Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to All our FODS and CODS

Dear Fods & Cods,

I hope that you are all having a relaxing and quiet day after all the crazieness that Christmas brings. I also hope that your Christmas was spent with family and friends and lots of good food. Blessedly, we had a quiet Christmas at home with Joey, Mike, Laurie, Pammie and we two after a very scary Christmas Eve.

As usual, we had to visit HUP on Christmas eve, very unexpectedly. I had sinusitis for the last two weeks and was pretty miserable. The sinusitis makes the dizzieness worse. Pam took me down the the ENT guy on Tuesday and my sinuses were looking better --but I complained to him about some hearing loss in my right ear. So at 1:00 AM on Christmas Eve, I woke up, sick to my stomach and vomiting if I moved and was crazy dizzie. I had to use the walker to get to the bathroom.

We called down to HUP for drugs -- even though they were closing for Christmas -- and three people stayed until we got there around 1:00 PM. The Doctor, a nurse and an audiologist stayed to take care of me. As I suspected -- with the hearing test and nerve studies -- I have completely lost the hearing in my right ear. And have only 30% hearing in the left ear. Because this just happened, the doctor injected steroids into my ear, behind my ear drum in hopes to bring the hearing back. So far, my hearing is not back but the debilitating dizzieness is gone and I am at my normal state of dizzieness and banging into things. They put me back on high dose steroids to help with the inflamation and my appetite is coming back with a vengance.

Probably because of the steroids, I could not sleep on Christmas Eve and was wide awake and making cookies in the middle of the night. We also had a nice brunch together and an early dinner around 5:00 PM which was very peacefull.

Today, I felt well enough to get out of the house and we spent a short time at the Philadelphia Outlets. I bought a ton of grandbaby stuff and hope to see them soon. While we are hoping to see the grandbabies, the kids are sick and their Christmas may be postponed until a later date.

Let's all say our prayers that the kids make a speedy recovery and we can all spend some time together soon to see what Santa brought to 912 too!

Thank you for the many Christmas cards and pictures of your family and wonderful inspirational messages. They mean a lot to me.

I love you all Debbie.

PS: Everybody should get some rest now. Especially the Moms!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
Oh my goodness girl, I can't believe it...... You are amazing, but I'm also really understanding your real problem here. You are a shopaholic... I can't drag myself to the store on the best of days and here you are dizzy, vomiting, banging into stuff but out there again lol..... So sorry to hear about your illness, it is ridiculous. I will tell you Debbie, I re-tore my cornea (in my sleep, eyes got dry and ripped the scratch open again!)... and I was sooo in agony, trying to make it through the night with my eyes closed and still so I didn't hurt more... then in the morning, while I was bashing around the house, barely squinting trying to find my shoes, wanting to cry with pain (but knew that would hurt more)...knowing I had to make it to the car and drive with dark glasses with the feeling of a large chunk of glass in my eye... just as I was about to loose it and cry like a baby to my dog Penny.. I said, get a grip Alison this is nothing compared to what Debbie goes through all the time. I kicked myself in the arse, drove with water streaming my face (not emotional tears no way, just seeping lol).... and made it to the Doc.....

So Debbie, if ever when ever I feel like I can't..... you are always the one who ensures I can....

Thank you so much for enriching my life... and we haven't even met....

Lots of love, Visitor Alison

12/26/2008 10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Deb. So sorry about the complications that have arisen. But so blessed that you could spend a peaceful Christmas together. I can't tell you how many times I thought about you these last four days as I prepared for and had everyone home for the holidays. Not sure if you remember that I'm not real "high" on the Christmas deal. Guess I feel so overwhelmed with doing everything (you know - like you always did with what seemed to be with ease!! You were always such an inspiration to me. But I continued to wash glasses and dishes by hand as people used them, prepared several big meals, made candy; Shelly's husband made homemade cut-out cookies from scratch (way too many of them), and I made candy and pies. I just can't move as quickly as I used to (althought I continue to think about my mom and wondered how she did it and took care of my girls for so many years when she was much older than I am! But, it was great to have Jen and Thomas in (they stayed from 23-26th); Katy stayed from 22-26th; and Shelly and Matt were here on 24th (Matt was here on the 25th as Shelly had to work and he didn't). Everyone gets along so well for not living near one another. I think I told you that they are all meeting in New Orleans for New Year's Eve and to the bowl game (Alabama is playing and Thomas is from Alabama). I feel blessed and pray so much that things continue to get easier for you. I hope the hearing loss is resolved, but so thankful you are not dizzy. And, I can see you know making cookies in the middle of the night! Wish I could have been there to help you! Miss you and hope to be able to get to you the first week of April when we are in DC. I love you all and pray that this new year of 2009 is a wonderful one for all of you! Love, Cheryl Crone

