Friday, October 13, 2006

Weekly Update

Dear Fods,

Sorry for not posting sooner, but there is simply no time. We are at HUP now and have been here for about 4 hours. We are down for blood and platelets and they ran out of platelets today -- so the platelet ration is about 50% of what Debbie should have received. Hopefully, it will get us through the weekend. Her WBC is up to 10.4 but platelets are very low @ 4. HBG is 9.4 and they are running a unit of blood now.

We were here all day on Tuesday getting blood and platelets and met with Porter about the back pain. Didn't learn anything about the pain then and Debbie has had an MRI of her spin on Thursday and today in Harleysville. We brought the films with us and maybe we will learn something later today when we see Dr. Porter, who is now 1 hour late.

Debbie is still in major back pain but is learning how to move to minimize the pain. She is eating and drinking just a little and it is a constant battle to get her to do both. She remains heavily medicated and sleeps most of the day and all of the night. She is asleep now in the chair, which helps her to pass the HUP time. While some of these hours of sleep are probably still related to her sleep deprivation, I think a lot of them are drug related now.

Thanks to all for your help. We have good coverage next week and Jessie will keep everyone posted on visiting needs. Debbie does need constant surveillance, but really cannot "visit" like she would like to. She cannot prepare any food and is not allowed to eat anything that was prepared outside of the house. She is typically up for 4 hours between 10 and 3, takes a nap and then is ready for a little dinner, bath, bandage change, port flush and bed by 8. Hopefully, someone will get a handle on the pain and she will be able to cut back on the meds. I think then that she will start to feel better.

Thanks for all of your cards and blogs. The cards she can read -- she is too sleepy to look at the computer.

Debbie sends her love to all.

P.S. After our long wait, Dr. Porter came into the room and told us that the MRI didn't show anything abnormal. That is good in that there is no serious structural damage to the spine nor is there an absess. The bad news is that there is not going to be any quick fix. As Dr. Porter said it, "you have a bad back." Like we did not know that already! Since Debbie slept most of yesterday -- they are going to adjust her pain medication so that she is not so tired all the time. Debbie will go back down again on Monday for more platelets. Nurse Edie from Roanoke will go with her for the day trip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God you posted something - was getting worried that something happened. Tell Debbie to get that strength back - The prayers are back on heavy now - Our thoughts are with your whole family. Keep that faith going - Deb, you have so many prayers coming your way - They will work - Love Shelly

10/13/2006 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for thinking of us joe, i honestly don't know how you are juggling all of your duties. please reassure debbie that when she is ready, we are all lined up. until then please give her a kiss for me. kathi

10/13/2006 5:41 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie and all the T's
Thank you so much for posting, keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers... relief has got to come soon.

Lots of love visitor alison.

10/13/2006 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post on Debbie. We know that you are very busy at this time. Please let us know if you need help. I am available to take Debbie to HUP and sit and wait with her. I can clean and help with dinner too.
Give her a kiss for us.

Kevin and Donna (215 652-5937)

10/13/2006 6:58 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

note to Beth et al,
If you are a match to Debbie's blood you can designate your blood to be donated directly to Debbie. The procedure is contact HUP shoot we were bounced around several departments before we got the right person.. I will try to look for notes. You have to get "label" signed by HUP to bring to the Red Cross that feeds HUP (it's in downtown Philly, I know it should be in HUP but they moved!!) and the blood will be processed within a couple of days. You get Debbie's patient number/details from HUP to make sure it goes to her. Sounds complicated but it's not once you find the right department, the girls name was Jessica I can't remember her last name or the final department we went to (my mind was blown at that point in time). If I find her card I'll post the details. I'm sure the same procedure would apply to platelets. They will use the blood product on someone else if Debbie doesn't need it by it's "use by" date. Great thing to do - I'm AB neg if that helps... Jessie can you let us know if this is a possibility I know all FODs would love to help and this is a way some of us could.

