Monday, April 24, 2006

Post Second Consolidation: HUP Day 2

Dear Fod's,

Debbie received two units of blood and platelets last night. Her WBC is still incredibly low .5 and she was running temperatures up to 103 and not below 101 all day long. She called me this morning at 5:45 AM and was not feeling well at all. Debbie had visitors today with Mo and Kate coming this morning. Kris came in the late morning and stayed until 3:00. I left the office @ around 3:00 and arrived at 3:45. Debbie had to take a nap while Kris was there and she slept for the first 1 hour of my visit with her.

Dr. Staudtmauer, the famous Christmas Doc, is the doctor on all call for the next two weeks. Debbie is very happy with him and he told her that she would be just fine and that he had to go visit some sick people. If the temperatures continue after her counts come back up, they will have to do some more exploration. For the moment, they believe that Debbie's fevers are neutropenic fevers which are related to the chemotherapy treatments. Apparently 50% of the patients have to be readmitted because of them.

Debbie is still nauseated and has not eaten anything today except for 1 soft pretzel with mustard. She is very tired and feeling just worn out. Hopefully, things will start looking up by the end of the week.

Debbie thanks everyone for the blogs, calls and cards.

Deb sends her love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
We were sorry to read that you are not feeling well & back at the HUP. We thoroughly enjoyed chatting with you on Sunday, & will be hoping that you're back home soon. We remember Dr. Staudmauer & his comments when 1st seeing you in December; he sure has a better bedside manner than another Dr we know at HUP. We thank Joe for his constancy in posting these blogs & keeping us updated. I'll have to find a well rated, deep, hearty Syrah for his efforts. You remain in our thoughts & prayers daily, Love Mom & Dad

4/25/2006 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Debbie and that wonderful husband,
Sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to be in a medical center. Get your blood and platelets, have the doctor see you daily, and, avoid the traffic.
Your husband's postings are just outstanding. He shares the fears, joys, and frustrations. Get your rest. Get your strength back. And please know, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. You are truely an inspiration to us all. ... your man too.
God bless.
Ruthie McGinnis

4/25/2006 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this just stinks. I'm sorry you're still not better and that things have actually gotten worse. Hopefully this Dr. is right and things turn around. Hang in there. You're always in my prayers!


4/25/2006 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie:
So sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital and not feeling up to your usual chipper self.

Continued prayers for you and your family. Hang in there, better days ahead for you.

Carolyn Stuart

4/25/2006 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb,, you certainly have earned the right to be worn out.. you kind of remind me of the Jetson's on the treadmill(remember them.. then it got our of control..) you need to rest up.. the Dr's commment about it being pretty common(50%) of pt.s makes me feel a little better.. take it easy.. let your body fight it.. then come home. and take it easy there!! Hope your better tomorrow.. it's suppose to be about 80 here tomorrow! from a month of rain .. to heat.... i'll check in later.. take care.. love.. mdf

4/25/2006 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

As I read the blog my lower lip got lower and lower until I read that you ate a pretzel with mustard. That made me giggle. You eat the funniest things when you are feeling so poorly.

I got a nice surprise in the mail from you today. The card was adorable and Dave gave you much credit as he thought you made it. I told him you could have as you have that wonderful card kit that another one of the FOD's gave to you.

Just got a call from Mere and Colin on the bus ride home from thier track meet. Sounds like they didn't do so well. We opted not to be the hovering parents and stayed home. It was rainy and 45 degrees here in the Midwest. Dave and I celebrated 19 years of wedded bliss today. Dave, Bee and I had a very quite simple meal while Colin and Mere toughed it out in the rain at the meet.

My bets are on Dr. Stud and his ideas on the fevers. Hopefully they will subside soon and you can start some real recouperating.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Missouri....

Love ya Deb ~ COD Eileen

4/25/2006 10:11 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Morning Chizzie-

Just a quick note - hopefully before we talk on the phone this morning(he-he). I sure hope that this finds you feeling better after a night of no fevers and no interruptions.

Glad to see that they FINALLY got the blood and platelets running yesterday. Geez - the way they dilly dally around with hanging that stuff you'd think they were giving you their own blood, or something!

