Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008 Update

Dear Fods,

Sorry for the delay in posting. Debbie was discharged from HUP 8 days ago. It could have been 7 days ago, however, HUP did a HUP and Mike waited out the day shift as long as he could and then he had to go to work. I was dispatched for the second wait and arrived with the gilded wheel chair for our get away. When I arrived, they told us that the pic line was misplaced and that it would have to be realigned on Thursday! After some moaning and groaning, we unpacked the bags, got Debbie back into her PJ's and prepared some dinner. When the X-ray guys arrived, I went home. A few hours later, HUP discovered that the line was fine and that Debbie could go home @ 11:00 PM! She rolled over and went to sleep. She came home with Mike on Thursday morning. Like the trooper that she is, on Thursday night Debbie had pasta with home made Bolognese sauce and did not miss a drop!

Because of the blood infection, Debbie came home with 6 days of IV vanco 2 times a day. She is still on the steroids and seems to be doing fine for the moment. On Monday, her counts were low, i.e., wbc 1.3 and platelets <17k>17K and the trip was not necessary. Except for all the other bad stuff, the dacogen seems to be working.

Debbie is still deaf in one ear and has problems with her balance. The inner ear problem has not improved and this is making her daily living even more difficult. She is so frustrated with the inner ear problems that she threatened to drive her car today (to make a point we did not understand). When we padded the fenders and hung demolition derby signs on the car -- she got the message and handed in her keys! She has special tests scheduled for next Wednesday @ HUP regarding her hearing and balance.

Since Debbie's counts are on the upswing, all of the grandchildren will be visiting this weekend. Even Allie is coming down from LI with Izzie for the event! It will be nice to have the house full. Mike has retreated to the NJ house for the weekend (coward). We have nice chocolate easter bunnies and blue peeps for the occasion. The visit will lighten Debbie's spirits -- even though we have a house pool betting on how long it will take for Debbie to get sick from the most virulent kiddie bug. Hopefully, she will win the bet.

Thanks for all the cards and blogs.

Debbie sends her love to all.


Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, what great news... all the grandkids.... have the best time!!! They will be your best medicine. I'm thinking of you always.

Much love,

2/15/2008 9:34 PM  
Blogger jean said...

Dear Deb,

Glad to see that you are back home, enjoy that grandbabies this weekend. Take care.
love hugs and prayers,

2/16/2008 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to read you are doing better. Have fun with your family this wekend. I hope you win the bet too,there are some nasty bugs going around!

2/17/2008 9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Just got back from Wilkes-Barre and had to "check in." So glad you are home. Too bad you can't have some cosmos and therefore have a good reason to be unsteady on you feet! Hope the time with the kids is good medicine. Glad to hear the counts are up, too.
Mom is home and doing much better. She hated being in rehab as they belted her into the wheelchair and she is so claustrophobic that it drove her batty. And I don't care how nice a home proclaims to be, waking in and hearing all kinds of buzzers and bells summoning nurses and they are sitting at the desk talking about their weekends drives me crazy. At least with the large family there was someone there every day so we know she wasn't as neglected as others. But that is behind us and we are all glad to see her in her own home. With Sean and Susan next door, it is the best nurning home ever.
I'm sure you are as sick of the cold as everyone else and can't wait to get out on that deck and soak up some sun. There may be a short break with sun and 60 degrees for a little while tomorrow. Try not to miss it!
Thinking of you every day.
Love, hugs and kisses,

2/17/2008 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are home and are feeling a little better. Hopefully the hearing will come back in your ear. This is Sunday night and I am hoping you had an enjoyable weekend with the kiddies. I know how much joy they must bring you. Stay healthy and keep up the good work. Love shelly

