Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ICU Update

Dear Fod's

Our latest report (from Mike, the cleanup hitter tonight) is that Debbie is alert, walking when she can, and every bit still in the game! Joey went down early today and stayed with Debbie until around 2:00 PM when I arrived. He gave us multiple reports during the day and helped his Mom during some difficult spots. By the time I arrived, it seemed to me that the antibiotics had begun to take hold during the course of Joey's stay and that Debbie was still fighting and turning the corner on this infection.

During my stay, Debbie slept for the first hour or so and then became a little restless, had some back pain and seemed bloated to me. When I spoke with the Nurse, he explained to me that he thought that Deb had a urinary tract infection and that this was impeding her natural abilities. By his counts, she was positive 5 liters. Although Debbie tried, she was not very successful. Not to mention the fact that she is out in the "open" on a free standing comode!! Hopefully, this will turn around.

Debbie began to awaken during the end of my stay and they had her scheduled for a CAT scan of her abdomen. Deb was able to walk to the gurney and help the Transport staff to get her on and all hooked up for the trip down. Right on schedule, Mike arrived and was able to spell me and go down with the Transport team with Deb. As you have long since learned, the T's only travel these floors in pairs (it is an old Hungarian thing). We are awaiting the results of the CAT scan.

Mike said that Deb was doing well after the CAT scan, was not left to rot in the HUP halls, (because one of the T's was there), and was doing well as she drifted off to a well deserved sleep.

I will spend the day with Debbie tomorrow after a few "must do" European issues in the morning. We have two new movies to watch and, hopefully, she may be interested in an ice cream sandwich with the show.


Early this morning, when I first arrived in Debbie's ICU room and saw her with the high fever, her flushed face and being very uncomfortable, I noticed out of the side of my eye that the man in the room next to her was awake and watching television. He was a very big man and he was in obvious discomfort. There is a fogged glass window between the rooms and I noticed a poster on his side of the glass. It said "NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL" -- (raised golden helmut) -- and "WE ARE -- ND!" This was my sign, like when Joey was born in Memorial Hospital in South Bend. We are going to be OK.

When I came back this afternoon, the guy and the poster were gone and I did not ask where they went because they were there for us when we needed them.

Debbie is going to beat this!

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joe. I thank you for the information. You are right -- Deb will make it. She is a rock and has to be so proud of her family as they come together to love and care for her. She has made a point to make sure her family was the best. I commend and love you all. So glad you note the things that surely are signs (ND "stuff") -- I am more convinced every day that we are given signs. Love thee Notre Dame and all of you. Cheryl Crone

8/23/2006 9:01 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie & Joe,
I also know Debbie is going to make it.... catch a hug...

lots of prayers and hugs going your way.

Love visitor Alison

8/23/2006 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Teklits,

You are true fighter and champion!! Although I know this day was awful for you, you pull through like you always have. I pray for a smoother road ahead.. and the continued positive spirit that you and the family possess..

Love Always

8/23/2006 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe and Debbie,

Thanks for the update. I know you'll beat this Deb and I'm so glad the guys could be with you today. I hope and pray that you have a peaceful night and you're feeling much better tomorrow.

And, yes, Mom did really throw the pork chop at Rick and yes he did deserve it!!!

Our love and prayers are with you always,

8/23/2006 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe and family
You all amaze me . I thankyou for taking care of Debbie I just love all of you. She will come through this.You are all in my prayers .
Lotsa Love
Your Aunt Angie

8/23/2006 9:30 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Phew - Thanks for this update Mr. Joe. It sounds like our girl is on the rebound. I feel so much better knowing that you got the Notre Dame sign/blessing today. Pay attention to the signs that's what I always say. (But as a loyal Buckeye, I sure hope it doesn't portend anything for the upcoming ND - Ohio State game.)

Hope that our girl is resting comfortably and that those antibiotics are kicking in big time. Don't know WHAT to say about that bedside commode setup...good luck Chizzie girl. Remember the honey dipper!

