Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007 Update

Dear Fods,

Thank you for your continued posts -- even though Debbie does not always write back -- she does read them when she can and is hearten by them. We can see that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday and we wish our very best to everyone for a Happy Holiday Season.

Our Thanksgiving was the best in a long time. The high dose steroids kept "everything" at bay for Debbie and she was able to cook and play with the grandbabies and enjoy the holiday. Starting a week ago today, Debbie started preparing the side dishes for the dinner and by Thursday, the only thing left to do was the turkey which was a piece of cake.

Jess and the kids came up early in the week and were able to play with Mom Mom for days and days. Walid came up on Thursday morning in record time and with Aunt Pammie and Lorie we were almost all together at the table this year. Unfortunately, Izzie got a urinary infection and had to be hospitalized. Joey was able to be with Allie and Izzie and to help them over the Holiday. Joey was only able to come home this past Sunday.

Today, we went to Penn for platelets as Debbie was @ 8K. While there we were able to meet with Dr. Porter and Heather. We will be beginning a new outpatient chemo regime on Monday that will last for 5 consecutive days during each month. This new drug should be less debilitating than the last round with the vidaza and the experimental drug. The new drug is FDA approved and is in stage 3 of the clinical trials. It is called "dacogen". There has been some success with this new drug and we can only hope for the best for Debbie.

Thank you to all for your continued posts, cards, calls and visits. They do help Debbie alot.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

except for izzies uti, i t hink this is one of the best posts in awhile.. im so happy you felt so good this thanksgiving and i will continue good vibes and prayers that this new med makes you feel even better! You're definetely a trooper deb, amazing.. stay strong.. love you..mdf,, and joe.. thanks as ususal for the update.. really appreciate it..

11/27/2007 9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zip ed e do dah... zip ed e day! or however that is spelt (or spelled USA).... Debbie, Joe T's FODs et al....a belated Happy Thanksgiving, obviously so much to be thankful for!

So glad you had a wonderful holiday.... I was thinking of you lots....

Myself and Sam went to California and had a "Great Big Fat Greek Thanksgiving" and Irish, and Indian... 20 people sitting by the pool in lovely weather sharing life stories!

Debbie I keep lighting candles for you, and I am thankful for our cyber friendship...

Lots of love, Visitor Alison.

11/27/2007 10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's terrific! It's wonderful thatyou were able to prepare Thanksgiving dinner! Im so happy to read Debbie will be continuing to fight this thing with Chemo. Hang in there. Poor Izzy. I hope she's feeling better. Thanks for the update.

11/28/2007 4:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Orlando. I read your posts all the time and I wish I responded more, but everytime I write something it looks dorkey to me and I delete it. I'm glad the fight continues. Prayer does work.

It's been in the 80's for weeks down here and it's really hard to think about putting up the Christmas decorations when you're still wearing shorts and cutting the grass. Thanksgiving for us this year was just the three of us. Both my kids are teenagers now. My girl turned 13 last month and my son will graduate in June. Time has flown by. Won't be long and I'll have an empty nest here. I can retire from Pepsi in six years. Dang!

I'm pullin' for ya all and praying for ya too. I think about all my old friends up there on a daily basis.

Sorry if I hogged the whole column. Don't wait so long between posts. It makes me anxious.

11/28/2007 7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh that sure sounds good. An almost normal Thanksgiving.

We joined our neighbors for the holiday which is where we usually go. Aunt Angie as well.

The kids are starting to think about finals already. Man the semester has flown by.

Colin was named 2nd team offensive tackle in the East Central MO Conference. We were pleased since he is a junior. Something to shoot for next year. Mere is headed to Chicago for a quick weekend. They have this thing called a Mega Bus and the further you book out the cheaper it is. She is going to Chicago for $20 roundtrip. She is meeting up with a high school friend that is in school there. She has also decided to a give shot put and discus a whirl at SLU. A friend from her high school who is a cross country / track distance runner asked her if she would consider it as they are trying to increase the #'s on the team so they could potentially get more dollars. Who knows were this will lead. We felt she couldn't lose by trying. Bee is his usual easy going self. He and Colin are just working out after school til after the first of the year and then I think they will do some supplemental weight and agility training.

