Friday, December 12, 2008

December 12 Update

Dear Fods,
Hello everyone, hope you all had a great thanksgiving and are all getting reved up for christmas its joe and im helping my mom post tonite. My mom and i decorated the house this week, thank God only about half of what she normally puts up, but the house is looking festive. Mom has been really frustrated because she thinks her progress is slow, i on the other hand am still amazed everyday by her progress and her return this time from the dark side. We saw dr porter this week and he thinks mom is remarkable and really cannot explain her recovery except a delayed reaction to the Mylotarg. Unfortunately, he does not have any idea of how long it will work for and what lies ahead so we are taking a day at a time. The prediction that dr porter has is that by ground hog day my mom will be able to drive, and be out and about, im not allowed to comment on that one but i guess thats good news lol. Mikey and i took my mom to costco and she stocked up on lots of her essentials. She did great walking through the store on her own and afterwards had enough left in the tank to try on some clothes at j jill. But somehow she thinks her progress is slow, what do y'all think? Then took us for tacos at Moe's it was another great day. I can tell you once again that she loves reading the blog MDF your blog had me peeing my pants and my mom said she can picture you talking in hyperspeed because you were nervous. Congrats Bobby T for getting into PSU we are so excited for you and you will carry on the great family tradition. We know everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays but take some time to smell the roses and enjoy this joyous time of year. Jess and the khouri clan along with alli and izzy will be here the weekend after christmas and we are so excited to see them all. We got a little dose of Izzy last weekend and oh my God what an incredible little girl she is, running and climbing like a little monkey, i wonder where that comes from? She still eats and sleeps like a champ and seems to really love little boys. Actually she really loves everything she has a great little personality and is just so much fun to be with. We will try to keep up our posting a little bit more regularly. My mom and i thank you soooo much for all of your support and kind words it inspires her to hear about all of your families and whats going on with everybody. We love you all
Debbie and Joey


Blogger GSM said...

Debbie, I am soooo glad to hear things are starting to shape up for you in time for the holidays; you deserve it.

Things here in NE are frozen solid but going well. I am coming home next Saturday; I will be in MD with Sandra for a few days and then we will head up to PA for Christmas. It would be an awesome Christmas gift if I got the chance to stop by and see you!!

Well, I just wanted to say hey and tell you I was thinking about you. I check in for new postings regularly and was very happy to see this great news today.


12/12/2008 9:19 PM  
Blogger Jan Russell said...

Anyone who goes to Costco in December has GOT to be brave, and strong!

And how did Miss Izzy like Disney? We were there the first week of December, and I'm ready to pack my bags and go again!

12/12/2008 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and the T men!

Is that soo you....CostCo! Really Debbie did you stock up on the spinach artichoke dip. We've gotten it every time we have gone in remembrance of the shore.

Speaking of the shore did you love our Christmas card. You had a hand in the picture taking.

The boys are in the one week prior to finals mode. Colin takes the ACT for the last time tomorrow. He has already gotten into schools and today got an offer from a small school in Kansas to play we are just flogging him by making him take it again. Or so he thinks...

Mere finishes on Tuesday. She has set up a blog for her semester in Madrid starting in January. I will send the link once it is in full swing. She got her passport back today with the visa in it. So it is official. YIKES!

I am going to attempt making Nonnie cookies this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed! Aunt Angie would always play with the icing recipe as she started that phase. I don't know if I ever understood what the right consistency was to be. We will see.

All else is well here. I am so thrilled of your continued improvement. Love to all!

COD Eileen

12/13/2008 12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are getting better up there. You're truly inspiring. We put up the fake tree today. Real ones are so expensive down here. We got some of the outside lights up today and we'll finish them tomorrow, including 6 foot peace sign made out of lights hanging between the two trees in my front yard. Always the hippie.

We went up to Tennessee for thanksgiving and I met some future relatives. It was in the low twenties in the mornings. My toes didn't warm up for three days. We never did get to see snow (my daughter has never been in it.) And of course it snowed there two days after we returned home. We cooked our turkey last Tuesday. I just couldn't live without leftovers. As a matter of fact that's what dinner is as soon as I get done typing this. About a half an hour as fast as I type.

I know things are going to get even busier the next couple of weeks for everyone, so I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and extremely healthy New Year now while I have a moment to breathe. Say hey to everyone for me (that means "hi" in Floridian.)

Keep on keeping on.
Lots of Prayer and Love to all.
And to all a good night!


