Friday, August 04, 2006

And so we Begin

Hello everyone,

Well here i am at penn posting my first blog on my new laptop. Actually we got it for Mike (his 3rd graduation present, it must be nice to be the little prince. Thanks to Krissy we now have a broadband wireless card which means that i have internet acess from my room this will come in handy when i am in isolation on monday and cant leave my room at all.
They started the chemo Campath, an injection. By 9:oo thursday morning i had a fever of 103. I havent been below 101 since yesterday, i feel as if i have a bad case of the flu aches and pains and a little nausea. My nurses as usual are wonderful as is everyone down here. i am crossing the days off the calendar, reading the daily word and thinking of all of you standing behind me to help get me through all of this. I didnt expect to feel this sick this soon but, the doc says this is the worst of the chemos and it should get better next week just in time for the transplant YIKES! Joe and the boys have been down, Bob Mo, and Kate stopped in because Bob had an appointment with Dr Luger. We all need to keep bob and mo in our prayers as he will need a stem cell transplant in the coming months. Another fever is coming on strong so joey is now taking over the duties of typing. Thank you for all the cards, blogs, well wishes, prayers and gifts you have all sent my way. Its good to know i have so many people supporting me i will write again tomorrow Love debbie and joey


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Sorry you are feeling so ill. Thanks for writing the post. We are all thinking of you and praying. I wish I could visit you, I'm home in Annapolis, so until you are out of isolation I shall have to remain your"blogger"
Can you watch DVD's on your laptop? Have a real funny Irish one I'd like to send your way. Laughter is the best medicine !.
Lots of love Alison
Your Visitor to Rhoades 6

8/04/2006 6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there ,this is an all time first ....I'm first!!:) I can't believe you have a temp already ..and feel so sick ..what a bummer to say the least...needless to say prayers are forthcomming..I was awake at 1:30 this A.M. and did two chaplets and two each for Bob and YOU girlfriend ..I think I finally got a few ZZZZ's just in time to wwake up @ 5:30 to go to was a
christian day ( we prayed alot:)..she asked for you ,so I gave her the lowdown...a child vagaled in her office the other day and she got scared sh--less..called over to us for help ..Lee Lee saved the day..actually the kid was waking up by the time she got there but our Coleen was supremely grateful non the less for the prompt response...We do miss you honey ..i use your locker with the newborn picture of Christian on it ..not a Mackenzie in site ..what a Gramzie am I!?I guess I should break down and bring in a snapshot:) Well,DebbalaI have this mental image of youlying in the sand with the waves washing over you( C. is throwing sand at you ,but that is neither here nor there) I do spy a sh--load of cosmos planted in the cool clear water I think I see a really long straw in the backbground ,abig crowd is chering you on..Debbie,Debbie,Debbie,and lo you do a reverse keg stand right then and there and down the whole bloomin lot..! How's that for a good visual??Maybe a bit much Huh??In any case hang tough babycakes..YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT!!love and hugsxxoo:)Bev

8/04/2006 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as I was typing someone else was first ..oh well:)Bev

8/04/2006 6:45 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Oh darling-

So sorry to hear that you are already feeling the ill effects of your treatment. Prayers go up as you face the fevers and go through this period of transition. Can't believe that this is happening so soon either, kiddo. Glad to hear that you are reading the daily word and pray that it soothes you.

So happy I got to talk to you today, honey lamb and also glad to hear that the broadband gig is going to work for you there at HUP. That was one of the questions I meant to ask and forgot!

(I forgot a bunch of other things too ;^O What a burnout!)

Thought I'd send along a little meditation for you this evening. Hope it comforts you and helps you prepare for sleep.
I rest in the comfort of God's assurance and support.

The most essential activity of my day is turning to the presence of God. I do this from the understanding that my every need is being met and my life is being enriched.

Throughout my day in moments of prayer and meditation, I communicate with my Creator. If ever I begin to feel saddened or dismayed, I know that the indwelling spirit of God is a source of comfort that soothes and revitalizes me.

In prayer and meditation, I am still and open to receiving from Spirit. God's love comforts my soul and restores me with renewed life and energy. The more I communicate with God, the more I understand that God is my constant comfort.

Now I rest in the comfort of God's assurance and support.

