Monday, August 28, 2006

No PIC Line Today

Dear Fod's,

Thank you for all of the great posts today. Joe read them to me and they just made me howl. Rick your legal spin on the accused was hysterical. Of course, Joe should have invoked the 5th amendment rather than trying to explain his motives. Janet, technically, you were right and I had a stem cell transplant, which means that they took the stem cells from the donor's blood. But Dr. Porteruses the words interchangeably because the stem cells are found in the bone marrow. In a conventional transplant, the stem cells are havested from the bone marrow and not the blood -- does that make sense? I can just picture you and Jonathan going through this routine in front of a bunch of 3rd graders. Kris, I too can remember, not the day, but the exact moment that our eyes met across the room at the old ICU in Memorial Hospital and we became inseparable. All of those trips to Lake Michigan and Wendy's, and can you remember when my "car was too short" and fish net underwear and the mackeral? I have not viewed the video yet, but will after this post. Thank you for sending it. Edie, I remember too becoming fast friends with you. You the innocent, naive beauty and me the wild girl from the third floor. You have always been my best advice giver. How did I ever get through that first year? Who was that chemistry teacher who passed me with a "C" when I never passed a test for the entire year. He passed me because I promised to clean his apartment for an entire year! COD -- I always want to be part of your daily life and Saturday night sounded like such a blast. I too have a lot of friends with married kids and nice houses. Any takers out there? Good luck to the kids in school and good luck to Colin in football and Mere as the Class President. You are all such talented and creative writers, that I pale by comparison, but I used to make a mean chocolate chip cookie. What a great bunch of friends and what a great way to keep in touch!

I have dropped another 6 pounds of fluids today and definitely think that I am getting this part behind me. I am trying to eat small amounts of protien every 2-3 hours, i.e. yogurt, cheese slices, but am having trouble swallowing because I have mucousitis in my throat. It kept me up for most of the night. I made myself 3 cups of tea over the night with lemon, if I could only have some honey -- but alas that is one of the forbidden foods. I am doing hourly mouth care and hoepfully, this will prevent it from getting out of control. The nuitritionist came up today and marvelled at how well I am doing, my albumin level, i.e., protien is lower than normal but she said that after 5 days of not eating, that I was very proactive in trying to ingest as much protien as possible. If I can stay one step ahead of the mucousitis, I should be OK.

A new attending physician started today (they all take a 2 week rotation). Mo I think you and Bob had him, Ivan Millard. I think that he is wonderful, kind and patient. He explains everything. The big hero, Dr. Porter also stopped in today. Ivan and Dr. Porter conferred and they want infectious disease to see my line but they think that my central line is still OK because I have not had a fever. So we got a reprieve from the PIC line today. The bed side insertion does not worry me. However, the bedside removal of my 9 month old line is very scary. By now, it must be attached to something in there. The source of the infection was a uti and a bowel infection. Again, this happened because I have no white counts to fight any infection and I can become infected from my own body. At the first sign of another fever, my line is outta there and the PIC line will be inserted.

Everyone seems to be amazed at how well I am doing every day. So if I can just string a few good days together, I should be in good shape. They brought into the room what they call a "bike" which is really two pedals on a stand. I went from the Cadillac of all bikes in 7003 to a skateboard! Oh well. I did manage to use it for 20 minutes today.

I got platelets today and will probably need blood tomorrow. That always makes me feel more perky. Once again, thank you for all of your stories. I am so lucky to have you all in my life.

Love to all,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Deb...I think you are your best asset...keep up with the little meals-it will add up! I check this site daily and pray for you every night with my kids-yes they are 15, 13 and 10 and I still tuck them in every night and they ask about you-remember when we stopped for halloween? that is how they see you (but mom she didn't look sick) anyway, tonight is my night off from kids-they went to jeff's so I will say a prayer on my own and have a few drinks for you! oh just one memory---that swinging off the swing at Lee's in our underwear-I also thought we were going to get head trauma-what were we thinkin? drinking and swinging into the water? wow! if my kids could have seen me then (Oh God!) those were the days-we must repeat them, but I might be more cautious this time-a broken hip would be disastrous (and what would we possibly tell the ambulance people)Anyway, I will discuss you with God tonight and know that he will bring you through this-he has so much work to do through you-he has done so much with you through this already-I know how many people you have affected and brought closer to where we should be (thank you very much)I love you Deb and will see you soon! Bren

8/28/2006 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Dave just called home to check and see if there was a new post...he was a little worried about you. I said...nothing I had checked a little earlier. But am so glad to see you are still fever free and starting to progess with eating and the unloading of the excess fluids. Keep on keeping know what you have to look forward I look at the picture of you and Emma and Christian on the looks like something you would see in a Woman's Day ad for maybe Dove.

Life is back to normal. Bee starts school tomorrow. He is sooo ready! My last grade schooler. Weep...weep! Funny how these transitions effect you. He is now as tall as me Deb...which makes him taller than you...

I won't tell Dave about you being on a "Skateboard" as they are forbidden at this house. Be careful.

Better run and make some dinner and pick up #2 child from football.

Love you more scares pleeeeaaaase!

COD Eileen

8/28/2006 6:24 PM  
Blogger mo said...

