Thursday, August 10, 2006

Dalky Island

Hello everyone,

Thanks so much for all the cute stories. you can tell Ms.Madalalyn is still a baby. A year or two more she would have hightailed it out of the tub never to return and Edie would have had to replace the br. Happy Anniversary Cathy and Artie. that was a cute blog. Kim just wait, the real quilt has not even started yet. Mid and late teens nearly did me in. I couldn't even say the right thing! But they all grow up and then you become friends. Or in mine and Jessie's case, shes become mymother. Whatever sound advice she gives (shes been very calm thruout all this) i'm the obedient child and say ok Jess. Not quite when that transition took place (probably rite after diagnosis when i refused to get out of bed)but it did.

Not too much to report. The nausea continues butnot as bad. If you can picture this, yesterday i was banned to the family center for 5Hrs. while they cleaned my room. Because of the bad nausea they had given me iv Phenergan. Well all you nurse friends know that was always a fav. of mine because it gave pts. a good rest. Well let me tell i stumbled tothe Fr looking forthe nearest couchor lounge chair. NONE in site. I fell onto this little square hard loveseat. BIG LADY on a lttltle couch. I feel fast asleep till they brought in lunch which started the nausea all over again. I drifted off to sleep thinking of Dalky, Ireland. I really could picture the mist rising anove the boats while the craggy faced fishermen untangled their nets. I was to Ireland a long time ago and always wanted to get back. Imagination will have towork for now. Hopefully a quiet day. Chemo is done and jus waiting for the stem cells. Remind me again, Who are we talking about?????

Lots of love to all my bloggers and their families.Debbie


Blogger Kris McLay said...

Good morning Chiz -

Dalky Island sounds like just the place doesn't it?

What a day you had yesterday! I'm telling you those people at HUP just keeps coming up with new and unusual ways to torment, don't they?

Love the fact that they drugged you up before putting you in that family room full of germs while they disinfected your room. Just surprised they didn't make you lay on the floor!

Looking forward to seeing you today honey. I'll call you shortly.

Love ya - K

8/10/2006 8:44 AM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chiz -

It's me. While we're filling out our comment card at the end of this thing let's make sure that we suggest that they upgrade their phone system there at HUP. Would it be so hard for them to get a voice mail system? Sheesh. Tried to call, got ring no answer. Don't like to let it ring off the hook in any case. Call me when it works for you, okay?

Love ya - K

8/10/2006 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

First thing, you have been through the ringer and back this trip. Now that the isolation thing is in full force we will definitely to keep you occupied.
I have spent the last few days adjusting to a new position, trying to catch up on the blogs from everyone (everyone's summers sound like they have been crazy busy) and by the time I would get through a day on the blog I had to start working and never stopped until I rolled out the door around 7-7:30pm, never getting a chance to write you a note. Poor Trixie has had to cross her legs this week. The boy across the street who comes over everyday is on vacation so Trixie has had to rely on me getting home at a decent time at night. She is a trooper. Though she has been giving me a scolding when I come in the door these days. Lets hope for some changes in the months to come.
I was in Ohio this past weekend visiting with my college friends and all of their children. We were lamenting about the times that they all made us crazy and now they all were part of the conversation and had very interesting things to say. What a change. We really had a great time. The only thing that shows my age at this point is that I can not stay up late two nights in a row. We had a great time on Friday and then another great time on Saturday, but I was ready for bed around 9:30pm and we did not leave until 1:00am. I don't remember hitting the pillow. This age thing is getting in the way of a good time.

Know you and your whole family are in my prayers every day. Keep strong.
Love and hugs,

8/10/2006 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Just want to let you know, I am always thinking of you and it's great to be able to read your daily updates.
This will have to be short as I am at work and it is getting busier around campus. Students and faculty are starting to arrive for the fall semester.
Hope the nausea subsides and you have a good day today.
love you much,

8/10/2006 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, you are just the best. Who else could be going through this torture and still find time to write about it and comment on everyone elses lives? We are all so blessed to have you (and your family) in our lives.

I will give Cheryl a hug for you, they are checking out histoplasmosis, per Dr. Sarah's suggestion. We'll see. . .

My baby Joey is still battling a chronic ear infection, tubes are next. Whatever, we'll deal.

Hope these next few days are good ones for you. Love you.