12/13/2008 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are a miracle! And since all miracles need witnesses it is our privilege and delight to read how well you are doing. God bless you and your incredible family and FOD's for all the faith that has been shown on your behalf.
My family and I are off to AZ for the holiday where our 5 1/2 grandkids are, as well as our two girls, their mothers! You all will be in our thoughts this holy season and we wish you all a joy-filled time. Much love, Suzanne

12/13/2008 6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Debbie,

I am glad to hear that things are getting better for you. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. I also have some good news to share with you; I got accepted into Penn State Main Campus today! So Bobby and I will both be starting there next year! Hope you have a great Christmas and New Years, too

Steph (Teklits)

12/13/2008 7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
WOW!!!! What wonderful news that you are getting around. You never stop amazing me. I was very excited to see this post. We are very excited for our first Christmas with Mackenzie. She is crawling all over the place and loves to climb up the stairs. YIKES! She sat on Santa's lap and she smiled. She is the happiest baby all the time. Wyatt is getting very excited for Chritmas and his school break. Well I just wantd to let you know that I think about you often and was so happy to hear that you are getting around. Take care and know you are never far from my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and your amazing family.
Love ya,
Chuck,Donna,Wyatt and Mackenzie

12/13/2008 10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl - Great to hear that you are decorating the house and actually getting out and about. What an amazing turnaround. Thank you God. Was at a party last night and someone asked how you were. It is amazing how many people know you and are thinking of you. Have a marvelous Holiday with your family and don't over do it. Take one day at a time. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Shelly and Gary Geib

12/14/2008 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joey thanks for the update! I've been wondering how your mom is doing! Debbie, you are amazing! Unbelievable! They need to do a case study on you! I'm so happy for you & your truly have something to celebrate this Christmas!! So glad you are up & about! I would love to meet up for lunch or coffee sometime once you are feeling up to it! Merry Christmas to you & all the Teklits!

12/14/2008 11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Debbie,
Just got back from wilkes-Barre and Greg told me there was a new post. OMG! I can't do CostCo and then try on clothes and then go out to eat. CostCo alone does me in. How absolutely fantastic. Out and about in February?!!!!! Amazing. Just goes to prove you can't keep a good person down! I'm trying to get my little house looking festive. Gettin' there. Won't be tonight though, Mom has colitis and had an accident in bed at 4AM. And I never got back to bed. I feel so bad for her. She's all apologies and all I could say is, "It's OK, Mom, you're still here." I will be going up Christmas Eve day and spending the rest of that week there. I just wish I wasn't 2 hours away so I could see her every day. Same love your kids have for you. Time to say good-night. Love you to pieces.
love, hugs and kisses,

12/14/2008 5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you and miss you-- cant wait till our next visit!

<3 Love - Alli & Izzy

Jan- Izzy loved Disney... she was such a little trooper and I was so suprised at how smoothly the trip went... I too am ready to go back!!!

12/14/2008 10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie --

Congrats on the continued improvement. We've spent the last few weeks trimming the trees - we'll get some pictures to Jess so she can bring them up at Christmas. Keep up the progress.

-- Edmund & Larry

12/15/2008 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was so great to see you last week, and you look awesoooommmeee! I'm so glad that Izzy and Mattthew are in <3 love, ha. I'll have to get some doubles of those pictures. Joey and Alli, you have a beautiful little girl on your hands. Have an amazing Teklits Christmas and New Years if I don't see you at all till then! Stay strong and we are always praying for you guys!

xoxo Meg and Matthew Thomas

12/15/2008 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Joe all the T's Fods Cods et al...

Wow.. Debbie I already felt flipping guilty about my pathetic effort and now you have to go pull superwoman off again! I bought a prelit tree on Black Friday for $25... left it to the last minute to put it up before I was having the Celtic woman over (all Irish and Scottish girls who emigrated here!) Well the dam thing lit up all right, but it was no black Friday bargin.. there is about 3 pine needles to every branch... I kid you not lol! so I had to do major improvising to make it resemble anything like a tree....I still am not sure that it just doesn't look like a stupid green plastic triangle with stuff thrown at it.. Colorado pine my eye.. I'm suing Walmart for false advertising! (anyone know a good lawyer ha ha) However I put up other stuff around the house - yeah maybe a fifth of what I usually do.. no mini christmas trees in the bathroom or beanie babies at the top of the stairs.. but ho, flipping ho.... I've got plenty of beer and wine... so we will all be "Merry" and bright.. well maybe not bright as we are slowly killing off the brain cells with each sip!

Debbie I'm soooooooooooo happy you are doing so well, thanks for continuing to be my motivation. I really do love you.

Lots of love, Visitor Alison.

12/15/2008 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....I think your Wonder Woman... without the boobs!!!Keep getting stronger.. i guess you have your strength back when you do costco, try on clothes, go out to lunch, wash the kitchen floor, clean the counters, do laundry, vacume, make meals for everyone, feed the homeless, throw a party, then watch some tv.. geez deb.. you are amazing!! Prayers continue. good going.. love..mdf

12/16/2008 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to read things are improving for you. You are truly amazing.


