Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Home Again...

This is just a quick note to let you all know that we were able to bring mom home from HUP yesterday (Tuesday, 5/5). The jury's still out regarding the effectiveness of the latest chemo regimen, but knowing how slowly mom can react after receiving treatment, we all remain hopeful that anything is possible.

Mom was relatively consistent with her pain regimen today and as a result she was able to venture out with me on a quest for a comfortable chair. Those of you who have visited the Teklits home on Tennis Way may understand that many of the chairs mom has selected to decorate her home over the years are far from comfortable, let alone functional. They all complement her country-style decor, however, they are too low or too high, too hard or too soft, or do not have arms. So I took goldilocks out on a mission to find a 'compact country-style recliner with legs' and you can imagine the looks sales people gave us. The beauty of this whole ordeal was that mom was not just out of the hospital, but she was out of the house, navigating the show room floors with her walker and able to get in and out of several chairs. The one we selected, and mom will tell you, is not something she would 'choose' if she weren't desperate. There were many far more beautiful patterns that could be custom ordered, however, they would take months to arrive. We settled for functional and mom was tired after our adventure.

Or so I thought - she sent me on a few errands while our beloved visiting nurse was with mom and I returned home to see her whirling through the kitchen determined to prepare some stuffing to go with the turkey I had set in a brine early this morning. Eager to reclaim her place in the kitchen, mom threw together stuffing, and mashed some potatoes I had boiling on the stove. At last she's really home again.

We're headed back to HUP tomorrow for labs and likely transfusions of blood and platelets. Mom's needing them every few days as a result of the chemo. Her dizziness and hearing continue to be problems, however, her back is still her main complaint. She's moving a little better than when she was admitted to HUP more than two weeks ago, however, she's on pain patches and round the clock heavy doses of narcotic medication.

I'm here in town until Friday and the plan is for dad to drag mom to the shore house for the weekend. Mom hasn't been there since September, and is really looking forward to the summer and memorial day weekend with the grandkids. She thanks you all again for the many cards, calls, blogs, and prayers - they mean so much to us.

Happy Mothers Day!



Saturday, May 02, 2009

Still Stuck At HUP

Dear Fods,

Hello everybody. I hope this post finds you enjoying warmer temperatures -- but I am glad that I missed those 90 degree temperatures from last week. Still here at HUP on day 13 and they still haven't figured out the back pain, other than to say that the leukemia has infiltrated my spine and hip. The pain was under pretty good control thanks to the Pain Control team. Unfortunately, the drug cocktail made me retain urine and I could not go on my own and had to be catherized. Also, it made me constipated. They then prescribed magcitrate (colonoscopy prep drink) and 4 doses of lactulose -- which still didn't work. The nurses went to MacDonalds at midnight last night and a greasy cheese burger got things rolling again but I was up most of the night.

My phosphorus and potassium are low and they are giving them to me IV round the clock. The vidaza went in well -- and the next 2-3 weeks will be when my counts go crashing down and we have to run to HUP for blood and platelets.

I am hoping and praying to get discharged on Monday -- but it will most likely be Tuesday.

Thank you for your cards, calls and prayers they keep me going.

