Friday, March 27, 2009

Not Much News to Report

I know it has been awhile since our last post but we were waiting for some news to share. While really it seems we just have 'more of the same' to report on, I know that many of you may be wondering what's been going on. The trip to the Kennedy Center was really Mom's highlight for the month of March. Mom, unfortunately, was too sick to make it up to New York to see Jersey Boys on Broadway.

Shortly after returning home from VA Mom's sinuses became out of control and the doctors scrambled to tweak her cocktail of antibiotics and steroids to help clear up the infection. In the mean time Mom had been doing her labs twice a week and the oncologist noticed an upward trend of Mom's white count; it jumped from 20 to 59 in about a week's time. The leukemia cells were apparent in Mom's blood but with the raging sinus infection the doctors were hesitant to start any chemotherapy for the leukemia. Porter and team started mom on Hydrea, which is a form of mild chemotherapy that helps to suppress the white blood count but can also cause red blood count and platelets to drop as well. It seems to be working somewhat and mom's white blood count remains in the 30-35 range. Mom said she's starting to feel that abdominal pain that was so distinct prior to her diagnosis towards the end of 2005. She's anxious to get treatment going but there's a lot that needs to fall into place.

They've been slowly trying to ween Mom off the prednisone again. She was back up to 60 mg after her last hospital visit. Since steroids can also mask an infection, they've been trying to reduce the amount Mom's taking and hopefully get her off them completely. As she lowers the dose, the back pain seems to increase. Steroids have that magical way of preventing Mom from feeling a lot of her aches and pains.

Mom sinus troubles continued until she met with infectious disease doctors last week, who seem to have found the winning concoction of medications for Mom. Mom is still congested but no longer has raging sinusitis. However, in the last two weeks Mom's dizziness has struck with a vengeance and her hearing continued to deteriorate. If you recall Mom's already completely deaf on her right side. She's now having great difficulty hearing on her left side as well. This is a cruel joke to Mom, who loves chatting and catching up with friends on the phone when she's not well enough to get out of the house. Most of the time she needs one of us to even interpret the messages on the answering machine. The dizziness is also affecting her eyesight, so instant messaging or texting is out of the question for keeping her in touch with folks.

Mom's dizziness has made her so unstable at times that we are all hesitant to leave her alone. She has taken a few falls but luckily has not been hurt. She's using a walker to get around a lot of the time and last week the boys had to transport her around HUP in a wheel chair. At its worst last weekend Mom was unable to stand due to the spinning room. Her nausea also continues to be a problem. Since the vertigo fluctuates it is difficult to predict when Mom will have a good day or have to spend the day in bed.

We met some of the HUP team today. It is becoming unclear if all these symptoms are a result of the leukemia being active or something else. Previous tests for leukemia in the brain and sinuses (as recent as three weeks ago) have returned negative. Dr. Porter has ordered a lumbar puncture and spinal tap to once again rule this out. He's also having Mom follow up with a neurologist to see what they may have to offer. The doctors are also a bit worried that all the chemo could have caused some of Mom's symptoms. Once the neurologist gives the all clear, Mom will begin a course of chemo via IV Vidaza sometime after Easter weekend. Mom will likely have another PIC line put in sometime next week in preparation for the chemo, and to make labs a bit easier on her.

After seeing Porter, we went to visit Dr. Chiu who is Mom's ENT that performed the sinus surgery last year. He confirmed that the sinuses were looking better. He had no idea what to say about Mom's hearing and dizziness except that he was adamant the sinuses were not the culprit. He agreed the neuro consult was a good next step.

So Mom is housebound again. We're doing all we can to keep her comfortable and she's sleeping a lot. Dad got Mom these great TV ears, have you ever seen them? She's able to sit and hear the TV which is a plus. Thanks also to the friend that suggested the amplifier from Radio Shack. Mom says it works well although today at one of the doctor visits the doctor told Mom he reminded her of Warren from Something About Mary. She's got the old school headphones on with what looks like a tiny version of a walkman on a lanyard around her neck. Mom couldn't completely hear him or understand what the joke meant. Dad is going to look into some other hearing device options this weekend.