Lots and lots of love. Alison

10/13/2006 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I'm so sorry to hear that you are still spending so much time at HUP. Can we donate blood or anything? Is that what you mean when you said Aunt Debbie needed platelets and they were low? I'm O Positive if that's the case and would be happy to donate. With all of the people on this blog, there's definitely no shortage of blood!!!!

It looks at this point like we'll be on strike Monday. If you need any help, I'd be happy to help. Hang in there!

10/13/2006 7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Joe:

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day, all day. Can't wait until you're feeling better and we can sit with a cup of tea and tell stories.


10/14/2006 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb and Joe,
The fact that HUP did not have enough platelets for Deb is totally ridiculous! Beth is absolutely correct, you and Debbie have an army of FODs behind her - willing to do whatever Deb needs - blood, platelets, cleaning, food, "Debbie sitting".
Please know that you guys are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Love you both, Paul and Barb

10/14/2006 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,or should I say Honeys, you are all sweet honeys(sp?) and doing an unbelievable job...cheers and prayers and good things coming your way... God knows you need "good things", wherever "they" may be hiding!!Debs, you are a REAL TROOPER, to say the least..I cannot even imagine the strength you have, going down to HUP 3X/ wk,and sitting there waiting for them to help you...there must be a better way honey??? I KNOW YOU WILL GET BETTER...yikes YOU ARE SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU WERE LAST WEEK AT THIS TIME....try to keep that in your brain...BABY STEPS,BABY STEPS,BABY ARE doing IT (even if it does seem like slow motion)....try to relax,and remember ,in afew more weeks you will be even stronger than you are now...YOU WILL DO IT, YOU WILL DO IT!!!! Thanks again for the posting...I think it would be easier on you all if you tell everyone a specific day that you will post (unless something is wrong)...then we will not worry that something IS wrong ....that may work think it the meantime take care you all and God Bless (He is still with you,of this I have no doubt!!) Love and Hugs XXOO :)Bev

10/14/2006 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe;
So good to hear from you.
Just want you to know we are thinking about you.
I keep praying and want you to know I love you all.
Your Aunt Angie

10/14/2006 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
We're glad to read that the MRI didn't show anything unusual, but the sad fact is that "bad backs" do take a long while to heal. Hopefully they are able to adjust the medication so that it deadens the pain but allows Debbie to be more alert. How can "a teaching hospital" run out of platelets?. Hopefully the amount that they were able to give will suffice for the weekend. Bob (& Bobby), Rick (& Shane)are up at "Happy Valley" for tonights' game with Michigan. They were able to park next to each other on the macadam lot but they will have had a long day since they left at 6:30 AM for the 8:00 PM game. We've checked in with them on occasion & they seem to have been enjoying the day thus far. We're also wondering how Mike's knee is doing with the PT that he's been? You're always in our thought & prayers, Love, Mom & Dad

10/14/2006 6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, can they cut back on the oral pain meds, and maybe give you an occasional epidural shot? that is what my next door neighbor does for his back, and he's had surgeries, etc..when my back is bad, i find first rest, then just when it starts to feel better, i start walking again,trying to strenghthn it up.. it's no wonder you're back is sore with all the time in the hospital..
no you are still weak, but im happy about your wbc count.. you probably don't feel like it, but it does sound like your health is coming back..
Hang tough deb..start to eat as much as you can(isn't that music to your ears)and take it slowly with the pain meds.. hopefully once you wean yourself from them, you'll start to feel somewhat better..
love, mdf

10/14/2006 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting. I can only imagine how hectic things must be fore you. If I can do anything, just let me know.

I'm glad the MRI didn't show anything abnormal, but sorry that the pain persists. I have a bad back too so I know what it's like. Thank God for the cortisone shots! Hope you can get some rest and that Deb's pain starts to ease up. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.


10/15/2006 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Sunday afternoon and I was just thinking about you.

Hope you are feeling just a little bit better today.

xoxo Your Friend Donna

10/15/2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
Just another hello, to wish you well.. thinking of you, lots of love, visitor alison

10/15/2006 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

Just thinking of you and hoping you're starting to feel better. Good luck tomorrow at Penn. Hope they have all the platelets you might need, and that it all goes smoothly. You continue to be in our prayers.