2/17/2008 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so enjoy joe's sense of humor..padding the fenders and putting on the sign.. but i understand how frustrated you must be by now with all of the dizziness..that has to be awful..
OUr weekend was busy, Patrick decided to come home, but since we are "overbearing " parents and didn't want him to drive the 4 hr trip by hisself, he had to wait for this other kid, and he had lab until 10pm.. but he made it home by 1am, (they left a little early). we visited, he ate some eggos(first time i've used a fork to eat in a long time!) then asked if i was going to do laundry anytime soon since what he was wearing was all he had, and he's worn that for 3 days...
Friday , Patrick came to watch mark's baseball scrimmage for awhile, then went down to berkeley and sf for the night.. only know what he told me, but it sounds like he had a fun night..Sat. mark had another scrimmage,but this one was from 11am-4pm.. beautiful it was really nice soaking up the sun , but today i have a little burn..we al went out to dinner then the 2 of them went to the movies, came home, then a friend of patrick's came over, and they went out ..Mark had batting lessons this am and basically an all day practice tomorrow..
Patrick is back at cal poly, i hope this little break took care of his ansiness for awhie, we sure do miss him.. oh and get this.. he wears a knit cap and has been growing his hair since last summer.. so i was prepared for him to take the hat off and his hair come cascading out.. but,, he cut it .. without being told!!
I hope your weekend with the grandchildren was to see them all.they change so fast at these ages,,,well,my prayers will continue..hope they can cure the spins on you..mdf

2/17/2008 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hearing loss stinks... I constantly have problems with my ears and it is the worst! I'm glad to hear that you are home and everyone was getting a visit with you! No baby as of yet... I had contractions 8 minutes apart for 2 hours last night but then they went away. Ughhh! Stay strong!!!


2/18/2008 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting Joe - Man, that HUP never disappoints, does it?

I got a chuckle out of you rigging out the Chizmobile for the demo derby, too. But, oh my Chizzie you must be so frustrated with all this that you are ready to whip your weight in wildcats!

Nothing like a weekend with the babies though to take the pi@@ out of your vinegar. Hope you had a great weekend with the little guys, Jess and Alli. I know they are the best medicine for you! (Although those cosmos sound pretty good, too.)

Hope you are eating good to keep up your strength, sleeping good to build up your stamina and doing whatever you need to do to heal yourself, my friend.

Sending you ALL my love, Kris

How about a little daily word, too?


One with God’s healing energy, I am filled with new strength and vitality.

Prayer provides clarity concerning any situation. Knowing that I am one with God, I know, too, that every life-affirming thought is a prayer.

As I think positive, healing thoughts, my mind and body respond in positive, healing ways.

Breathing, when done in an awareness of God’s presence, is a prayer.

As I exhale, I release all concerns. As I breathe in, I take in the very breath of life and realize the power and energy of God’s presence more fully.

It is as though a light has come on in my mind, revealing my wholeness of mind and body.

I hold thoughts of God’s healing energy as I pray for others also.

I see every person I pray for aglow with health. One with God’s healing energy, we are filled with and expressing new strength and vitality.

“Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.”-—Isaiah 58:8

P.S. Meg - here's hoping that baby of yours will "spring up quickly", too!

2/18/2008 2:08 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...


Hope you had a great weekend with the kids. Thinking of you as always.
Saw pictures of you and Joe at Mary's BD party.... looking good!!


2/18/2008 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Debbie and Uncle Joe,

I'm happy to hear that you had plans for a fun weekend. I hope you're able to keep your energy up so that you can enjoy every minute!
I can't imagine how big the children must be at this point. I wish we could have a family get together to see everyone, but I know that's not a good idea with a low wbc count.

I'm happy to hear that HUP hasn't given up on the hearing and dizziness problem. Hopefully your trip on Wednesday will be quick and productive. I have to agree with the boys about not driving...and not just because I live in the area! I'd be happy to help run errands and chauffeur!

Hang in there and thanks for posting.


2/18/2008 10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,Just want you to know that the blog is read daily at my house. Sometimes two or three times, looking for updates or words by your followers. Tonight is CCD class. For Lent, one of my little monkees, the bad one, to be exact, has "given up" 5 minutes of each day, to pray for you. At each class this little guy has faithfully asked how you are doing. He took it upon himself to look up Leukemia, and, now, for his Lenten Almsgiving, he is one of your many, many prayer partners.
Good news that your numbers are on the move up, the babies were coming to visit, and your appetite for good cooking has not been ruined by hospital food.
Many prayers and good thoughts to you and your family.
Ruthie McGinnis

2/19/2008 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We had such a good weekend this weekend! I love you all so much and it was so good to spend some good quality time with you. Isabelle is a lucky girl to have such great grandparents & I am very lucky to have you as family also. I look forward to our next visit and I will talk to you this week.
Love YOU!
Alli & Izzy

ps- Meg any news yet?!?! I suspect you had your little man or are about to any minute!! Thinking about you & good luck :)

2/20/2008 8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chiz-

Just checking in to see you how you're doing and letting you know that I'm thinking about you.