Praying for you all. God bless you Joey, Mikey, Jessie, and Joe.

8/23/2006 9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks joe. you always hold the umbrella over deb when the showers fall. xokm

8/23/2006 10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Notre Dame poster story gave me GOOSEBUMPS! You guys are all amazing- really, it inspires me everyday to read the blog! Deb, and all the T's, hang in there- you will beat this- even if you have to do it on one of those toilets that comes out of the cabinets! My whole family is thinking about you, everyday we send our best thoughts your way.
All our love,
The Booth Family

8/23/2006 11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! DARN RIGHT....YOU WILL BEAT THIS ....I've been up half the nite( as I'm sure all the FOD's have been) just praying for the,"turn around"...keep fighting Debs, you can do this...You Teklits men are ,needless to say,a rare breed ..what would our girl do without you,and more importantly, thank God she doesn;t have to (be without you)..Joe your "observation", gave me goosebumps..then made me cry...your strenght and courage fortify us all..thank you so much and thank you Joey and Mikey..God bless ,much love and here's to a much better day today..prayers,hugs, smile's,(they make you better)XXOO:)Bev

8/24/2006 6:00 AM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
Thinking of you.. last thing at night, first thing in the morning... All the signs say you will beat this! Hope you are feeling so much better today.
Lots of love, visitor Alison

8/24/2006 6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goose bumps are in Telford as well, after reading the ND reference. We have two Notre Dame alumni in the family, one who teaches finance at Penn State. Talk about conflict.
I read the positives like Mo. Deb is awake and alert, able to walk and attempt to void (Peeing in public does bring on renal failure, don't you know), and planning on watching a flick with her man. This is the journey to recovery, with a pit stop on the way. More prayers for all of the Teklits, and I will wear my ND shirt in support. With love and faith , Ruthie

8/24/2006 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb, We're all thinking of you, and praying for a very speedy recovery. I can't wait to talk to you. We love you very much! love mary and family

8/24/2006 7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie -
Your family and friends will act as quiet angles who will lift you to your feet when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly. In our family we look for the Brinks truck for our "sign". Kevin's dad worked for Brinks... and we know he is looking out for us when we see that truck. It always shows up before a special event in our family. (ex. when the family is going on vacation or when someone is going on a job interview this Brinks truck just happens to drive by.) And you have the N.D. sign in your life.
Sending hugs and kisses your way.
(Donna Tea Bags)

8/24/2006 8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,

Ooh, we've all been spoiled by you writing every morning...gonna be checking all day for an update. I know Joe will do it when he can.

Hoping today goes smoothly, that you feel stronger...strong enough for an ice cream sandwich(I never eat those, but JTs' giving me a yen for one), and are able to just rest up. Even if you feel good, don't overdo it. (Doncha love bein' lectured when you feel like crap? Now you know how your pts felt when you'd say, "you just had a heart attack, you have to take it easy.)

Anyway, back to the subject at hand...GET WELL! SOON, NOW, TODAY!
PLEASE. Seriously, more prayers from Kulpsville for you and your gang. Thinking of you always.

Love, Mo

8/24/2006 9:03 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...


Channeling Dionne Warwick here...

"The moment I wake up.
Before I put on my make up
I say a little prayer for you"

Thinking, thinking, thinking of you. I've also been wondering about that UTI and whether it was the source of all your back pain. And of course cranberry juice also came to mind when I heard about it. Didn't make the Cosmo link - guess I'm slipping.

RE: The BSC, I also wondered whether or not running the water would help (if there's a sink handy). Have 'em turn it up loud and proud. Think of the sound of a cow peeing on a flat rock and then let 'er rip. (I guess you'd have to be a farm girl like me to truly appreciate that!) Geez. Just talking about it makes me want to go. I hope this means that it is GOING easier for you, too.

Not much happening here. Mr. Hal will remain in Kansas for the weekend, so it will be very quiet. I'd be beating a path to your door but I'm still burning a low grade fever with this darn cold.

