Sunday, April 26, 2009

Giving Vidaza Another Go...

Hey everyone, I know many people are wondering how this admission is going, if the HUP team was able to determine the source of Mom's pain, and when they will begin treatment. I decided to stay in Virginia for now, but when I spoke with Mom last evening on the phone, I took a few notes that she asked I share with you.

During the first few days of the admission they gave Mom whopping doses of Hydrea to help knock down the white count. By whopping, I mean she was taking three or four pills a day for the last few weeks during which the HUP team told her sometimes people took up to eight. The doctors ordered a dosage equivalent to twenty-four pills which she took for two consecutive days. This got the white count down to a more reasonable number (from 77 to 25 in three days) to prepare mom for the chemotherapy. Unfortunately, her white count and platelets continue to drop, and she's now back on neutropenic precautions as her white count is 2 and her ANC is less than 1000.

In a preemptive measure, they tweaked Mom's antibiotics again to include Voraconazole to help combat fungal infection as Mom's sinuses continue to worsen. They also added Tobramycin, which fights against the gram negative infections Mom has suffered with previously. The big concern with Tobramycin is more hearing loss and vertigo. Mom immediately brought this up but at this point the benefit outweighs the risk. Mom was also concerned since Tobramycin is toxic for the kidneys and with her elevated BUN and Creatinine, this of course causes her some worry.

The doctors had ordered CT scans, MRIs, and X-Rays in an effort to determine the source of Mom's debilitating pain. At first they thought Mom may have a chloroma (pocket of leukemia cells) in her hip and discussed a short course of targeted radiation therapy which would shrink the affected site and hopefully reduce the pain. What they found after more testing, however, is that there is leukemia infiltrated throughout her hip and spine. In the spine, the leukemia is causing discs to bulge and compressing nerves, which explains Mom's agonizing pain. Due to the severe pain in Mom's heels, they suspect the inflammation that appeared on the X-Ray is also likely leukemia as well. The doctors decided it was time to begin the chemotherapy due to the widespread presentation of the leukemia. They are hopeful the treatment will reduce the instance of leukemia throughout her bones and Mom will experience a significant reduction in pain.

They begun the chemotherapy Thursday evening. She's back on Vidaza but this time it will be administered via IV. The doctors chose a five day course of treatment as opposed to the previous plan of seven days. If mom tolerates the chemotherapy well, they will opt for a seven day course in about another month. At this point they want to watch mom closely to see how she tolerates the chemo and get her pain under control.

Up until yesterday, Mom was continuing her heroics and trying not to 'overdue' it with the pain medication. Mom always fears she will end up at the Betty Ford clinic. What we've all been trying to tell her these last three and a half years, is that these drugs were invented for times like these. The pain team has been visiting with Mom a few times a day and they told her yesterday she may need to get used to the idea of being on some form of pain medication for the rest of her life.

When I spoke with Mom on the phone in the morning, she was in such severe pain she said she couldn't move. The pain team came in and had a long talk with her and doubled the amount of pain medication she is on. Because of Mom's previous use of the pain medication, she needs A LOT for it to have an effect. For now, they've got her on 40 mg of oxycotin twice daily. She also has the pain pump that administers 100 mcg of Fentanyl with each hit of the button. She bragged to me last night she only hit the button three times yesterday. Her pain levels were much better and she said she was able to do seven laps in the hallway with the walker. This is quite a feat as she likely hasn't moved that much in weeks. She knows that she needs the pain medication to help keep her moving, and she knows she must keep moving to prevent complications such as pneumonia and bed sores.

Mom's had some fevers already, the highest being 101.6. She's still on 40 mg of prednisone which can mask infection by keeping those fevers lower. No one is willing to chance reducing the amount of steroids Mom is taking at this point. The steroids do provide some pain relief and keep Mom's appetite up - I believe yesterday was the first day she refused to eat the hospital food. Since she's neutropenic, many of the foods she enjoys are off-limits for now. The Teklits men seem to have Mom's cravings down to a science, and keep her room well stocked between their visits.

I'm still home with my family in Virginia as Mom has urged me to 'wait' and see what happens. If all goes well she'll be home in a few more days and laying low until her counts return to normal. We will keep you posted as we learn more. Thanks to all for your prayers, posts, cards, and calls. We all appreciate it more than you may know!




Blogger Kris McLay said...

Thanks for the update, Miss Jess. It sounds like our girl is getting the care she needs right now - and I'm thanking God for that.

Talk about a course of treatment, though! It sounds to me like they are throwing everything at that nasty leukemia but the kitchen sink. But I say, hey - whatever it takes at this point, right?

And Chizzie - don't make me go Nurse Diesel on you! Take your pain meds or you won't get your fruit cup!

I was so happy to hear that you are out and about and able to do laps again. That is some GOOD news right there and I'm praying that the Vidaza rx goes smoothly and not only reduces the leukemia and pain but also allows you to get home again soon. There you can rest up for round two. Hang in there girly.

I'm praying that today will be a day of comfort and peace for you, honey. We've got company coming for lunch, so I've got to get busy around here this morning. (Am I bad person for wishing it was you and Joe coming instead of our realtor? ;^D) I'll be thinking of you and sending you vibes all day, girlfriend.

Love to all the Teklits clan. Kisses and hugs - K.

4/26/2009 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse.. your mom is absolutely amazing!!! that is all i can say about it all right now...hope this new round of treatment is short and that she is out of there and home soon...will keep checking the blogs and keep the prayers going.. deb..your unbelievable with your strength and courage with all of this.. stay strong..* but keep the pain meds as needed.... love.. mdf

4/26/2009 9:48 AM  
Anonymous beach betty said...

