Thursday, July 27, 2006

6 Days and Counting !!!!!!

Hey Everybody,

Hope this finds all of you enjoying vacations and keeping cool. We are doing well just running around like crazy. I find if I keep really busy I don't have time to think about whats coming ahead and thats my strategy for keeping "perky". Unfortunately, last weekend I was not too perky. jessie's son Christian got a GI bug and high fever on Fri. nite so they couldn't come. It was going to be a killer trip for them. All that way for 24 hrs. But then the weather was terrible anyway so the boys decided not to come. Joe and I drove down at 6:30 am sat. and didn't find out the kids weren't coming till we got to the shore. I was very dissappointed to say the least. after moping around for the day we decided to go homeSat. afternoon so i could spend time with the boys. I felt better when we got home. We had plans this weekend that just changed so now we are all going to the shore this weekend. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed that everone stays healthy so we can all be together. Other then that not much else is new.I am trying to spend time with family and friends because it will be quite a while before i can socialize. But not to worry, as soon as i am able we ARE GOING TO HAVE A COSMO PARTY TO CELEBRATE Bob and my new health. So please keep up the prayers and thank you for all the cards and blogs that keep coming. I am the luckiest gal in the world to have fods like you..

All my love Debbie


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Family time is so important for you guys right now, I hope you all can be together this weekend! Just what you need - shingles! Another pain in the a$$ thing to deal with! But I'm so happy that the donor changed her mind and is back in the picture.

Planning Margo's bridal shower for end of Aug, I sure wish you could be there. Since it will be a tea party shower, my friend Jodi (she and her husband Bob would come to our pinochle night occasionally) who is a fabulous baker has volunteered to make all the little scones and cakes etc. and the bridesmaids are making bite-size tea sandwiches. In Joe Teklits tradition, I've asked Paul if he would be our server and he agreed. He'll have to call Joe for some tips!

Work is a b&#ch!!! As a new supervisor this is my first time handing out performance ratings - UGH! I hate it! It will be over this week and I can't wait!

Love to you all, you're in our prayers and we think of you every day! Paul and Barb

7/27/2006 10:39 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...


Have a wonderful weekend at the shore, kiddo.

FOD's - I can report that our girl is looking gooood. Tres chic!

How lucky am I having a lovely lunch at the usual spot with our girl Debbie today.

(Once again I am blanking on the name of the restaurant - just know it's across from Peddlers Village. And it's a brewery. Or a grill.)

Anywho - we all know our girl is girding her loins for her upcoming challenge, so to speak and that meant one thing and one thing only. BURGERS. Man, they were great weren't they, Chiz?

We even managed to get in some shopping. A lovely day all around.

So good I had to check out the Word:

The light of God within me casts out all fear readily and completely. I am filled with the light of divine wisdom.

Whenever a seeming challenge does appear, the revealing light of God directs me to look past the appearance of what I am experiencing with my senses.

The illumination of Spirit is the source of my inner light.

It is through my oneness with God that I realize the greatest possible sense of security.

Therefore, I do not act from fear-based thoughts or beliefs. I invite God to shine the light of understanding so that I know the truth.

Wherever I am today, wherever I go, I have clarity of thought and the true understanding that I am living in the light of God.

"I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I will do,
and I will not forsake them."
--Isaiah 42:16

Love ya -

7/27/2006 11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, stay busy,, that is good for you, keeps your energy level up too, not to mention your mind..glad you got to go to Peddler's seeing that in print..was one of my mom's favorite places also..finally cooled off enough to turn of the a/c for the night!
not alot going on here.. another 2 games last night, and oh deb.. my hair doesn't "blow in the wind" anymore. it's short,and. i use so much mousse it looks like wet cement..although im finding some of the female basketball women checking it out which makes me a little uncomfortable..
enjoy the beach,,one of my favorite things to do..have fun with your family, and i'll talk to you when you get back.. love to you and your family..mdf

7/28/2006 12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb-

So gald your donor was able to muster up the courage to go through with it. Must be really scary, especially for someone you don't even know. If she knew you, she never would've hesitated. Of course, then you wouldn't be looking forward to this weekend like you are now. Hope all goes smoothly and you get lotsa time with those great kids of yours. Last weekend must've been a bigger disappointment than the shingles.

