Saturday, October 28, 2006

Baby Steps...

Hello dearest FODs,

I got myself a typist so you may actually be able to read and understand this blog. The night I typed the last post, I was too tired to check the spelling. When I read it later I didn't even understand what I was trying to say. Jessie is here to pamper me for the last three days so she is typing in nanoseconds.

I guess things are slowly improving. As usual, we spent three days (M-W-F) down at HUP. Monday and Wednesday we got out in about five hours each, not too bad. I just needed platelets on Monday. Thank you to the rides from Ron and Mary and Kris. Friday Jessie took me and it seemed like a really long day but it was a productive day. We got lots of labs done, received some platelets, saw Dr. Porter, got a flu shot and a shot of Procrit, and most importantly, went to interventional radiology and had the tube removed from my gall bladder. Thank God it didn't hurt at all.

Dr. Porter had lots to say, still trying to get me off these narcotics. These narcotics are making me weepy I've decided. I'm on a tenth of what I was taking but I'm still very sleepy. Unfortunately, as I've been weening off the pain meds, the back agony has returned. So we have to balance the meds. I've also started something to help digestion because I'm still battling the nausea and it is difficult to eat. I'm eating better than I was even a week ago. I manage to hold down dinner and and maybe a small breakfast so that is a great improvement from nothing at all. Can you believe that Dr. Porter wants me to start in-house physical therapy because I'm so weak and deconditioned? I have an exercise program I'm supposed to do and I'm supposed to walk around the cul-de-sac twice a day. Believe me it is harder than it sounds! I need Joe or one of the kids to walk with me. I think I am getting stronger since now I am able to eat a little bit.

I feel like such a baby. It must have been those last four weeks in the hospital that did me in. I keep telling you that I have little memory of the last week in the hospital and the first two weeks at home. I'm still flaky but can manage to throw dinner together. That's about all I do.

Hoping that all is well with you, your lives sound busy as usual. I love hearing what goes on on a daily basis in your homes. Betty from the beach, congratulations on being a grandmother - isn't it the best? Donna, Chuck, and Wyatt, it is so nice to hear from you and receive your cards. I think of you guys often too and I'm still praying for your situation. I hope you got some nice weekends on the beach - we always seem to miss the Fall. Beth, hope you had a good weekend down the shore with your girlfriends - girl weekends are always the best. Eileen, glad your life is slowing down with the kids. Football season sounded like fun. Good luck with the college decisions for Mere and congratulations for being on the homecoming court! Aunt Angie, I love you, I love you! To all else who continue to write and stay so loyal to me, I want you to know that when I'm having my crazy crying moments, I keep telling myself how blessed I am to have you all as friends and I just need to pick up the phone. So now it's getting to the point that if I'm sad I think of your support and I can talk myself into feeling better most of the time.

Hoping to manage just one visit to HUP this week. The visiting nurse is coming on Monday. If my labs are OK (50/50 chance), they are going to let me wait until Friday to come down. I also see an OB/GYN at HUP on Friday so we will visit the clinic before that visit. We shall see. Hope all is well with you. Enjoy the football and windy Fall weather. I'll write again when there is news to report. I love you guys more than you know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding..the sad thing is that I had no problem reading your last blog...but thanks to Jess for typing this one more clearly. made me cry....remember...we also get strength from you as well. Love you Debbie...It was good to hear your voice again.

Big Hug! COD Eileen

10/28/2006 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Don't worry about the typos in your last post. I saw I had one too. Yes, I think being a grandmother is wonderful. It's so cool to see Adam as a dad. He's so good at it so far. It sounds like you are doing better. I'm really rooting for you. It's a lot of work for all of you and I'm so glad you have friends to help your family out. I just got back from a baby show somewhere on the mainline. Of course we did stop for my favorite drink besides Diet Coke so hopefully this note makes sense. Take care. Keep improving!