8/10/2006 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Deb, i sure hope you didn't pick up any strange germs while loitering for hours with the germy public.. knock out your immune system then stick you in're right Kris, it just doesnt sound right!
Well, Mark's physical went well, although he kept asking me..."do you think they'll check you know where?" he has heard horror stories made up by his older brother, that not only do they "check you" but video tape it also... so i tried to reassure him" oh hon, i doubt it. don't worry about it" Well the PA came in to do the exam,and i was just about to leave when she asked"are you sexually active?" well, don't you know, i sat my big behind right back down on the chair in the room to hear this response!100% sure he's not(he's 14) but i did want to see him answer this.. where as he replied no, and she then proceeded to say"well, when you do become sexually active, and i think you should wait till your married(points for her)you should make sure you wear a condom! Maybe even 2-3 at a time!" Im thinking "wouldn't that strangle his poor little.... don't go there mary, keep your mouth shut!" so my son then corrects her..telling what he had learned in his health class. .. figured it was safe to leave him then.. he survived the "cough" and has a clean bill of health for high school sports..
..Then came home to patrick and friends.. some were going to santa cruz beach for 3 days..there "chaperone" was a 24 y o older brother, asked if he could go,.. started ro remember when i went with my friends .... heck no!!! anyway, he is going camping tomorrow for 3 days..
well, Deb.. im thinking about you nonstop..when i am worried i get sort of conastructive... i have almost cleared out most of our backyard!!
Reserve your strength today..laugh with kris.. and will all be pulling for you, mdf

8/10/2006 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Big Girl on a little sofa ..another loud guffaw ..the image of it just floored are a dollbaby... I can't believe you have to endure all that ..couldn't they find a spare room for you SOMEWHERE for heaven sake are supposed to be a bit under the weather...who are we talking about???I tried to call yesterday were probably sitting on your little hard sofa swooning at that very time...I wanted to hear you before I go off to Florida with the crew...I will try again tonite...I leave @7:30 a.m. tomorrow and of course will be saying nonstop prayers on the flight(for you ,the sweetie getting the stem cells in the a.m.)I have either horrible Bronchitis or Asthma( Gary says asthma-so I'm on inhalers now..for" THE ASTHMA " as Lisa says)...otherwise I would have tried to get up to see you this week..c'est la vie..I love you and my heart is with you ..hugsxx and kissesoo:)Bev

8/10/2006 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, just tolet you know that I'm thinking of you, I'll try to call you later. I'm glad you have company today. Hopefully we'll see you Sat. morning. Love, Mary G.

8/10/2006 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,
My heart is breaking. I have a mental picture of you curled up in the dirty ole family room. The cheesy furniture. The bad artwork on the walls. Barely making it to the chair. Ugh!

I'm still at work and its been a very unproductive day in terms of paperwork etc. but just wonderful in terms of interaction with the people here. Smiles all around.
I miss you though. When you are really feeling good you have to spend some time with me here. I can always use help. And the kitchen can hook us up with some ice cream and fixin's. We'll all scream for ice cream!

Richard and Sarah will arrive home sometime early tomorrow and then we take David back on Sunday. We had to rent a truck for the trip - he has quite alot of stuff. I think he's starting to get nervous about the whole thing. Frankly, I'm a little nervous too.

Hope all is well with your family. It's strange not hearing from Joe on the blog. He had his own style. How's Jess and her family? I can hardly believe that our kids were ever that little. Those lazy summer days were golden. I remember that I had to beg David to stop talking so that I could listen to his sisters once in awhile. Oh well.
Stay strong and know that everyone is thinking of you.

8/10/2006 5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
We think that you have a legitimate gripe about being "banned" to a center w/o lounges. We also wonder, will we ever read anything good about the administrative staff of the UofP? Let's hope that the nausea goes away & stays away soon. Rick came today & Shane had to go home for his football practice' It'll be a different place without him, as his company will definitely be missed. You're always in our thoughts & prayers, Love, Mom & Dad

8/10/2006 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - A day in my life... the sun comes up over Bev Z's house (of course I don't see it because I'm upstairs in my bedroom putting on my sausage casing (suck-me-in-underwear) and getting ready for work. I'll have that underwear on for 16 long hours. At times I have to slip into the ladies room to peel the mighty tighties off to catch my breath. Now I want you to know that I went into Alison's web site and enjoyed the Irish sunset. But her sunset cannot compare to the sunset that I see over my clothes line with my undies lined up. John, the lawn mower man, enjoys this sight too! At the end of the day the lights are turned down.... Jimmy Kimble comes on the T.V. and I sit in bed with my bleaching kit in my mouth to peacefully drift off to sleep to dream about me in the Jackie O green dress.

just love you Deb....

Your Friend Donna

8/10/2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Mom - it happened today - I found TWO pennies from heaven! Christian kept one and I have the other. Christian's was from 2003 and mine is from 2006! Of course 2003 was a big year for me - the wedding, the pregnancy...and 2006 is a big year for both of us - the birth of our baby Emma and the birth of your new immune system. I can't wait for tomorrow...see you in the morning.

8/10/2006 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Deb!!!


8/10/2006 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, What an adventure you are sharing with us! This could be a made-for-tv movie. What actress could be YOU???? Sierra just left after an afternoon and evening here....I am pooped! We went to the parkside place playground and then tried tennis at the courts(no comment Kathi). Made chocolate chip cookies and a zucchini casserole for dinner. I know you look forward to these times with Emma....soon! Special thoughts and prayers on your big day tomorrow. Love, Trudy

8/10/2006 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, couldnt stop thinking about you last night and this morning.. i hope the procedure is done and that you are feeling okay.! Will be anxiously waiting to hear how it all went....lots of love..mdf

8/11/2006 12:05 PM  

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