Thursday, August 17, 2006

HI There !!!

Hey Everybody,

Really enjoying all the blogs and memories. You are all so kind to keep writing. MDf , what a lucky girl to be living in San Fran during the 70's. You must have seen so much. I can just picture your perfectly manicured mom with hergloves. I don't think they make mom's like that anymore. Very Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaverish.Baseball camp sounds like a blast.....Km. your bodily description was hilarious and now i'm craving a perfectly toasted sesame bagel. Your little friend in the ER made me miss working in ICU and the surgery center. Old folks are the cutest. His family should allow him the bike just in restricted areas. A horse might really get him into trouble...AND i want to see you and our precious Trudy in a tennis match. Donna teabags could wear her Jackie O dress. I'll be the one in the beater....Artie, i think we met at a party after you and cathy got engaged, but i'm alitttle fuzzy on that too....Alison, do you feel like you are getting to know us better?
As far as my favorite travel destination (and i'm not that well traveled)I really love London and am in awe everytime we go. SSSooooomuch to see. History on every block. Iloved ireland bc of the people. We were in southern ireland and the views of the ocean were spectacular and the countryside looked a hundred years old with the thatched roofs and donkeys wandering in the streets. (this was 30 yrs. ago when joe was in law school and did a semester in london.)BUT i have to agree with my cousin Eileen, ITALY is my favorite. Ifelt so at home there. The people were wonderful. the food was to die for and joe loved the wine. I really enjoyed Rome and the colliseum and the Vatican and St.Peters. Florence is just the neatest place with the art and historical churches. But i think Assisi was so breathtakingly beautiful its hard to decide on just one place. I really want to go back as soon as i'm able to see the Amalfi coast and Calabris where my grandmother was from. Maybe next spring.
And the thing i would tell my young self"Don't sweat the small stuff".
Well i'm still doin ok. A little shakey today but my Tacrolimus level (dreaded rejection drug)was elevated so they cutthat back a bit. Other then that i'm ok. have a great nite and don't let the bed bugs bite. love you all..................debbie


Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie, and all the FODs and CODs and family and friends....

I do feel like I'm getting to know all of you. Debbie I really feel like I know you, but like I said before, I was drawn to you the first time I saw the blog, funny how life works.

I have the wonderful joy of bringing my son and his buddies to "snakes on a plane" movie tonight. If you haven't heard about you will.. appparently it is not a good movie at all but has created a cult following among 15 year olds. They have a website where you can put your cell phone and friends cell phone number in and make some selections.. then your friend will get a call which looks like it's coming from your phone.. once you answer it is the actor Samuel Jackson sending you a greeting! my son's friend did it for him and apparently it said "Stop gardening Sam and get out to see Snakes on a Plane"! I tell you, there was never a chance of me getting a call from John Travolta telling me to get my butt to Saturday Night Fever...! How times change!!! lol... Can you imagine a call from Clarke Gable "Frankly Alison, I don't give a dam if you go to see gone with the wind!".... I will tell a favorite travel story tomorrow..after I survive the adventure tonight.. my plan is to sneak out of the theatre and into Wil Farrells new movie instead! but apparently I have to walk in with my son and his buddies as it's R for Really scarey!!! lol...

Debbie, glad to hear you are feeling OK, hopefully less meds will help you get a little steady.

Lots & lots of love, Visitor Alison.

8/17/2006 6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Aruba. Warm white sand and aqua water. The water is so salty it even made me float. Come to think of it, I think some little kid was riding me like an water taxi!!! The people were very nice and friendly. They kept the drinks and little nibbles of food coming.
We had dinner at a little place called "Flying Fish Bones". Right on the beach where you could sit and have dinner and watch the beautiful pink and orange sunset drift down into the water line.

8/17/2006 6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What about the Cosmo party on the Amalfi Coast? I too want to hit the coast of Italy and of course visit the land of origin of our Nonnie...Calabria. I think we should do some real geneology investigation before the trip as I know we are related to Johnny and Donatella.

Standing by the Church or was it a Duomo of St. Francis of Assisi in Assisi overlooking the valley is breathtaking.

Glad to hear you are cruizin' right along.

Tonight we are headed to my girlfriend/spanish teacher's house for dinner. Mayra and Fabiola are cooking dinner for us with Janice as thier assistant. I love the beans. I am looking forward to it.

Today was Mere and Colin's first day. Mere ran the Pep Assembly. I think she was a little nervous but did a fine job. She will relax as the year progresses. Colin is of course sweating it out at football as we speak. Dave and Bee are headed to his practice as well.

Need to do some spot cleaning before I run to p/u Colin from practice.

Alison...I overheard our priest at the high school talking about having tickets to see the "snake movie"...I thought is was so play as he likes the theater and acting a lot. Since I too have a 15y/o male with a phone...guess I will hear more.