Don't get me wrong, Mom still has her fighting spirit. She's still attempting to mop up the floor and vacuum TWICE a day, because you know, that's just one of her quirks. Dad threatened to 'cut the cord' of the vacuum if she did not knock this non-compliant behavior off. Apparently none of us can clean like she can. The house (to me, home with two little kids) is immaculate. My house could never look like this, even on its best day. Mom's also resisting taking many of the medications that could make her feel better (because none of us are nurses and have to stop telling HER what to do!). Porter asked today that Mom begin journaling her medication (something we did for her in the Fall) so he could get a better idea of what she's taking. Sometimes we'll even put something out for her to take, she'll claim she took it, and then hide it away for 'an emergency.' Unfortunately, once things wear off, the 'emergency' comes fast and furious and poor girl is so miserable. One day this week when she actually took the medications she needed, she moved better, could hear better, and didn't need quite so much rest. She was impressed with her progress, encouraged, but then let everything wear off.

Mom says to tell you all she's sorry if you've called the house and she hasn't returned your phone call. It's most frustrating for her to not be able to talk on the phone. It is very hard for her to hear and I think it upsets her when she answers the phone and cannot communicate as she would like. Thanks to everyone for your cards and special notes for Mom's birthday. She (and all of us) are so very blessed to have you in our lives.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teklits clan

I am glad to see there is a new blog. It makes me feel good knowing what's going on when I'm thousands of miles away. Thanks for keeping me updated...I think about you every day Debbie and have been saying lots of extra prayers for you. Hopefully the next blog will be even better. Happy Belated Birthday Debbie. Miss you all a lot Love Mere

3/27/2009 4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for the update - Eileen sent me the blog ages ago and I keep tabs on your mom often. I hope you are weel. Eileen was having a not-so-good day yesterday when she had to go over to Ann's for the HVA guy. Can't believe it will be a year next month since we lost Ann. I miss knowing she is around!
Connie (in Lexington)

3/27/2009 7:28 PM  
Anonymous Kathy, Dan, Taylor, and Ryan said...

So bummed to hear about the turn of events... Thanks for always taking the time to keep all of us who care about you posted. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!

3/27/2009 8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like a head strong Debbie..of course that, prayers, certainly your family and friends have kept you a fighter :) Bren

3/27/2009 8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Jessie and Teklits Men...

And this makes three, Mere, Connie and me....

Mere of course being ahead on the clock always seems to catch the blogs before me and quick sends me a text.

Jessie -- the vaccuum thing is a total Crispino gene...but it skipped over me as well. Aunt Angie always liked to see the streaks in the carpet...

Heading to Spain in two days...Dave and Colin return Saturday night from Hondruas...long enough for me to do their laundry before I head over the ocean to see Mere.

Hang in there Debbie. You are a real hero...Frequently at school on Friday's they have dress down days for the kids for $1 and it goes to an was Leukemia/Lymphona Society...How do you like that....

Lots of love...COD Eileen

3/27/2009 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Kris said...

Oh my dear Chizzie-

I've been thinking, thinking, thinking of you. I know when things get quiet to ratchet up the prayers, honey. So sorry to hear of your troubles and I am SO bummed that you weren't up to making "Jersey Boys". I know how disappointed you must have been.

And what a day you must have had down at HUP yesterday. Talk about a marathon! It must have been grueling. I'm glad to see a plan taking shape though and was thanking God that Jess was with you. Here's hoping the neuro consult will shed some light on the dizziness and hearing issues.

You know I'm on standby to come back and lend a hand anytime you need. I would love to sit at your side with a cup of tea and a BIG pile of magazines, just chatting (or not) and holding your hand. Please?

LOL about the vacuuming, mopping and the Crispino gene, tho. You are too much! (If I recall correctly, I believe Pammy likes to see lines in the carpet as well.)

No vacuuming here because I've been keeping busy shoveling snow. It snowed for a full 24 hours here on Thursday and it was blowing like crazy. The drifts made it too deep for the snowblower so that meant shovel time and the snow is very heavy and wet this time of year. Argh! When the sun came out it was so warm that the roads were steaming (yes, steaming) all morning. Kind of trippy to see. Of course, by the time Mr Hal returned from his NY trip the roads, driveway and front walk were all clear and dry. (Of course.) But we've still got about 6-8 inches on the ground this morning. Needless to say I felt like I'd been hit by a snowplow last night - haha.

Know that I am thinking of you and that I am ready, willing and able to come stay with you on a moment's notice.

