stuff your bird? (ha-ha) I hope that Jess, Walid and the babies are going to be heading your way - if they're not there already and that your Thanksgiving is full of love and joy.

We sure have had some great Thanksgiving memories, haven't we?

This comes to you from Albuquerque en route to Scottsdale. Krissy arrived safe and sound Monday night and we are going to meet up with my friend Kathleen here in ABQ for breakfast. Unfortunately, we developed car trouble last night - the car started overheating everytime we slowed down or idled. Mr. Hal thinks it's a short in a fan somewhere. He's at the Cadillac dealership right now trying to get it sorted out.

Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying that all is well. ALso wanted to share the daily word with you. I love you honey and am sending you vibe, after vibe, after vibe....

Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.

Speaking the “Prayer for Protection” as our prayer for loved ones, ourselves, and all people everywhere, we affirm:

The light of God surrounds us. Wherever we may be in the world, we give thanks that God’s light is shining on our pathways.

The love of God enfolds us. We are never alone. Enfolded in the love of God, we receive the deep, abiding comfort of our Creator.

The power of God protects us. God is the one Power and Presence in the universe, ever with us and blessing us.

The presence of God watches over us. We are eternally one with God and one another.

Wherever we are, God is! And all is well.

“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. —Isaiah 41:10

11/21/2007 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Teklits family,

I keep you all in my prayers everyday. My hopes for you all is a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Love, hugs and prayers,

11/21/2007 11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless all the Teklits this Thanksgiving Day.
Deb you are always on my mind.
xoxoxo love, Tessa

11/22/2007 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Joe and family,

We so hope you're enjoying a lovely and blessed Thanksgiving gathering.

We think about you always and continue to pray daily for you. This evening, when we sit down for our family meal, we'll be sure to ask our Lord's special blessing for all of you.


Linda & Tim (and our entire family)

11/22/2007 1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teklits family,

Hope you guys are having a nice turkey dinner... filled with laughter and memories, and stuffing. It doesn't really feel like thanksgiving does it? Too warm... but it feels good.

xoxo Meg

PS. Huge thanksgiving dinner at home & then again at the (soon to be) in-laws... double dessert... equals pregnant girls dream :)

11/22/2007 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully your family is having a happy & blessed Thanksgiving!!

All the best!
You're in my (our) prayers.
-Anon from St. Louis

11/22/2007 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

11/22/2007 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie & the Teklits clan,
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of quality family time & good food! Hope you're feeling better are in my thoughts!

11/24/2007 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a great time at the stanford vs notre dame game today.. weather was beautiful, and the new stadium was nice.. went by our old house in palo alto and some others also... sat in front of about 12 old alumni from notre dame.. they were so much fun to hear... then afterwards we met up with another friend for an early dinner..
Patrick is out with his friends, amd mark is watching some tapes his hitting coach sent to i think its time for me to go to bed.. just wanted to check on you first and tell you i not only thought of you guys today.. but told the old timers all about joe and you..
hope today was a good day for you with more to follow.. love.. mdf

11/25/2007 1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad that you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. John was so happy to get to see you over the holiday, he said he loved his visit with you and the family. Hope you had a good Sunday.
Always in my thoughts and prayers...
love ya,

11/25/2007 6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
thinking of you and sending wonderful loving vibes your way. I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy time with your family.

Lots of Love Visitor Alison

11/26/2007 8:51 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello my Chizzie-

Been thinking about you, my friend. Lots of love and best wishes from this end of the world. Arrived in Scottsdale (finally) after getting the car fixed in ABQ - it was the water pump that went bad.

Had a nice Thanksgiving with Mr. Hal's family - the best was having Krissy along with us. I think she really enjoyed AZ - she wants to move there now - a move that I am encouraging. We really enjoyed our time with her as you can imagine. She really is such a nice girl and a blessing to us.

Went shopping on Black Friday and talked about Rice's - wishing we were there with YOU! Hope that your holiday was extra special and that you were feeling well enough to enjoy it with your loved ones.

Thought of you when I saw an eagle as we were traveling up over the Mogollon Rim. He was huge! And so beautiful...unfortunately Mr. Hal and Krissy were sleeping and missed it. (you snooze, you lose!)

Also saw herd after herd of pronghorn antelope as we journeyed back to CO. I've seen antelope like this before but never like this.

Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you.

Today's word is PRAY FOR OTHERS so I join in praying for all faithful FOD's, COD's and ROD's at this time, too.

I love you and miss you, honey.

(let the seeping begin)

11/26/2007 10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family. I just wanted to send a big Hello your way. We are still on cloud nine about the adoption. We actually received pictures of the ultrsound on Thanksgiving. What a way to start Thanksgiving. They think that she will deliver before her due date of January 7. We figure right around Christmas! What a great Christmas gift! Wyatt is worried if Santa will come to California? I told him that Santa will find him where ever he is!!!!
Well take care and always know that you are close to my heart.
I pray for you daily friend.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck and Wyatt

11/27/2007 2:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and family,

I've been thinking of you over the holidays and hoping to get an updated post. (I'm sure that's the last thing on your mind.) I got the next best thing though, someone else's comment said you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family. That's wonderful. I just want you to know I'm thinking about you and praying for your good health to return.
Take care,
PS- Jill's expecting again. The new baby will arrive in July!

11/27/2007 2:20 PM  

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