Monday, December 19, 2005

Day 15

This was a very difficult day for Debbie. When I arrived she was sitting in her chair, pale and asleep with a terrible sore throat from the chemo. It is called mucusitis. She could not talk, drink or eat. Although she declined moraphine for it the evening before, the Doctor convinced her to start medicating the problem until it passes. She agreed.

Unfortunately, shortly after the moraphine started, she began to develop a new rash suggesting that she was having an allergic reaction to this medication. Because of last weeks rash, they quickly switched her to a new med. which she can regulate with her own pump.

The bone biopsy began at about 11:45 and it can only be described as gruesome. I will not even go into the step by step procedures. The biopsy was very long and painful for Deb. They had to take a break and administer more moraphine half way through the procedure because of the pain. We hope that she will get a clean scan and that she can go home. We should know the results by Thursday.

Deb cannot speak, is very weak and was running a fever for the rest of the day. Mike will stay with her tonight and I will spend the day with her tomorrow.

These are the hardest days.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Debbie, thank god she has all of you for her family!Can't even imagine what she has been going through, especially today.. it sounds barbaric!I will hope and pray that this is the bottom of the "rollercoaster" and it's all up hill from here on end.. love, mdf

12/19/2005 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Debbie, thank god she has all of you for her family!Can't even imagine what she has been going through, especially today.. it sounds barbaric!I will hope and pray that this is the bottom of the "rollercoaster" and it's all up hill from here on end.. love, mdf

12/19/2005 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry about the past 2 days. As the kids would say, "this just plain sucks." (Of course I can't write what I would say). Maybe you can stay in a drug induced stupor until this horrible stage has passed. Feel the love and prayers coming your way. Hoping, as Mary Day said, that this is the bottom, and there is only one way to go from here. Sleep well tonight with Mike there with you. Always thinking of you, Kim

12/19/2005 8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So so sorry for all the pain you're having to go through Deb, but hopefully it will all be uphill from here on in. Hang in there and know that we're all praying for you. I'm glad Mike is staying with you tonight. Joe, if there's anything I can do, just let me know.Jeanne

12/19/2005 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie
My heart goes out to you.I feel your pain. I pray for you and I know aur prayers will be answered.
My love and those BIG HUGS are close to you.
Your Aunt Angie

12/19/2005 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Teklits,
I am so sorry to hear that the last two days were so horrible!.. I am thinking about you always and wish there was more I could do. I hope that your night with Mikey goes well, and that your day tomorrow goes better.
Love Always,
Alli <3

12/19/2005 9:59 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Hi Mom,

I've hijacked Walid's computer again so he is forced to fix my 'm' key. Can you believe I've gone all this time without one?

We were so excited to hear your voice this evening. I know it was hard for you to talk. I hate that you are in so much pain and I can't be by your side. We are always thinking of you, even if we go an entire day without talking, we know you are in good hands and recieving the best care possible. We imagine you at home, in your new kitchen (which, auntie k, the wallpaper is completed and I am told it looks gorgeous), surrounded with all of your friends drinking a cup of tea. You will overcome this.

I just peaked on Christian and he had one leg hanging off the bed. Classic Joey style again. He gave us such a hard time going to bed tonight. After his 'poo' he again emerged from the bedroom and ran into our room, where Walid and I were both sitting, and waved at us and said, "hi!" Mom, he does not say hi or wave all day long. I can't get him to do it when we say hello or goodbye to anyone. He had his sad eyes on and kept waving, "hi!" at us. Good thing Walid was there to usher him back to bed. I was about to give in and let him snuggle up with me.

We tried to get his 'poo' and 'hi' moments on dvd, but as soon as he saw the camera he sprung into action. We will have to do a hidden camera thing so you can see these cuter moments. He's such a ham, he starts to 'show off' once he knows all eyes are on him.

I hope you are asleep and able to rest well tonight after this awful day. I'm glad Mikey is there to keep you company. We love you. J

12/19/2005 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, i just wrote my you , mo, kim ,RJ, and Kris a long note, but unfortunately i sent in to the comment place on day i..hope you can get it, cause it was sort of long..other wise,i'll write again tomorrow..mdf

