Thursday, August 31, 2006

Waiting Game -- Where is the WBC??

Dear Fod's,

Hi everybody. I had a nice surprise just now. Joe was at a meeting downtown that was supposed to last all day and he showed up here a few minutes ago. He still looks nice in a suit. When he surprised me, I really lit up. He can still make me see stars -- or is that the chemo? I was trying to get up the energy to blog today, but I am too tired. Good thing that the typing lackey is here now and still under my firm control.

Still no white count, hgb 8.2, platelets 13. These all sound low, but I have not required blood products for several days. I am taking this as a good sign that these counts are holding their own and not falling and maybe the wbc is just around the corner. Dr. Porter and Heather popped in for a visit. Did I tell you all that he had a baby boy 2 weeks ago and is he ever the beaming father or what? This is his first child. Dr. Porter said that my wbc should start to recover on Sunday or Monday -- but these things are on there own timetables. I still will feel better once I have some fighting ability back in my body. My kidney and liver functions are back to normal. That was a huge scare for me. They are being very cautious where my kidneys are concerned. I do not want to survive this and end up on dialysis! Unfortunately, the killer sore throat continues and I am not able to eat except for soft foods like pudding, jello and apple sauce which I have in good supply in my fridge.

The doctors and nurses are now scolding me for not using more pain sedation, but because of my allergies and nausea, the only thing that I can take without side effects is dilaudid -- a potent IV narcotic. So I take it at night for sleep, but tough it out during the day because of constipation. Drs. Porter and Millard have told me that their first goal is to get me out of here and their second goal is to minimize the pain and to please stop being stubborn. Can you imagine, me the "bullhead" of Lansdale being stubborn?? (lackey gone wild again)

Enough about illness. Of course, everyone knows that I am a nurse and spent 30 years in ICU. I too loved it most of the time, but had many frustrations with the physicians and was a strong patient advocate. From as long as I can remember I wanted to help to fix people and keep things neat and tidy. Other than my children, which are my greatest achievements, my nursing career is what I am most proud of. I love taking care of the patient at the bedside. Shut the door, give them long baths, soak their feet, help them to the chair, these things gave me great satisfaction. I miss it terribly, but could no longer do it physically. The way health care is going, I was not able to give the type of care that I wanted to give. Actually, a bunch of us left ICU at the same time and went to the surgery center, where I worked for about 2 years before I got sick. Wonderful group of caring doctors and nurses. We shared a lot of laughs there too. I hope to get back there if I can ever recover my strength after this, even if it is only one day a week. Along with taking care of patients, it was a great social event.

Joey -- never knew you wanted to be a Chippendale dancer or did you really want to be a chipmunk on the Chip and Dale cartoon show!! Your comment about the robot in training is certainly true, however, there is no robot in that house, you buggar!!! (lackey on fire now). You are so darn funny. You should blog every day to keep us howling with laughter. I too miss our ice cream socials where we laughed all the way home over nothing. Just giddy with being with each other, I guess. We are too peas in pod, except for "thunder and lightning."

OK -- that is all for today. Thank you for the cards, blogs and prayers -- they keep me going in this isolation.

Love to all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie & Joe,
We were glad to read that you were moved into a nicer, larger room along with a nice view, & that Joe was able to take a break from a busy schedule & brighten your day, (& his as well). Patience, patience, the wbc will come, & before you know it you'll be back at Tennis Way. We're all waiting for the count to begin but we couldn't be more anxious than yourself. Dr. Porter beams about his young son just as you beam about the thought of Christian & Emma Grace, & the joy of being with them. We're sure that your quite capable of balancing the pain medication, & suggest that you do as you feel best. Get a good night's rest & have a great day tomorrow. Love, Mom & Dad

8/31/2006 5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Debbie. So glad you are getting stronger. What a wonderful tribute to nursing -- cried while reading it. How I wish I had followed that dream. Nurses like yourself do exist -- I saw a lot of them with my mom the last few years. You are very special and I am blessed for knowing you. Miss you. Love, Cheryl (Crone)

8/31/2006 6:46 PM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,
This blog continues to amaze me.. what an incredible group of people.. just the right amount of spice, love, & laughter to keep a gal going while she waits for her WBC to rise... I love reading what people do, and your story of becoming a nurse. I also laughed at Joey's Chippendale.. see you learn something new about your own family on this lol!!! Keep smiling Debbie, it's working better than any medicine! lots of love, Visitor Alison