12/27/2008 11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Debbie,
Merry Christmas!!! Everyone was here for our big Christmas Eve dinner, and I mean everyone - 5 dogs, 2 cats... it was a "Fur Bowl" event. I thought I was on the set of "Marley & Me", we had 2 one year old boxers, 2 fifteen year old golden retrievers, one yelow lab puppy and 2 cats. The adults were great... ate, played games, opened presents and helped with the pets. It was a frenzy cycle of feeding, walking and keeping the water bowl filled. The lab, one year old Tessie, found every puddle in the back and front yards.
Buzz & MaryAnn came over around 10 a.m. Christmas day and We had to make sure the dogs didn't knock them down (I swear my parents are only 4.5 feet tall now... they are shrinking, trying to get my parents in the front door to the dinning room table for breakfast. I was waiting for Buzz to yell at MaryAnn and tell her to get her coat that they were leaving. LOL! But they stayed and had a good time with us and the dogs Not enough dogs and cats around this Christmas... we decided to go see the movie Marly & me and loved it. Came home and gave Maggie a big hug and kiss. It is one of those gotta love your dog movies.

Just taking it easy now... still sitting in my pj's having a cup of Christmas tea reading your blog and loving it... I'll think about getting dressed later, it's only Saturday at noon time. LOL!!

Have a great time with all your grand babies and the family.

Love you Debbie Teklits!

Tea Bags xo

12/27/2008 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Debbie:

How do you do it? I agree with Visitor Allison. Shop in your condition. Give me my laptop and I'll shop from home.

Sorry to hear that the babies are sick. This time of year all kinds of stuff goes around.

We spent Christmas night at our "transplanted family" annual event. Harriet and Arnie put on a wonderful spread. This year we went to heavy appetizers and sweets as most of our friends now have grandchildren and the sit down meal is too cumbersome. We ate a meal at home that we finally squeezed in by the grace of having a convention oven as we lost power on our side of town at 10:30 am Christmas morning and it returned at 4:45pm. Made for an interesting day of playing board games and singing kumbaya!

Sent both brothers Nonnie cookies. They were delighted to get them. Lots of memories that a little cloves and anise can bring back. I really wish I had more recipies of our Nonnies to make but I will just have to rely on some cookbooks proclaiming to be italian baking.

As for the kids...Mere is nervously continuing to prepare for Madrid. Colin got some more ink in the St. Louis paper. This time honorable mention "All Metro" which is within a 50 mile radius of St. Louis and 1st team all area for the schools surrounding Wash. MO. Santa brought him lots of camo for Christmas. Brendan is all about video games and Santa brought him a Penn State track Jacket that he loves. Debbie he is growing like a weed. I have been in denial but when we were at Harriets and all of the friends kids who are older now are shorter than Bee...OMG! Makes me sad.

Working at the high school makes for having these nice breaks to try and get things in order at home. HA! Order!

Dave and Colin are headed to Honduras in March on the Washington Overseas Mission ( for the techies on your blog you can find us at and I thought Bee and I might make a quick trip up East while they are gone and see Easton and Lansdale. We will play this by ear. Bee would love to go bowling with Joe and the boys again.

All else is great! We keep you in all of our prayers. We are just in awe of you! Much love...thanks for the H&D. It was yummy! Always thinking of others!

Love to all....COD Eileen

12/27/2008 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the latest round of yuck. We're just glad you're here to enjoy Christmas, even if it was nearly a truly "silent" night. Keep moving in the right direction... and keep SHOPPING! It cures all!

12/27/2008 9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Family,
sorry to hear about the Christmas Eve set-back, but glad to hear that Christmas Day was uneventful and family time was the name of the game. I do hope that all the grandkids are feeling better and spending time with you.
Christmas was great for the Rumsey's this year. My cousin and her husband came in from Ohio to spend the holiday with all of our craziness. Fun was had by all. Brunch and gifts at my house in the morning and munchies and dinner were at my Sister Ellen's and more gift opening. Very long day, followed by another one the next day. More family and fun in Malvern at another cousins. Take care and have a peaceful New Years Eve.
Love, hugs, and prayers.

12/28/2008 10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry about all of those ear/dizzy etc. problems. But I am glad to know that you are feeling better and had a nice and quiet Christmas. I hope the grandkids get better and you have a great 2009!!! Matthew loved his first, and we now have more toys than I can deal with !?! I have to get some boxes to organize. Feel better, stay strong and as always... prayers for the Teklits!