Kate was out in Ca last weekend for an interview and has another one by phone this week. Hope she gets a job soon so she can get out there with Kris. She really misses him. Off to P-burgh tomorrow am to bring her stuff home.

Continued prayers for you and Ms. Donor. May God richly bless you both. Love , Mussie

7/28/2006 12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - Have a wonderful weekend with the family. All those T's in one place.... it's gone a be a happening!!!!!

All Smith's

7/28/2006 2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - this is the bathtub test..
During a vist to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the director what the criterion was which defined wheather or not a patient should be institutionalized.
Well, said the doctor, we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub.
Oh I understand, said the visitor. A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup. No said the director, a normal person would pull the plug. The docotor asked, Do you want a bed near the window????

Love you!!!

7/28/2006 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, & Joe,
We were sorry to read that your plans for the last weekend went awry. But let's hope that after the forthcoming procedure that there will be many more great weekends ahead. We hope that the weather at the shore will be accommodating - that is after the "severe storm" predicted for your area has gone out to sea. We know that you enjoy the shore & just being there will lift your spirits. Not much else to say; we don't do much or go any where in this super hot weather, so have a marvelous weekend!. Love, Mom & Dad

7/28/2006 7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend at the beach. Thinking of you and counting the days until we meet. Take care,
vistor to Rhoades 6

7/29/2006 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Joe;
Lets try this again.
I'm hoping your whole family
can get together this weekend
at the shore.
I have my fingers crossed.
Love Ya and like all FOB are
prayingfor you.
When I get blue I look at the
picture of you and your Grand-
kids with that beautiful smile
and I can smile.
Lotsa Love and BIG HUGS
Your Aunt Angie

7/29/2006 3:01 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chiz-

Found this on the web and of course, I thought of you:

"britishism [John Derbyshire]

My exhortation, at the end of this week's Radio Derb, to "keep your pecker up" has been widely misunderstood. I apologize. This is a Britishism. It means: Keep an optimistic attitude and mien—shoulders back, head up, nose (that's the pecker) in the air. I hope that is clear."

Hope you are having a good weekend, honey. I have been buzzing around here getting Mr. Hal ready to go. I was out running errands - left the house looking like a small tornado went through it and wouldn't you know someone would want to come look at the house? They got a look at it all right!

Love ya, and oh by the way, keep your pecker up - K

(mdf - you should see how cute Ms. Teklits is with her new do. Tres Chic!)

7/29/2006 3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, hey, you never told us if you're going to be bringing in a laptop to your room, i hope so,, it might help with some days, and we can all write to you and tell you what is going on so you can be part of it! Im sure it will help take your mind off of things.. plus you can play games, look good stuff up,check on your blog hourly(that's how fast in gets additions)anyway,you get the picture..
I know your not looking forward to this week, can't wait till it's done and your back to your own home..
Tim and mark are off to camp tomorrow for a week, need to get them packing.. had 15 kids here last night.. finding soda cans, and bottles behind couch cushions, on the floor, etc.. they just "drop in"! i don't mind it, it's nice knowing where he is..
Im going out with some friends tomorrow to see The Devil Wears Prada, and dinner..
Kris, thanks for the info on Deb's new "do".. sure she looks great! Glad you two had a fun day! i'll talk to you again,,mdf..

7/29/2006 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

I am away at a YMCA General Assembly in Nashville with the exec of our hometown Y. Since I am the board member that never says "no" she brought me along to attend all the interesting sessions. Actually much of what they talk about I can apply to the new job, so it has been a winner as a meeting. They have these meetings only every 5 years so they are packed with lots of info.

