Sunday, December 18, 2005

Day 14

We have had good days and bad days. Unfortunately, today was a bad day for Deb. Our day started with a collect call from Debbie because she lost her cell phone. Her voice was so faint on the system that I thought it was a joke. But for the fact that the boys had been out partying last night, I would have hung up. It wasn't AAA or the police, it was Deb with a terrible sore throat. She needed honey and throat soothers.

We were told to expect sore throats and mouth sores, and today we got them in spades. When I arrived at the hospital, Deb was in the bath tub soaking it off. (Mom -- I didn't look!) She had a fever, a sore throat, the rash from hell and whatever else they could have thrown at her today. They gave Deb moraphine and offered her a pump, but she did not want to upset the progress she had made with the lower regions over the past few days. Just unbelievable choices.

Of course, Deb slipped coming out of the tub and I was able to catch her -- God knows what that will look like tomorrow. I put the steroidal potion on her rash today and that has definitely peaked and is on the mend. It did not have near the heat that it did yesterday and it is retreating. Her head is almost free of it, her ears are clear and the rest of her body should be clear in a week. She is still retaining water, but hopefully that will dissipate over time. Most likely, there will be scars.

Deb spiked a few temperatures during the course of our stay today. She had a tiny bit of lunch and a very little to drink while I was there. Mostly, she just slept. We did only one lap today -- but that was all that her strength could muster. That said, I do feel that the rash is now on the mend -- she snapped a couple of times today in "classic Debbie style" so I know that she is still in there and has plenty of fight left in her. Hope to send some of the boys in there to get some of that for themselves instead of me!

Tomorrow is a big day for Debbie -- day 14 bone marrow biopsy -- that will tell us what to expect going forward. We hope to get the results back by the end of the week and we hope that it will say that we can all go home for a while. The test will be performed at 10:00 -- so direct all of your positive energies in a easterly direction at that time. I will be there for the play by play on 94.1 FM. It is just a God awful procedure that was probably invented by the Vikings while pillaging the British Isles.

Thanks to everyone who brought stuff by this weekend. We appreciate all that you have done for us -- Zeke and Bob thanks for the guy stuff, it was great-- and we hope to have a big blow-out here once Deb is back in full swing.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Teklits!
My alarm is set! I'm going to get up extra early tomorrow (ahem, 9:45) and send you some mega-positive vibes. I'm glad this rash is getting better. I had to start skipping over Mr. Teklits's descriptions--it gave me the heebeegeebees! I took my first college final today... eek! My hands were so shakey, I hope my sociology professor can read my essays. So, nobody told me David was living with a GIRL! Maybe we should hide a ladle in her bed... just to make sure there is no funny business! Stay strong for tomorrow! Here's an extra good joke: A Jewish lawyer was troubled by the way his son turned out, and went to see his Rabbi about it. "I brought him up in the faith, gave him a very expensive bar mitzvah, cost me a fortune to educate him. Then he tells me last week he has decided to be a Christian. Rabbi... where did I go wrong?"
"Funny you should come to me," said the Rabbi. "Like you, I, too, brought my boy up in the faith, put him through University, cost me a fortune, then one day he comes and tells me he has decided to become a Christian."
"What did you do?" asked the lawyer. "I turned to God for the answer," replied the rabbi.
"And what did he say?"
He said, "Funny you should come to me..." Good luck tomorrow! You've got just about everybody in the tri-state area
(and more!) sending you positive energy!
Love, Sarah Schneider

12/18/2005 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh , How can I help you but pray .Debbie you are strong I know things will get better .and then you can have that blowout Joe is talking about.
Just got home from Eileens finished baking cookies. She read my e-mail to you yesterday and tonight she feed me well
including an entree.
I want to hug you but you know that.With all my love
Your Aunt Angie

12/18/2005 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb!

So so sorry you had such a bad day today and glad you were there to catch her Joe! I'm glad at least that the rash is getting a little better. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day and I'll send every positive vibe your way tomorrow at 10:00! Rest and stay strong and we're all praying for you.


12/18/2005 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Debbie,

I'm sorry to hear that you had another rough day. You just can't get a break! I hope they are doing everything they can to make you comfortable. At least the rash is starting to go away!