Can't understand why they are so casual about it - there you are, lying in bed feeling like dog meat on a stick and they just go "la-la-la, fiddle-dee-dee." I'm thinking that maybe they should call that place Tara not Rhodes, because I sure got a big whiff of 'Gone With The Wind' yesterday. As in Prissy and her famous line, "I don't know nothin' 'bout hangin' no blood, Miz Scarlet."

I know this round has been very hard for you, honey and I hate to see you feeling so low. I'm praying that you will be uplifted today - maybe a cheery visit from Dr. Studs?

I'm thinking of you, honey and sending you my prayers. I also second Mo's emotion - you think you are a complainer...NOT.

I love you, kiddo.

4/26/2006 7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are just to too funny....

4/26/2006 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe:
WOE IS ME, I think this crap {fever etc.} goes with the other crap and it is all crappy.
This crap will go away when the other crap does . You think this is crap it is.
Love ya to pieces

4/26/2006 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Sweetheart; It's Lee-Lee saying more than "hi".
How can it be so lovely outside with such saddness& dreariness within?? Please rest, eat as best you can, and take this time to rebuild new strength & cells so you can return home to all of us who await you. I've never had a more personal prayer list in my life...You, Bob & three stooges. I miss you but thoughts of you still warm my heart & put a smile on my face. You are so brave & a gift to so many of us. I thank God He gave you to be my friend. Hang in there, Sweetie. Wish there was more I could do. Love you, Lee PS: Hey, Joe; Wanna go for a run sometime???

4/26/2006 6:50 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hello darling-

Checking in again. This time after discovering that they didn't get those freaking units of blood and platelets hung until 12:30 AT NIGHT....and then they woke you to check your vitals about every half hour all through the night. For crying out loud! This is way beyond Prissy. This is entering Crimean War territory! Where is the outrage??? I mean, seriously. Subjecting you to that - it is so wrong on so many levels. I am so sorry, honey lamb. I truly hope today was a nice, dozy day for you.

Now, how about some news from planet Hollywood - here's some: Brittany's pregnant again.

Off to go check on Dr. Bob and Mo.

Love you, honey.


4/26/2006 7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie,Debbie,Debbie, I go...absolutely no where for a couple a days ... don't check in ,and everything goes to s---,or hell in hand basket..whichever!! Believe this though,...this is just a bit of .."O.K. Debs time for a rest and some re focus time", on the bumpy road of "Debbie's Journey" my honey will be out of there in no time!..and as I told you the other day ..I have a great book with your name on it,that's a must read now...that means you have to sit down in a comfortable chaise...with a bigass cosmo on the table next to you( on the deck looking out at your beautiful garden)concentrate on doing nothing, nothing,nothing ...maybe one more NOTHING would be appropriate in this spot,...and just read a really good book..that as I said I just happen to have sitting here on my table..on my deck next to the bigass glass of champagne that Joe keeps refilling for I do Nothing, nothing etc. etc. sometimes it just has to be that way and you must accept it...also, whinning IS permitted at all times..I guess you get the picture now the risk of being a complete nag...I love you and don't forget to give yourself up and all that's happening to Jesus..just trust Him ...also Kriss and Mo you are the best...the laughs they give you will see you through...also drugs.. if you can talk the Stud into anything good..meanwhile off to the Dr. Bob site...I can only imagine what's going on there..stay good lovely..the prayers are still coming in at a fast and furious pace lovexxoo :)Bev

4/27/2006 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie,Debbie,Debbie, I go...absolutely no where for a couple a days ... don't check in ,and everything goes to s---,or hell in hand basket..whichever!! Believe this though,...this is just a bit of .."O.K. Debs time for a rest and some re focus time", on the bumpy road of "Debbie's Journey" my honey will be out of there in no time!..and as I told you the other day ..I have a great book with your name on it,that's a must read now...that means you have to sit down in a comfortable chaise...with a bigass cosmo on the table next to you( on the deck looking out at your beautiful garden)concentrate on doing nothing, nothing,nothing ...maybe one more NOTHING would be appropriate in this spot,...and just read a really good book..that as I said I just happen to have sitting here on my table..on my deck next to the bigass glass of champagne that Joe keeps refilling for I do Nothing, nothing etc. etc. sometimes it just has to be that way and you must accept it...also, whinning IS permitted at all times..I guess you get the picture now the risk of being a complete nag...I love you and don't forget to give yourself up and all that's happening to Jesus..just trust Him ...also Kriss and Mo you are the best...the laughs they give you will see you through...also drugs.. if you can talk the Stud into anything good..meanwhile off to the Dr. Bob site...I can only imagine what's going on there..stay good lovely..the prayers are still coming in at a fast and furious pace lovexxoo :)Bev

4/27/2006 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double was bad enough once!!! I gootta get the knack to this:)B

4/27/2006 8:32 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Loved your double post Bev. It was so good, it was totally worth reading twice.

