Monday, December 12, 2005

Day 8

Two major milestones happened today -- Deb's chemotherapy ended and she lost her hair! She is fine with accomplishing both objectives and is looking forward to the next milestone -- the day 14 bone marrow biopsy.

Deb's charge nurse (Patty) promised to help Deb shed her locks before she went for her skiing vacation in Utah. Tonight Deb's head would shine with any new boot camp recruit -- her head feels like a 3 day growth of beard! This way is much more hygenic and efficient than having it drop out over the next few weeks in her bed and food. I think what bothers Deb the most is that when scrubbed to the nub, her brown locks aren't so brown anymore. Sort of like my "blonde" hair. Now I am not sure who is more grey.

Deb has quite a rash growing. Now she knows what her penicillin allergy is!! It goes from her ears to her ankles and itches like crazy. They are giving her medicine for the itching, which also makes her sleepy.

When I arrived today at about 3, Sue Schneider was visiting with Debbie and they had a nice afternoon. While they were visiting, I went to my office (family center) and got some things done that are due tomorrow. When I returned, Sue was leaving and the benedryl was kicking in. Deb fell fast asleep for about 2 hours and rested well.

Just as I was leaving, Denny and Zeke stopped by on their way home from the shore. On my way home, Cathy Goodyear and Jim were on the way down before Jim leaves for China tomorrow. Deb had a full day and will sleep well tonight.

Thanks for all of the meals -- Mo, Mary, Cathy and Pat -- we are freezing some of them for when the eating machine comes home from Penn State on Friday night.

Deb sends her love to all and thanks for the support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe and Debbie:

I just wanted to make sure you copied Brendans comments on the entry page with the pictures that Jessie posted. I was afraid you might miss it. It is so...shall I say 12 y.o. boyish. Love Cuz Eileen

12/12/2005 9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Debbie and Uncle Joe!

Thanks for keeping us up to date with everything that is going on. Even though we're not there with you, it still feels like we are sharing a small part of this with you.

Aunt Debbie, you looked great in the pictures and I'm sure you look gorgeous without hair! You know, platinum (not gray) is very in style right now and I think Uncle Joe is jealous that you pull it off so well.

With your immune so low, can we still send things to decorate your room? I had something in mind from the start, but don't want to send something that could get you sick. I'm hoping to hear back from Jessie about the idea soon. It could be great!!! If you're allowed to eat chocolate, Hershey kisses have helped us through many nights!

All My Love,

Lisa Davido

12/12/2005 9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey DEb.. so you made it through the chemo.. you either put on a good face, or you seemed to handle it like a what do you do? im not up on this ... do you wait to see if everything is going like planned or will you get more chemo??
Just got back from mervyns.. will need to go Patrick is going to wear a dark royal blue shirt with this new kind of tie that zips more black and white.. he told me that the boys in the group that are going to the dance decided that they would buy all the girls " croissants" to wear! I said,"croissants! do you mean corsages?". so slowly maturity is falling into place..
I think i would have a blast at the shore with all of you..the water out there is much nicer than the calf. coast..everytime we go it's freezing!!
well, i see mo hasn't written tonight.. there is still space!Hope your well tomorrow. and that expression about the nubs!mary day

12/12/2005 11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Teklits,

It was so good to see you on Sunday! You looked wonderful. Joey said you had a good day today, and im very happy to hear that! -- Joey also said that you got the different color bandanas... do you still need the hoops and red lipstick? You could definitly pull that look off.. you look so good in your eagles hat too (from Jess' pictures). This blog is amazing, and such a great idea. I'm thinking about you and hope to talk to you soon
Love Always,
Alli <3

12/13/2005 12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIttle kim is still in town!How are you kim? and ruth?? well,just finished wrapping the rest of the boys xmas gifts, i still had energy, but then i read mo's note. so im kind of drained..jk.. anyway, did mo tell you about my last dr. appt? don't know if this is the time or place,but i first of all wouldn't let the 19year old weigh me..Why? i know im overweight.. then i looked my dr. right in the eye and said" dr..i've tried diets, i walk everyday, i go to the gym, and im still not loosing weight! It's time to start me on crack!".. don't think she appreciated it! just thought i would share a medical story...
is the rash clearing up? I really like all your have alot of love going your way!!As my sister always says to me.. remember,,Faith is alot stronger than to you tomorrow..( ha,mo, got the last word in!!)mary day