Take care cousin of mine. COD Eileen

8/17/2006 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
Today we went different ways as I drove up to Nazareth while "poor" Mom went shopping with Lisa & enjoying a non healthy luncheon in the process. Mom says it was great; it had more fat content than I eat in a month! I had a great time with a high school classmate (class of 1948) trying to gather some genealogical information from gravestones. Mom thinks that "I've lost it". Suzanne was kind enough to stop over (while we were gone) & gave Mom all of Mrs Campbell's knitting wool. It'll go to good use as Mom knits 9" squares together into afghans for the kids at the Children's Hospital, She's made over 2 dozen to date, & she enjoys doing it as well. Mom scolded Rick for describing how the boys were fed while "locked up" in their rooms. I thought it was a hilarious exaggeration, but it sure made for a great laugh! P-Pop enjoys reading Mike's coaching techniques for Shane's little league football. We hope that each day is a better day for you & that the "countdown" to exit isolation is well under way. Love, Mom & Dad

8/17/2006 7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are doing good and making the best of being there. We are getting ready for the outer banks. The kids are so excited. Hayden and Carter already have such white butts. They should be really bright after this trip. We are doing good. The memorial service was so nice it really put our family at peace. My brother did a great job on the music, he had 25 of his choir members volunteer to sing. I even did my eulogy. I started out shaky but I was determined to do it. I will have to tell you the funny burial of her ashes story. It involved the priest not being able to open the bag and my cousin coming to the rescue with a pocket knife. My Mom must have been really laughing over it. Well hang in there , laughter really helps> Jenny

8/17/2006 9:21 PM  
Blogger mo said...

Hi Deb,

Well, we are here. Bob got the laptop set up by 5pm, but has been playing his game. I finally said that I had to check the blog. I should clarify that he hasn't been playing for 5 hours straight...we went to Angelos in between his playing. Should I tell you what we ate? COD Eileen, I think I recall you mentioning eggplant rolatini in a previous blog....well that's what I had. Bob had mussels in white sauce and manicotti. Oh, it feels so good to be here again...even though we paid 12 bucks to park at Bobs(right across the street from the old homestead Kim...geez, is that place huge! I can't believe its only 2 residences...looks like 4 at least).

You sound pretty chipper from your blog, Deb. Hows your back? Still riding that bike? Bob and I were both really sore yesterday from PT on Tuesday. I didn't expect it b/c the first 2 sessions went so well, but she did new exercises and streched different tendons and muscles that were definitely not in the mood to be stretched! But I am still soldiering on and doing my exercises at home...I have to b/c indoor tennis starts soon and I'm committed to my group.

Well, gonna sign off. Feels strange to be writing to you from your house...also my first time using Bobs new laptop...I love it...feels very trendy. And May Day, I think of your Mom and her little white gloves every time I hear the words Haight Ashbury(sp?). How could you have not thought of that in a long time, darling brown eyes?

Sleep tight, Debbie dear. Thank you again to you and Joe, and all our love and prayers for a good nights sleep and a great day tomorrow, Mo and Bob

8/17/2006 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbbala ,loved reading your blog you are so cute,,I can picture you with flowers in your hair and a little ..well never mind that..needless to say London and surrounds are mostly my there for several years gave me a great opportunity to explore all those secret,wonderful places I love so much..also "popping over to Paris" for a weekend every so often eventually got me to loving that beautiful city..but I think my all time favorite is Greece and the fabulous islands belonging to that enchanted and fabled country...magical,mystical ,did I say enchanting?? I have a question Alison ,how about all time favorite Day in your life??Is it a keeper?Debs ,I'm so glad you had a good day ,I know it's all relative..are you getting to read much ,or is that hard going... well guess I'll say goodnite and sweet dreams love and hugs and lots of prayers xxoo:)Bev

8/17/2006 10:51 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Good morning Debbie,

Just a quick hello before I go to work. Teaching class on Resume Writing & Interview Skills today at a local job centre.

I have no plans for the weekend other than to "vacation" at my own house! this summer has been so muddled that this weekend is our first free one in quite a while.

Last nights movie trip was quite the adventure. 8 theatres were showing the movie and all appeared full of 15 - 19 year olds some with fake snakes (including my son and his buddy!). I snuck out to watch Will Farrell with a few souls in the same position! You could hear screaming and cheering from the other theatres! Apparently it was "awesome"! ....

Look forward to reading your blog on my return from work. Hope you have a wonderful day, Hail Marys coming your way. Lots & lots of love, Visitor Alison.