We love you, Mo and Bob

10/15/2006 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Family:

Dave and I have returned from his business boondoggle. Could get you and all these worries off my mind! I had hoped to see you more alert and feeling better but that isn't the case.

What can we do for you? I am hoping that the card with the kids pictures in it arrived. As luck would have it another of Bee's came after I sent it. I am repeating myself from another day.

Good news for Colin...he has now played two consecutive weeks on Varsity. Both times on the O-line. He is happy about that. Two more JV games and then districts for varsity start this weekend with the first being our homecoming game.

Excitement for the princess is mounting. We have settled on a dress for the dance...and outfit for the parade and now it's just the one for the game. Sounds like it may be cool for the game. But better that than so hot and dressing for fall. We will 16 Seniors here for the pre-dance dinner. That should be fun. Colin will be at Shannons for dinner.

Debbie...remember 07 will be our alternate year for the shore so lets get you better so we can celebrate my first high school graduate and our 20th anniversary.

Hugs and Kisses...Your cousin Eileen

10/15/2006 10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, Put me on the list to help out when needed. I am off on Mondays and Fridays. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love Cathy

10/16/2006 11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted to tell you that I saw a red-headed woodpecker this am, like you were talking about...he was much bigger than the little black and white ones that I've seen all summer...and boy was he making a racket. He had a great breakfast..must have a very big pec...ahem...very big beak.

Hope everythings going smoothly in the tower for you today. Is Edie up for a while? I'm around this week if you need me. Thinking of you always.

Love, Mo

10/16/2006 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debs and Crew,just a quick post to let you know we are still here and counting the days til you feel yourself again!!!IT WILL HAPPEN ,of this I'm sure..I hope your weekend was least you got to see some sunshine on your walk to the mailbox..maybe a goose or woodpecker or some such...I have giant bluejays,cardinals and a gorgeous bright yellow something or other (like a canary) they love to splash in the birdbath and I am totally mesmerized by their wild performances... I watch them from my kitchen, and will be truly sad when they take their leave for warmer climes..ah, the simple pleasures:) see you soon love and prayers and lots of smiley hugs :)Bev

10/16/2006 5:18 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dearest Debbie,
I have to admit I missed the 5pm conference call the last couple of days.. It's not that I'm not thinking of you all the time, but the last week I've been in and out of a local hospital visiting my dear friend Linda. Thank you to all the FODs who have prayed/ sent positive energy/ wishes her way. Linda is just like Debbie brave as all fexKing hxll.. (I'm being respectful of Aunt & Mom & Dad).. and as I snuck past the "guard" on unoffical visit hours I realised while it is so important for me to "visit" when I can...(in your case Debbie I visit through cyber space!!)... it's important to ME because I need people, I get energy from people and boy I know that I would be lifted by lots of visitors.. I think Debbie & the T's have found a new way to direct "positive healing".. and this blog site it evidence of it. Dearest Debbie, I understand more than you can imagine, and I can not wait until I meet you.. sorry for missing the conference call.. but I think it might be time to combine our efforts again FODs et all.. so the next person to blog (that reads mine) pick another time for a group "request" and another song.. and we will play it for you Debbie.. (I know Mo, Meg, Bev, Donna x 2, Rick, Dr. Bob, Eileen x 2 and all... can think of something) Debbie catch a great big hug.. lots of love

10/17/2006 12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie:

Today started with mass at a small church in the country. St. Ann's in Clover Bottom. It's about a 20 minute drive from our house. It was a faculty day of prayer which usually those of us in Development do not attend but all things happen for a reason.

It happened to be the Feast of St. Helwig. Why they didn't give her a more feminine name I am not sure but she was one that put others first and I couldn't help but think of you all during mass. I forgot to mention that she was a mother first before "doing the work of the Lord".

