Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day 7

Deb has been in the hospital for one week now and we would have to say that the last two days have been her best two days since she has been at Penn. Maybe she is getting used to the food, but we doubt it. Although she has had her share of indisgestion, she has not gotten sick from the chemo. She has been able to continue with her laps -- as few as they may have been -- and has had a appetite over the past two days.

Deb's counts have fallen dramatically over the past few days -- which is expected and part of the chemo therapy. But please remember -- anyone who thinks they are sick -- with a cold, sniffle or whatever, Deb has no immunity now. If you are not 100% -- use the phone or the blog.

We must remember that this is week 1 of a probable 4 week stay -- so we need help to keep this interesting for Deb?? She has not turned her TV on yet, but we have three weeks to go. Jester can post photo albums, etc to help Deb past the time.

Now that Deb is neutropenic, please remember to wash your hands and glove up when you enter the room. I was thinking, should we have a neutropenic, latex enveloped Chippendale Santa Claus ?? Girls, we need help with this!!! Christmas will be a big day, outside of her home for the first time, and she will need our support. We need to have a plan -- Think about this.

Deb slept for about 4 hours last night and looked good when we arrived. She had fevers during the night and had some periods of discomfort. Joe, Ally and I had a nice visit with Debbie for a few hours this afternoon. We enjoyed watching the Christian video, over and over, and over and over and over again -- Jester, is there menu for this???? We have been fast forwarding to get to the kitchen scenes for two days and have never gotten there! Did you guys really do 20.000 laps around the track? If we hit the FF button once too often, we start the whole magilla all over again, and again, and again, and again. God Bless Gradmothers, tne kitchen scenes must be good because we spent two hours trying to get to them, but I have still never seen them. Long visitors should put the machine on when you arrive, keep Debbie away from the buttons and you may get to the kitchen scenes -- maybe in an hour or so.

We have now had enough independent taste tasting samples to definitively conclude that the hospital food SUCKS!!! Joey tasted the vegetable soup today and opined that it smelled like fertilizer, and he was right. All non-neutropenic contraband is welcome, in paper sacks, and please check it at Deb's sink before completely contaminating the room!

Thanks to all for your support and prayers. Please remember that Debbie is only 25% of the way home and wants to be with us.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im the first one again! I really am not on the computer all the time.. just check it after dinner.(and aboout 6 more times today). glad to hear the first quarter is behind you,,just think, next week at this time we will be saying the first half!! KNow its not the best time of year for you to be there.. but you can always celebrate christmas when you get home!Then it will be extra special...
Can't beleive you haven't turned on the tv yet.. are you reading??Glad the chemo isn't making you throw up.
Hey, did i tell you that we all went to cooperstown 2 summers ago to visit my sis and her family! It was the first time my boys met her kids. Patrick was 14 , mark was 12..Missy's son is adopted..he's 1/2 black, 1/2 puerto rican,nice kid, and on the way home, Mark, my son, asked me if Blair(Missy's son) knew he was adopted!!I told Mark that i think he had a clue...anyway,it was a fun visit.. but the first time i saw her blind..
She is now doing about 90% of what she could do before she lost her sight(by taking care of that pt.) its good to see her doing so well..
well, sunday night..will watch the sunday line up with the boys.. simpsons, family guy,etc.. hope your night is better. and joe..thanks again for the great updates.. i would feel better not visiting her at this point,i would worry that maybe i passed by someone who had some germs which i would carry in to the room.. take care ya.mdf.... mary day

12/11/2005 9:35 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

So what can I say - if you get stuck watching the video looking for the kitchen scenes - I apologize. Walid and I were in a rush to ship it up to mom and we did not create chapters. So it is not possible to fast forward. I had no idea that it would be so popular. I promise to try harder next time, dad! For those of you who want to know - the 'kitchen scene' is Christian hiding in my kitchen cabinets with all of my tupperware. He shuts himself in there, without pinching his fingers, and just hangs out. We have to say, "Where did Christian go? Have you seen Christian?" A couple of times he hung out in there for so long I thought he fell asleep. He eventually opens the door to play 'peek-a-boo' then closes it back again.

Today he started hiding behind the chair and sneaking out and saying 'BOO!' I have no idea where he picked that up from - but its so cute!

Talk to you soon. J

12/11/2005 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb!
I'm so glad the last 2 days have been better for you and you have one week down. I'm praying for you every day and I know that with all the love everyone has for you and with all your strength, you're going to beat this thing! I read Joe's blog tonight and he was telling us how you like to watch the tapes of Christian over and over. He is so so cute! Jessie was telling us how he was helping her vacuum the other day. Did you teach him that? You are always cleaning so I think he takes after you! I don't blame you though, I can watch Alex over and over again too. Well, take good care of yourself Deb and if you need anthing, just let me know. I have had a cold for 2 weeks now, so I'm not coming anywhere near you!


12/11/2005 10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathi, it's okay,, i don'tknow kathi goodyear either..ha,just remember the name..deb..saw the pics.. you look good..joe.. when did your blonde turn to silver?? i have the silver streaks coming in..just hope they appear as clean and shiny as yours look
does the latex santa come in colors?Jess, you are going to have to start censoring these blogs at this rate....
deb one more thing.. you look really thin.. is that all from the weight watchers? when i last went(2 years ago) they asked me why i wanted to join, and i told them that while watching football with my husband i realized that i weighed the same , if not more, than that "tight end, or wide receiver".. so it was time..well. better go to bed..2more weeks till we are off for the politically correct..winter vacation. ttyl,mdf

12/12/2005 1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys its me again Aunt Angie checking in. I'm amazed at this website and up to the minute to what is going on I wish I could be there but you know you are in my heart. I am so thankful I can e-mail you. I miss you and love you both.BIG HUGS Aunt Angie

12/12/2005 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys its me again Aunt Angie checking in. I'm amazed at this website and up to the minute to what is going on I wish I could be there but you know you are in my heart. I am so thankful I can e-mail you. I miss you and love you both.BIG HUGS Aunt Angie

12/12/2005 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby & Joe,
We ere glad to read that the past few days were "good days" for you, & can but hope that many more of such are ahead of you. You are an amazing lady maintaining your diligent walking pace in spite of the "yucky" food resplendent with an odor of fertilizer! There wasn't much doubt in our minds that Jessie's blog site would be far superior to any TV show, & we too are grateful to her for an outstanding acomplishment. We'll have to ask Joe to begin using words that we don't require a dictionery to fully understand - "Neutroponic . Latex enveloped---"
It was a delight to read about Christian's usage of the kitchen cabinets, he's aready beginning to display some of his creativeness that we recall of his grandfather when he was a young lad. Our thoughts & prayers don't stray too widely from R0491A.
Mom & Dad

12/12/2005 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
What a wonderful way for everyone to keep up with your progress.
I think of all the wonderful care and the great kindness you have always shared with everyone you meet and I pray you have nurses and doctors that return that to you.
God must be working overtime to hear all our prayers for you.
Love, Joyce

12/12/2005 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there friend,

I finally figured out how to work this. I was making it more difficult than it was. Karen Burn's came to the rescue. You have been on my mind and in my heart and prayers every day. I have plenty of Novena's being said also. This site is wonderful once you figure it out. I am going to wait till you are home to visit. If you are up to it once you are home I can bring the massage table over. We can make it a regular thing if your up to it. I did this for my cousin while she was undergoing chemo and she said that it really helped and the fact that she did not have to leave the house made it even better. So you think about it. Can't wait to see your smiling face back in Lansdale. Well I better get back to work. You take care of yourself. Love, Jean

12/13/2005 2:02 PM  

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