12/28/2008 2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie: Merry Christmas and may 2009 bring you better health and more happiness. Hopefully by now those grandbabies are well and you got to see them, and your hearing is coming back. Christmas was very hectic in our house starting with Christmas Eve party and then brunch and then to brother-in-laws house for Christmas Day - Having a relaxing day today and was glad to see a post from you personally. Hope by the time you are on the computer again you are feeling better and on the mend. Love Shelly

12/28/2008 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. Glad you dodged the " stay at hup" bullet and got to spend time with the family at your beautiful home. sorry though about the hearing loss and dizziness...hope this is a great week for you strenght wise and clearing of sinuses..
Our Christmas was nice. made it thru yet another year of Its a Wonderful LIfe .Tim loves xhristmas so much and always makes it so special for the boys..
Been going to the gym alot on this christmas break.. and realize that even though i may feel like im 32 inside.. outside im definetly 52! Never thought i would actually get old ladyish. but im afraid it might be happening.. for example i find myself thinking differently about stuff...
1. almost need an interpeter when my son says... im hella down with it= yes, i would love a tuna fish sandwich.
2.when kissing scences are almost grossing me out.. especially when you hear a little smack at the end..
3.I now find cialis commercials boring,, but get interested in the detrol ones..
4.Notice a younger girl reaching for something, and notice a thong.. and i think to it reminds me of the old kotex belts. and how uncomfortable it must be to wear one.. my underwear naturally does the same thing on its own!
then i take a look at the body..okay, wont even go there..but the good news is that i think that little bone and muscle on the back of my ankle .. that area is still pretty firm and taunt..
But Deb.. all that you have been thru, and you look wonderful! Keep up the great spirit, and heres to a strong 2009 for you and your great family.. love.. mdf

12/28/2008 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe with some hearing loss, it's not so exhausting with the blessings of extra voices...and, we're soooooo thankful the vertigo is less...we love steroids! we hope this continues so you can enjoy the cookies you needed to bake. what is it that women always have to do one more thing!!!!!!!
peace dear ones...enjoy the time you get when you get it and BE for each other. right now, we have meg and frida from L and johnny and scott from west chester. scott and tony go to work tomrrow (michelle drove back tonite since she is very pregnant and has to be at work at 8am, she opted out of the sleepover) was wanamaker's (macy's) lite show and yesterday was nutcracker...tomorrow it's meg, frida, johnny, and me probably at the discovery museum and maybe just time to be quiet!
tony & jill

12/28/2008 9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Debbie you can appreciate this. The other night we went to see the movie, Benjamin Buttons... Well let me tell you that it was like sitting through Driving Miss Dasiy & Oprah's Beloved movies. And you know how I liked Driving Miss Dasiy. LOL!!
It was a painful movie night... I wiggled in my seat, I fell asleep for a short time and prayed for the end of the movie to come. I wanted to knock little Benjamin Buttons off at the end of the movie!

We also saw the movie Marley & Me. Loved it! You would love the farm house the family moved into at the end of the movie. Beautiful!

I've got the Chrismas lights going and don't tell Miss Kathi but I'm stealing an idea from her... I'm going to decorate the house for winter (not just Christmas) so that I can enjoy the decorations all season long when it gets really snowy outside and I'm stuck in the house eating all the choc. chip cookies before anyone gets home.

Enjoy this cozy time with your family!

Love you!

Tea Bags xo

12/29/2008 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie, Joe and Family,
Well first of all you never stop amazing me on all you do...went shopping....I love to shop but are my hero to go even when you are not feeling well....incredible.
I am sorry that I did not wish you Merry Christmas on the day but do not think for one minute that you were not in my thoughts thru out the day. Mom and Dad were asking about you and were so touched by your Christmas card and asking about my uncle Charlie. Thanks for asking....he is still the same but he is at home now. They are having a benefit for him on January 17. We all continue to pray for him and his family.
I am glad to hear that you had a very nice Christmas dinner. Oh by the way I can not beleive that you were making cookies on Christmas Eve into the wee hours....Santa did not have to go far to get those cookies. I think of you all the time Debbie and wish it was summer so that I could see you to chat with.
We had a very nice first Christmas with Mackenzie. She had such a great time. Wyatt had someone to share his Christmas morning with...he got a kick out of Mackenzie trying to unwrap her presents...but Wyatt kept all his presents out of reach from those little fingers. She will be walking soon....she gets around everywhere....will not be long until I am chasing her around the house. Please continue to rest and I hope you begin to feel better with each and every day. I wish you and Joe and the family a very
Happpy New Year.....I bet you are cooking!!!!! A big hug to you!
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

12/30/2008 12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are old kotex belts MDF?