Take your medicines or you won't get your fruit cup, honey!

I know you're world has been spinning lately so thought this Daily Word might help. I love you, honey.


Trusting in God, I am fulfilled.

When events do not turn out as I planned, I don't let myself become bogged down in disappointment or allow my enthusiasm to wane. In prayer, I bring myself back to center. I turn my perspective around so that I see things in a new way and celebrate the good that is always there for me.

The more I trust God, the wiser I become. My expectations help me navigate through the detours of life and onto new roads of discovery.

As I continue along on my journey, I rely on the guidance of Spirit so that I keep my steps steady. At each crossroad, I know the path I take leads to blessings ahead.

Turning around to face my good, I realize that what might have at first discouraged me will prove to be the dawning of a greater, more fulfilling experience.

"Keep my steps steady according to your promise."--Psalm 119:133

3/28/2009 9:15 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, sorry to hear all the bumps in the road that you are experiencing, wish I could do something to make it better. I keep putting in my 2cents with the "big guy" to cut you a break, I'll keep asking him to heal you.... Feel better! Love you,

3/28/2009 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Beach Betty said...

Thanks for posting. I check often to see how you are doing. I'm sorry you weren't able to go to NY. I'm sure you were looking forward to it. Hopefully your hearing will come back enough so you can enjoy your phone conversations. I'm sure that is difficult. Hang in there.
Beach Betty

3/29/2009 8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey........well, pooh! something has been nudging us for a week and we've been talking to the GUY-now, we know. Let go and Let GOD...easy to say, hard to do but you DO better than anyone we've ever met.
close your eyes, and hear the beach sounds, concentrate on the sun on your cheek and the sand in your toes.............
we'll be in LA babysitting frida next week but you will all be in our thoughts and prayers...and meg's church has some really good pray-ers so we'll add you out there as well.
peace and no vertigo, wonder woman!
love and hugs
tony & jill

3/29/2009 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Bob C in Florida said...

I too am glad to see a new blog and also sorry to hear of so many bumps in the road. You look great in the picture from the last post.
News from Florida. Spring is in the air. It's in the 80's every day now, the garden is planted and is growing like crazy.
I got married 3 1/2 weeks ago to the girl from Hatboro Horsham H.S. who I dated when I was 20. (Her dad chased me off because she was seventeen and I took her to the Jersey shore for a weekend during Fred and Debbie's honeymoon. I thought she had permission.) Now I have two 14 year old middle school girls. Good bye phone, good bye internet, good bye money and possibly sanity.
I bought one of those Hyundia Santa Fe's last week for the trip up to Pa. for the family reunion in July.
10 years with Pepsi next month. Woo Hoo. They gave me 20 inch digital TV and other stuff for putting up with me that long.
Still praying for ya Deb. Everyday. For you and the family. I hope we get time in July to stop by and see ya'll (Florida term) and everyone else we can. I haven't been up there in I don't know how long. I truly can't remember.
Keep on fighting cause that's what we do.


3/30/2009 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hadn't checked for a while and was shocked to hear all that you have been through. I hope this finds you a little better and our meds helping. I know you can beat this too - you always do with your strong will. Keep going girl. Prayers are with you and your family. Love you. Shelly

3/31/2009 8:42 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just letting you know that I'm thinking of you.

4/01/2009 9:17 PM  
Anonymous Donna said...

Hello Debbie,
I wanted to say hello and let you know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. It was so great to see you and to give you a hug.... I so enjoy our conversations.....I could talk to you for hours. Well I wanted to say hello and now I am going to get some sleep. Take care and I hope that you are feeling okay!
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

4/05/2009 10:05 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, thinking of you as always.... Hope you are having a better day today.
Love ya,

4/06/2009 7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hoping you are feeling well and maybe some hearing etc. is doing better? Thinking about you and the family over here. Talk to you soon- hope you had a good birthday!


4/07/2009 6:22 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just checking in to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you.

4/07/2009 11:17 PM  
Anonymous beach betty said...

