Sunday, April 01, 2007

What a great Success !!!!!!

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday the blood drive was a huge success !!! A BIG BIG THANK YOU to Bonnie and John Handerhan for opening their home to over a hundred people form 10:00 am till 10:pm.
Bonnie didn't sit down all day and that was after giving a unit of blood herself. Joe and the boys did well after donating and Joey didn't even get faint as anticipated. My brother Fred surprised us with a visit and donated too. It was good to see him as well as lots of hospital friends that i had not seen in a long while. Mary Day i so wish you could have been there ! Kim Hodge (Huver) was there with her beautiful daughter Dannie, and then Lorraine and Bob Booth came too. For both Mo and I it brought back such good memories of our days on 3-11. My sister-in-law Kim came with a nervous Laura who did just fabulously with that big needle and little tiny veins. For all who donated I don't have words to express my gratitude. Once again you all have made me feel so special. Thru you I feel like I have been able to give just a little bit back to the community
to replenish the Red Cross Blood supply. Over 70 people donated and several (10) were actually turned away because they ran out of supplies never anticipating such a huge turnout.
As far as the director knew, this was a first time event having a blood drive at a private residence. After a long day (i don't think the rc staff had lunch themselves) Bonnie had invited Hospital staff and friends over for a party. For both Dr. Bob and I it was such a treat to see old friends. We are both very blessed. Thank you to Bev and Cathy and Stella and Anita and Mo and to everyone that I am forgetting for all the wonderful food and drink. Thank you to Ann for the balloons. It was a great day.
I'm feeling great and hoping this is going to continue for awhile. Looking forward to next week with the whole family being together if all stay healthy. Joe has the flu and Emma has bil. ear infections. but they have 6 days to get better so we hopeful.
I wish you all health and good times and another BIG thank you for all of your never ending support. I love you all and cherish our friendship both near and far. I will keep in touch.

Love Debbie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
What a wonderful success. You have a lot of support up there. I'm glad it turned out well. I started back to work yesterday. I photographed 28 teams. It was freezing cold. If I gave blood after that it would have been ice cubes!Have a nice trip.

4/01/2007 8:59 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Hi Debbie and FODs et al...

I was trying to make it and surprise you, but family took over! How wonderful that you had such an incredible day... what a blessing.. makes you realize just how wonderful your family and friends are... warms my heart and puts a little extra pep in my step today.

New addition to our family.. a 5 month old Australian Sheppard... I called her "Penny" I think you know why Debbie! She is a little treasure and so far appears very trainable with few accidents and routine pee and poop in the same location of the yard every day! My walks with her make sure I stop to smell the roses!

All my love, have a wonderful week with your family next week... many many more blessings your way.. lots of love, visitoralison.

4/02/2007 8:00 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...


What a great day!

Chiz I have to tell you that when I talked to the staff on the bus they were saying how special it was to meet someone who actually benefited from their work. And they were quite impressed with the turnout - and that was at 1:30!

Didn't get to stay long enough, darn it, but it was neat to meet everyone and finally "put some faces with names!" Bonnie and John - God bless you for opening your hearts and your home to us. What a great idea!

Meg - why did I think you were a redhead? It threw me off so much to see you with dark hair I didn't get to interrogate you! Next time for sure. Nice to meet the main squeeze and first time donor as well. (I had lots of questions for him!) Kim and Dannie, What a pleasure to chat over donuts with you two. Sweet Colleen, Rich and Mo's sis-in-law whose name escapes me right now. Hello to you guys, too.

Mo, it's always special to spend time with you too. (but it usually is never long enough)

Yoo hoo, Visitor Alison - have your ears been burning? We were so talking about you (all good stuff)and plotting a way to get together with you sometime. Hope it's soon. Love hearing about your new puppy. Her name is perfect. (We have a new west highland terrier, too. His name: Bentley B Fabulous)

Faraway FODS - Chizzie looked absolutely mahvelous. What a gal!


4/02/2007 8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby, I am so happy I had a chance to meet you and put a face on a name. Since reading your blog I feel like I knew you and now I do. You look great. Hope you get The Reporter, big article on front page, you are now famous. Have a wonderful vacation with the family and a Happy Easter.
Bonnie, thanks again for organizing this event.
Ann M.

4/03/2007 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. I just read the article! So happy it was such a great turnout, but why wouldn't it be? It was in honor of two wonderful individuals, and put on by two of the most thoughtful people i know! THANK YOU, mo and Bonnie! Deb. i was there in spirit, would have loved to have been at the check in point,, but most likely i would have talked and thanked people so much, nothing would have gotten done! Glad you are feeling well.. thank you again. prayers continue..mdf

4/03/2007 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say so that was a success. Imagine me trying to explain to my friends that you and a friend both have luekemia. What are the chances of that!

Also thrilled to hear that Freddie came. I bet that made your heart skip a beat!

The house is back to the regular chaos with both Mere and Dave back from Honduras. Both had a great time and returned with mosquito bites too numerous to count.

Mere is now scrambling to catch up in school and realized that she has only a month to get herself right with the world before graduation. Can you believe it?

All else is well. Aunt Angie seems to be doing well. Just when we thought the weather was going to break...old man winter is coming back.

So glad to hear you are doing so well. Did I mention to you that I have a friend, Gloria Aranda (saint of our parish) keeping you in her prayers. She was diagnosed with AML as well and is in remission and feeling great. She said she would pray for you. She is incredible ( @ 75 ) and they told her that she had acute AML and a transplant would not be an option. Looks like someone intervened for her. Thank goodness. Now she can work on you.

Miss you. Really would like to come east this summer but not sure when. Mom should see her sisters. There was some talk out of Easton of them coming for Mere's party. I would be thrilled.

Hugs and Kisses. :) COD Eileen

4/03/2007 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie! I was just scrolling down my "favorites" list and realized I hadn't checked your blog in awhile - I am SO, SO happy to read that you are doing well! Did I miss the cruise and cosmos?

I do regret that I missed the information about the blood drive -what a wonderful rally of support!

I hope you have an amazing Easter with your family and that Christian and Emma still get to wear something cute despite the ridiculously cold temps. My boys will need winter coats for the egg hunt tomorrow, and I don't think the sandals I had planned for Sunday are going to cut it.

Hugs and love to you!
Janet (i had to publish this anonymously because I can't remember my password???)

4/06/2007 8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to all of the family!

Love COD Eileen, Dave, Mere, Colin, Bee and Aunt Angie

PS...we're expecting 19 as our low for tonight. Brrrrr! I hope the Easter Bunny still comes.

4/07/2007 10:19 PM  

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