It was animal kingdom around here yesterday so I'm hoping your trip to HUP went well and that your visit was encouraging. Took the dogs out in the morning and the wild turkey were back in the woods gobbling like crazy and two red tailed hawks were circling the house in lazy arcs (looking for little white dogs, no doubt) and then in the afternoon - just about time for tea, the bobcat walked up the driveway like he owned the joint. Needless to say I thought of you...

It sounds like you guys had a terrific weekend with the babies. Love to all in Teklits land.

LOL at Ruthie's little CCD guy - that is so cute! And Meg? Hope you are doing your thing by now!

As for me, I'm off to sweep the garage and blow off the decks. Exciting, no?

Hope you are feeling today's word, sweetie.


God is present, and all is well.
“Wherever I am, God is.” These are powerful words from the “Prayer for Protection” that both begin and end my day. I pray knowing that the Creator is all powerful and everywhere present—with me and my family, with my friends and neighbors.

God is present with all people—adults and children the world over. I envision the men and women who are serving their countries as safe in every situation.

Assured of God’s presence, I send my children to school, leave the home of a loved one, or watch a friend depart on a long trip, knowing that God is with each one of us. The power of God protects us; and wherever we are, God is, and all is well.

“You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with glad cries of deliverance.”—Psalm 32:7

2/21/2008 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOD's and of course Debbie,

No news as of yet. I was hooked up to fetal monitors etc. all day yesterday b/c of headaches and a higher than normal blood pressure. That leaves me with urine collection for a day and blood tests at Dtown Hospital (weather permitting) etc. tomorrow. I feel a lot better today and am hoping the tests come back normal. They said that if they are worried about anything that they may induce me Monday night- if not, and everysthings okay they will let me go. But no further than March 4th! Ughhh! Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

So thats the baby news, I'm hoping tomorrow is not too bad weather wise. Debbie, hope you're feeling okay and your ears are healing up!

xoxo MEG

2/21/2008 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Meg.. you want bad weather,, for some reason that brings on these babies.. i used to work in the maternity ward at Stanford , and whenever we had bad weather or full moon, bingo.. the ward was busy.. hell, with the lunar eclipse you should be dialating up a storm... good luck
Deb,, whats the news on the spins?hope they found out what is causing it all and that you're feeling better now
Well,after 6 months of telling mark"oh, you'll never get your liscence if you drive like that" he took the test today and got a 99, so he is off at bb practice , drove himsef..kind of a liberating, yet, sad feeling now that both of my boys can drive themselves..just hope he remembers to stop the car before the garage door as i have had to remind him many times..
hope all the teklits are doing good and no germs were left behind.. good vibes your, mdf

2/21/2008 7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chiz-

It's me. I'm here in my office, watching the sun roll down and thinking of you.

Up to 50 here in Colorado today, but seeing on the weather that you guys got hit with a big storm. Hope you're watching the snow come down, relaxing on the couch with nice cup of tea and one of Joe's big fires blazing.

Decided not to do the Monterey trip. The tickets would have been almost $900 bucks! I know I said I felt like I needed a breath of the sea - too bad my wallet said be satisfied with a plate of oysters. Hah-hah. It ended up being a good thing though, Mr. Hal's flu came back on him again and he is sick as a dog...(and such a pleasure to be with. ;>)

He's managed to get an earlier flight home tonight and the chicken noodle soup's in the crockpot. I'm wishing it was your Brunswick stew.

Praying you are getting stronger and that your spins are subsiding honey. Sending you all my love - Kris

Dang Meg! I thought that full moon with a lunar eclipse on the side would do it for sure! Hope you're feeling better and that bambino makes an appearance soon!

2/22/2008 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay,, any update on the spins? did they find anything new? how about meg? any baby yet?
Rainy weekend here,, its okay though, it allows me to get things done
Patrick was telling me that he is frustrated with his speech teacher...she won't give him any grade above a C, and i was thinking..(but didnt say it cause he is now a college student) but... he had to write a speech on the most inspirational person in his life,, and he wrote it on the red power ranger.. perhaps if he mentioned kennedy, or martin luther king... but,, again.. kept my mouth shut..
Mark has a cold again.. glad it was raining so he can finally let his body get some rest to fight these colds.otherwise he would be at the ballpark.
Tim starts his new job tomorrow.. that is exciting.. hope it goes well..
well, i hope you are feeling better.. prayers continue.. love you..mdf

2/24/2008 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cousin Deb:

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. Mickey and Bev came to Wash. MO this weekend to see Aunt Angie. The weather made their travel plans a little off course but they did finally get here. Mere came home as well.