12/20/2005 1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Teklits!
I was thinking about you all day today. During my 10am positive vibe transfusion to you, all these memories of you came to mind. I think this one was my oldest memory of you. Remember when my brother got sitches in his head, for the second time in a row? He was probably 8, so I must have been about 5 or 6! I remember saying to you "Guess what! Guess what!" and you smiled and said "What?" "My brother is getting his stitches out to today!" You said "I know! I'm a nurse! I took them out!" My jaw dropped. Maybe you remember it too. It amazing the memories you can drag up. Anyway, I'm starting to feel like Patch Adams. Here's your joke! There were three men in a bar. All three were sitting at the bar stool and one got up to use the bathroom. The other two men started talking. One man said, "So what's new in your life?"
The other responded, "Well I just found out my son got a promotion. He used to be a janitor at the bank and now he is an executive. On top of that there's someone special in his life. He just bought his new love a brand new Lexus."
The other man says, "My son also got a promotion and he has decided to settle down. He bought his new love a new house on the beach."
The third man comes back from the bathroom. He looked kind of upset so the other two men asked what's eating him. He responded, "I just found out that my son is gay. The good part is his lover bought him a brand new Lexus and a new house on the beach."
Man, you better get your butt back here soon. These jokes will only get worse! Maybe the morhpine will make them funnier... Stay strong!
Love, Sarah Schneider

Jessie-I feel for you on the 'm' situation. Last week my space bar wouldn't work... I almost tore the whole computer apart!

12/20/2005 2:01 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello my Chizzie-

Well, this is sure a fine kettle of fish.

This sux so much - I can't believe it. All I can think about is your terrible sore throat. Are they able to offer anything palliative for it? How about the lemon-glycerine swabs we used to use on patients back in the Ice Age?

Dear Heavens, does anybody have any ideas for this darn mucusitis?

Joe - do you have any tricks up your sleeve beside the Missouri Mustard Poultice?

And then to have your rash develop a rash???? That really chaps your pecker, doesn't it?

I hope these new meds do the trick and you fall into a deep pool of sleep while the "Eye of God" designed by Sue S watches over you!

I keep looking at the December moon and thinking of you.

I love you honey. Keep your pecker medicated. K

12/20/2005 2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Deb,
Hoping your night was restful.
Went out to get the paper this weekend with my trusted companion(Rusty, not Dan). Since it was only about 15 degrees, I slipped on the ice in my aptly named foot attire. Skinny white a** in the air for all the wildlife and world to see. Only my pride was hurt really. The most annoying was that the GD dog took off with the paper to play "keep away". Thank God I held on to the advertisement section. Does anyone out there actually own a dog more like Lassie than Dennis the Menace?? I do know they were TV characters, but seriously?? Anyway, last night while waiting to pick up Danielle from CCD, the person in front of me backed in to me. No damage , but the light that was out on my dash (that the dealer said would only be $150 to replace) came back on! I guess maybe I owe the guy that hit me $$. Since these things happen to me on a weekly (if not daily basis), it has me wondering...did I ever actually(ala "Grey's Anatomy" style) kill anyone way back when?? The beauty of memory loss. Can't wait till all of this is a distant memory for you!!! I'm late for kickboxing, but plan to kick someone's butt in your honor..hope it helps. I'm sure you're asleep by now after reading this...hope so.
ps Couldn't find your message MD

12/20/2005 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it .. my last blog, it was on the first blog note from was a bit like looking for "Wheres Waldo"..Tuesday am, trying to get the boys up for school.. hope your still resting and getting stronger..mdf

12/20/2005 9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim , its on the one title SAturday, two days until...".. so you were slip sliding away this am giving your neighbors a cheap thrill, huh. need to be more careful...about your dogs. yes, we now have 2 (had 3)..a dalmatian who hides behind the leafless bushes in the winter( i have to play a game with him,,"where's Pongo?" he loves it,, thinks he is really hiding.and Sally, our new german shepherd that sleeps all 80lbs of her body on the back couch cushion.. she has cat/dog issues..i have to hold on to the bannister when going downstairs.. its like a stampede in our home..anyway..this is debs blog, so i better stop going on..deb.hope your better...mdf

12/20/2005 10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The thought of you unable to speak and the lack of energy pushes me to tears....but I know that you are in the best of care, both medically speaking and family speaking. I find it hard getting past the thought of just the rash as I am a big wiener (or as Dave would say winer) when I get anything on my skin that looks like a rash. I just wish would could fast forward to the healthier side of this treatment. I think of you constantly and my frustration of being here is about to make me crazy. Of course Mom (aunt angie) worries for the both of us. I'll be picking her up this afternoon after her Tuesday regular visit to the Senior Center. Today she learns computers, has lunch and if she is up to it...line dancing. Can you see her?

Day II of finals is underway for Mere and Colin....Probably the toughest day as they both have honors biology and history. Different levels of course.

Probably didn't mention this before but we got official word that Dave is being inducted to his High School Hall of Fame in February. He has been acting like it is not big deal but judging by the letter we got I imagine it will be a nice affair.

Speaking of Hall of Famers...Joe, I asked Dave about the Rams game Sunday...the conversation went something like..."Who's favored?" Eileen asked..."Their both lousey" Dave replies....I guess you can see whose lousiest...The Lamies....

Keep the strength...Debbie

All our love...Cuz Eileen

12/20/2005 10:23 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Good morning Chizzie-

Well, I woke up this morning,
You were on my mind...

