Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hello from OC, NJ

Dear Fods,

I wish I could tell you about the hospital stay, but I was delirious for 2 days because of a drug interaction. Of course, HUP overreacted and thought that I had encephalitis of the brain and wanted to send me to ICU because I had a fever of 104 and a bad headache. Luckily, Mike remembered that I was on lyrica for my back pain and he knew that it interacted with something once before -- so we checked with Dr. Jessica and she remembered that the interaction was with ativan. Of course they had given me both of these drugs on the day in question and Joe took it up with the appropriate authorities at HUP. That is not to say that HUP didn't get their 3 CAT scans and 1 MRI, ruling out an issue that was never an issue, but that is how it goes down at HUP. (Joe's insert)

The fever was due to my ear infection and my eye. Oh by the way, my eye started to pop out of its socket again, due to extreme pressure behind the eye (has not been properly explained to me so I do not know why this happens) and it started to bleed again. So on Thursday, I was in la la land because of the drug interaction with an ear 3 times its normal size, taking on water weight like the Titanic because of the IV fluids, and a popped out eye telling the nurses that I was in Disney World and that I needed a new dance partner.

Joe had called the NP on Wednesday and convinced them that all of this was related to my compromised immune system and to start the steroids again which they did that day. They agreed and started high dose decadron and within 24 hours, my eye was back in place and the ear was looking good, but I felt like a whipped pup. I cannot function for more that 2 weeks once off the steroids -- so they will be with me from now on.

The oncologist said that I had to stay the weekend for observation, but by Saturday morning I was getting a bit blue about the prospect of staying in the hospital for another weekend. Another oncologist came in on Saturday and said, "What are you doing in here? Do you want to go home?" I called Joe and told him to get down here before someone else changed their mind. So she allowed me to be discharged on Saturday afternoon and we just kept heading East to the beach house. The weather has been just beautiful and we had 2 perfect spring days.

I am so weak this time that I could barely make it up the stairs. But I am here and spent time on the decks in the sun (which I am not supposed to do) and went to the boards for some pizza. The air, the surf and the sounds are so soothing for me and I am on the mend again.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Thanks for the blogs and cards and calls. I love hearing about your stories and your families.

We will keep you posted.

All my love,



Anonymous beach betty said...

Hi Deb,
I was in florida all week. It was absolutely wonderful. I layed in the lazy river for days. I needed a break. Art on the other hand was in meetings the whole week. We were together in the evenings though. Today I had Merediths bridal shower. we decided to have it at the club which turned out to be a great idea. I usually do all the cooking so this worked out well since I just got back from Florida yesterday. She was very surprised. I bet ocean city was beautiful today. I'm going down on thursday night.I will be spending the summer there after June 28th. I can't wait.
I hope you are able to spend a lot of time down there. Nothing like the salt air to heal what ails ya! I'll look for you. If you need anything down there or if you get bored with Joe give me a call.
(302) 983-1307.
Take care,

6/07/2009 6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEB...I feel so bad that I hadn't read your last note... we were at HUP on June 2, and I thought about you the whole day. (but didn't know that you were there)
So much happening here...
I'm happy to hear that you've arrived home again. (to OCNJ) I'll be down in about ten days. Hope you can get back down... would love to see you.
Thanks so much for the card and note. Thinking of you constantly.
Love Lizzie

6/07/2009 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Donna said...

Hi Debbie,
I was so happy to see you resting in the sun on the deck on Sunday.
I was on my way to church and called up to you but you did not hear me. I wamted to stop in but I did not want to bother you since I knew that you were tired. Well it was just beautiful on Sunday...
so glad that you got to smell the salt air and better yet you got to go to the boards for some pizza...Wyatt would be so jealous he wanted Mack and Manco pizza all weekend but we never did get there.
Well I hope to see you soon in Ocean City. We will be dowm this weekend now that Wyatt is done school on Friday....Yeah!!!!
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

6/08/2009 11:37 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, I was so happy to hear that you were released from the nut house known as HUP. How extremely frustrating to know that you, Joe, Mike, Jessie etc... need to be the doctors, isn't HUP supposed to be a world class hospital? Patient care AIN'T all its cracked up to be. Thank goodness you guys are always on the ball and keeping the drs & nurses on their toes there. Sounds like the salt air & breezes worked their magic on you and you're feeling a bit better.
You continue to amaze me with you strong will...
Be well, Love,

6/08/2009 3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie.. stay at the beach!! keep away from bugs and crabs.. and just relax and enjoy the forbidden smut , watch the waves. etc.. glad you broke out when you got the chance!!
Last week of school.. just testing the kids. and playing more or less.. Mark is studying for finals as is patrick down at cal poly.. oh.. he got a job for the summer down there.. get this. he is a delivery boy for The Golden Gong resturant.. ha.. my irish son.. a chinese food deliverer!! hope it is safe and he enjoys it..
ok.. keep getting that strength back.. kind of crazy with your eyeball.. mdf

6/08/2009 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Cindy said...