A bunch of us are hoping to visit as soon as your counts are up and you are ready for visitors again.

I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow at 10:00! I hope you can sleep well tonight.


12/18/2005 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb- Sorry to hear about your sore throat and nasty rash. Hopefully this week things will improve. I'm so glad to read news of Jessie and her progress- glad to hear everything is ok. I really miss you at MSC- we had 4 ortho's on Friday. I didn't get out till 4PM. Dr. Wang sends his good wishes. I have off Thurs and Fri this week- I'm looking forward to it. By the way, looking at how often Mo is writing you I don't think she is working enough, do you? Good luck with your test tomorrow- my whole family sends you their love, enjoy your candles from the QVC queen. Joe and Jess- thanks so much for the daily updates- your doing a great job. Deb, miss you and I Hope tomorrow is a better day!!!!Love, Holly

12/18/2005 10:01 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Hi Mama,

I'm sorry we didn't get to talk tonight like we usually do before going to bed. I figured you were probably getting some much needed rest so I did not want to keep trying to call. I wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you constantly and especially will be tomorrow. I know you will probably not be in your room much so we may not talk until late.

Before I know how pregnancy just takes away your memory...or is that motherhood?

Christian is sleeping in his little bed sideways. It reminds me of how Joey used to sleep. He still sucks his thumb and holds the tags on his blanket to fall asleep. He is consistently telling us now when he needs to 'poo' complete with the hand gestures on his lower regions. I am going to try and get it on camera one of these days so you can see how cute it is when he does that.

The roast beef dinner turned out just like yours - for the first time. It's pure luck on my part today because I normally set the alarm and I completely forgot to do that. I just happened to check the thermometer and the roast was done! I even got the gravy right!

Time for bed. Emma and I already enjoyed late night snacks with daddy. I think he is working on putting together your Christmas DVD from the party so we can mail it tomorrow. The decorations and food really were amazing. Hope you're sleeping well and that the test tomorrow is quick. I will talk to you afterwards.



PS. My 'm' key is still out of commission so I hijacked one of Walid's PCs to type this. I never realized how many words have M in them...Kris, I do think Christian was trying to type something like 'mom mom' or 'm&m' or maybe both?

PPS. Sarah, I've been telling your jokes to people all week long - they are so funny. I may need some new material soon, so keep them coming!

12/18/2005 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, Mo sounds like she has good advice, you should take it.. sorry to hear about the bad day!!Thank goodness Joe was there to catch you is right!Don't they have bath mats???Did you find your phone? Might be good for you to rest your throat for awhile also!!
I'll be thinking alot about you tomorrow and sending my positve thoughts also...good luck with it all!love mdf

12/19/2005 1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
We're sorry to hear yesterday was not one of your better days. Howevever, we're encouraged that your rash is improving. Deb, you're a stong woman and we're confident that you will continue to improve. Our prayers will be with you at 10:00 today.
Ruthann and John

12/19/2005 8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is a list of folks I know
All written in a book,
And every year at christmas time
I go and take a look
And that is when I realize
Those names are all a part
Not of the book they're written in,
But deep inside my heart.

For each name stands for someone Who has touched my life sometime
And in that meeting they've become
A special friend of mine.
I really feel that I'm composed
Of each remembered name
And my life is so much better
Than it was before they came.

Once you've known that "someone"
All the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word
Or of a friendly face.
So never think my christmas wish
Is just a mere routine
Of names upon a list that are
Forgotten in between.

For when I send a christmas wish
That is addressed to you,
It is because your on that list
Of folks I'm indebted to.
And whether I have known you
For many years or few,
The greatest gift that God can give
Is having friends like you!

May God grant you Peace!
Love Artie :)

12/19/2005 10:16 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Oh Chizzie-

Praying and sending you good vibes like a mickey fink, honey. I agree with Mo - hoping today will mean that you are over the hump and that the way will be easier ahead.

So grateful for all the good nurses here giving you such good advice. Regarding the pain management, I agree with Dee so "Billy, don't be a hero." (remember that old chestnut?) If the MS04 isn't working, bang on the siderails of your bed until they give you something else.