Oh Deb, we LOVED Dr. Millard. He is very gentle and soft-spoken, but also very thoughtful, and doesn't make any decisions lightly. And zee accent...ooh, la la.
I'm so glad your line is staying in, makes sense to me to leave it if you have no fever now. And another 6 pounds!!?? I think they came to my house after they left HUP!!!
I wish your throat was better...the lemon isn't too drying is it? Could you have a honey-lemon tea bag? I guess thats not the same though, is it?

I loved reading Edies, Kris' and Tessas' stories. They make me think back on our "early" days. As does that blog from our Miss Bren. I know I say this all the time, but she is the sweetest thing, but w/ just the right touch of mischief in her. Boy, we had fun.

Well, Kate and I are back from another day of shoe- shopping...this time for her school shoes, and other assorted paraphenalia(sp). I missed her when she was in Maine. She needs an outfit for Monday, so we'll shop for that tomorrow. I think I'm going to run up for my parents on Wed. That way they'll have a little change of scenery for a while.

Enough about us. Does my heart good to hear your voice again. You sound very strong. And I'm assuming you typed this yourself today? Since you didn't mention that the "accused" was doing it.

Hope you have a better nights rest tonight. Praying that your throat starts to cooperate, as well as the white cells. Hang on a little longer are doing GRRREAT!

Love you, Mo

8/28/2006 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, you bet you make a mean chocolate chip cookie -- they were the best, especially right out of the oven. And, of course you are doing great -- you're Debbie Teklits! Keep it up. Love, Cheryl (Crone)

8/28/2006 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"THE BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES I'VE EVER EATEN" exact words the first time I ever ate your fabulous CCC's,my mouth is watering as I sound like a new woman...thank God....keep up with the protein,even though it gags you...Is Bren's blog a riot or what??I was hoping she would get to Bon's party ..I really miss seeing her..of course she'll be a must for the BIG COSMO CRUISE..can you believe her little babies are,15,13,and 10 ???where does time go??? You sound like you have everything under control(mouth rinses q1h, biking x20min q/d, protein bits q1h, foot soaks q4h?,and weeing q1/2h) EXHAUSTING business I'd puuulease pace yourself...Anita is back from vacation (I just gave her the fillin) she will try to call you in the am(she 's not a blogger) does send love and prayers ,as does Dean and Tobie and that crew..take care luvie, breath deep,meditate and pray,etc.etc.etc. ya know??love ya xxoo:)Bev

8/28/2006 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey snickers,

you sound wonderful. when you get these little bites of progress, do you hear choirs of small children singing? i do. i love the 6# loss, and i know it does joe's heart good to see you eating albeit, cautiously. jane hartman was asking for you today. she wants you to know that you are in her heart. and mine too. my-in as our own personal jackie o would say. you know i am worried that she bought that damn dress and is wearing it to msd!

8/28/2006 9:29 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
Delighted to hear of your progress today, hopefully things will keep improving.

Thinking of you.. funny for the past couple of days I keep getting spam mail telling me to become a nurse I kid you not!!! lol.. Of course I think of you and all your nurse friends everytime I see one.

Lots of love visitor Alison

8/28/2006 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - WOW - I haven't been on for a couple of days and just caught up on everything you have been through. I hope you continue to improve a little each day - just keep eating that protein and keep up the good spirits - I know sometimes it must be hard, but you seem to be doing it girl. Pray for you every day. Love Shelly Geib

8/29/2006 9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So glad to hear that you are feeling a little more comfortable and losing that fluid. I agree with Mo, I think those pounds wound up at my house too. And I am so impressed that you are getting on a bike as I sit here and try to talk myself into going out for a walk or do some exercise. You are a motivator!!

It is another gloomy and rainy day in Lansdale, but after all the dry days I guess we need it. It is a sure sign that summer is over. By the way, your pink and white impatients in front of the house are absolutely beautiful. Your "guys" kept them well watered through the drought and with the latest rain they are big and beautiful....just waiting to greet you when you get home. Keep up these days of improvement and your homecoming will be that much closer.

Taking Bobby for his learner's permit today, (Yikes how I hate the DMV. Rememer last year at this time when Carolyn was practicing her parallel parking out front and you, Mikey and Jess were giving her tips and assuring her that she would pass....well she failed the parallel parking that day and cried all the way home. But thank goodness she passed the second time!

Well I've got to go and stand in line at the DMV. Keeping the prayers going at this end so that you will be home to your pretty flowers real soon!!


8/29/2006 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
We appreciated Joe's call yesterday as he answered a lot of our questions in a very logical manner. It kept us from having to resort to Google searches to determine what's happening medically. Losing 6 more pounds of fluids is a positive factor & we hope that this continues & you're back to your old self. Let's hope that the medical staff can do something for the moucousitis so that you can begin eating normally. Mom says you should take it easy on the bike; I'd like to know why the Cadillac of bikes from the other room isn't given to you; I'd think that you'd have some sort of ownership priviledges by now with the length of stay at the UofP. Let's hope that the platelets & blood do perk you up, & we begin to hear of some white count. Keep up the good effort!. Love, Mom & Dad

8/29/2006 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Joey this morning, he had better slow down with working out, he's gonna run out of skin and be in big trouble! You sound like you're doing well I'm sure you don't feel great but you sure sound it. I showed my mother your blog and she thinks it is such a great idea and she's very interested in reading it, she says it really is a good way to get an idea of what a great person you are.
Love, Scott

8/29/2006 5:16 PM  

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