Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Day 16

Another day for the "BAD" column. Deb had an awful night, but Mike was able to stay with her and keep her company. I arrived at about 7:30 this morning and Mike left at about 9:00 AM. When I arrived, he was sacked out on a pull out sofa in one corner of the room. Deb said that he slept through an EKG and a few consults, but was there for her when she spiked her big temperatures during the night. I have been here all day today.

The principal problems now seem to be the sore throat -- very swollen glands that keep her from swallowing or eating, the new rash, and monster fevers. I put the cream on her again today and the new rash was hot, raised and red. Not as purple as the last one, but very bad nevertheless. Her temps have gotten up to 105 and they have an electronic cooling blanket on her to keep her body temperature down. Earlier in the afternoon, we got ice bags for behind her neck, under her armpits and her groin to bring down the temperature. Everyone is concerned about the throat and the fevers. She is being treated for both viral and fungal conditions. This is a heck of a team and they seem on top of everything. Deb just needs to get those counts up.

Deb will go down for a CAT scan of the throat tonight @ 8:00 and the infectious disease department will see her tomorrow during the day shift. They are concerned that the throat may some type of infection that her body cannot fight off because her counts are still so low.

Mike will stay the night again today and we will have some help tomorrow during the day. I will have office hours until around 2 and will then come down until Mike arrives. Depending on Deb's condition, Mike will stay on Wednesday night, as well.

Hope to have better news tomorrow.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie

My name is Liz and I am Allison's Mom. I just wanted you and your family to know that we are praying for you and for your family. I know that this is a terrible time for all of you but I hear (from a little bird) that you are a very positive and loving person. You have stolen my daughters heart. I am thinking of you and praying for you all the time. I have family and friends in prayer groups and they are praying for you too. I know you will be fighting hard and all the energy of so many people here on long island is with you.

Love Liz

12/20/2005 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

I'm sorry that it took me so long to write to you, but Mikey didn't tell me about the blog until about a week ago and I didn't get the web address till this past weekend...Anyhoo, I really wish I could come down there with Mikey to see you and help out and to be there for him as well, but I understand it's not the best time for visitors...Just know that my thoughts are with you everyday and that I love you like my own mother. Speaking of my mother, she was asking about you also and sends her love, as does the rest of the Koffel family. Keep on fighting Debbie and get some rest...Take care...

Mr. D.

12/20/2005 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,

So so sorry you had such a bad day. I agree with Patty--ENOUGH already. My heart goes out to you and to you Joe, Jessie, Joey and Mike. Just keep fighting Deb and we're all praying that this awful time passes quickly and you're home again.


12/20/2005 8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God love you Debbie you hang in there.My love to all the family.
Eileen is mailing out the nonnie cookies wednesday. I finished icing today.
I am praying for you . Big Hugs
Your Aunt Angie

12/20/2005 9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe,

Every day you and your family are on my mind and in my prayers. I get emotional reading the blog and the comments from your friends and family. It shows how truly special you both are. I wish I had the power to take your pain and suffering away (I'd really like to give it to Bin Laden!) so you could be in your home with your family for Christmas. But all I can do is keep hoping and praying that your counts come up and your rash and sore throat disappears. Good night, hope you can sleep. A million kisses to you, Love Barb

12/20/2005 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Debbie, Uncle Joe, Jess, Joey, and Mikey,

I'm so sorry things aren't better yet. It looked like things were getting better for a day and now all of this... Hang in there, Aunt Debbie. It sounds like you have some great people taking care of you and I know things will get better soon. They just have to!

It helps to read all of these comments and see that everyone else feels just as helpless. If there is ANYTHING-and I mean ANYTHING-we can do to help, we would love to. It would at least let us think we are helping in some small way.

Mikey, I'm sure it is a great comfort for your mom that you are there with her. Joey and Uncle Joe, you have been such troopers through all of this. I'm sure you can't wait to have Aunt Debbie home and well again! Jess, I know you miss all of those phone calls to your best friend, but I know your pictures and videos for your mom are the highlight of a gloomy stay at UPenn. I know it hurts you to not be here, but your heart is so big that you really ARE here with your family! You take care of little Emma, Mr. Christian, Walid, and yourself!!!

I love all of you and hope that tomorrow is a better day. I'll have to step up the praying!!!


12/20/2005 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb
Hope tonight will be much better for you. I'm so glad Mike is staying with you- better days are coming. I have been hoping for 2 great things to happen- first for you to get well and be back at MSC with us soon. the second for Morgan to get accepted to law school. Well she got accepted- you always were so posative about her chances and you were right. Now you have to get well quick. I wish we could all take some of your discomfort away- we are all praying for you to improve and get home soon. Love, Holly

12/20/2005 11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Spoke with Rosemarie today and gave her the phone #'s and told them just to send mail to your house as Joe/Joey/Michael will bring it down to the hospital. Seemed silly to send it into the bowels of the hospital mail system. They send their love.