12/16/2008 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to see another positive posting. I swear I'll eventually get around to sending Christmas cards and will send pictures of the kids. Merry Christmas!!!

12/17/2008 7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, confession time! I am not a good cook... i love microwaves for that, you can imagine how my mind was spinning when my son, Mark, came home today and said " oh, btw, i need to make 9 pies for school tomorrow,, we're feeding the homeless" WHAT!!! okay.. i can handle this.. he brought home pre mixed stuff. but no pie crusts.. so.. i run the store to get the already made ones..
Came home,, am putting together all the stuff, eggs, pumpkin mix. put it in the oven,, 2 at a time. thinking to myself.. this isnt so bad.. start to clean up and i spot a can of evaporated milk!!That has to go in there also?.. well, the pies have only been in the oven for a few minutes.. i'll just pour it directly into the pie mixture. kind of stir. and that will be that!! wrong.. have to remove all that pie stuff,, add the milk. stir , then put back in the oven. do admit that my house is smelling good.. funny thing too i actually stopped at Bed and Bath today and bought some pumpkin spice room spray.... don't need that now..
Patrick went to chico for the night. then up to humbolt tomorrow,
Tomorrow is the last day of school for vacation.. they actually called for "indoor recess" today due to cold temp.. it was 32 outside,, wimpy californians..ha..
the kids in the class are ready for this vacation.. they are starting to bite each other...
Deb, got your card and picture. can't believe how good you look.. hope your feeling as good as you look in it..
prayers continue..and good vibes.. need to turn the heat down now for the pies.. ttyl..mdf

12/18/2008 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie - thank you so much for the Christmas card and your wonderful note. It was the next best thing to talking to you! Jen and Thomas bought a house close to the American University - on Yuma Street. We are planning a trip to DC during my spring break (first week of April) and would love to somehow get to you. Your continued progress is amazing and I pray that we can hook up that week. We haven't been out to DC since September of 2007, but now they will have room for us to stay there. Jen and Thomas come home on the day before Christmas Eve, Katy on the Monday before, and Shelly and Matt have to work on Christmas Day, so they will be over for Christmas Eve and we will have dinner and celebrate Christmas with all then. Then I hope to kick back and relax and just serve food I have made and frozen. Jen and Thomas fly to Alabama (where Thomas has a mom in Mobile and dad and stepmom in Montgomery - so they have to do some traveling after they leave here. Then, all the girls (and husbands of Jen and Shelly) are heading to spend New Year's Eve in New Orleans and have tickets to the Sugar Bowl down there. Shelly and Jen are pitching in on Kate's ticket for her and we will give her spending money for Christmas. I am so thankful they will continue to spend time together, even now that they are in three different cities. Terry and I are blessed. And your progress has to make everyone so hopeful - I know that is the way we see it. You have lived such a kind, helpful life and are such a wonderful person - I am so thankful that I had a chance to meet you and become your friend. You made me a better person! I love you and your family and pray I will be able to see you in April. Enjoy your holidays with your wonderful family -- they are amazing; and, your grandchildren are such miracles! Love, Cheryl Crone

12/20/2008 9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,

so glad to hear that you are still making progress. Bruny was here last week and left me a long note about her visit with you. Mom sends her hello's, Christmas wishes, and prayers. I want to send along many Christmas wishes and hopes for a beautiful Christmas season. Got to visit with Maureen and Bob a week or so ago, it was so great to see the both of them back in their home, even with all of the issues they are still dealing with. Hope all the grandbabies will be around your house for the holidays. take care.
love, hugs, and prayers, jean

12/20/2008 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie and Family,
So glad to hear that you have again conquered the darkness. God is amazing in his blessings. We wish you all a Merry and Blessed Christmas! May the New Year bring only bright days.
The Kuntz Family

12/22/2008 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Teklits! Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you guys. Like all the time Debbie! We are so thrilled that you are all together for this holiday. That's what it's all about!

Love, COD Eileen

12/22/2008 8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see where today and tomorrow are heading so I thought I better stop to wish you a Merry Christmas. May the New Year be full of peace, love and good health.

Enjoy your family. This Christmas is a blessing to all that know you!

12/23/2008 1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Joe, Jessie, Joey, Michael, Walid, Christian & Emma, Alli & Izzy...

Merry Christmas Eve & Christmas! I hope you all have a great holiday and New Years. Eat lots of treats and goodies and stay warm !!! See you soon...

xoxo MEG, Matt & Matthew

12/24/2008 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Joe and family,

Warm wishes for a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year are being sent your way. We hope your holiday is filled with all sorts of good things and many wonderful memory-making moments.


Linda & Tim

12/25/2008 1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you all have wonderful holidays.

Love & Prayers, Mussie

12/25/2008 9:42 AM  

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