This workshop was designed to help us see what the personalities of our co-workers are and how we can better communicate with them when we know their "style". I would imagine many of our "scores" would be the same.

The conference ended 15 minutes before Bee got out of classes and Colin had football (the high school of course was off). Mere had agreed to pickup whomever if I didn't get out in time. I jumped in my car and of course it is raining as it had been all day. But I might add it hadn't in way over a month or maybe two.

My cell phone was beeping when I got in the car and I returned the call to Mere to find her in tears and in a ditch on the side of the road. She and Colin were fine. This would be her first road mishap and she was beside herself. Someone was watching over them as I hear them replay the "hydroplaning" details. They were so lucky that no one was around. As luck would have it and we returned home from the dealership after depositing her vehicle there and picking up a rental (I forgot to mention that my car went haywire today as well), a box was in the mailbox from Mere's host family in Lansdale from the Student Council Convention of last summer and in it was her favorite bear that she had left behind. What timing! At 17 that made all the difference in the world.

So I am heading off to bed with all three kids safely tucked in bed. Thanking St. Helwig et al for once again taking care of everyone in my life.

Hope when you read this you will once again be assured that you mean the world to so many ... many you may not know, may not remember (through years of being an "other carer") and some of those you will come to know. You are our rock Deb!

Hugs and Kisses...A very thankful COD Eileen

10/17/2006 2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry V.A. glazed over the song request and also saw that folks are getting in line to help...put me on a list. You know me I will catch the first plane and find you despite detours on ... what the heck is that road that was under contruction and it dead ended at the antique store. COD ~ E

10/17/2006 2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

Thinking of you. Hope things are looking up with the pain in your back. Work is a bit better this week. Been able to leave by 6pm or so instead of 8pm and going home and working until midnight. I know Trixie is much happier for that. Donelle and Julie send their hello's. Mom does also. She ask's for you every day.
Joe and kids, just want to say you are all awesome. Work does not leave much time to offer help during the day on any regular basis, but if you are really in a bind for a driver to HUP or in need of grocery shopping or any other errands please let me know. I do have a some vacation days left.
Love, hugs, and prayers

10/17/2006 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. girldles,, what ever happended to girdles.. do they still make them? could sure use one these days, the combination of walking and indulging in ice cream isn't cutting it anymore.. my aunt was named aunt flip flop cause apparently she didn't wear a girdle and her fanny "flipped and flopped".. see the traditional continuing..
homecoming week out here.. monday was music monday.. patrick sang " Sexy's Back" to the school, yesterday was carnival day.. and today is wacky wednesday.. patrick is going to school dressed as a pumpkin, and mark as a cow! tomorrow patrick has to be at school around 3:30 am to decorate, mark takes off to az for a baseball tournament..
our puppy found the side of our new couch the other day! do you think it would look tacky to duct tape it??
well, no mention of health or pain in this blog.. wanted to send you a pain free, healthy one.. but dont worry, the prayers are still heading your way.. .love, mdf

10/18/2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Checking in today and could have sworn that I posted yesterday - I did. Just on the wrong day. Criminy!

Thinking of you like crazy again today, Chizzie. Especially with today's Daily Word that seems to be tailored made for all FOD's, COD's and ROD's. (see previous blog comments for yesterday's - that one seemed to speak to you, honey.)

God guides me in supporting others in healing, caring ways.

Healing Support

When a friend or relative is in need of healing, I may wonder what my most effective role is in his or her experience. I pray, and then I’m guided in the best ways of offering assistance, encouraging words, or a caring touch.

If the situation were reversed, I know the kind of reassurance I would want from another: I am here for you. I can be present with someone without dwelling on the negatives in his or her experience. God guides me to recognize needs and how I can be of help.

Whatever the condition, I want others to know I care about them and support their healing. I want them to feel free to express whatever they need to say or do to find comfort or relief. With the support of my understanding words and actions, I acknowledge the healing life of God within them and the healing that has already begun.