8/31/2006 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I haven't forgotten you, have been reading your blogs daily and sending prayers daily in your direction!! I'm sure the WBC's are waiting for the perfect time to arrive (probably in the middle of the night).
We took Andy (our son ) back to PSU for his Junior year last weekend and got him settled in his apartment (Nittany Crossing). Ron (hubby) and the boys carried a sofa bed up 3 flights of stairs to the apartment(doesn't PSU believe in elevators?) and subsequently threw his 52 year old back "out". Of course he denied any pain at all but was walking fairly strangely for the next few days!! I spent my time (2 hours) cleaning the mystery materials out of the refrig!! After 3 quarts of spilled milk,plum tomatoes so swollen they looked like bull testicles (hope you're not offended by that description), and other unidentifiable substances, I moved onto the bathroom. After a short "gasp" at the conditions in there, I had to decline any attempts to make it presentable (since I had no rubber gloves to protect myself from the vermin that may have been lurking). Andy braved it( the bath tub) himself, manned with a giant Clorox spray bottle. Last we heard they were sleeping til noon, eating lunch at 4 PM and dinner at 9 PM!! What a strange schedule. But what great times to be young again!!!
As for little John (grandson), he is playing flag football and has his first game this Saturday against Pennridge. He went to bed the other night with uncle Andy's football jersey on!! Next week he's off to kindergarten. However, he has told his Mom (Jenna) that he will not be getting on the bus. We're not sure how he plans on getting to school yet, but I'm sure he'll come up with some wild idea to make us all crazy!! His imagination never ceases to amaze us. I hope his kindergarten teacher has a sense of humor!!
That's about all the news from Harleysville. I'm expecting any day that the WBC's will arrive and you will be returning to pre-illness times!! You've come a long way- you will get there!! Keep up those great blogs, you're sense of humor always prevails!!
Thank Joe for typing and keeping us all informed so faithfully!!

Karen Burns

8/31/2006 7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debs, you sound so good I cried reading your post..thank God you are better , and I do believe Dr. Porter when he says your WBC's are coming in on Sunday or Monday ( your Labor Day treat)..then will you be able to go home??? How can anyone call you bullheaded,what nerve...I've always found you to be THE MOST agreeable and compliant of all of my friends!!I do wish you would take the dilaudid can always take senna if necessary..remember your body does NOT need the added stress of unresolved PAIN! I hate to be a nag , but ,pain unchecked is a very BAD thing..ya know??? O.K. enough of the lecture, you will do whay you want anyway;-)(that's a smile)Joey cracks me up one minute than chokes me up the next..he could become a standup comic if he decides to give up his day job.I always thought ,that if I ever needed a nurse ,I would want you to take care of me...for the foot, mouth,back and hair care ,if nothing else... when you are really sick these parts seem to be most important and you always gave it your "all"...I do miss those times..we really had a special bond,working for the good of the patients...Jen just called she had another ultra sound,all is good ,baby is bigger HR=128 and her HCG, and progesterone levels are great! She is having some nausea,but I consider this to be a good thing, all in all she is tired and dragging (all the s&s of a good pregnancy)so I am happy..I don't know about you but I had every bad textbook s&s that could be had ..acne, n&v,greasy hair, back pain, groin pain, blowtorch heartburn,exhaustion,etc...I used to go into ICU every day and say ,"please God let me have twins ,because I never want to be pregnant again!!"...lo and behold God came through, yet again, and I got those beautiful darling girls of mine,to cherish forever...what a surprise it was!Well my dear Debs,I will say nite for now..saying my prayers for your WBC to rise on up(oh, saw Mrs.Mondato today ,for her second cataract..of Padre Pio fame ..they lived in the same town in Italy..he married them and gave first communion to Dr.Mondato ,the foot doc with Carringi) anyway she is praying for you,as is her son (he is in the same order as Padre Pio,who let him take his name at ordination)small world...God bless hugs and love xx oo:)Bev

8/31/2006 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments about being a nurse really touched me. I have always considered you to be my role model in nursing. Taking care of people is what you do best and I know it must seem very weird to be on the other side. Maybe this experience will lead you in a different path in nursing, where you can share your experience with others. We are getting ready for our annual Labor Day party on Sunday and I hope Ernesto will be gone by then. Tomorrow we find out who Carter's teachers and classmates will be on Tuesday. I can;t believe first grade is here. Love Ya Jenny

8/31/2006 8:58 PM  
Blogger mo said...

