Tuesday, March 27, 2007

WOW !!!!!!

Wow!!!! My blog has not been accessable for several weeks now and Jess has had to post for us from D.C.. I've missed blogging and today i read the most recent posts and thought I'd give it a go and here i am i think. I'll probably type for an hour and then it won't go anywhere. So how are all of you doing ? Beach Betty, I can't wait to see your new grandson at the beach this summer. It's rite around the corner. For all you folks with highschool seniors graduation and college are around the corner. (Laura, Carolyn, Meredith, Patrick and hopefully I'm not forgetting anyone).
I'm feeling good again after nearly a month of fevers before and after the gall bladder surgery. After numerous blood tests I just felt something was wrong and i asked if they could do a chest x-ray and sure enough I had pneumonia. About a week after starting the antibiotic i felt like a new woman. Then last week I had a bone marrow biopsy . Not too bad because Dr. Porter did it and was in and out in about 4 min. And I am still in REMISSION. Thank You Jesus !!!!!! The down side of that is that Dr. Porter thinks we should sieze the moment and do another bone marrow transplant. (same donor...differant chemo with three days of total body radiation) Well i said no thank you to that because i just cannot spend another 6-9 weeks in the hospital this soon. I feel like I'm just getting better and i need a break. SSSOOOOOOO we planned a family vacation to Fla. Palm Beach to a brand new resort/spa that is opening in April(i hope on time cause we are going on April 24th). So I am trying to enjoy every day and am looking forward to Easter because we are all meeting at the beach and having breakfast with the easter bunny and going to a huge easter egg hunt and just enjoy being together.

The big blood drive is this weekend and a HUGE THANK YOU to those who signed up to donate and to those who already donated close to your homes. It really is the gift of life. A BIG BIG THANK YOU to Mo and Bonnie for all thier hard work signing people up. Please remember to drink plenty of fluids (the non alcohloic kind) the day before and for the ladies especially eat high iron foods this week, like red meats and leafy green vegtables.

Well i will close now, but not before thanking you all again for the cards that continue to come every day (Hallmark stock must be on the rise). Thank you for all the phone calls and blogs and prayers. They are working !!!!! I will write again next week to let you know how the drive went.
I pray you and your families are well.
Love to you all,Debbie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing much better. I'm glad to hear it! Enjoy Easter at the shore and Palm Beach too. I love it there. Tell Joe to hide your charge cards. The shopping is great but expensive. It's like Rodeo Drive only on the east coast.
Take care,

3/27/2007 6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....your doing spring break in florida.. you go girl.... so happy you are feeling up to it, have a great time....good luck this weekend with the blood drive.. im sure it will be a success!..and keep some cash handy in case you need to "tip" the pool boy... mdf

3/27/2007 8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! So glad you're finally feeling better and able to travel. Hope you have a great time! Sorry I can't make it to the blood drive. I was looking forward to it, but Jim went and made plans. :( We'll be in Maryland that day, hiking with the dog (he's now 110.6 lb. @ 9 mo. old). There's an organized pack hike that day with weigh-ins and everything. Never knew there were pack titles for dogs. Even tho' I didn't want a dog, I must admit he's a great pet. Our last obedience class is this Friday & we're doing pretty well. I took him to the lake on Sunday. It was packed, but he was pretty well-behaved. We passed a girl in a wheeochair and she was so thrilled to pet him. The look on her face brought tears to my eyes and really affirmed that I need to do therapy work with him. Hafta' wait til he's two, tho'. Well, gotta go make Jim's dinner and do dishes before work. Prayers continue, as always. And again, have a great time in Fla.! Love, Mussie

3/28/2007 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie:

Missed not hearing your voice. I am typing today above my detach garage as my internet is down in the house so out here I can tap into the dish directly. Oh the internet. What did we ever do before it.

Mere and Dave are in Honduras. They return this weekend. I am sure they are having a great time. I sure miss them.

I should tell you that Mere in her role of STUCO pres held their annual blood drive before she left and they had 84 kids give blood. I thought that was fabulous. Mere and me were out of the loop as we had that whole Honduras thing in the not so recent past. We talked about you that day as well.

The boys are great. Right now Colin is at track and Bee is at our neighbors fishing. We have had some fine weather this week.

Got your card and am still hoping to talk to you soon. Mom is getting better each day but has gotten a bit of congestion of late that has made her stay in a bit. Spring can't come soon enough for her.

I am fine. Getting a little weepy at the thought of my graduate. What a big step for Dave and I! I am so old. So much for being the baby of the Crispino clan.

Take care...have to finish making dinner.

Miss you to pieces....hi to all

COD Eileen

3/28/2007 5:52 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chiz-

Just checking in after returning from my road trip...glad to hear all is well (REMISSION! YEAH!)and that your plans for a trip to the sun are coming together.

Hope to see you tomorrow.

Happy belated birthday, sweetie. Hope you are still celebrating!


3/30/2007 7:42 AM  

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