Mom said you called last week and she was so delighted to hear you sounding like you always do!

Just wanted to say "HEY"...Love you...Leenie AKA COD Eileen

2/24/2008 11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chiz-

Were you up late watching the Oscars last night? I sure hope so. We watched out here but were kind of underwhelmed with the whole deal. I know you had gotten to see some of the movies but don't know if any of your pics won or not...

You know me - I like to watch for the fashions - nothing really rocked my world this year though. Although I have to say that Helen Mirren's gown fooled me. It didn't look like much on the red carpet, but it really popped when it was up on stage under the lights with those diamante sleeves. Sparkle plenty! She looked marvelous! And Jessica Alba looked good too in her maroon empire style gown. I loved the feathers!

This weekend was spent nursing Mr Hal or Typhoid Harry as I'm calling him. (He's out in the family room working on his pc and hacking his brains out as I write this.) Finally (!) got him to agree to go to the doc which was a good thing because as it turns out he has a bacterial sinus infection that has spread to his eyes. (Gross) The doc put him on some killer antibiotics and gave him eye drops and cough meds. Hopefully, this will do the trick.

Well, darling. There goes the door bell. I've got some guy coming in and installing a security system today. Gotta hop.

Love you. Pray for you. Keeping you near to my heart.


2/25/2008 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez Louise... no news yet... again. Friday I thought my water broke and spent the day at the hospital and with the midwives. Needless to say, my water did NOT break and I have another appt. tonight to check and see if I've progressed at all. My original due date was the 27th, and they said that they will not let me go any further than March 3rd now. So we'll see, I'll keep everyone posted!

Debbie... hope you girls had fun watching the Oscars last night. I didn't catch any of it, except for that Irish song... toooo tired to watch it all.

xoxo MEG

2/25/2008 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am glad to see that you got to go home! I bet the visit with the grankids was a lot of fun. My uncle Mike came to visit Nonnie this weekend. Mom made her spaghetti and I came home Saturday night to see Uncle Mike. It was a good weekend. I hope everything went well. Always thinking about you and praying for you! Love Ya Meredith

2/25/2008 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and family,
I haven't written in awhile. I have your card with your pix and the grandkids on my kitchen table. I admire how glowing you are in that picture. You are always in my prayers and thoughts.
Glad to hear the new chemo is doing its job, but sorry to hear about the labrynthitis. Can't even imagine how annoying that must be.
Its hard to believe how grown our kids are. Catherine is going to be married for a year in March.Chris is living in Conschie with Ryan Roddin from LaSalle and is working for Price Waterhouse. Your kids have grown and made you a grandmother 3 times over.It is amazing how fast the time flies.I forget sometimes and think that they are still in school.
Joe and are counting down the time til we retires hopefully in 2-3 years. Hopefully by then maybe we will be grandparents.
Hopefully the spring brings you nothing but good health. I always feel best this time of the year. So much to look forward to like the beach. Love reading your blog and am appreciative to Joe and Jessie for keeping us up to date.
Know that you are always in my prayers. If I can help any way, please call. I can drive down to HUP in my sleep. Love, Diane Radvansky

2/28/2008 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. So get this,, im going on your blog site to see if megan, someone ive never met, has had her baby yet.. ha.. go figure! mdf

3/01/2008 5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you (and Allie) for the gifts. They are both super duper cute, thanks so much for thinking of us! I hope you're feeling alittle better Debbie, so that you can see my little bundle of joy that came home today...

Matthew Thomas Dekutoski
7lb 20z - 21 inches
First leap year baby at Doylestown Hospital! 4:09am

Thanks for all of the well wishes,

xoxo MEG

3/03/2008 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I've been thinking of you & wondering how you are doing. I saw your counts recently & they looked great! I hope this is a good sign for you & I hope you are feeling a little better! I just accepted a position as a radiation oncology nurse at Lankenau so I will be leaving HUP in a couple of weeks. Drop me a line if you are feeling up to it, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me @
I hope all is well w/you & w/the family. I miss seeing you at HUP!