Hi Deb,

Wow! Just got caught up on the last 2 days. Saw that you were typing yesterday, but I'm glad your lackey was back today. I was cracking up at his asides, especially the lackey on fire, and lackey gone wild. It's easy to see where Joey gets that quick wit from...those robot comments were also hysterical.

I have to say that all this nursey talk is making me long to be back in the unit....NOT! No seriously, it was wonderful while we had it, but I don't think you can recreate magic, even if we all went wouldn't be the same. As great as it was though, I remember some pretty horrific days that I would've wished Bev had told me about all her conversations w/ the Big Guy(as Patty calls Him). I would've had her put in a good word for me. I do remember talking to God also, but it was usually more like "Oh dear God, please don't let this bleeping pt. go into v. tachy/CHF/gi bleed again". Beverly, you crack me up!!!

And Beth also brought up another blast from my past. I worked at a diocesan camp in Tunkhannock during the summers I was in nursing school(beautiful Camp St. Andrew, situated in the heart of the Endless Mountains), and there was a White Haven resident week. I was doing day camp, but at least once a day some totally sweet mentally handicapped camper would grab you in a bear hug. More good memories.

And visitor Alison(feels kinda dumb still calling you that), I checked out your website and you are so totally different than what I pictured. First of all, I thought you were older...don't know why...I can't remember if you ever divulged your age or not...I guess it's b/c most of the Irish women I know from movies etc. are I hope you're not insulted, but in my mind I've been picturing you as looking like the actress who played the mother in My Left Foot(whose name escapes me at this moment). And FODs, Alisons work sponsors trips to Ireland. I think you were a real penny from Heaven for us all Alison.

I also have to say that I think Rick missed his calling. And he's giving JT a run for his money in the "wittiest Teklits" category. I keep thinking of Dave Barry when I read his blogs. Rick you should have a magazine column. You are just as funny as anybody else out there.

Well, honey. I missed being on top of things for 2 days. Gonna call you tomorrow. Hope you get a good rest tonight. Brenda Fricker!! I knew it would come to me(the Irish actress).

Much love and kisses, Mo

8/31/2006 9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Glad to hear that Joe's meeting finished early, so he could come to see you. I've been on the computer at least for 3 hours today, because I didn't have the computer for the whole vacation in Maine. I really don't know how I survived! I had to get updated on all my sites!

On Tuesday, Reen and I went shopping for an outfit for Monday. Luckily at the very first store I found one. Megan told me "Kate you have to get a black outfit to match me!" So she got her wish! We were jamming to the "Jonas Brothers" in the way home.

Glad to hear the kidney and liver are functioning correctly. Hope your throat feels better soon.

All my love,
P.S.- I wish I had a typing lackey! lol

8/31/2006 10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am glad to hear that your counts seem to be coming back. I have faith that your kidneys will be able to withstand the fact I will "will" it to be so. I do not think i have the strength to have you in the unit on dialysis......I know you will drive me And as to your nursing career, You were always one of if not the best i ever dealt with in NPH or in fact any ICU I have ever worked in. Of course i was never really sure what kind of special care those patients were getting when you walked into their rooms and closed the door...Kinda made me want to be one of your patients though.
Keep your chin up and your spirit will do fine with all of this...I am sure of it...and as your favorite kidney doctor and maybe even your favorite doctor to work with, you know i am never
Hang in there...the multidenominational prayars from this house are with you.
Rich & Deb