Hi Deb and family,
Happy Easter!
Beach Betty

4/10/2009 9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the new news.Deb I've beem praying for you and the family.You're making me feel guilty that I only vacuum once a week or so.I guess I need to step it up.
Please don't be afraid to take stuff to make you feel better,stop being a stubborn nurse from one to another.Give kathy my love,I haven't seen her latey and Im sure she is blubbering
Love,Kathy Trinkle

4/10/2009 9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie:

Back from Spain and visiting Mere. We lit another candle for you at a church right behind our hotel. Visted a lot more museums than churches on this visit but have to say our side trip to Barcelona and seeing "La Sagrada Familia" Church was a highlight. It is a Antoni Gaudi creation that is still under construction. It is pretty unique.

We had lots of fun --- eating, sightseeing and walking...and did we walk.

Mere seems to be anxious to return. She is running out of side trips to keep her mind off all that might be happening here.

Dave and the boys faired really well while I was gone. I think that is a good thing.

Getting ready for all the spring events...Prom and YIKES Graduation for Colin. I think we are about 4 weeks away from the end of his senior year. I just can't believe it. Where has the time gone???

Hope that you are fairing better. Got your note which is always such a highlight for me. Since knowing the phone is a challange I hesitate to call.

Miss you bunches. XXOO

COD Eileen

4/11/2009 4:44 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, I hope you had a good day today and were able to enjoy Easter with your family. Thinking of you always!

4/12/2009 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy Jesse.. for not much news to report . .i think that is the longest most newsy ( besides your dad's ) blog i have read in a long time!!!
Debbie.. hoping you felt well enough to enjoy the easter day.. my father in law is out visiting .. they just came back from seeing patrick down in san luis obispo.. been busy.. so haven't written much.. but i check your blog everyday.. and say the prayers every night..
Keep up your fighting spirit.. love.. mdf

4/12/2009 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hoping you all had an enjoyable Easter? Just reread the blog and must say that I am shocked as to this 'non compliant behavior', ha.

Ms. Debbie, I know you like your tea's... We just got verizon + a zillion channels, and one channel is called VERIA. There is a show called "What's Brewing" and it's actually really neat. I've started having SAGE TEA, and occasionally Mother wart (hard to find) and it is yummy with some honey. Sage is supposed to be good for sweating and hot flashes among other things. Just thought you might like to try it. Oh, and we went to OTT's (exotic greenery) last weekend (both Matt's loved it) and we bought a sage plant and I'm going to start drying my own. And our new summer project is a terrarium + salamander or maybe catepillars to start. Yikes!

Am I turning into a MOTHER or what? Tea and herbs and summer projects? Ugh I am getting old. Ha! Thinking about you guys often!!! Let me know if you ever need some company or help?!?

Okay prayers and good vibes being sent to Tennis Way...

Xoxo MEG

4/13/2009 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie: Just checking the blog to see if any more news on your health. I hope you felt better and were able to enjoy Easter with the family and the beautiful weather we had on sunday, even though it was a little chilly - at least the sun was shinning. Sorry you couldn't get to see the Jersey Boys, know how much you were looking forward to it. Hope this post finds you well and enjoying life. Think of you often. Love Shelly

4/14/2009 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie!
Sorry I haven't said hi for awhile but I'm always thinking of you & wondering how you are! Jessie, thanks so much for keeping as all up to date! Sorry to hear you're having another rough patch Deb! The vidaza worked well for you before so hopefully you can get some of the same results (though maybe w/out some of the side effects!). I'm doing well...still working at Lankenau in Rad Onc & in grad school at Villanova for my nurse practitioner. STILL single, as always.....ha! See, some things just NEVER change:-) I hope you & your family had a great Easter! Hang in there Deb! I miss seeing you!

4/14/2009 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - thank you for your Easter card and I am sorry I haven't been in touch to give you an update on DC. Jen and Thomas are so very busy at their firms, that we have been holding off to see if they had any time for us to come to see them. Right now we are not going to be coming. Terry is busy at work and I am too, so we are not sure when we will be able to see their new house. I am so sorry you are not doing well now. I pray for you to feel better every day. I miss you and love you. Cheryl Crone

4/14/2009 7:20 PM  
Anonymous Donna said...

Hello Debbie.
Thank you so much for your Easter
card. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family. I just wanted to check in and say hello and to let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope that you are feeling okay these days.
Well your are in my daily talks with God my dear friend.
Sending you a big kiss and hug.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

4/15/2009 10:28 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you as always. Hope you were able to enjoy this beautiful day.

4/16/2009 7:16 PM  

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