FOD's - Just talked to our girl for a brief sec - the fever persists, she's still feeling puny and hopes to spend all day in the bed with the curtains drawn. This sounded like an excellent idea to me.

On a positive note, she returned from last night's CT scan in time for American Idol and so we did get to discuss the outcome in great detail. Dang it, we didn't get around to Brittany's second pregnancy. Rats! Next time.

Until then Chizzie - I am envisioning you feeling better. In my mind's eye, I am seeing you so much better that you are ambling across the hall to the pc to check out Bev's vision (above and above)because it also sounds like another good idea for you.

Sending you the vibes today, honey.

Heal well, Chizzie-cat.

Love you, FOD homeys. I'll check in later. K

4/27/2006 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You will love the discussion around the dinner table last night. One of the many fine things you have taught me....Barilla pasta and that fabulous noodle...gemelli. Well little did I know that everyone at the table hates that noodle. We got into this lenghty discussion about how hard it is to spear. Brendan has always preferred spaghetti and Dave said anything but Gemelli. I like any pasta and actually like that one a lot but it may be the last time it is served at our house.

Just returned from a JV track meet for Colin...Bee has his Spring Concert (vocal) and Mere is at work. Dave is attending an after work meeting and now Bee and I are headed to pick up Nonnie to go to the big concert at the grade school.

Since no new post I assume you are still dealing with the fevers. I hope you have started the upward climb.

I'll keep my eye out for a new post soon.

Take care and love to all COD Eileen

4/27/2006 7:08 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

COD Eileen,

I don't normally post, but I have to defend that noodle. My advice is -- use a spoon!


4/27/2006 8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie

Speedy recovery!

Tad Nowinski

4/27/2006 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My sentiments exactly. That's what I told the family. They just rolled their eyes. Guess I'll just come to Philly for it.

:) COD Eileen

4/27/2006 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you were not doing well Deb. HOpefully by now things have turned around and you are feeling much better! Get your rest and stay strong. We are all praying for you.


4/28/2006 7:59 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chiz-

Just thinking of you like crazy this morning. Tried to call without success - didn't want to wear out my potential welcome though so I have decided to give it a rest. Between yesterday and last night I lost my address book with your cell in it. Somehow, don't ask me how it happened or where it could have went. Address books have a habit of flying out of my fingers and ending up in one of the rings of Saturn, I think. I have only gotten up to the letter 'M' in my new back up address book - I say new because the old back up address book is the last one that I lost. So now I have half an address book.

I sure hope you are feeling okay, honey. Talked to all the Ohio crowd last night - they all send you their love and affection. (Especially Mimi). Got the info on Kris's trip to DC - I'm happy to report that there will be a female chaperone in attendance... Phew, that had me freaked there for a minute. Mr. Hal is going to be heading down for a DC meeting too, and we're all going to try and hook up. Making plans for hotel, train etc as we speak. Pauli said Jimmy made it through his appointment with the allergist okay. He's allergic to everything outdoors - except pine. Poor little tyke.

I love you honey. Today's word is divine order so I am going with the flow. Hope you are too.

Love you - K

FODs - If I may chime in on the pasta debate. I agree JT but Eileen, you might want to try the Ronzoni Rotelle No 124 instead of the Gemelli. (I like saying that- rotelli instead of gemelli. heh) There are two sizes so look for the larger one, because the sauce sticks to it nicely and it is eminently spearable with a fork. I also like the Radiattore, if you want to really go all out. The sauce really clings to those babies and they are made for spearing. Maybe that will quiet the restless natives at your dinner table. K

4/28/2006 11:23 AM  

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