8/31/2006 11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning! It's 6:30 am FRiday morning and I'm sitting listening to the rain and feeling the cool breeze come through the windows. Drew tells me it's 61 degrees out this morning. Ernesto is going to make today very interesting. We will be travelling down to the Southwest corner of Virginia this weekend. We have the annual family reunion down at the New River. It's my mom's side of the family, so they're not crazy rednecks like my dad's family, just country folk. I'm not excited about driving through a tropical storm to get there, but I'll wear my glasses and hold on tight. I'm wondering if there are any optometrists who will take me today so I can get my prescription updated.. and then get new glasses all before 1pm today when we leave... that's not too much to ask, is it?? Nevermind that it's been at LEAST two years since my last eye exam!
I wish I was able to keep up with the blog a little better, it sounds like everyone is getting to know each other, I will have a lot of catching up to do at your coming out party when you're all better! I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky, but at least you're not in the ICU anymore! I'm glad you are trying to keep up with the protein, nurses can be the worst patients... even though we know what is best for a patient in X situation, when you are in the situation yourself, we tend to discount it saying, "Oh, I'll be fine..." Keep up with that awesome mouth care!
I would like to answer Alison's question (this is my first response to one of her questions, they're usually buried so deep in the comments that I can't find them!):
I always wanted to be a marine biologist ever since I saw this educational series in 6th grade called "The Voyage of the Mimi" (and if any of you have/haven't heard of it, it had a very young Ben Affleck in it!). I held that dream for a long time and even enjoyed a marine biology elective in high school, but I quickly learned that it wasn't just training dolphins and going SCUBA diving... most of the jobs were conducting research and as important as I think research is, I cannot bring myself to enjoy it in any shape or form! My dad used to tell me stories of the rescue squad, not medical stories mind you, but stories about them goofing around and an occasional inspiring story about saving a baby from a burning building before the firemen got there! I always enjoyed hearing those stories. My dad was also in nursing school way back when men were not nurses (a little known fact about my dad!), but when he met my mom, he ended up joining the Air Force and dropped out of nursing school in the last semester. I think in a way he always regretted that, but I'm glad his life took the path it did. Anyway, I never really had this burning desire to be a nurse, I just enjoyed the stories. Then in 8th grade, I had an amazing english teacher who was very energetic and inspiring. He said to us one day, "Do something, don't just take up space" (Not an exact quote, but you get the idea). I carried that with me for a very long time and in high school began searching for a way to contribute to this life. Well nursing seemed like a good idea, but I have never really been a fan of being inside a hospital. So fast forward a few years and I took an EMT class my freshman year and then joined the rescue squad at JMU and loved it (except for the 0200 calls for toe pain or the unfortunate sledding accidents!). By this time I had decided I wanted to do flight nursing because I love prehospital care! So, I began my nursing career in an Intermediate Care Unit (Step-down ICU that has long term vent patients, dopamine to a max of 5mcg with no titration). I learned a lot there in the beginning, but started feeling like a waitress and work horse and I had reached a point where I wasn't learning something everyday, I was maybe learning something every month. So I transferred to the Med-Surg ICU last April and I love it. I learn something new every day and love working with a smaller group of nurses, you have time to get to know each other. We all stand behind each other no matter what and I'm even involved in committees working to change the sedation protocol and I'm taking on the challenge of trying to revise our insulin drip protocol as well. So, this has been so long, but I hope you know a little more about me now. I hope you get some good sleep today while it's raining... you should pop in a Netflix DVD and cuddle up in your nice comforter and watch movies and sleep today, but make sure you leave the shade open so you can enjoy the fact that it's raining and you're cuddling in your bed. I don't know why that makes me so happy, but I love to cuddle in my bed when it's raining. I have to go, the battery is burning my leg! Hope you feel better and better each day, I'm praying for you and thinking of you and your family everyday!
Jenn Kelleher

9/01/2006 6:59 AM  
Blogger annapolisirish said...

Dear Debbie,

Well if this isn't Irish weather today I don't know what is. In Annapolis Maryland Ernesto is arriving.. windy, rainey, temps in the 60s. Its days like this that I imagine I'm still home in Ireland. If I pop an Irish movie in and hear the accents as the wind howls.. well.. I'm back in the little bungalow by the Irish sea I lived in as a young Mum... I guess I should transport you there while you hear the rain and are tucked under your comforter like Jenn told you to...Mo, imagine Brenda Fricker’s accent as you're reading this...

OK, so we'll picture the FODs et al on tour in Ireland, Alison at the head of the bus giving you all the spiel, “and to your left you will see that Ireland was into "multipurpose stores" long before the USA invented the shopping Mall... oh yes, there's Paddy Dunphy’s general store.. and no you are not seeing things it is a funeral home as well.. After you pay your respects to your loved one you can always pick up a box of tea, some bread & meat so you have "stuff" for the wake at home!” Rick interjects with “that’s one way to met your shopping deadline!” and the bus erupts with laughter as they do any time Joey, Rick or “the accused” make one of their famed comments... It's a rainey day but that always puts the Irish in better singing mood (so it was observed by my first USA boss!). So our mini-coach is steaming up with condensation (and perhaps some heated jokes from this crowd after a night of drinking cosmos and Irish coffees at Dirty Nellie’s pub!). Knowing that it's about 20 minutes until they see the "treasure" today Alison starts a good ole Irish sing-song.. "When Irish eyes are smiling, sure the world is bright and gay, in the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the children play"... Then she prepares the group for what they are about to see… the village of Cashel, an enchanted village that enjoys life under the protection of the Rock of Cashel. High above the town a cluster of medieval monuments rises dramatically out of Tipperary’s Golden Vale. As the coach meanders the winding road Alison prepares the group.. any minute now folks, from above the clouds in front of your eyes… Debbie has passed some wipes around for folks to “clean” the windows so we all have a full view of what is about to unfold… one, two, and three.. Bus driver Sean lets out a “here we go” and right before our eyes we see it… the ruins of centuries medieval monuments, fort walls, graveyards.. nestled high above the village standing as testimony to the century’s of strife and spirituality this land has know, the rock on which Saint Patrick said mass… after a collective gasp a respectful silence falls over the group as we realize just how amazing it is to be here, together we fumble for our pop-up umbrellas and get ready to run through the raindrops and mingle with the Celtic spirits of yesteryear…..