Don't make me come in there and start threatening a December 19 strike! Sounds like Sue Schneider would join me given her 60's activities. What do you say Sue? (wink-wink) Remember how important pain management is, honey.

Joe. You da man! Jess, Joey and Mikey. Our prayers are with you. Hang tough guys. We will prevail.

All my love - Kris.

Hi fellow FOD's. Just wondering if anyone else is as po'd as I am that our dear Debbie has to go through all this. I know, I know "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" and all that but it just isn't right. I guess I have moved into the anger stage - either that or it's all this quality time I'm spending with the in-laws! (thinking of you Jess!) Anyways, I'm fighting mad that this should be happening to our friend! Thanks for letting me vent and thanks for being here. This blog is the greatest.

Love the jokes, Sarah! Also love how you found out that David's new roommate was a girl! There's even great scoop on this blog. woo-woo!

What a nice poem, Artie. Thanks for sharing.

Eileen - we will be selling our house in NJ eventually - thinking we might delay groundbreaking for another quarter to see if the materials market normalizes. We should know more at the end of our trip. Kind of glad we're not making any fast moves - want to be in the 'hood to be with my Chizzie!

Hey - enquiring minds want to know. Did the cellphone turn up? Did the Kitchen wallpaper get done?

12/19/2005 12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear deb,
hopefully the test is over with and the good results are waiting to be reported. it seems like you begin to overcome one hurdle and another hits you square in the face. i know this too will pass.
it was so wonderful to talk with you saturday--please try to focus on yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.
jessie i loved the photo of christian --hes not a baby anymore. his antics are really entertaining and i know your mom can't wait to see "both" of her grandchildren.
sarah your jokes are hysterical---if i could tell a joke i'd claim them for my own.
my love and prayers are with the teklits and merry christmas to all fod. marian
p.s. deb, sue babin called and left a message on my phone requesting info on you...she heard your name announced at church.n i'll call her back tonight.

12/19/2005 3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby & Joe,

Sounded like you had another awful day yesterday & we think you're due for a break. Let's hope that it comes with some good news associated with the biopsy test taken earlier today. Our prayers accompanied you as you went into the torture chamber at 10:00 AM for the biopsy. This good family is suffering through a hellish experience & they sure as h--- didn't deserve it! Joe, while mom read your posting "Mom-I didn't peek" her words were "you should have to have avoided her fall"; the both of us are proud of you, & the family for "standing tall" in the face of hell! You, & we are all due for a break!!
Mom and Dad_

12/19/2005 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Deb,
I said my rosary this morning for you. It's about the best I can do at this point. I hope the test went quickly and the results are just what you're looking for. I'll keep the prayers going. I know how please you are to have all of your "boys" close by. Love you, Kay Gould

12/19/2005 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz:

We really didn't finish the cookies. Tomorrow we have to ice the white ones. For Eileen who asked about Nonnie cookies...there were probably more varieties when our Nonnie (Debbie and my grandmother)was alive and still baking but we do only three kinds. Chocolate (with a hint of cloves) White with white icing and sprinkles (with hint of anise) and those sesame seed cookies that only my dad liked. The recipe is for sharing but I may need to send it via email instead of putting it in the blog.

As for cooking with Aunt Angie...picture Dave and Colin sitting going over Theology, Mom and I talking in that loud Italian voice...not really arguing for us but they think we are...and then I completely change the subject and start talking about how big her turtleneck looks on her. The boys start laughing and I immediately funny if Debbie were here adding a little more volume, arms and laughter. I hope to have the cookies in Wednesday's mail. My brothers will be happy to get them as well.

Day one of high school finals are over for the kids. Yippee...Two more to go. We will all relax more on Wednesday when they are over.

Got an adorable picture of Christian today from Wahlid and Jessie. I can't get over the blonde hair and blue eyes.

Joe has been a trooper with the bedside care it seems. I can't get over the rash. Ouch! I will be sending many, many positive vibes your way with regard to the bone marrow test. I know they are uncomfortable. Look forward to the results even more.

Love to all...Your cousin Eileen

12/19/2005 6:06 PM  

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