Off to buy supplies for the house today (read that as an excuse to go to Target and look around)

I'll check in later honey. Hope today you turn the corner and are feeling better.

I love you, angel.

P.S. Today's word is GRACE. Thinking of you Jessie and little baby Emma Grace. Love you guys.

8/24/2006 10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joe:

I just love you "T" men-of course, being a "T" woman makes me a bit biased.

I'm praying for you all daily, especially in the evenings before the Blessed Sacrament. I now Deb is going to make it and I'm glad to hear about the "signs" God is giving you that all will be well.

(But I'm shocked that a "T" man named Rick - who has been disparaging the "T" women on this site lately (i.e., mom throwing 'raw meat' into the boys bedroom???) did not take exception to the ND reference in your last post. He must be trying to repent.)

Love you! Susie

8/24/2006 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

deb, just returned to find you in the icu--i was getting ready to call eileen to find out when we would be driving down. you and the entire clan are in my prayers daily, signs are very imprortant and have been telling in my life.
i hope the discomfort is not horrible, that you are asking for drugs and sleeping through as much as possible.i send you love and hugs. marian

8/24/2006 12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Joe!!!
I can hear Old Knute shouting his famous pep talk! :) Pray for us Mother Our Lady of Notre Dame!
Great story Joe, and a good observation. Deb could wear Notre Dame gold anytime. She has earned it ten times over. You both hang in there, and love one another with a pure heart FERVENTLY! Trust in the Lord, he will not give you more than you can handle. Nor will he ever let our Deb suffer. Our prayers are with all of you. We love you!

Artie and Cathy

8/24/2006 1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs T,

Thinking about you constantly today & yesterday.. hoping you are feeling better and better as the minutes go by...
All My Love

8/24/2006 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Joe.
I know Deb is going to come through all this. Please let me know if there is anything you need help with - even the smallest thing. Please give my love to Debbie and we're thinking of the whole Teklits family all the time.

8/24/2006 4:35 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Checking in again, Chizzie (and T's) Still thinking of you and hoping things are improving for you on your end, honey.

Loved Beth's rainbow image of all our prayers coming your way, didn't you? Also made me wonder where the word rainbow came from. So you know me, I googled it.

Speaking of the luck of the Irish - look what popped up over at under "Origins of St. Patrick's Day Words".

Rainbow comes from Old Norse regnbogi (becoming Old English renboga, ren 'rain' + boga 'bend, bow') and is a bow or arch of the colors of the prism that is formed in the sky opposite to the sun by the reflection, double refraction, and dispersion of the sun's rays in falling drops of rain. There are many stories about the pot of gold existing at the end of a rainbow.

(Think of that BSC as the dang pot of gold at the end of your rainbow!!!! Allison, I'm beginning to think that you are Debbie's lucky Irish charm!)

Love you honey. Will check back later. K

8/24/2006 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
Thanks for the update yesterday, & we hope that Debbie has hit her low spot & will see nothing but blue skies from now on. Before we get too far, we'd like to add a small correction. We think that Debbie has more than a bit of PSU blue; she's at least half blue & half gold! Our thanks to Joey & Mike for taking good care of their mom, & we couldn't help but smile at the comment that the "T" men do everything in two's at the hospital. No more opportunity for the "guaranteed overnight delivery" transport team to do their usual thing of forgetting who was deposited into the hallways. We hope that you enjoyed the movies this afternoon & that all was well with you. Let's hope that tomorrow is another good day, & that the ND sign is a good omen. Love, Mom & Dad

8/24/2006 5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Hang in there you are going to beat this. It is just one step closer to getting well.You are in my prayers.
I am going to visit my sisters for a week so keep up the good work and I'll check on your progress in a week.
Love, Joyce

8/24/2006 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Teklits Family.

Go Team Teklits. My prayers go out to all of you. Deb, your a rock. Keep going, you'll get past this bump in the road. You are so lucky with your men and daughter behind you. I will kick up the prayers tonight.

Love, hugs, and prayers,

8/24/2006 7:47 PM  

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