All else is well. So thankful you are feeling well. That is so important.

Love to all. Hope Miss Issy is going better.

COD Eileen

11/29/2007 1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad and thankful to hear that your holiday was a good one, Chizzie! Having Jess home and playing with the babies, had to be good medicine for ya!

Poor little Izzie (hey, that rhymes with Chizzie!)Hope she is feeling better by now!

God bless Dr. Porter for having another trick up his sleeve for you, honey. Prayers up for you as you go through this round of chemo. (Remember Jihad, sweetie!)

Not much to report from here. Mr. Hal is in Kansas until this evening and we're getting company next week - Dale is coming for a few days. Mr. Hal is looking forward to his visit - especially since it means a trip to Elway's for a steak dinner and martinis!

Reading Allison and Bob's weather experiences make me almost forget shoveling the driveway yesterday! Three inches of snow fell and it's almost all gone - except for the spot in front of the garage where the sun don't shine. That means I have to shovel!

Well, I guess I better hop. I'm going to make your broccoli rice dish for supper tonight and need to get to the store.

I love you, honey.

P.S. Can't leave you without the word...


Through my faith in God, I meet circumstances with poise and calm resolve.

I nurture my faith in God by recognizing that God’s love is working in and through me to bring about what is good in my life. I exercise my faith by keeping my thoughts positive. I know that positive thoughts open my life to great possibilities.

I am renewed in spirit during times of silent communion with God, for they help me still any negative chatter in my mind. I listen as God guides me on my right path. As my awareness of God’s loving presence increases, so does my faith.

Through my faith in God, I meet circumstances with poise and calm resolve. I trust that good and only good is coming to me.

“Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”—Psalm 143:8

11/29/2007 11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It's great having everyone together! I found the blogging address, Debbie, and am good to go. Thank you so much for my Thanksgiving card. My love and prayers to you all. Love, Cheryl (Crone)

11/29/2007 11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear you were able to have Thanksgiving and enjoy those little grandbabies. HOpe Izzie is feeling better. Glad you are feeling a little better and hopefully the next round of chemo won't be too bad. Think of you a lot and checked the blog for while before I saw this post. Glad to hear from you. Keep going girl - Love Shelly

11/29/2007 4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how your doing with the new chemo treatment i hope its not too hard on you...
i have been having sort of an interesting fall, animal kingdom wise.. one night i was watching tv, and my 2 , 100+ german shepherds jumped up and ran over to the biggest bug i've ever seen (except maybe in florida).. i called mark down , and he came with a baseball bat,, but i braved it, and we scooped it out (after trying to destroy it with his shoes.. it only made a cracking noise)..even the dogs were freaked by it.. then , a few weeks later. i found evidence of mice (need i say more).. so, being the nice episcopalian that i try to be.. i got "nice" traps for them.. well, once i saw they were under my kitchen sink, all bets were off, and i got the serious ones.. within 12 hrs i had destroyed 3 mice!! yuk! Mark said that he thinks this now makes me a serial killer.. felt so bad about that. but enough is enough.. i keep singing that xmas carol to myself... "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" but it doesn't help. i have 3 traps set in tim's den, 1 under my sink(think they are gone from th ere) and one in the laundry room..
I told tim.. thats it..we need to put the house on the market.. but now , after much debbie type cleaning, im feeling a little bit better about it..
i do hope your feeling okay with this new round of chemo.. i also hope my mice story hasn't made you queasy.. lots of love.. mdf

11/29/2007 9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


just wanted you to know that I'm always thinking of you... lots of love


12/01/2007 8:04 PM  

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