Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back on Rhodes

This is just a quick post to let you all know that Mom was admitted to HUP today. From what she told me, she tried to debate with Heather and Dr. Porter over the phone about more outpatient treatment. They told her they couldn't treat her outpatient anymore and that her counts indicated rapid leukemia progression and they were suspecting her pain may be aggravated by the bone pain typical with active disease. She still tried to have another day at home and told the HUP team she'd see them tomorrow. They told her she had to come down TODAY and get checked out ASAP. The white count was mid-40s last week and was up to nearly 80 according to Monday's labs. Mom's BUN and Creatinine were continuing to climb as well.

Thanks to Mike and Marian for transporting Mom downtown and navigating through the different buildings. Thanks to Dad for meeting them all there and keeping us informed. There's no clear game plan yet, since Mom's counts need to normalize before they can begin chemotherapy. She has CT Scans, MRIs, and X-Rays lined for last evening and tomorrow. They also set her up with a PCA pump. Mom refused at first and had to be coaxed into having it connected once the pain experts saw how difficult it was for her to move.

They are talking about beginning a course of Vidaza once things stabilize. This is administered via IV infusion over seven days. This will be done as an inpatient so Mom will likely be in through at least next weekend. We will let you know more as things progress. Thanks to everyone for all you do.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb et al:

God bless you! You are incredible. Thinking of you and all of your loyal helpers. Thanks especially to Heather for putting her foot down. She obviously know's that Crispino's are stubborn!

Hugs and Kisses...COD Eileen

4/22/2009 2:20 PM  
Blogger Dinah Lord said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4/22/2009 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Kris said...

Oh dear, Jess. I just picked up the phone to call your mom and said to myself better check out the blog...

Thanks for letting us know the latest, honey.

Dear Chizzie - I know you must be madder than an old wet hen to be back in the hospital but it sounds like it's where you need to be right now. I'm hoping the PCA means your pain is subsiding and that you can rest comfortably. (Although it sounds like they have a full schedule planned for you!)

You know I'm on standby if you need me to come out and stay with you. Just say the word. (Or have someone say the word to me.)

I love you.


Today's word made me think of Heather, Dr. P, Marian, Mike, Jess, Mr. Joe, Joey and all the nurses on Rhodes who are taking such good care of you. (You too - I love you, honey.)

Thank You-

I thank God for you.

Today I may greet someone special with this personal message of appreciation.

"Thank you for your dedication to assisting others in matters large and small. You act on an intuition that leads you in being the greatest help to others.

"You serve in many ways and by a variety of means, applying your own insight to the needs of others. Foreseeing what challenges may arise next, you are prepared to address them--so smoothly that what you have done may go unnoticed. I appreciate your ability to preempt less-than-ideal choices before they become errors in need of repair.

"Thank you for the positive difference you make on a daily basis. And today, especially, I thank God for the gift of your presence. With commitment and passion, you enhance the days, the work, the lives of many."

"We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers."--1 Thessalonians 1:2

4/22/2009 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Jess. Your poor Mom. I know she hates to be in the hospital. It sounds like it was unavoidable though. Tell her hi and as always you are all in my prayers.
Take care,

4/22/2009 2:52 PM  
Blogger Bosszilla said...

I am keeping you all in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

4/22/2009 5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you jess for posting...i check every day...please tell her brenda is also saying prayers for her...bren Deb stay strong :)

4/22/2009 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So I missed checking the interent for a week and now I find that you are down at PENN. I'm really sorry to hear that and I hope that you are being treated by only the best and with velvet gloves. Hopefully you have some humorous nurses and doctors- to lighten up the days. I just can't believe all of the ups and downs that you continue to handle and endure with such dignity. Sending well wishes and positive vibes down to Rhodes... Sending strength and alittle pain relief your way also.

I was going to call you today to say hello and tell you that I made some of the recipes from the book you gave me for my engagement present. But alas, you probably still cannot hear very well and are probably all medicated up right now. Thanks to your thoughtfulness I am now a chicken guru. Turned out great, so thanks. Are you allowed to have hot tea down there? If so I'll send you alittle goodie bag of new ones I've been trying.

Everyone is here for you and your family, Deb. You are such a special person to us all, and if you guys need anything please let us know. Food, rides, a visitor down there... I think of you every day.

xoxo Meg

PS. Matthew definitely has a huge gap in between his two front teeth! So cute!

4/22/2009 8:01 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, hope you are resting comfortably. Don't know how you do it my dear, you are an amazing woman....strong, determined, fearless. You are an inspiration, Debbie. Praying that your pain is subsiding,

4/22/2009 9:03 PM  
Anonymous Kris said...

Good morning Chizzie-

Just checking in and letting you know that I am still thinking of you and sending along my prayers. Hope you got through all those tests scheduled yesterday without being too wiped out, honey!

Got back from SoCal on Sunday after attending the retirement party for my old boss. Almost didn't make it out of Denver because of the snow, but finally got a flight out. The party was at the Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Beach and oh Chizzie, you would have loved it! It is a beautiful place, I'm just bummed that because of my delayed flight I missed having afternoon tea (with it's champagne trolley!) on the veranda overlooking the ocean. But, the party was great fun and the retiree was tickled that everyone showed up. It was good seeing all my old buddies, too.

Had a crazy visit with Dale and Lady G. They arrived on Thursday and Morgan called on Friday morning all upset. It appears he got a stress fracture somehow and he was stuck on campus unable to walk. Campus police had to take him to the hospital where an Xray revealed he had a stress fracture. Getting him all straightened away took some doing and Dale ended up flying back to NOLA on Saturday. Lady G stayed (she was working at a trade show) and didn't go back until yesterday. Morgan's in a splint and riding around campus on a scooter now. The doc is wondering if it was a stress fx because of all the walking he does on campus and he has a visit to the orthopedic doc today.

Today, Mr. Hal and I are loading up the car and taking a ride down south to look at some property down in the Sangre de Cristo mountains (don't ask me why) but it looks like a beautiful day for a ride and is supposed to get up to 80 degrees.

Guess I better go get ready to hit the road! I'll be thinking of you honey...

4/23/2009 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, Hope all is going better today. If you have a room with a view, you can check out the Penn Relays!! Look for guys in shorts jumping or running (not Joe)!! He and your family are busy taking such good care of you and keeping us informed - thank you all! I'll pray for a speedy return to L-dale. My prayers and love, Trudy

4/23/2009 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just checked the blog and wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. I know you do not like the hospital, but I hope they can help you with your pain. Take care and know that we think about you all the time.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

4/23/2009 11:39 PM  
Anonymous Kathy, Dan, Taylor and Ryan said...

Please keep us posted. Until then you will remain always in our prayers!

4/24/2009 6:55 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as always. You are much loved! If you need anything at all, you know that I am there in a heartbeat. Hope you are getting some painfree rest. You continue to amaze me each & every day!

4/24/2009 7:35 PM  

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