Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 23

This was a good day for Deb. Her new doctor met with her this morning and confirmed that the chemo will start tonight for another 7 day cycle. Unfortunately, they did not give us the chromisonal breakdown. The doctor confirmed that Deb's treatment will be the same for the next 30 days regardless.

We left the hospital shortly before noon for our "date" and we went to a nice tavern a few blocks away. Deb had her cheeseburger, fries and an apple crisp ala mode! Ate it up like uncle Atilla from my side of the family. Of course, she paid dearly later but enjoyed every bite of it while she had it. Imagine all of the laxatives the poor girl is taking when all she needs is a walk in the park and a little bit of pie!

We had a nice slow lunch for about 1.5 hours, even though we ate everything in about 12 minutes -- but we had a window seat, the sun was shining and it was nice. Of course, my word quotient for the month of January was exhausted today and I will need a big assist from everyone going into this next round. This will be the last day that Deb is not hooked up for a while and we tried to make the best of it.

We went back to Deb's room and a new rookie, Rich and his wife Norma stopped by for a visit. Rich is having some of the same throat problems as Deb did, but much less extreme, so we gave him some of the diced peaches and some pointers on the parking passes. Rich and Norma are both big time bike riders. Of course, I noticed them looking at Deb's dust covered stationary bike and expect a big time bartering session soon. Deb may get her new car way before she thought she would!

As I was leaving, Mike was coming into the hospital and he has just left for the evening. Deb had a good day and we can expect a few more. As Deb explained to me, the chemo on this round will be much stronger than the last round. We are not sure what the exact consequences of the increased potency will mean, but we will keep everyone posted, as best we can.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just waiting on the post to send you today's greetings. Today was mostly a day of catching up around here. So much that I even got down under my bed with the sweeper. Dogs...you gotta love um. Where does all that hair come from?

Anyway...much like tracking Santa on his deliveries as they now do with those weather stations on TV...I have been checking in on UPS to see where those Nonnie cookies are...everyone else got them last Friday. Your's however went from here to Earth City, MO...to Chicago to New Stanton PA...Another city in PA before arriving in Philly. They were delivered today just so you know if the boys tell you different. The box has a few other things for you to use when you are feeling up to it.

The kids all say hi and they send their love. Especially the big kid "Dave". He and Mere and Colin were just in the basement lifting weights. They made me come down and try...Ouch.

We are all enjoying some time away from school and for me..the volunteering. It's nice to finally get some time to catch up.

At our postponed Christmas celebration yesterday, everyone asked how you were doing. Mom of course gave them all the scoop and told of all her blogging. This has truly been the best medicine for all of us.

Keeping my fingers crossed for this next round not to give you such fits.

Love to you, Joe and all the kids...Cuz Eileen

12/27/2005 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,

Im so happy for both of you that you had such a nice day today and that you both enjoyed your date! You sure deserve it!!!


12/27/2005 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Teklits,

Aw! I am so happy you and Mr. T got to go on a date today! I am positive that you had an amazing and very relaxing & romantic date!! I am hoping and praying that round two goes smooth. I look foward every day to reading your blog and seeing how you are doing. Soon enough I will not have to rely on this and I can just call the Teklits Household to get the scoop from YOU! That sounds wonderful to me! Good luck tomorrow.. I will be thinking of you!
Love You,
Alli! <3

12/27/2005 9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, at our age, that's all alot of us need is just pie and a walk in the park.. just emailed mo..she was going thru sort of a blog withdrawl.. was telling her that i think i watched african porn on pbs last night..actually it was a documentary about some tribe, but with all their dancing and little loin cloths you could use your imagination for the rest. but what is a little annoying, for some reason, it's alright to not blur out women from the waist up? What's up with that!!strange.. speaking on this subject.. let me share another tibit i learned.. if you are looking for ideas for boys christmas presents.. don't look on the internet under" toys for boys"! wow..did i see alot of different toys and not one of them was a Tonka!!
Deb, make sure you make yourself eat and get stronger to fight this stonger medicine.your a tough woman.. hang in there. we are all pulling for you..mdf

12/27/2005 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Joe
Well good for you out on a date with your husband. I could smell the french fries.
I am so proud of both of you .
I love you .
Your Aunt Angie

12/27/2005 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe,

How wonderful to get out for a date today. You could not have had a better day to get outside. Deb, I am sending positive vibes your way as you face your next hurdle. As you know we all love you and want you home ASAP. Take care. Love, Jean

12/27/2005 10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb. Can't believe it takes a stay at Penn for you and Joe to have a lunch date in the city. How nice is that for both of you! I'm glad you're feeling good, and I pray that this round of chemo is just like your walk in the park today. I have Nicholas and Joey all week, no daycare or school. I can't wait until I can visit again and see your smiling face.