10/28/2006 6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you Deb. Your spirit is amazing! It sounds like there are many people helping you, please know you can count on me. It seems like it was just yesterday when I stopped by with the kids on Halloween and you were telling me you didn't feel right. What a wild ride this past year has been for you! Life with the boys is very busy. Carter is playing his guitar in church tomorrow, "Amazing Grace" He thinks he is so cool. Hayden is at Hopwood in the 3yr. old class, his teacher says he needs to work on his "personal space" during circle time......My thoughts are with you and I am so happy that you are home enjoying the Fall weather. XXOO Jenny

10/28/2006 9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb & Joe
Hi. I stumbled onto your blog accidently about a month ago. It's taken awhile to go thru the archives. Needless to say, I've been floored by what you all have had to go through. It seems so long ago and at the same time it seems like it was only yesterday that we were young, carefree and stupid teenagers.
Been living in Orlando for a few years now. Married, divorced and raising two kids.....ready for this.... a boy 17 and a girl 11. Working for Pepsi. Playing guitar still. Ready for another shock.....playing guitar for two different Baptist Church praise and worship bands. You guys have people praying for you that don't even know you down here. And someone who does.
Through all I've done, all I've won and all I lost I still have all the pictures I took when we we're in school. From the pictures I've seen linked on you site you two don't look much different. I look more and more like my dad every day. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I'm happy things are getting better for you. I'm happy to see you guys and so many of my old friends together still after so many years.
If anyone wants old pictures of them or possibly anyone else drop a line. I'm scanning everything I have. Joe in his military jacket and hard guy stance (B&W) is a hoot.
My love and prayers to all

10/28/2006 9:18 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
What a wonder you are.. incredible, we are all so proud of you. I know I will carry your courage with me forever and when I need to pull myself through a bad day I will think of your journey and your strength.

Delighted that your baby steps are working wonders.

Lots of love visitor alison.

10/28/2006 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie ~
You sound wonderful on your blog.

Just wondering..... if you walked with the wind at your back, would that get you around the cul-de-sac faster? Today the winds are at 50 miles per hour. You could speed walk around that neighborhood and get home to see the EAGLES!

Love you,
Donna Tea Bags

10/29/2006 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Miss Deb and loyal typist Jessie,

I don't think any of us cared if you wrote the blog in hieroglypics! Waking up and being able to read a blog from you is better than a box of distlefink donuts! Be careful as you navigate the cul de sac of tennis way today, that wind is sounding so strong it may pick you up and deposit you in the biggest longaberger basket known to man. With the gallbladder plumbing out can you sit in the tub now? I hope that's the case b/c that warm womb of water [whew, alliteration at it's finest] may help your back pain. A little birdie told me that you made chicken cheese rolls the other night. If I had a nickle for every time you made that yummy dish for my family, we could have dinner for 4 at the mainland. That is a dish that everyone loves. I can see it in your pfaltgraf casserole dish. I am hoping for a warm, harvest moon night, maybe we can stroll tennis way. whaddya think. enjoy your family today. take joe up on one of those "good" puddings. love you and your chapsticked self.

10/29/2006 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for BIG steps! So glad things are starting to look up for you! Physical therapy sounds like it will be tough, but will make you feel better all around! (kinda like going to the gym- nobody wants to do it but you always feel good afterwards!) We're all so, so glad to hear from you again- and we all read the last blog just fine- but thanks for the clear typing anyway :)
We continue to send our happiest thoughts your way! Bundle up for those walks around the neighborhood!
Love from all of us,
The Booth Family

10/29/2006 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. do jeans shrink in the closet if you don't wear them for about 6 months? it is so interesting and frustrating to see my body morph.. anyway, deb..they gave my sis home p.t does help.. i would imagine walking the cul-de-sac, then the block, etc etc will help also.. it takes time.. don't get discouraged.. if you feel discouraged, then look back on these blogs,and you'll see how much better you're doing now!
Mark and tim are off to notre dame on thursday.. if any of you bloggers out there have any suggestions for good places to eat, or see, please let me know..
Been working on college applications with patrick.then he and some friends went to marineworld for fright fest...not too much going on..
Can you eat hot fudge sundaes yet? they go down easily, and believe me, they can pack on the pounds(maybe that's why my jeans dont' fit).. anyway, keep your spirits up..your doing much better it sounds like.. love, mdf

10/29/2006 7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Debs ,sounds like your "baby steps" are more like ,leaps and bounds, good for you!!! Keep up the good work ( it'll really start to feel like work now), but I have no doubt that you can do whatever they throw at you, I'm so proud of you,and you inspire me more than you can ever know...walking the cul de sac twice no less ..YOU ARE AMAZING GIRL..God bless, let me know if you need ANYTHING AT ALL ANYTIME Love and hugs XX OO :)Bev

10/29/2006 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Every time I read your post I laugh with tears in my eyes. It's so good to know you're well enough to type by yourself. No problem reading it, cause, as the Cambridge study showed:

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

So glad you're doing better. Now, if you can just kick that back pain...