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever."--John 14:16

8/04/2006 6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I hope your fever,achiness, and the blah blahs that go along with it doensn't last long. Do they give you anything to give you relief? Again, I am continually with you in my thoughts and prayers. I am at Kelly and Aaron's writing this--watching Macy for the weekend as her parents have a wedding to attend in Chicago. Typically, it take 2 hours to get here, but traffic was so heavy it took over 3 1/2 hours. I used that extra time in bumper to bumper traffic to say extra prayers for you. It was a beautiful drive down Lakeshore Drive and it was slow going, so it was nice to be able to enjoy Lake Michigan on my way. Tall Ships are on show now, here in Chitown, along with "Lallapoolooza" Music Festival. The Music Festival probably was the major cause of the immense amount of traffic.
Well--time for Macy's bath. When I put her to bed tonite we will certainly include Aunt Debbie in her prayers... God Bless Aunt Debbie.
Love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxox
(above is a "blog entry" from Macy-sending cyberspace hugs and kisses :)

8/04/2006 8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

The fever has started already...Yikes! So sorry you feel like crud!
I am glad that you got to visit with Mo and Bob (and Kate too) today. Tried to call them a while ago since my email is still screwed up....thought I could get a first hand acct on their visit and Bob's appt.

A little tylenol with benadryl cocktail sounds like the ticket tonight...hopefully, you'll get some rest.

Love, prayers and XOXO, Kim

8/04/2006 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, i love that picture of you and both look so good!!And i can tell by your skin color that you have been staying out of the sun(yeah, right!!)That is a pic you need framed somewhere!!
Anyway, hated to hear that the fever has started already.. guess i just don't understand it.. why would giving someone medicine cause a it because the cells are being knocked off?? But you said this is suppose to be the hardest get it over first.. hope the fever is under control tonight...
Not alot going on here. tim and mark returned from baseball camp, tim has to go back to his real job on monday, hopefully he will get rested up in time for that..
Hang tough deb...we're with you.. lots of love..mdf

8/04/2006 9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, thanks jesse for the great picture of your parents.. they look great, don't they!mdf

8/04/2006 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Debbie. Thanks for answering my e-mail. I so want to call you, but know I can't. I think about you every day and pray that all is going well. Amazing to me how many friends you have; well, not really. You have always been the most wonderful friend I have. I wish you were down here so Shelly could take care of you. Jen and I talked last night -- she is leaving 9/10 for Asia and won't be back in Indy until 11/4, only to pick up her car and drive to DC to live. I am so sad, but she said she will try to connect with Jessie (no wagon-riding together, though!). What great times they gave us. Perhaps they could visit McDonald's though! I wish I could come and see you the weekend of 10/19, 20, 21, 22. I am off work for fall break. We will see. I am so thankful that you have such a wonderful family. Joe - you have always been so special. After all, you used to let Deb sleep in and take Jessie to Country Bake Shop! Could never get Terry to do that! What patience you've always had. And, to have such wonderful grandbabies! What a help you have been to Jessie. Just like my mom was to me. Debbie, your family is blessed to have you -- you have taught them all so much. Hell, you have taught be so much! What great times we had. I will try to keep in touch better and see you more often and not let so much time pass between visits. I love you and miss you. Feel better and know that God will never give you more than you can handle (Grandma Mary's favorite saying!). Love, Cheryl

8/05/2006 8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb!
Sorry to hear you feel so sick, so soon, but I was relieved that the doctor said it would get better next week!
Good idea about checking off the days and taking things one day at a time. God's grace is always found in the present moment - not the past or the future. He gives you what you need when you need it. Stay close to God and you'll have access to all the strength you could ever need to get through this ordeal.
I pray for you every day before the Blessed Sacrament and won't stop until you're home and doing better than ever before!
Love you!

8/05/2006 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe;
WOW! what a beautiful picture of
you guys.
Thankyou for that.
I'm praying to the Blessed Mother to keep you safe and help you through this.
May God bless and take care of you.
Lotsa Love
Your Aunt Angie

8/05/2006 2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Aunt Debbie. I'm happy to hear you have laptop. I use mine all the time. I'm sorry to hear that you are sick already and hope that doctor is right and you get better soon. I like your idea of taking it one day at a time and counting down your time until you get out. Until then, maybe you could catch up on some good movies like Alison mentioned. You could read some new books too. I hope you have a plan worked out to get some good food while you're there. If not, maybe we can work on a smuggling operation!

You are always in my thoughts and prayers, as is the rest of the family. I love you guys!


8/05/2006 4:21 PM  

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