Saturday, August 05, 2006

Moved Again!

Dear Fod's,

I hope that this beautiful day finds you having fun in the sun and enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer. The last 24 hours have been frought with 103 degree fevers and rigors ("shaking"), but they give you IV demeral to control the shaking. That really knocks you for a loop. I am now on tylenol round the clock.

The doctors came in this morning and asked me how was I feeling. Because I was only 101, I said pretty good! I did six laps and within 10 minutes, I broke out in huge clusters of hives all over my body. So they brought the doctors back into the room and gave me more IV benedryl. Between the dermeral for the shaking and the benedryl for the hives, I was comatose for most of the morning.

When I awoke, they told me that I was moving up to the 7th floor. A room had opened and I had to leave my precious nurses and staff on Rhoades 6. My room is tiny with a great view of the HVAC system for the entire hospital! I will be stir crazy before this is over.

I feel pretty good right now and Mike and I will go for a few more laps after this post. Joe is here and helping me type this blog. I am still getting used to this new machine and its key positions.

I like the picture of us -- we had a great time that weekend and I will have good memories to tide me over in this midget room. The boys were goofing around in most of the pictures and Christian was not too interested in the family photo shoot. After seeing Jessie looking like a model in every shot and the boys horsing around in them, it reminded me of when they were all small kids. Boy how time flies.

I have on more shot of the dreaded Campath tonight and then start Fludarabine tonight, IV and then Busulfan, IV until Wednesday. Then two days of "rest" before the stem cells are infused. This is scheduled for this coming Friday. The donor's cells have been harvested and they are in the freezer waiting for me.

With what this chemo is intended to do to my body, it is no wonder that I am having fevers, shakes and hives. It is destroying my immune system and making way for a new one. This is all simply unbelievable. One day at a time, one day at a time, one day at a time.

Thank you for the cards, blogs and prayers. I love hearing about your lives and what is going on in the outside world. I am going for a walk now and I feel another fever coming on -- yukko!

I love you all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, that's not the same picture that i saw from yesterday is it? You two look great in this one also... man,, you are a trooper to say the least.. knowing what is going to happen doesn';t make it any easier im sure, but you just keep truckin along!!(i don't think i've ever use that truckin word)
Not such a great view..maybe before friday a better room will come they not want ot move you after you get the stem cell tx...and is the donor aware of your blog site? Im sure we would all like to thank her for doing this..
Just got back from Sams Club(just like Costco).. don't know why, but always get in arguments when we go there.. ha.. Patrick woke up in time for lunch then off to the gym, Mark is finally relaxing after a whirlwind 3 weeks.. i am contemplating attacking the mega bag of M& M's we bought.. .... The M&M's are winning.. i'll talk to you later.. hope the fever's aren't as aggressive tonight.. love, mdf

8/05/2006 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy, oh boy,oh boy,

You poor baby. I'm so sad to hear yoou feel so rotten. I hope you are feeling better right now. How you can manage any typing after IV narcs is beyond me...thank you for writing. What room are you in? Must be on the same side of the building as Bob was...he had a similar lovely view. But the nurses were great and I know they're sure to love you just as your 6th flr crew and all the FODs.

Bob and Kate say Hi. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of love and positive thoughts coming your way, and hoping for a good nights' rest.

Love you, Mo

8/05/2006 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey deb,

sueschneider said this before but it bears repeating, i can hear your voice clear as a bell in your words. i see you taking your laps and spreading your smile around your new floor, drawing in new friends to bolster your spirit [like you need one more friend!]. i went to visit my buddy who fell off the roof 3 wks ago and guess what? i think he has the same penncare visiting nurse as you. i am almost sure she fits the description. hang in there, i am looking out at the 3/4 moon right now and hoping it is dropping moonbeams on your new window. one little note of quackery, it seems that so much of what i am reading online now advocates deep breathing. it seems to alleviate everything from hypertension to take some deep breaths and let em out through your

8/05/2006 9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Guess there isn't much hope of the fever abating while they are still pumping the nasty stuff in....hoping that the tylenol/benadryl/demerol combo will help...maybe they can supersize it!!
Loved, loved the pic of you and Joe! You look even better than when I saw you over the 4th.
Keep hanging in there. Sorry about the crappy view in your new abode.
Hope you sleep well tonight.

love you, Kim

8/05/2006 10:12 PM  

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