Hi Jess,

Thanks for the posting. I hope all goes well for Debbie. It's sad to think of her going through so much pain. It's great to know though she still has the fighting spirit.

Take care,

4/26/2009 9:55 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, thinking of you and praying for your comfort. Love ya,

4/26/2009 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Donna said...

Jessie thanks so much for the update on your mom. Well I have been thinking about you often and was glad to read the new post. Please know you that you are in our thoughts and prayers. You always amaze me...doing laps with all that pain. You truly are an
incredible lady. Praying that you get to come to your home sweet home real soon. Sending love and hugs.
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

4/26/2009 8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie...You must be a true test for the pharmacologist! All of the meds, how do they keep it all straight.

If Aunt Angie were here she would tell you to not forget to take a stool softener!

Glad to hear they are starting chemo. I just thought they needed to try something to get this latest proliferation under control.

We are all praying and thinking of you constantly.

Stay strong. Love you! COD Eileen

4/26/2009 9:27 PM  
Blogger TravelinGirl09 said...


I will be thinking about you as you go through this round of chemo. I pray for you all the time. I will be home in 16 days and I can't wait to see my family. I am hoping you all got my postcard. Miss an love ya tons. Mere

4/27/2009 2:54 AM  
Anonymous Kris said...

Hey Chizzie Lou-

Well, knowing how much you like snow I thought you'd like to know that we woke up this morning to a winter wonderland - again. Hopefully, it will be gone by tomorrow. Just like hopefully you will be one day stronger and feeling better. If my counting is correct you should finish the Vydaza this evening. I will be sending double super vibes your way in hopes of keeping complications at bay. Know I'm thinking and praying for you, honey.

I'm wondering what happens to you every morning at 6:30 am when you're in the hospital? Because when you're there it seems I always wake up at 4:30 am here and think of you. It never fails. What's up with that?

This afternoon, I'm going to tag along with Mr Marvin when he goes down into Denver for a meeting. I'm tempted to go back to the Brown Palace for tea, I don't know we'll see.

Just wanted you to know that I'm sending you all my love - more later - K

4/27/2009 12:57 PM  
Anonymous Cathy Goodyear said...

Jess, that was quite an update. You are so good at explaining complex medical issues. I applaud you. My love and prayers go out to your Mom, I just hope the pain abates. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

4/27/2009 8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.............we sent a bucket of sand to heat up if you keep being heroic about
the pain meds....don't be such a nurse!
the hot sand did work last summer but the pain med really did work better!
go vidaza!!!!!
gotta love that prednisone!!!!
let go and let God!!!!
thanks, jessie, for keeping us up to date.
ALL of you continue in our prayers and thoughts.
tony & jill

4/27/2009 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jessie - what a blessing you are. Thank you for the update. I wish I could have had the chance to get up to see mom. I continue to be thankful for the opportunity God gave me to know the Teklits family. I just wish I could see you all! Sounds like mom is on the right track with treatment and I will continue to pray for her and all of you. Love you! Cheryl Crone

4/28/2009 6:31 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, thinking of you and hoping you have a good nights sleep.
Love ya,

4/29/2009 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Kris said...

Hey Chiz-

Boy, have I been thinking about and praying on you.

Wondering how you're doing and letting you know that I am on standby to come back and strap on my nursing helmet if you need me. Praying that the Vidaza is doing it's thing and that you are hanging tough and COMFY.

Remember that snow on Monday? Well, it was over 70 here today and just beautiful.

I had a crew here yesterday and had them plant a few more trees. Put two pinon pines in front of my office to fill in a few landscaping blanks. I know I'm going to enjoy their scent in days to come. Also added four Aspen to the grove I'm trying to construct on the north side of the house. Crossing my fingers that they will live long and prosper. The funny thing was, I had a bird poop on my head while I was out telling the guys where to place them. It made me think that my brother Joe was making sure I knew he was paying attention to what I was doing. (You know he used to have a landscape business and he WAS always ornery.)

On another note, I got a real job offer today. I know - you could have knocked me over with a feather. One of the old colleagues I saw at the retirement party lives and works here in Denver and I met him for lunch today. The next thing you know he's asking me about coming to work for him. Oh brother. We need to talk.

The good news - I did get to go to tea at the Brown Palace the other day. The bad news - it just made me miss you more!

I love you and I miss you -


4/29/2009 11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't know if you remember the difficulty I was having with the birdbath you sent to me in memory of Aunt Angie. Well...I am on the third saucer top. So I think I may out smart whatever keeps knocking it over.

I decided to plant in it. So this past weekend I went to our local nursery and picked out a favorite of Moms...portulaca's and filled the whole top. Hopefully the varmits here in the country will realize it is not meant to drink out of...

Hope you like my idea. I know Aunt Angie would.

Love you bunches...COD Eileen

4/29/2009 11:59 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just my daily check in to let you know that I'm praying for you.

4/30/2009 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Kathy said...

Thanks so much for the detailed update. Please tell your mom that I couldn't have asked for a better godmother. If there ever was a woman who could have inspired Faith in its purest form, it's your mother. We love you all and pray for you often.
All our love,
Cousin Kathy, Dan, Taylor and Ryan

5/01/2009 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess: Thanks for the update. I can't imagine all he pills she has to take for the pain, but if it helps keep on taking them - Tell your mom to keep her spirits up as i want to see her again eating at the Clubhouse II. Thoughts are with you and Deb - we all know you will get through this hurtle and be on the beach sooner than you think. Prayers are always with you. Love you. Shelly

5/01/2009 10:48 PM  

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