As mom mentioned day 3 of Nonnie cookie baking is over and mom did most of the work. Off to the UPS store tomorrow. Joe and the boys will have to keep them sealed up until you are up to it.

Keep the faith. Be strong. You would be saying that to me and I know you are a fighter...love from all of us....Cuz Eileen

12/20/2005 11:03 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Hey there Mom,

I'm glad that Mikey's there tonight, he keeps me posted by sending me text messages. I spoke with he and Joey tonight and they are both holding up well. You'd be so proud of them, I know that I am.

We had another battle getting Christian into bed tonight but this time we were bad parents. Instead of shutting the door, as Ferber suggests, we set up a hidden camera so we could record his antics. Lucky for you, we got all of his attempts to get out of bed on DVD! It will be in the mail tomorrow (Wednesday) so hopefully you can watch it this weekend if you're up for it.

Walid made Emma and I Nutella crepes tonight after Christian finally went to sleep. I've never had them before but apparently they are a big thing in Lebanon. Maybe he can make them for breakfast next time you come and visit. They are even better than chocolate chip pancakes.

I got sad today because I was trying to entertain Christian while he was on the potty, and started singing 'patty cake.' His face lit up immediately but then I couldn't remember how you used to sing it to him! I thought for a second, well let me grab the phone and ask mom...

I see us at the beach next summer under a very nice umbrella or tent, with a nice au pair or babysitter to help us with the kids. I imagine us walking down to the playground at 52nd with my new dualie stroller...I can only see a positive, fun-filled future ahead for you, and know that we will get good news this week with the biopsy.

This hell will be well worth it. Maybe we can even be on Oprah someday? I love you, and know that this will turn around very soon. The staff at UPenn is doing a fantastic job and I know they will get you home as soon as they can.



12/20/2005 11:48 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Walid fixed my 'm' key, btw...

12/20/2005 11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when you feel like you've hit rock bottom ...BAM. you hit it again!It's got to be nothing but up from now..so sorry to hear that you are having ice on places no one wants it to be, i hope though that the temp came down as a result..I hope when i write that you don't think im being unsympathetic talking about things in my life..but taking Jesse's cue. feel it might for a slight second take your mind off how badly you feel..
So with that . here is a quick update on my family.. Patrick is now a jr. in high school, recently got his lisence... his interests are : film making and would love to go to USC, it's alot of work to get in, but he's trying.. did the tour this summer,beautiful campus, Mark,was more impressed with the fact that Reggie Bush walked by us( i of course was either talking or looking the other way)ask Joe who he is.. Mark is 14, and one of his dreams is to play baseball for Notre Dame!I think this stems from while i was pushing him out, the team song was playing on the tv(who would dream of turning off a notre dame game during labor!)Tim is doing great and is still the director of the pulmonary subacute unit..the boys keep us busy, but we love it!
There, your slight second is over.. hope you are dozing back to sleep(or maybe you did during this blog...that is okay also)the more you rest, the more strenght your body will have to fight this thing!! thinking about you all the time, mdf

12/21/2005 1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We hope that you're feeling better today. I read somewhere that "Pain is weakness leaving the body"; hopefully this will soon be a distant memory to you. Keep that positive attitude that you have. Get better soon, Mom had such a good time with the family last summer and can't wait to get together with you and Joe again. Mom and Ro pray for you every day, as do we.

Eddy, Shirl & Lisa

12/21/2005 6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just a reminder that there is a whole host of people out here whom you don't know, but who care about you and who are traveling with you on your journey.

As one of them, let me thank you for the inspiration you are providing to me every day. I hope that, in return, you feel some small sense of comfort and support from the many many hearts and minds that are with you and that hold you in the light.

Alan Kintisch

12/21/2005 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't posted lately, I had a minor surgery myself on Monday. I heard the cutest story as I was waking up that one nurse was sharing with the other nurses. Apparently, one nurse's 3 year old, after visiting her mommy's friend with a new baby, was convinced that she had a baby in her tummy... so much so that she wouldn't wear onesie PJ's because then she "couldn't get to her baby." Can you imagine?? Just think how much fun little Emma will be! Hang in there! We're praying for you! Kathy, Marc, & Taylor

12/21/2005 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear deb,
i posted on monday but it seems to have vanished..
you sounded so great on saturday
and now this. whoever said that she wished we could carry your cross for a while was so right--i wouldn't be as brave but i would do it for you. i am glad that mike has been able to spend nights with you ...i'm sure is comforting to both of you.
well you get the good news tomorrow--its got to be good. you are constantly on my mind and
always in my prayers.

i miss you alot love to all the teklits, marian

12/21/2005 9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Teklits,
It is the worst that you are having these horrible days! Things will start to look up soon because they have to! Im glad Mikey has been able to sleep there. Your family is simply amazing and that is a direct reflection of how amazing you are. I got to spend some time with the boys this weekend, and they are the best. I LOVE THEM! My mother is right you totally stole my heart... and i cannot wait to spend more time with you when you start to feel better... stay strong !