Hi Deb!
So glad to hear you were at the beach and recovering from the latest HUP experience!

Mom was here for Andrews graduation and party on Saturday, which was nice. She went home Sunday. It was nice to have her visit.

Take it easy, we love you!

Cindy,Keith and boys

6/08/2009 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, wow as always you blow me away so much braver than I can ever me.. here is my "facebook" entry for today

Maybe I need to re-tear my cornea to truly understand that life is good once you we are "healthy"... A day to reflect... Sam told a story at his grad party that his Nanny (my mother) always says to him" Be safe".... can anyone know how proud I am of my mother for her to have evoled so much to set my son free from "guilt" and yet give so much advise in one sentence. Sam be safe!!

Sam is in OC this week enjoying senior week.. I figure no news is good news.. thank god I know how to text him but "unwrittne rule" is just once a day is "allowed" so best I can hope for when I txt u r gr8... is in return he sends
"U2.".! he he not only do I know the lingo but U2 aRE THE best Irish band ever.... I'll take the "code" text! I know he loves me!

Night Debbie, hope to hug you soon,

Al... Visitor Alison.

6/09/2009 12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deb - you could spend time at the beach and that is so awesome! What a wonderful place that is. I can just picture it and how much fun we had when I was there years ago. We talked like we had only been apart for a year or so - only with you could a visit have been so wonderful. You knew me inside and out and cared about me and asked about everything. I learned over the years what real friends are like -- you, my sweet Debbie, are a real friend. I miss you so and love you! Cheryl Crone

6/09/2009 5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie,

Yikes- high fevers, ear infections and eye balls popping out... what a combo! PLEASE feel better and I hope that the sea shore and all that is good and comforting- are coming your way. It's so peaceful and relaxing just sitting on the porch and hearing the birds and waves...

Well we just had another run to the doctors yesterday- last week it was fifths and this week Matthew has hand foot and mouth! He always keeps me on my toes...

Thinking of you- get better!

xoxo MEG

6/09/2009 2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Holey Moley! I hope your family will be available to me if I ever end up at HUP - what the heck. You all are telling the doctors what to do all the time. I don't want to even imagine what you have been through but I hope you're having a restful time at the shore - you sure deserve it. When things quiet down and you're home vaccuuming the rugs and wondering how you going to keep busy, call me. I want to see you. I need a caring ear (who doesn't?) and right now life is a little hectic!
Take care. You know how much we all love you. The kids say "Hi!" - even David. And Rich says "Hi!" And I'm sending hugs and kisses your way.
Say "Hi!" to your brood.

6/09/2009 8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh deb the beach makes you feel life...i guess you know that:) enjoy!Bren

6/09/2009 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
ouchie... you poor thing. My cornea has torn for the third time since September (original hair brush incident cut so deep that sometimes I just wake up with it re-ripped!)... and I was a sissy. However today I did think of your bravery and went for a walk with dark glasses.. to hell if the sun hurts a little. I enjoyed my walk to our beach community with my dog Penny.

Sam is in OC for senior week, the boys he is sharing a house with are great kids.... hope they don't cause too much trouble there for you!

His graduation on saturday was fabulous, I can only say, nobody does it like Americans! What an honorable day for all! Great pom and ceremony for his 500 classmates.

Catch a big, big, hug, lots of love, Alison.

6/10/2009 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Shelly Geib said...

Yeah - down at the beach - what a beautiful weekend to be down there - enjoy every minute of it. We go down to Sea Isle July 11th for a week - can't wait - the sun better be out all week. Glad you know more about your body then the doctors and you were able to convince them to fix it. You are amazing. Hope you will enjoy the beach again this weekend and many weekends to come. Love Shelly

6/12/2009 1:05 PM  

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