Well Debbie I’ve got to get back to designing a training workshop on Organizing Made Simple!.. I’m sitting here in my PJ’s listening to the rain…sure it's a grand day...

I will follow on with a story about the FODs afternoon in an Irish pub… lol…

Hope your WBCs are climbing and you are feeling better every minute,
Lots of love, your very own.. Brenda Fricker… lol… Visitor Alison.

9/01/2006 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Just wanted to say thanks again to all of you guys for the prayers, cards, food, love, support, and encouragement that you have given to my mom. I spoke with her earlier and she sounds good. The sore throat sounds pretty rough, but she sounded good for her current counts. She needs blood and platelets and will surely feel even better when she gets them. I figured I would take part in the game today. I am a chemist for a chemical company in NJ. I got here because I decided I would make the most money by picking the hardest subject(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) that I could. Poor decision and a plethera of mini heart attacks studying (im very high strung). Not to mention the fact that I have to do more school in the near future, n for those of you who know me know that I went to Penn State for the beer, football, and 20,000 girls. Joey wanted to be a chippendale dancer but when he realized that he had to dance he let that idea go. ha.ha. Well i will check back later on in the day. Hope you all stay dry this weekend!!

Tha tamer of the Thunder and Lightning,
Mikey T

9/01/2006 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie ~
Batten down the sails and get the hip boots on we're in for some rain storms!!!
I haven't been on the Blog for a couple of days - loved the story from Janet. I have a story to share about my middle daughter, Stefie. Many years ago she was visiting her aunt (an ex nun) and her uncle (an ex priest). It was dinner time, the table was set and everyone sat down to eat. Stefie wasn't eating and Aunt Alice asked Stefie (who was 3 years old at the time) why she wasn't eating. Stefie told her that she didn't have her "F'n spoon". Aunt Alice couldn't believe her ears. She asked Stefie "what did you say?" and Stefie pointed to Alice's silverware and said " I don't have my fork & spoon!
Stefie had a hard time saying the work "fork".....

Does anyone else have any good storeis????

Love you Deb


9/01/2006 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

I have been trying to sit and write to you since we got home from shopping at Kohls, but something keeps preventing it. Also called a couple times but it was busy. This is all by way of telling you that I'm thinking about you constantly and wanted you to know. You are in all our thoughts up here. My parents are here, as well as Kate, and we are all praying for you daily. Hafta go help Mary look for her checkbook. Talk to you soon darlin'.Love you, Mo

9/01/2006 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Debbie and everyone, just got off the phone with Mo..I was going to show up for the wedding dressed as a bridesmaid but I didn't have a time OR day..yikes...picture..long gloves,huge floppy hat with tulle and flowers,bouffant hair and matching dress,wandering around Corpus ,looking for an occasion to crash.... I'm never in the right place at the right time!!! Oh, Alison, I haven't checked out your website yet, but you are firmly ensconced in my brain as a Maureen O'Hara look alike , so that is that... until the Cosmo party at least... loved the lovely "tour" you had us on by the way. I wish that Dang sore throat of yours would give up,and give you a break Debs...and of course I am in total agreement that you should have a pain all you have to do is ACTUALLY PUSH THE DING DANG BUTTON!!! I was with Jessie ,Becca, and Anita today they all send their prayers and love ( it was the girl's 17th b'day) we went out to lunch and shopping..what else can one do with all this rain..Well, be good and have a good nite,honey love and hugsxxoo,prayers unending :)Bev

9/01/2006 7:32 PM  

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