12/30/2008 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. Hey Meg.. ask you aunt mo.. she might even still have them. .ha

12/30/2008 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

old kotex belts and tampons with cardboard inserts... I havn't had to use any of this stuff in years. I used to like to take and unwrap the tampons and hang them by their little strings on Kathi's car antena on mischief night, but can't do that now because cars don't have antenas anymore.

It's New Year's Eve morning, I am sitting here in my kitchen picking out what pot & pan to use to ring in the New Year tonight the old fashion way.

Happy New Year Debbie Teklits!

Tea Bags

12/31/2008 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to All! Hope the Teklit's Family has a Peaceful and Joyous 2009...Debbie, hope you are relaxing with a cup of tea on this very WINDY day. John is afraid his lights will blow away - horrors!!! And Tea Bags, we don't want to hear your pot banging at our house - you know we'll be in bed early!!!! ENJOY! Always prayers and love, Trudy

12/31/2008 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Family,
Happy New Year!

12/31/2008 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I shouldn't have asked what old kotex belts were... I thought it had something to do with nursing. Boy was I wrong! Happy 2009 Teklits! Debbie, I hope you are doing better today and staying warm- it is BITTER cold outside, but a nice, bright winter day all the same !

xoxo MEG

1/01/2009 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After I banged my pots and pans for New Years Year, I drove over to the Duardo's house to scarf up the white twinkle lights that blew off their house. All the little knomes were helping me pick them up and put them into my get-away car. I was out shopping for the 1/2 sale. By the way... I have my eyes on the cute little candle holders lining your driveway. Where did you get them?

Happy New year... Debbie, I'll get you some decorations too! LOL

tea bags

1/01/2009 1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Teklits!

Love, The Chalks
Dave, Eileen, Mere, Colin and Bee

1/01/2009 3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all of the Teklits family.. you deserve it. hope it brings you good health, strength.. and some better hearing..
Patrick went back to san luis obispo yesterday.He starts school again on the 5th and wanted to have time to hang out down there before..
Mark stayed home for nyeve..much to his disappointment.. but honestly i really don't like that holiday.. but i think the neighbors made up with it.. someone at a parry 2 houses down had partial dyanmite of something that they lit at mn..3 x.. car alarms went off.. etc.. then i guess a house around the corner had a party which ended with 8 police cars to break up a point of this holiday exactly.. ha
i went to the gym this am.. seem to be putting a pound or two on since going.. hope its becasue im building muscle....hmmmm..
Watching the rose bowl and rooting for penn state..
hope today and tomorrow and tomorrow and the next and next and next... bring you happiness and good health..

1/01/2009 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. Go back to work tomorrow.. wonder if these kindergardners are well rested.. oh no.. Mark goes back to school and starts up with baseball practice..
I went to the grocery store today for about the millionth time since we have been on vacation.. and i want to know...who the hell decided that an 8 pak of diet pepsi was a good idea???..mdf

1/04/2009 5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a winter storm alert for Tuesday, interpertation: All Pennsylvanian's go immediately to the grocery store and stock up on toilet paper, bread, eggs and milk. God forgive we can't make breakfast and then go to the John!

Back to work and looking forward to the next holiday off... Martin King's B-day.

Debbie, get cozy in your family room... get the home fires burning.


1/05/2009 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Joe

I just wanted to let you guys know what my blog is going to be while I am in Spain so that you can follow along with my adventures!

Miss you guys a lot! Love Mere

1/08/2009 11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ughhhh! Too much snow outside. I think I'm going to move out west. That would be nice!!! Ms. Debbie, Matt finally made an official proposal with an official ring! Thank goodness it's about time, right? I hope you are doing okay and staying warm. Prayer's as always being sent to Tennis Way!

xoxo Meg

1/10/2009 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.. Meg... sounds like congradulations are in order for you.. and if you need some incentive for moving west..hows this.. my son is 10 min from the beach and was saying that he is going there since its 78 degrees there today...
debbie.. how have you been feeling? think and send a prayer your way every day...
Have been going to the gym almost every day. and am gaining weight.. go figure.. not fair. ha.. okay.. go eagles.. and i'll continue the prayers and good vibes..mdf

1/10/2009 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Debbie!

Sitting here having a cup of tea looking out my kitchen window at the snow that is still covering my back porch... wasn't it beautiful outside yesterday with the snow falling. Just enough snow to look pretty, but not too much that I could just use a broom to sweep the snow away.