“But only speak the word, and let my servant be healed.”—Luke 7:7

10/18/2006 12:56 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
Just got done the conference call. Prayers & hugs your way. I did think of you when I was at Cindi Lauper concert last night, holding my lighter up in the air.. singing "time after time"... and then when myself and my friend went wild for "girls just wanna have fun"... Cindi is looking good in her punk short hair do.. nifty in her fiftys...

Lots of love, visitor alison.

10/18/2006 5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


thinking of you and hoping you're beginning to feel better. did you have to go downtown today I wonder? Hope it went well if you did. I'm going to Scranton tomorrow...moms cataract sx is Friday...i'll be back on the weekend and after that free as a bird so i can do anything you might need. I love you so much, carrying you in my heart even though we don't talk. Praying for you daily. Hope you'll call if you need anything.

Love, Mo

PS to Miss Kris,

Thank you for sharing todays daily word. It meant a lot in so many ways.

10/18/2006 9:31 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Better times are on the way,
just hang in for another day,
and if a day seems to long to bare,
sit a while in a comfy chair
and take a moment to complain,
for it is not fair you have such pain.
Then picture yourself on the beach,
It is all still within your reach...

Better times are on the way,
for it is what we all do pray,
Better times ae on the way.

10/19/2006 8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi honey bunny,you sound stronger and stronger as days go by ...good for you ..I knew you could do it,keep up the good work:),and work it is ,of this I'm sure..only YOU and your will do endure...I'm "on call" if you need ANYTHING ,don't hesitate:)Love :)Bev

10/19/2006 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well its friday, thank goodness, it has been a busy week.. patrick had senior day yesterday,, had to be at school around 4am to decorate and he worked on a project for his econ class and other homework till 2am,so he was exhausted.. but he and a friend did the saturday night live cheerleader skit in front of the whole school and did a great job. so that was fun for him.. Mark and tim are in az. for a baseball tournament this weekend..Im leaving work early today to wait for the "guy" to come fix my's been broken for the last week.. pros and cons with that.. i went to sam's club(like costco) and stocked up on choc. chip cookies, peanut m&m's and peanut brittle..
I sure hope you're feeling alot stronger these last few prayers are still going your way.. had a dream last night that we (all your fods) were sitting at a long long table , about a half a block long, eating a celebration dinner in your honor cause you were finally feeling well enough for it.. i remember in my dream i was a little annoyed cause i was sitting so far away from you i couldn't hear anything you were saying!ha.. Hope you have a great day!love, mdf

10/20/2006 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. Checking for the weekly update. I guess everyone is busy making sure you are well taken care of. I hope this message finds you in less pain and being able to eat more to get your strength up. I hope the reason for no posting is because they are busy caring for you, and not because you are not feeling well. The prayers are still coming your way. Enjoy the great fall days if you can. Think of you every day. Love Shelly

10/20/2006 4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb:

Just checking in before I get knee deep in Homecoming Dinner preparations here at the house.

Last night we had the pleasure of escorting Mere onto the football field. It was the best birthday present Dave could have asked for. Not to mention getting sung to along the parade route earlier in the day by the staff in our Development office at the high school. I will blog once I know the results of the crowning tonight. She is so over the whole dress up thing. Except I must say she is having the time of her life being in the limelight.

Almost forgot to mention that Colin saw some playing time last night in the varsity game. I think he did well and Dave confirmed that he did.

I too, like everyone else wonder how things are going at the house. I am hoping so much that each day you are seeing even the slightest improvement.

Just wishing there was something more I could do for you.

I will blog later about the coronation results.

Love to you and all the caregivers.

COD Eileen

10/21/2006 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb. im hoping your home , sitting on yor couch, watching football games with joe, not travelling back and forth getting blood drawn,or getting platlets.. I know you all are so busy, so, do not take this the wrong way, i don't want to bother any of you, you already share so much with us.. but to the fods.. if any of you have talked with deb this week, i would love to hear how she is doing.. could you email me at i would love to hear from one of the fods.. thank you.. mdf

10/21/2006 3:17 PM  

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