All's well here. The puppy is growing by leaps and bounds. He was 15 lb. when we brought him home 2 months ago. Now he's over 50! Cute as can be. Can't wait for the puppy teeth to fall out, though. Those suckers are sharp.

Going out to Santa Barbara to see Kate in 2 weeks. She's excited. I have a 5-day weekend off work and it sounds like it'll be a whirlwind. She's got all kinds of plans. Ever see that volvo commercial where the dad's putting his little girl in the car and she's talking non-stop. That's Kate when I'm on the phone with her.

I, too will be glad to help with whatever you guys need. (except Nov. 10-14) :)

Hang in there. It's tough, but you've proved you're tougher. And if you get discouraged, just remember: if you were a football team, you could still beat the Eagles.

Love and prayers continue, Mussie

10/30/2006 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you are finally beginning to be able to hold some nourishment down. That darn hypoglycemia will get ya! I know you are tired, but you know that PT will be so helpful in getting your strength back... and who knows, it might help alleviate some of that back pain! I hope each day gets a little better. Still praying for you and your family.
Jennifer Kelleher

10/30/2006 9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... Even thou my boys are 17 and 15, they still want to carve pumpkins, so i have to supervise that in a minute, but wanted to check in with you first..hope your day was alittle stronger than yesterday..I was busy at work, then came home to an accident by the puppy on the carpet, followed later by an upset stomach by him (he's 6 months old now) then i had to vacume up all the pieces of carpet that he chewed today, not to mention the water bottles he crushed.. oh, hey MUssie,,, has your sweet little puppy turned into devil dog yet? Where does your daughter live in santa barbara? goleta? isle vista? it's beautiful down there...
The boys are getting ready for the carving..sort of a dumb holiday if you asked me, although i do use it as an excuse to buy butterfinger bars, then hide them from trick or treaters so i can eat them later(like i need them)...
Patrick wants to have a shirt made that says.. " stay strong...(then on the back ) no freak dancing!".. this would be fine, except his principal really enforces no freak dancing,. and his name is Mr. Strong! ... Im waiting for the phone call....
deb, hope your back is better today.. ttly..mdf

10/30/2006 10:15 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
Still thinking & praying for you all the time.

I found an old e-mail today that made me chuckle so I thought I would retype it so it would make you (and all us FODs) feel better about the typos on this site!!!

"I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. the phaonmeneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Th rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tought slpeling was ipmorantt!!!"

So you see Debbie, we are all just very intelligent FODs that can read the word as a whole, so don't worry about the typos...! Hope you continue to improve every day.
Lots of love, Visitor Alison.

10/31/2006 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Halloween here at work! I know you and I agree about this annoying holiday. I did consent to dress up like a hobo - which is merely an excuse to wear jeans! Everyone is outside my office digging into the candy that I put out - it makes me sick to think about it. Ugh - Halloween! Whose handing out the candy at your house?
I have to tell you all about my trip to the roller derby on Sunday night - I know it will bring a smile to your face. It was like Richard and I had stepped onto another planet. We threw open the windows and cheered when we crossed the line into the suburbs.
I hope your feeling better, stronger and in less pain. I'll try to stop over and we can do a lap around the neighborhood.
Thanksgiving is around the corner. David is not coming home, but the girls will be home and we'll get together with my mom and my sister's family. I love that - I am instructed to bring the packaged goods - no cooking for me!
Miss you so much it hurts but I'll see you soon.

10/31/2006 5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trick or Treat!!! Hope you are enjoying the kids in costume tonight! It was a gorgeous day and we have to enjoy them now before the COLD sets in...Sierra is the cutest little witch and James is an adorable monkey and we are eating candy - so all is well here. Always sending prayers for your continued good progress(slow but sure wins the race)! Love, Trudy

10/31/2006 7:56 PM  

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