Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Dear Fods,

We hope that you all enjoyed the holiday. We spent it at the beach with all of the grandbabies, Mike and Laurie. The house was full of people, food, and laughter. The babies are sooo cute. The weather surprised us by just raining at night or early morning so that we could go to the beach. Debbie was very good and sat under her new chair -- with the awning -- and did very well with the sun -- which she is supposed to be avoiding.

Debbie still has the dizzies and the hearing comes and goes. The noise in her ears bothers her the most. She will see a new doctor -- Dr. Bigelow - a neuroaudiology specialist - on Friday.

Chemo starts again tomorrow. Debbie will be getting dacogen at home again -- Monday through Thursday and will likely get it at Penn on Friday. Her counts are normal and Debbie feels that she is in remission. We would have liked to put the chemo off until Fall, but Dr. Porter feels that we need to keep up the chemo because it has been 4 months since her last treatment. Debbie has done very well with the leukemia part of her symptoms -- it is now the new nasal/hearing/equilibrium problem -- that has kept her down most recently. This is the longest span of time that she has gone without being hospitalized since she was originally diagnosed in December 2005. That is a very good thing.

Debbie is much happier now and believes that she may be invincible again.

Thank you again for your prayers, blogs and cards. They really help to keep Debbie's spirits up.

Debbie sends her love to all.