One of the presenters I had yesterday is the CEO at the Y of Burlington County NJ. I spoke with him and said how we love the shore and he said they had just bought a place in OC. Isn't it amazing how small the world is. His name is John Worley. Just in case you see him on the island. He did make fun of his talking speed and how Catholics sometimes pick masses based on the speed of the priest and all I could think of was the masses across the street from your house. Talk about quick!

Glad that you were able to salvage the weekend at the shore so that you are all together. How wonderful is that!

We are counting the days along with you. And will be with you all along the way in spirit.

Today, Debbie (my Y exec) and I return to Wash. MO to get back in the rat race. We have our annual Town & Country Fair to contend with over the next week. It is a huge money maker for our Chamber of Commerce. Big names every which you may recognize...the Doobie Brothers.

Mayra and her sister Fabiola arrive on Saturday for a two week stay from Honduras. Fabi has only been over the border to Guatemala one time otherwise this will be her first time anywhere. I can't wait to show her things that we just take for granted everyday. She will be overwhelmed!

Today while we are driving home, Dave and Mere will be getting a dose of Marquette in St. Louis as they have two functions to attend. Can't wait to hear what comes of that.

Football starts up in full swing after the one week away. Then a week later with the high school starting. Then it's off to work for me. YIKES!

I think that is all for today. Hugs and kisses to all of the Teklits and Khouri's. Can't get you out of my mind. Love...COD

7/30/2006 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb and Joe,

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend at the shore and that you were all able to be there! The weather sure has been hot enough! And I'm sure after this next procedure, you'll all have alot more wonderful weekends at the shore!


7/30/2006 11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you daily and sending positive energy your way.
Visitor to Rhoades 6

7/31/2006 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Debbie, I am so proud of you for publishing your own blog site. You have really come a long way. You could start a new career in computers when this hospital stuff is all done. We are praying daily for a swift recovery and return home and a Cosmo party. We had an early birthday Clam Bake at Mom and Dads yesterday to celebrate August birthdays. Hope you had a great weekend at the beach. Keep[ up the good work and stay busy. Love ya Cathy and Artie

7/31/2006 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will be praying for you. My kids had that terrbile fever GI thing. It was not pretty. Getting ready for the memorial service and running around as well. Enjoy the times with the family. I am so looking forward to having a cosmo with you ,so count me in when you are able to. Lots of love and prayers. Jenny

7/31/2006 11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
For some reason I was drawn to tell you this TODAY. I've thought about when I would share it with you and your circle of friends but it just hit me (like everything lately) that it should be today.

Lives are being saved as a direct result of your blogging. Like I have said before, I came across your blogsite in the family room of Rhoades 6 and was so drawn to your story and the vechicle you all were using to keep in touch, i.e. this blogsite, I could feel the love through each post.

To cut a long story short, as you know my wonderful sister in law Lynne passed away in April. Since her passing many of us have been drawn to bring attention to colon cancer, and have hoped perhaps through Lynne's legacy that we can save some other people from this highly preventable disease.

That is where your blog came into play, as a direct result of seeing your blog, I created one for Lynne while she was sick, I then e-mailed that to a friend of hers who has created a blog for Lynne's Legacy. She selected the exact same template as yours without seeing your site!

Lynne's site is starting to receive national attention. We are hearing from many people who have been inspired to get a colonoscopy through hearing Lynne's story on the blog. Polyps have been found and removed (some precancerous) and we've only just begun.

I have not stopped thinking of you since I first saw your blog and know there was a greater plan in action the day I stumbbled across it on Rhoades 6. Keep on trucking Debbie, you are a special person know that you have played a part in Lynne's Legacy, I thank you and your FODs for that.

To all FOD's when you get an opportunity please visit Lynne's website and please take head of the need for screening.. we have all been given many blessings through Debbie, this is just another one. You go Debbie, I'm thinking of you and your donor and looking forward to when we meet.