12/13/2005 1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend,

Glad to hear you are doing alright. Sounds like you have alot of friends and family cheering you on through all this !! Tell your daughter and husband how we all appreciate the Blog. So nice to be able to stay in touch.
Thought I would tell you that my grandson (John) is now almost 5 years old! He keeps us young but tired most of the time! It seems like a million years ago when you and I would talk in ICU about his presence as a "blessing". You of course were correct in your wonderful wisdom but it was so hard to believe at the time. Your sweet encouragement was just what a discouraged IV nurse and soon to be grandmother needed at the time!! Any way, the little stinker has developed quite a crush or shall we say immense attachment to Andy (his Penn State uncle/our son). When Andy comes home he is hard pressed to shake the little guy and finds he has a shadow most of the time. When Andy goes back to PSU, John cries the whole way to daycare and keeps asking when Andy can come home!! It's rather pathetic but very ego boosting for the PSU guy to say the least. Our daughter Jenna (John's Mom) is busy with work, photography(mostly work)and trying to keep up with a very busy child. She continues to take gorgeous photos of everyone elses children except her own since the little tazmanian devil (John) always walks off the photography set or smiles like a goof ball!! This fall she had to pay a local photographer(Sher) to take his picture since he wouldn't cooperate for his mother!!! Needless to say he posed like an angel (for a stranger)!! Makes us all think we're going out of our minds!! Oh the joys of raising a child!!
Well that's about it from the sleepy town of Harleysville. I'm up again at 1:15 AM due to lack of hormones!! Rats, I guess the whole blog now knows who is menopausal!!

Oh well, you keep on doing well and get better- we are all praying for you and all your family!!!
Talk to you later, Karen Burns

12/13/2005 1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Teklits-
I know we've only met a few times, but it certainly feels like we know each other better than that from Jess. I was shocked to hear your news but I am so uplifted to find out how much support you have! No matter how hard things get, you have an amazing support structure behind you. Keep your spirit strong, we are always thinking of you! And don't worry about Jess, I'm going to try to spend more time with her and Christian to help out as much as I can.
Jenn Kelleher (Darrell and Cookie's daughter)

12/13/2005 8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb:

Thought I better start out my day writing to you as I don't know if I will get back to here today. It's 8am and I am headed to the shower. Meeting with the high school principal to see if we can arrange for Mayra to return for her and Mere's senior year. In Honduras you finish after 11th grade. This would be extra. Then I switch gears to work on the high school auction. That should keep me busy till lunch. Yesterday was an all-time high for our gift card program at school. Get this we sold over $70,000 in gift cards. Guess lots of folks are giving cards this year. I will be glad that we close our little shop over the holidays. My co-volunteers were seeing things by the end of our day yesterday. I was up last night late keeping Mere company as she trudged thru honors american history. Cramming for a test. She is over that class! Loves the teacher but can't stand absorbing the material. Colin is still struggling in honors algebra. Next week Wednesday we will end this crazy saga. Today he has a test and between Dave and I we are factored out! of course Brendan...he just goes his merry way and doesn't skip a beat. His day will end with bball practice. He's actually not doing so bad. But his heart is in football. Mom and I are going to attempt shopping tomorrow. She has been a little slow to get back in the saddle after the cath. I had to be a little "italian" last night on the phone. She did manage to pick up a cold so that hasn't helped. Today she says she will hit the senior center to get out. Dave was out the door early. After 3" of snow last week, everyone slipped and broke a thing or two. All my love till next time. Cuz Eileen

12/13/2005 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Deb, Sorry to hear about the rash and about your hair. I think a Santa cap would help keep you warm this time of year. I am going to Delaware tomorrow to visit with Erin. I am sending you thoughts of salt water air and sand in your toes. I think you can visualize that.
Thanks to Jessie for the updates on her pregnancy and how Christian is growing, and to the NPH girls. It's great to hear from them again.
Hang in there and will talk to you soon. Love Cathy and Artie

12/13/2005 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby & Joe,
Try as I may to be a blogger, we'll just have to remain anonymous. We chatted with Debby's mom today who is planning on going to spend Christmas with Rick in VA. On her return she suggested that we'll come down & visit with Debby. I'll coordinate this with Cathy. We were sorry to read that Debby had a miserable day due to the pencillin rash & hope that they can aleviate this itch soon. We were glad to read that the chemo treatment has stopped & look forward to day 14 for the results of the bone marrow biopsy. We'll love Debby with or w/o hair; hopefully when it grows back in it will come back in its original color. Why doesn't my hair turn gray? Mom continues baking cookies for the Christmas holidays, but we'll miss tasting all of the goodies that always graced Joe & Debby's dinner table at Christmas. It will be a different & sad Christmas w/o the usual Chistmas festivities at Joe & Debby's house. But it will be a glorius day when she returns home to Tennis Lane which will hopefully be soon,
Mom & Dad

12/13/2005 3:50 PM  

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