Sunday, October 01, 2006

Dare I say it???

When I arrived at HUP around 1700 mom was up in her chair yapping with the nurse and the CNA and I thought, well this is something I haven't seen in awhile...It was ten minutes before I noticed they had disconnected her IV! She is completely pole-free! Now of course, they have to use the pole for blood products, which mom received today - and if she does not hold up her end of the bargain (read: EAT!) they will have to reconnect the TPN. For now she's enjoying her freedom.

We are cruising the hallways a bit, which is much less cumbersome without the pole, and all the nurses are marveling at how great mom looks. The walks wear her out and seem to bring on more spasms, although in the long run, the movement will help.

Earlier today, pain control decided to UP mom's Fentinol patch from 100 mcg/hr to 150
mcg/hr. Mom did not even remember them moving the patch and adding a new one - Dad, Joe and Alison were visiting during that time. Like all of our visits these last few days, Mom is fuzzy on who's been visiting and never remembers us leaving. She will call us about an hour after leaving asking us if we were there and if we said goodbye.

Mom continues to fall asleep mid-sentence and wakes herself up while gabbing in her sleep. I think they are still trying to tweak her pain medication - I hope they get it right soon. They want to keep her comfortable despite these killer back spasms that come along with a deep breath, and twist or turn, or just from lying still.

Dad packed up a lot of mom's room today in preparation for pending discharge. The abdominal ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow AM - but again, this is HUP time. The oxygen is still handy for when mom needs a lift, but she is using it sparingly now. They plan to send a tank home for our comfort but we may not need it. We just finished a couple of laps and mom's pulsox (sp?) was 97 without the o2!

If the planets align tonight, and we can all do a little voodo dance, we may be able to sneak mom outta here late tomorrow or definitely on Tuesday. Things need to run smoothly tomorrow and we know how that can go. We're prepared either way but keeping our fingers crossed that tonight could be mom's last night at HUP. We are all ready for her to come home! Her counts are even rallying for a grand exit - ANC is 1100 and WBC is 1.4! We will keep you posted on how things play out tomorrow.

Lots of love to you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have already started my voodoo dance and have my fingers crossed that tomorrow is the big day! I'm so glad you are here helping her. You're a wonderful daughter. You have all been wonderful. I will fall asleep tonight praying that tomorrow night, you will all be home and that all the results are positive. You all so deserve it!!
Aunt Jeanne

10/01/2006 7:59 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...


Great counts!

This is one witchy woman doing the voodoo pole dance!

Mangia, mangia my friend.

Hope the pain meds get tweaked and that you start feeling less fuzzy, honey.

I love you Chizzie.


10/01/2006 8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I hope you have a nice big boom box to play "I'm comin' out" when you leave HUP. I hope you get the BMB results soon and the ultrasound is done in unusually fast HUP fashion. I'm sure you're next post will be from HOME!!!! Just have to force down some food.
Buena Suerte!
Jenn Kelleher

10/01/2006 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Yippee! Now you're talking! I bet you can't wait to get back home. I can't even begin to fathom being away that long. Keep up the good work.

As promised today we made Nonnie cookies. We started around 12 after Bee and I went to early mass since he had to serve, breakfast at his favorite family owned restaurant and a trip to Walmart to make sure we had all the ingredients for the Nonnie cookies.

Picked up Aunt Angie around 11:15 and just took her's 8:15...she should sleep soundly tonight.

Dave, Mere and Colin hit the later mass as Dave and Colin went turkey hunting early this morning (the turkeys live another day) and Mere wanted to sleep in a bit.

I read the blog to Aunt Angie and we danced a little jig at the thought of you returning to Tennis Way.

On the edge of my seat to hear about the BMB. The ultrasound will no doubt give you the info you need to work on the womanly mess that has come about with all the treatments you have had.

Will keep you as always in my thoughts throughout the day tomorrow...awaiting any new news.

Colin has a JV game but I will check in in between all the activities here.

Mere as we speak is on the couch once again delaying the start of her essay for college applications. She just is so not wanting to do it. I keep reminding her that I will get off her back once she gets them done. You would think that would be incentive enough.

Keep walking and talking...and eat girlfriend.