Lots of love, Alison.. your visitor to Rhoades 6.

7/31/2006 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How fabulous...Alison revealing her identity to you before you head in for the stem cell transplant. That should be a boost to you as you head into shake things up at Penn.

Alision...I checked out Lynnes website. Outstanding. Funny how something so little that Debbie and the family set up to keep us informed has touched folks they didn't even realize. That, Deb! She is always touching folks in ways she doesn't realize.

Deb...we are keeping track of the days and will check daily to track your progress. All of the kids and the big one, Dave--especially send their love.

Keep the faith and know that we love you bunches. Your Missouri family...Cousin Eileen (affectionatley to Joe..CODfish)

7/31/2006 6:23 PM  
Blogger Kris McLay said...

Hey Chiz -

Thinking of you today, my friend. Sending lots of vibes, prayers and thoughts.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Was it hot enough for ya? Man.

Know you are getting ready for tomorrow and hope you are in good shape as far as all that preparation goes.

As I try to write this I find myself struggling. I think the post from our secret FOD, Rhoades 6, has left me temporarily ga-ga and of out of my writing mind.

Wow. Talk about a moving and inspirational experience. I am blown away. If we aren't all touched by the spirit around here I don't know what! (And I haven't even GOTTEN over to the website yet! I'll probably be a seeping mess by the time I get out of there.)

It all just seems to dovetail so nicely. Remember the 50 plus wild turkeys I saw the last time you were getting ready to go into the hospital? Well, tonight for the very first time I saw a huge white crane on the pond. Swear to God. It was HUGE. I don't know Chiz. You tell me. Coincidence? I think not.

Today's Daily Word seems very eerily appropriate too. I'm sending it along in hopes that it will serve you well in the days ahead.

Attuned to God's loving wisdom, I receive divine inspiration.

Attuned to divine wisdom, I am doing more than listening for guidance. I am fully in the presence of God, listening with my whole being. I take in even the slightest whisper of an idea and remain open to inspiration.

The voice of wisdom is so familiar that I perceive its message and let it express through me even when I am active during the day.

The guidance of Spirit is continually opening a new world of possibilities to me.

Often just before I go to sleep at night, I pray and stay tuned to divine wisdom. I may fall asleep, and that's okay because divine inspiration reaches me at the quiet depths of my being.

Day and night, I leave the door of my soul open to God's wisdom, and I am filled with inspiration."

"Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."--Matthew 7:7

You know I love you kiddo. K

7/31/2006 7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
I know it's been a huge day for you it's also been a huge day for Lynne's Legacy... thank you FOD's thank you Deb...sleep tightly, gain strength.

this is the church where I lit a candle for you "in Europe"'s not my local parish but the closest one at the moment it was necessary to light candles..! honestly I lit 4.. and one was 4 u and the FODs.. tonight we are all holding a candle for you Debbie.. can't wait for cosmos.. forget the tea!!! lol.... Alison

7/31/2006 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Alison, visitor from rhoades 6 Thank you for revealing yourself to me. As my friend Krissy said I am "seeping ". Your blogsite to your beautiful friend Lynne and her family is so very touching and sad. She was so young and had so much left to do with her children and her loving husband it must have been just devastating to have lost her so prematurely. I can't even imaginewhat the last few months have been like for all of you that knew and loved her. My prayers and thoughts will always be with you. I am so glad that you set up the blog and that so many people are having colonoscopies done. i di have my 1st one last fall and it really was nothing. I didn't even mind the prep and if i can be honest it was the first time i felt "empty" in a very long time as i was always constipated. (too much info). anyway, thank you for sharing your story. I cannot take credit for the blog. My wonderful daughter Jessie who lives in D.C. set it up for us. The blog has brought so many people togetherand renewed friendships, and brought me so much joy i just cannot thank everone enough. So alison, i hope we do meet someday and for sure you have to come to the cosmo party. I wish you and your family peace and good times spent together. Your words have touched me more then you know. love Debbie