8/18/2006 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Debs hope your nite was smooth sailing,with happy dreams and comfy cozy snuggles in your great and wonderful it??...I just read Alison's "snake" blog ..I saw the add last nite on TV for the first time and laughed out loud..what a hoot ..I may have to take my Mom to see that one ...NOT....I spent some time thinking of Alison's question on younger wisdom...I'm always telling Jen and Mich ,"if I knew then what I know now"...I think the biggest thing would be to accept myself and love myself as I am (was then)...I guess I never felt good enough and was always and relentlessly pushing to be better and do better was exhausting ,,,the old superwoman complex,,,,, I turned to compulsive eating to help soothe myself and then had to start dieting and exercising to counter all the about a treadmill whew all of it is too tiring for words ..anyway ,I guess it's," loving myself better" that's the short of it...I try to tell all young people I know that secret...once you love yourself and love and have God in your life the rest is easy....after talking about Greece last nite ,it made me long to go back...the beautiful little fishing villages along the coast...I was riding my bike one morning along the beach ,which was covered with an early morning mist ,I looked down and could't even see the sand the mist was so thick..I felt like I was riding on the clouds of heaven was surreal..the sky so blue ,the water so blue..what a memory..and what a beautiful and peaceful place...the funnest part was as I rode ,I came across a cute little old couple sitting around a bitty fire in the sand ..the old man was cleaning the squid he'd just caught ( smashing it on a rock)and the little lady was cooking it on a stick over the fire ..I stopped and waved hello and they immediately offered me my own little could I the compulsive eater..besides I do love calamari...and this ,I indeed did love was delicious...they knew no English and I knew no Greek(where was Joe when I needed him) but we managed some smiles and hugs and they knew I was a happy girl..what a what to begin a day in Mikanos ..they weren't there the next was a special moment in time and memory ...something to share with you Debs... a picture in your mind so you won't be so lonely and you don't go stir crazy,,,thinking of you today ,prayers hugs and love:)Bev

8/18/2006 8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Miss Debbie,
I think fuzzy just is not strong enough an adjective for you and me. Foggy, begins to get it. Cloudy may even be a little closer, but Blank hits the bulls eye. Yes Blank will do very nicely!:) Whatever! :) (as the kids say). Whats wonderful, is that we did meet and we did have a chance to get to know each other. What a great friendship we have. Cathy and I only wish we could see you and Joe more often than we do. :( You sound like you are holding your own. Keep on keep'in on, and continue to blog. Talk to you soon. We love you! :)

Artie and Cathy

P.S. Cathy got a complete Cosmo Bar set from the Kids for her Birthday. Liquor & Martini Glasses Included! :) We are hooked! :)

8/18/2006 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

Good morning, I am making you my ritual before I start the craziness of the day. Of course I have to sign time sheets in the process. Julie Jourdan and Donelle Bussom send their hello's and best thoughts for a quick turn around. I have really been enjoying reading the blogs and all the stories and dreams everyone is sharing. I must agree with Aruba, that was one of the most relaxing vacations I have ever had. My one place to go back to is Ireland and spend a month roaming. The place of my dreams to visit is Tuscany. I want to spend a few weeks in a villa and visit the countryside and small towns and the people. I guess I better win the lottery soon if all that is to be accomplished.
Blessings for an uneventful day.

Love, hugs, and prayers.

8/18/2006 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Hope all is well in Phila.!! It has been such a beautiful week - I hate to go to work today. Have been thinking about my favorite travel destination and can't decide...I have been fortunate to go some places! But of course, you know some great times have been with my sisters(it's an annual event now). How have you been passing the time? Any good movies - I am not so sure about this "Snake" movie!! Well, rest up today and let that marrow do the trick!!! Always prayers for you...Love, trudy

8/18/2006 9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it's been one week hasn't it since the stem cell transplant!! yeah... hope your feeling okay today.. im writing this and puppy sitting at the same time.. taking objects out of his mouth, making sure i get him downstairs before it's too late.. that sort of thing
I thought of Alison's question of younger self telling older self,, and i think i would have said ot "not just settle .. be more assertive(if it's okay with you) listen in church better to get a better understanding of the more appreciative when i was a size 12!! and not to shave up to the bikini line!!
Another question for us to ask is what does everyone do?
Funny Alison's son went and saw Snakes on a Plane! Patrick and his friends have been counting down the days to see it, are seeing it today.. in fact , this cute girl gave patrick a tshirt that have a picture of samuel jackson on it and it says"there are mutha fu## snakes on the mutha fu#### plane" i think he thinks his back to school outfits are complete with that shirt!!
Are you still riding the bike? How is that new med doing with you? Are you sleeping okay? Tells us how you really are okay?..
Hope Mo is having fun at your place.. good for them to get away..they deserve it also.. take care.. will ttyl.. love, mdf

8/18/2006 3:34 PM  

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