12/27/2005 10:51 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Honey Bun-

Keeping the midnight oil burning out here in the wild, wild west! As always you have been close to my heart. It sounds like it was a busy but good day for you - a busy day here as well with Mr. Hal and our meetings. Too detailed to go into here but I felt better after talking to everyone and getting a game plan going forward. Kind of like you and Doc Porter.

So glad to hear that you were able to get out and have some AFTERNOON DELIGHT with Mr. Joe. (Ha-ha. Remember that one?)

Screaming that Joe has exceeded his word quotient for January already. Joe - it is so true. Since you have made me aware of the HE-SHE WORD QUOTIENT THEORY I have been conducting my own independent study and it has been verified time and time again. Men have vastly fewer words allocated per day than women. Nuff said.

Seriously though, it sounds like they were words well spent with our Chizling on a wonderful afternoon. A perfect way to kick off Round 2. We're with you guys all the way on this one!

Keep your collective peckers up!

I love you guys - K

12/28/2005 1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll put this last Challenge in the WIN column. Joe great job of coaching, Deb it was a Hel...! of a ride. Now its play-off time. I can tell from Joes' comments at the media event that you are primed and ready to go! The fan base has grown and the cheering section is starting to crank up the volume! The prayers continue, and we hope for a brand NEW Year (2006)and a brand New Debbie. THE GOAL FOR THE NEW YEAR IS TO BE A 2 PERCENTER. :) Love Artie

12/28/2005 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby & Joe,
As others have said, the latest posting was most pleasant to read & we'd all like to see more of the same. I don't understand the reasoning for a new doctor this long into the treatment so let's hope that he's better than the previous one. Joe, we're fortunate that your word quotient for January wasn't exhausted sooner than the 28th so we'll just have to have Joey & Mike take up the blog posting for you for the next 3 days. We thought Joey's 1st blog was a good one! We had an enjoyable day yesterday as both Bob & Rick & families joined us for dinner. Mnay laughs were shared around the table. As a reminder of Joe, I opened a remaining bottle of the nice year 2000 Syrah wine that you were fortunate to locate in the wine shop in Lansdale instead of another Rhone. Please know that you remain in our thoughts & prayers daily. Love Mom & Dad

12/28/2005 9:19 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Good morning Chiz

Just a quick one before blasting out of here. How are tricks, honey? Have they started running your mojo juice yet? Hope so.
The way I see it - the sooner they get started, the sooner you can bust out of there - for good!

Praying like a mickey fink for ya, kiddo and can't wait til I see your sweet face again.

Our meetings took up pretty much all day yesterday so there was no shopping fun and not much to report.

In the interest of keeping your appetite going - I did have a terrific steak at a place called Rio Chama. It was a 7 ounce filet stuffed w/ bleu cheese, mushrooms and wrapped in a grilled raja (what we call red chile). It was perfectly done and fork tender. I think you would have loved it! (Sticking my tongue out at Weight Watchers for you.)

LOL Miss Mo at your example of word quotient theory in action. You sure hit THAT nail on the head. What's your ratio with Bob?Mine's about 3:1 to my husband, Hal. Deb you must be running, what 5 or 6 to 1? Heck after your lunch date yesterday I wouldn't be surprised if your topped out at 10:1. Way to go, girl.

Well, I better get rolling here. We've got miles to go before we sleep today so in the words of the indigenous peoples of the Picuris Pueblo: kowaen mina so thuu puchi or HAVE A GREAT DAY! (there's some more words for you Joe.) ;->

Sending you much love and chile flavored kisses - K

12/28/2005 10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

Great to hear you had such a good/fun day. You need those fries to gird you for the next round. We're praying God gives you strength for each day & wisdom & compassion for those who attend you! Love,
Grumma & Grumpa

12/28/2005 5:29 PM  

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