Thursday, December 15, 2005

Night #10

Hello to all,

I just got off the phone with mom. She called to tell me she's shutting her phones off for the day and laying low. The Montezuma potion worked as it should, but kept her up most of the night. She says her rash has continued to get worse even though she is no longer on the offending antibiotic. She sends her love.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Deb,
Sounds like you had a crappy night(pun intended), which is really a good thing. The timing could have been a little better though!
I have to tell you, this site is absolutely addicting. If I'm wondering how you're doing, I can log on and not even disturb you. It's like reading a Hallmark commercial! Your family is amazing. When I read Joe's daily diary entries, I could fall in love with the man myself!! Thank you Joe (and Jessie too).
In reference to Mo's message last night....unless we're looking through the same rose colored glasses, some of my fondest memories are also from the old NPH and crew that worked together. If there were any bad memories, they must not have been worth remembering.
Rest well today. Thinking of you, with love, Kim

12/15/2005 9:14 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Glad to hear that you are going underground today, Chizzie girl. Keep your pecker up and lay low to marshall your energies to fight those big bad bugs.

We're off to Amarillo this morning- hoping to see the Cadillac Ranch and the 10 story cross in Groom Tx en route. If only I could get Mr. Hal to stop at one of the many Antique Malls along the way. He's no darn fun.

Sending you Texas sized healing vibes. I love you honey.

12/15/2005 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Your high school friend Eileen is really putting me to shame with her postings. I need to get on more frequently.

Today is catch-up day for you and me. You on on life. I may get my Christmas cards out tomorrow but Mere insists that I include the dreaded letter. "Mom! I went to sectionals in shot put this year isn't that worth sharing." Well sure it is but I have to write about everyone and that's takes time. So today, I write the letter.

Yesterday Joe made me laugh at the thought of you out shopping. There are just some things that you can always do whether you feel lousy or not. Like that should have been a surprise to him.

Spoke with Laura Vernon yesterday and updated her. She sends her love. They are having a computer company in this weekend to help them with a new computer they bought. I gave her the blog site and told her to check it out.

Guess it's laundry and the letter for me. I will check in for Joe's update later today. Made some pizelles yesterday and Mom has agreed to making Nonnie cookies...I think that will be our weekend.

Until later....lots of love...Leenie :)

12/15/2005 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day Debbie,
I'm so glad to hear from you every now and again. As much as a blessing Jessie is managing this wonderful blog site, and how entertaining Joe is as always, it is great to have you communicate. I long to hear your voice, however the "Guest Postings" are such a treat. You keep doing what you can and nothing more. It sounds like you are a good patient, keep up the good fight. Make sure to watch for a wise guy (by the name of Joe :) bearing gifts from the Chadwicks. You will need a CD player if you don't already have one. Remember great music is like caffeine for the soul(although some other parts of your system do not need another stimulant) :(
Your coming up to halftime kiddo stay tough! We love, and continue to pray fervently for You and Joe and your Family. God Bless!! I'll touch base tomorrow. Love Artie

12/15/2005 1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just checking in on you from my office...sounds like a long night...get some rest....everyone is praying for you!!!


12/15/2005 3:08 PM  

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