Love Always,

12/21/2005 10:15 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello my Chizzie.

As Dorothy Parker would say:

"What fresh hell is this?"

Mo is right. This is the hell they told you about and things will get better.

I am praying like a mickey fink for you and for some reason I can't get the hymn SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER out of my mind today.

Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!

That calls me from a world of care,

And bids me at my Father’s throne

Make all my wants and wishes known.

In seasons of distress and grief,

My soul has often found relief

And oft escaped the tempter’s snare

By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

I love you, honey. K

12/21/2005 10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, Joe, Jessie, Joey, & Mike,
You guys have got some real depth on your bench! What a team. Deb, Hold On!! Your family has got your back , your Doctors are calling the plays, and we are all cheering you on. We love you and continue to keep you in our prayers.

Jessie I have a cute bedtime story for you about one of my boys. Deb & Joe you'll relate :) Ryan wasn't in bed more than five minutes, when I heard "Da..Ad"
What? "I'm Thirsty Can You Bring A Drink of Water?" " "No You Had Your Chance Lights Out" Five minutes later, "Da....AAAAD" "What?" "I'm Thirsty Can I Have A Drink of Water" "I Told You NO!!! If you Ask Again I'll Have To Spank You"
Five minutes later, You guessed it.
"Daaaaa.....aaaad!!!" "What!" "WhenYou Come In To Spank Me Can You Bring Me A Drink Of Water?" True Story! :) Kids you gotta love them.

Well Deb I can empathize, with the 105 degree fevers and the ice packs and blanket. All I can say is they worked for me and there was an end to it all. Keep believing and hold fast to your faith, family and friends. God Bless You and Keep You!! Love Artie

P.S. Cathy sent a Cd to the Hospital. Hope it got to you you'll enjoy it!

12/21/2005 10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

This is Kathleen, Mike Naughton's sister. We want to let you know that you are in all of our prayers and in our hearts every day! We are praying that each day will get better for you. Keep fighting hard and beat these infections! If any blood donation is needed,please count me in. I am here in Phila. so please let me know if I can help with anything in any way. Just reading the daily postings I can see how blessed you are with the strength of your family! This will pull you through!

Love, Kathleen, Bill, Tom and Julie Beal

12/21/2005 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Teklits!
I'm getting ready to go to some Christmas shopping with my sister. I was very blunt this year. I just asked everybody "What do you want?" Luckily, they were blunt back and told me exactly. I'm thinking about you all the time. Mom said you were an adorable bald, by the way. You know, if you can pull off a bald head, you can pretty much pull off any hairstyle. What about some corn rows or dreads? I'm sorry the past few days have been nasty. Hopefully, you'll have a good day soon. My grandfather used to say "take two and hit to left." I never understood it until a few years ago. Sometimes you got to take two strikes before you hit that homerun into deep left field. You're due for a homerun soon!
A little kid asks his father, "Daddy, is God a man or a woman?"

"Both son. God is both."

After a while the kid comes again and asks, "Daddy, is God black or white?"

"Both son, both."

The child returns a few minutes later and says, "Daddy, is Michael Jackson God?"
Better days will come. Stay strong!
Love, Sarah Schneider

12/21/2005 12:11 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello Chizzie-

Just talked to Cathy G and Joe. I am so glad they are watching over you today.

I am with you in SPIRIT.

I am also remembering the time we went to see the Delacroix exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Remember how moved we were by the picture, THE GOOD SAMARITAN? Remember how I was so moved that I wept? (I am such a big baby.) I hope you are able to see and hold that picture in your mind's eye right now because we are all out here in cyber space holding you up.

I love you, darling.
p.s. FOD's - if you'd like to see an image of Delacroix's Good Samaritan. Click here. "THE GOOD SAMARITAN"

12/21/2005 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriend,

All I can say is that my heart is with you and your family. Please remember to fight, fight, fight it!! You can do it!!!! We're all cheering for you and are your personal prayer warriors. Ditch the rash, the bad throat, and let's head for the Jersey shore!!

Your personal cheerleader/prayer warrior,
Karen Burns

12/21/2005 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
We were shocked to hear of your unfortunate illness. We feel as if you are part of the family; we are & will continue to pray for you. You are so loved & have so many prayers going up for you it's amazing & must be comforting.We'll pray our God will get those whites up, keep your fever down, and bring you home to your lovely, caring family soon!
Love, Grumma & Grumpa

12/21/2005 5:00 PM  

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