Love you lots...COD Eileen

10/01/2006 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Deb & Family:

Thank you, Jessie, for sending word. Thank you, Walid, for sending Jessie.

Thank you, Joe, for constant love & support.

Thank you, HUP, for allowing her to come home.

We'll turn the page with a smile & great anticipation & await what we can do next.

As always, Love to All, Lee-Lee

10/01/2006 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... It sounds like you are on the right path now Deb! Maybe when they control the pain med better, you will get your appetite back!
Been a busy weekend, so im going to bed now, but wanted you to know im thinking about you and saying prayers for good bmb results..
Jesse, thank you for the great blog.. I bet your dad has enjoyed the break from it for awhile also!
i also hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow.. love, mdf

10/02/2006 1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb, so thankful that things are heading in the right direction. And, to be home -- it must seem like the most wonderful thing. I hope you will be feeling well enough for phone calls shortly, as I need to hear your voice. You are awesome, as well as your family! Take care, rest and hope you are heading home soon. Love, Cheryl (Crone)

10/02/2006 6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, ANC and WBC way to go... Deb we are dancing up a storm, my feet are moving as fast as they can( admitedly not that fast but at this point it's surely the thought that counts!!)The next two days are going to be beautiful and sunny, so even the the Good Lord is on your side...he has his eyes and ears on you ...and you'll emerge from your cocoon there to a wonderful fall day, crisp and shiney ..I'm sooo happy and excited for you ...keep up the eating and "yapping" (good for the soul).Cheers for the whole T-crew ,what a great job of taking care of you, truley acts of unselfish ,undaunted ,and inspiring are all our hearts and prayers..(last nite at "THE HOUR" MY whole crew paid tribute and lifted a glass of the bubbly to you all) God bless!! Love and Hugs XX OO :)Bev

10/02/2006 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessie.

I'm so happy that you could be here with your mom. I am reasearching the best voodoo dances online so that we have the best/immediate results : ) Let me know how it works! I'm happy to hear that your mom's counts have improved and that she is nearing the end of her stay an HUP! Hopefully the docs can figure out the back spasms and pain meds so that she can come home and really be comfortable. I hope you and your little ones (who probably aren't so little anymore) are doing well. Please tell Walid that Bob and I said hi!


10/02/2006 11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news - The prayers are coming and i'll even doo the voodoo dance - we are all pulling for you Deb. Come home and enjoy the beautiful weather outside. Our fingers are crossed. Love ya.
shelly geib

10/02/2006 1:22 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dearest Debbie & all the T's...

WOW what wonderful news, I could not be happier that to hear you are on the home stretch. Sorry I haven't been posting...! I was in Vermont on a long weekend with my hubby a well needed break from all the stresses of this year. It was lovely. The Inn we stayed in was out of this world and we enjoyed the Fall Foilage absolutely lovely. I brought my laptop on the pretense that we might need it for sight seeing things! hoping to sneak a view at the blog site. Well the powers that be obviously knew better and I couldn't get any connection all weekend. Until Saturday night when I tried and as I clicked on the internet icon I said, please god, I need to know Debbie's doing OK, that's all I want. Swear to you Debbie your website popped up on one click I read Jessie's post, went to leave a blog and I had no internet connection again! I smiled, thanked his nibs for a prayer answered and decided not to test him any further for the weekend. As soon as I got home I ran into our desktop to check out your progress... so now we are dancing for you!! no problem.. this little light of mine (wiggle, wiggle) I'm going to let it shine....

Hope you get the right dosage of pain meds soon... lots and lots of love, visitor alison

10/02/2006 3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
What a great blog!!- Good numbers, no IV loops, & as they say in the space center "all systems are go!!!. We are just delighted for all of you; you've all done your part, now just a bit of eating, & maybe it'll be "Tennis Way, here we come"!! It will be difficult for you all to adjust being home, but we're sure that you will give it "all you got!! Hopefully the staff will adjust the amount of pain medications so that Debbie will be comfortable all of the time. The counts look good with the wbc climbing 50% from the last blog & the ANC about 30%. We'll be anxiously awaiting to see the next blog - may be with it even being posted from Tennis Way. Love, Mom & Dad.

10/02/2006 3:59 PM  

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