3/04/2008 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! - Talked to Debbie today and she told me you are doing well, but that getting a shower was hard! It gets easier I promise!! When I am up next time - if you need help call me!! I know how exhausting the first few weeks can be.. I hear he is adorable. Im glad you liked the stuff.. I like for that bundle me, it makes life 100% easier getting out the door. And me and Isabelle go out everday, I cannot stand to be stuck in the house. I think she is developing that personality too, between me and Joey it was inevitable.. we both can't sit around for too long! Anyways hope you are doing well! Post pics of Matthew when you can!

3/06/2008 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Think about you all the time...

lots and lots of love
Visitor Alison

3/08/2008 7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, im hoping no news is good news.. and that is fine..
we are doing well except for this cold that keeps coming back,, mark can't seem to shake it.. of course,,he never rests so that could be why he can't get rid of game again today after school, he is always at the field whenever he has any free time.. Patrick has gotten into surfing down at san luis obispo.. he really likes it and went 4 times last week..still is learning the tricks.. but will get there..Tim is also learning at his new job and seems to like the challenge.. and i..well, i continue to play with kindergardners all day.. wonder if this is the source of all these colds.
I will continue the prayers and send the good vibes your way... love to the family.. mdf

3/10/2008 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again Deb - checking your blog weekly and still no report, so I am hoping no news is good news. Hope you can get out and enjoy this great weather - I think spring is on its way and pretty soon it will be surf and sand time - I know you are probably looking forward to that time. Hope you are all together for Easter and enjoy all those little grandchildren. We are hoping for grandchildren sometime in the near future. At least Justin and Sue are talking about it now - may be there is still hope. Keep healthy and know that you are thought of daily. Love Shelly Geib

3/11/2008 8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I've been checking your blog daily and haven't seen a post. I hope that means all is going good for you, God knows you need a break. Hope this finds you regaining some strenght and hopefully free of the whirls.
Praying for you and your family as always,
Pam Kuntz

3/12/2008 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

Your public awaits! How are you? I'm sure you are great and that's why there aren't any new posts. I check all the time. Anyway, great news, Adam and Jill are having a baby girl in July. She just found out last week.
I'm sure the weather will break anyday now. I can't wait.

Take care,

3/12/2008 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Saint Patricks Day, Miss Debbie!!!
A Wish for a Friend

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
Hope you are feeling alittle better and gaining some strength back! I think a pint of guinness might help you out- I might give it a shot also....

xoxo MEG

3/17/2008 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before my weekend get's crazy I wanted to make sure I wished you Happy Easter. I hope all is well.

3/20/2008 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Wanted to wish you a great Easter. Hope you will get to spend it with your children and grandchildren. Will be going to Wilkes-Barre to spend Saturday and Sunday with Mom. She is doing as well as can be expected for someone 84 years old and bent in half with osteoperosis. She is still able to live on her own with many monitoring devices hooked up to next door so my brother and sister-in-law can keep an eye on her. I get up at least every other weekend. You are in my thoughts daily!
Love, hugs and kisses,

3/21/2008 1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Always thinking of you. I wish you and your wonderful family a Happy Easter.
xoxoxo Tessa

3/22/2008 10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I woke up thinking of you and the song This little Light of Mine was on the TV as soon as I switched it on.....

Hope all is well, waiting for news... (and a visit. Had a blast for St. Patricks Day.. hope you had fun too... Happy Easter...lots of love

Visitor Alison.

3/22/2008 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb and family:

Wishing you joy on this Easter! Love to all...COD Eileen and family

3/23/2008 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, happy birthday (isn't it around now...or did i miss it?) plus happy easter.. i sure hope you are feeling well this easter...wondering if you have the grandkids there also?
Patrick finished his 3rd quarter of college and came home on good to see him, he looked great.. bit of a tan from all the surfing he's been doing.. and he is happy to just"kick in" till he starts up again on the 1st of april..His friends have been coming over and it's nice to catch up on how they are doing also..
Mark's baseball team went to a teamates' fathers funeral on friday..the whole team, then they went to a stanford baseball game, spend teh night in san bruno, then had a game or their own on sat. and it was so warm in south san francisco, i was hot in a t shirt and pants!
Friday night our house got tp'd ,but this time it was for mark.. i know cause they wrote his name in toilet paper on the driveway..
not too much else going on. .will cook a ham for our family and any strays that happen to stop by.. have been eating thier easter baskets that i made them while waiting for them to wake up!
So deb. have a great day today, and i'll talk with you soon.. love,,mdf

3/23/2008 1:55 PM  

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