This is a working weekend. Got the clutter out of my kitchen drawers, oh how good they look now.
Debbie you'll appreciate this, I have one kitchen drawer full of kitchen aprons. ... see I copied the aprons from you and the winter decorating from Kathi. Now I need a mentor to loose some gib weight, Ha! Ha!

I know the Teklits are gearing up for the big Eagles game today.


1/11/2009 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie.. i hope the win or the Eagles and Steelers made you feel good.. go pennsylvania.. am wondering how your doing..and thought i would share my latest embarrassing moment..
so.. think i told you mark and i go to the gym at 5:30 AM..he wants to lift before school and bb practice.. so i figure it would help me also( except for the fact im gaining from going)..anyways..
im on the eliptical. just cruising along,listening to earth wind and fire. when all of a sudden a noise escapes my rectum..not a long drawn out thing. but a quick.. almost snap like to the music sort of noise.. i quickly look to my right.. phew.. she has headphones on.. no problem. .then look to my left.. OH NO.. no headphones.. so. .i now try to recreate this little explosion via using my feet.. try scraping them on the pedals..etc to no avail.then i start thinking.. oh hell, they are lucky that is the only noise that escapes me at this hour and age.. ha..
It was a beautiful day here today.. won't last.. but when i got home from work. i actually opened up my front and back door to air out the house..and the temp rose 3 degrees in the house within 30 min!! of course i made tuna casserole for dinner.. so all that airing out is for nothing..
Debbie. i pray every night for you to get stronger and healthier..and will continue.. love to all the teks.. mdf

1/12/2009 10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Debbie,

I heard through the grapevine that you are feeling a heck of a lot better! Stay strong in this frigid weather. Pennridge already has a 2 hour delay- due to tomorrows below average temperature. I think I may use that excuse at work? Cannot work- too cold to walk outside. Fargo. Thinking of you guys!!! Prayers always sent your way!

xoxo Meg, Matt, Matthew

PS. The Eastern Dragon in the Genardi's shopping Village now has suishi etc. It's veryyyy yummy for anyone who loves asian!

1/15/2009 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSS. MDF, too funny. I think you should trademark the term 'escapes my rectum'.

1/15/2009 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys........
so glad there's nothing new on the blog.
tony had his remicade yesterday and right afterward, we walked next door and i had my colonoscopy. thankfully, no dry heaves afterward this time but the nausea is still there and i really don't want anything passing my lips. we do have to say tho, that we appreciated the "escaped my rectum" comment! sick humored people tend to gravitate to other sick humored people! can't wait to pass that comment on to work and our GI office!
we have no new grandbaby yet but we're still counting on 2/6 for that...
may 2009 be filled with special surprises
not connected with hup.
tony & jill

1/17/2009 4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
I just wanted to say Hello. I hope that you are doing well. We are all trying to keep warm these days.
We are getting ready for Mackenzie's Birthday Party on Saturday....she turned one on January 8.....can you beleive that.
She is the sweetest little baby.
I think about you often and check the blog to see how you are doing.
Please continue to get stronger and know that you are always in our prayers you sweet lady.
Sending our love and a hug!
Chuck,Donna,Wyatt and Mackenzie

1/21/2009 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie et al...

This is my second attempt...the first one is in cyberspace....

Bee turned 16 and passed his drivers test.

Colin will visit one last school on that wants him to play football...then we will decide which college.

Mere is two weeks into her semester abroad. She is enjoying it. Check her out at She is headed to the big flea market(El Rastro) on Sunday and will post new stuff. Today she text me while she was in the Riena Sophia Museum looking at a Picasso mural. Ahhh the life!

All else is well. Just trying to stay warm. It is bitter cold here!

Love to all...Miss everyone.

COD Eileen

1/24/2009 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie..last time i talked to you Bush was still the president!! How are you? Whats new? HOpe all is well.. love.. mdf

1/28/2009 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy it's great to see there is nothing new on the blog. I ALWAYS SAY NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS. Just got done watching Bruce at halftime. He's great. He's also from my hometown. He was so dirty in high school my mother wouldn't let him swim in our pool until he took a shower. My dad dated his mom before he married my mother. Anyway, art and I took a short cruise to the Bahamas and then spent the rest of the week in florida. We had a nice time. It was a little chilly down there but still nicer then here. AJ and Mere bought a house this week in Kennett. They close at the end of the month. It's a nice townhome halfway between her work and his. The rest of my family is doing well.Hope all is ok with you and yours.

Take care,

2/01/2009 8:42 PM  

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