(another song lyric for you, honey. This one from the We Five and I hope you remember it. I'm a regular Wolfman Jack these days, aren't I)

Honey - I sure hope your day is going better than the last few days went! Off to write you a long, chatty letter detaiiing all the juicy gossip from my trip to send to Mr. Joe for you. Look forward to such items as, "will my sister-in-law ever be ready on time?" and "What is the real truth about Uncle Mike"...

Speaking of gossip, I know you are busy healing your AML and all but I thought you'd want to know that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey have split.

In other entertainment news, Britney Spears kicked out Kevin Federline.

Hmm. Kevin. Nick. Kevin. Nick. I'd pick Nick. What do you say FOD's? Let's take a poll. Who would you pick? Nick or Kevin? kathi, Mike Tavani is not an option here. Debbie if you pick Kevin we'll know the drugs are working!

I love you Chizzie girl. Hang tough with that pecker.

Your pal - K

P.S. Yo FOD's. Greetings from the desert. (Hah-I typed dessert at first.) Hope all is well with everyone. Kim. That kickboxing is a great idea! Mary Day - I found your where's waldo post and I'm glad to hear you are as pissed off as I am - misery loves company.

12/20/2005 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope you will be pain-free VERY SOON! Kate and I are praying to Our Lady of Guadalupe for you... she always helps me when I'm going through anything. And I'm almost positive that my Nana & PopPops ("mary&joseph") rosary's are miraculous in themself.

I was just thinking about this summer when you helped me bring all that stuff to my house for my parents 25 anniversary party. Ha, umm yes it was supposed to be a surprise. Remember when my Dad came out of the garage and saw us standing there with an armful of cups/bowls/and party streamers among other things? And the two of us just sort of looked at each other and... didnt know what to say? That was definitely a classic Noon moment. They knew anyways, that was the funny part. They both had to act surprised when there were 50 people standing on our front lawn the next day. I don't know if I ever thanked you for helping, so I guess I'll just say it now... THANK YOU!

Get better soon, we love you!
Love Meg & Kate Noon

12/20/2005 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debby & Joe,
We were sorry to read that yesterday was another bad day for Debby. It's been an incredably bad journey thus far but please know that you are always in our thoughts & prayers. One can almost ask - what else could go wrong; but chemo is a dreadful treatment and we hoping & praying for some good news on Thursday. We share your sorrow & pain for having to see Debby suffer as she is, & we're proud of the family standing tall beside her & consoling her as these dark days slowly go by. As a good German would say, "Es ist shrechlicht", yet it couldn't possibly be an adequate description of what the entire family is going through. Mom was pleased to hear that Debby enjoyed what Grammy Bodish asked her to send to her. Please know that the family remains in our prayers,
Mom and Dad

12/20/2005 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Joe,
OK!!! Deb you made to half time. A well fought first half. Get some rest, and take it from one who just went thru a painful hospital stay himself, use the pump, and sleep thru as much as you can. When you wake, all will be much better. I know a lot of the folks are getting frustrated, but God has nothing to do with this. He loves you and will not let you truely suffer. When you reach that point of unbearable suffering, he will be there for you. His will be done. For now it is for all of us to have Faith and Hope and see you through this mortal challenge. We love you and are with you. Don't give up just yet. I know if anyone is a come back kid it is you Deb! We have a whole half to go yet. "It's not over until its over." (Yogi) At the end of the game the scoreboard doesn't lie. God Bless all of you and keep you. Our Prayers go on uninterrupted! Love Artie :)

12/20/2005 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie,
My prayers were with you while i was at school today. As i think my mom said i had some hard exams today. Thank goodness they are over. These exams are pretty stressfull this year. I figured i would take a break from studying and send you a little love note. I wish i could tell you that i know how it all feels but i don't i wish i could be right there next to your bed playing scrabble or pick up sticks. Nonnie and mom have been making cookies so it has been pretty much mad Italian chaos here. One of my guy friends called the other night for help with an exam review and he heard talking in the background and asked if i was having a party. I proceeded to tell him that it was just my mom in my grandmother in the kitchen cooking and that Italian women are just naturally that loud! He laughed. I Hope everything went well for you today. i hope you are feeling better. I have more hard exams tomorrow so i better get back to studying. We have an all school mass tomorrow so you will be in my prayers the whole time. Get Better! Love Meredith

12/20/2005 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie

My name is Liz and I am Allison's Mom. I just wanted you and your family to know that we are praying for you and for your family. I know that this is a terrible time for all of you but I hear (from a little bird) that you are a very positive and loving person. You have stolen my daughters heart. I am thinking of you and praying for you all the time. I have family and friends in prayer groups and they are praying for you too. I know you will be fighting hard and all the energy of so many people here on long island is with you.

Love Liz

12/20/2005 6:09 PM  

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