8/01/2006 12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had so much fun visiting with you the other night. I had to force myself to go home. Were you tired from all the blabbing we did? You didn't look too tired but I know you don't like to admit your exhaustion.
Sitting with you and the boys was too much fun. The love was just oozing out of the three of you. I hope you had time with everyone this week-end. And I KNOW you stayed out of the sun.
I'm at work and we're having a big event tonite. Everyone (both units) are having a Philly-style meal (Tasty Kakes - YUMMMMMM!) and a magician is coming to entertain us. I'm sweating like a pig from setting everything up because the air conditioning cannot keep up with the heat outside.
I'll be thinking of you and how great you look and how much I love spending time with you and the HUGE bowls (PLURAL) of ice cream we're going to have as soon as you are able.

8/01/2006 4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



COD Eileen

8/01/2006 5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie -

I know you are getting ready for tomorrow, but I just wanted to check with you to see if I should bring the little shopping bag or the big shopping bag of things to help you make your room just as cozy as before? Yikes! I know I'm just kidding. Actually I was going to bring something in from Trudy's kitchen.... or was that your kitchen we were sitting in the other night???? Can't remember.
I better go and take my daily dose of "Aricept"

hugs from
your friend Donna Tea Bags

8/01/2006 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb, hope you have gotten alot of entertaining things for the next few weeks.. it sure was nice of rhoades 6 to put it all out there! What a beautiful woman her sister in law ?was.. so sorry to hear the sad news.. but she too has encouraged me to take that test( i am almost 50!)
Deb, don't ever feel alone in there.. we are all, and i mean ALL with you ..we will be waiting everyday for that end of the day blog to hear how you did that day.. stay strong, hang on to all the love you have your way.. and get it done,and back soon.. love,mdf

8/01/2006 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs Teklits,

I had such a good time spending a Long weekend with you and the family! You are all so wonderful & always make me feel like part of the family--- even if it does entail matching outfits (im honored!).... I have strong faith that you will get through this next stage in your battle and being ready to go by the holidays!! Maybe even sooner & we can make another trip to Rices! I will be thinking about you tomorrow & in the days to come... and will make a visit as soon as Joe & Mr. T give me the O.K.....
Keep Strong... So many prayers are with you every minute of every day!

Love Always,
Alli <3

8/01/2006 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

Hope all went well with admissions today. Keeping you in my prayers everyday. It was great to see you last week. Just know that you have everyone you know and lotsof people you don't know praying for you.
Love, hugs, and prayers,

8/02/2006 12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

It's been way too long since I touched base with you, and it took me forever to catch up!!
We just returned from the OBX. Before we left, we had a 3 day power outage (only in Chester Co.).
I had to take 5 loads of wash to my Mom's (it's been a REALLY long time since I had to do that).
Had a nasty cold while we were away, and had laryngitis (which I think the kids actually enjoyed).
At some point, our computer got a virus and is still completely fouled up. I am now set up on Dan's, but without my address book. Still trying to figure out how to get it over here??

As you start this leg of your journey, know that you are loved. Prayers continue for you and your donor too. Thinking of you daily.
Miss you and all the FOD's!

Love you, Kim

Alison....thank you so much for writing and praying for our friend Debbie. Small world, but I actually met your lovely sister in law Lynne a few times. She was a friend of my neighbor Tracy. So very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Thank you for sharing her blog site. Look forward to meeting you the Cosmo party, of course! Kim

8/02/2006 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was sooooooooo good to talk to you I love to talk to you because you are so funny :) And thank you for sharing this website. I have not, as of yet, gone back to read the past "updates" and postings, but I want to join in the FOD's sending much love and many many many prayers and lit candles at the Grotto. Please know that I am ALWAYS thinking of you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox Tessa

8/02/2006 3:26 PM  

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