Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Happy Anniversary from HUP!!!!

Dear Fods,

Well I am back in HUP and was admitted yesterday on our 35th wedding anniversary. The problem now is a bad cellulitis of my left ear, probably from a bug bite. Joey and I were out cleaning out some bushes and the limbs fell near me and I remember brushing something away from my ear -- but no actual bite mark. So I have fevers and flu like symptoms. My white count is elevated and here I am.

I was supposed to start chem yesterday. Five days of Vidaza as an outpatient. However, they took one look at my ear and that was the end of that plan. I kind of figured that because we went to the ER at Grandview on Saturday because the ear kept swelling and it was very painful. They added a new antibiotic -- I am already on 4! But I was hoping not to be admitted to HUP. When I saw Porter on Monday, my fever was 103 and my white count was 18. The swelling and inflammation in my ear was beginning to move down my neck-- yikkes! So here I am at HUP on IV vanco. Not quite sure when I will get home or get chemo. Of course what always happens when I get here is that things start falling apart. I now have conjuntivitis in both eyes and a very bad cough that might be pneumonia. They are going to do another chest X-ray later this evening. Still can't eat the HUP food but these nurses are like my good friends.

We just can't plan anything. We had a wedding on Saturday and I called the mother of the groom to tell her that we would see her on Saturday. But we were at Grandview. This weekend we have a 50th wedding anniversay party and a shower to go to. We will see what happens. Thank God people still make plans with me because I am prone to cancel at the last minute.

I have to comment on Visitor Allison's last post. I was seeping while reading the post and for the rest of the evening. As I envisioned your son was getting a tattoo with "Una's" name on it -- how proud and sad must you have been. Where does the time go when we raise our kids.

Congratulations to all the graduates. Bobbie T., Stephanie T., Colin C., Bobby L., Sara S. Good luck at college and the job market.

All else is well with our family. The Khouri's are going to Lebanon for 2 weeks on June 13th. I am sure Walid's family can't wait to see the kids. Everyone came to the shore for the Memorial Day weekend. As always it was great to see everyone. Isabelle is coming to visit on June 13 -- she is a toddler now and not a baby anymore. Mike and Joey are doing fine with their jobs and both working long hours.

I will spend as much time as possible at the beach house this summer. Jessie is planning to stay for the month of July and I will be there as much as I can.

I wish you all a fun filled and safe summer. I know that I end every blog this way but thank you again for all of your cards, blogs and calls. They mean the most to me.




Anonymous Anonymous said...


I rarely get on the internet anymore... and here I just get a chance and there is a new blog! I'm sorry you are back in HUP but hopefully everything will clear itself out (a bug bite?!? ugh!) and you will be back home soon. Sounds like spending the entire summer at the shore is just the medicine that needs to be ordered! Hope Jessie has a great time on their trip, and a fun July with you. We think about you every day and are always saying prayers and warm vibes your way!!!

I am back to my big fat pregnant self... only 6 more weeks, and then another little one running around. Crazy. Matthew is huge and running around everywhere. He is into everything and constantly giving me a heart attack. He is also getting more and more handsome every day and has about a million girlfriends at daycare!?!

Talk to you soon! Get better!!!

xoxo MEG

6/02/2009 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie! So sorry to hear that you had to spend your anniversary at Chez HUP! I have to tell you...it is SO weird b/c yesterday, June 1st, was also my parent's 35th wedding anniversary! What a strange coincidence! I hope the antibiotics work for you to get rid of that nasty infection! Damn bugs! Hang in there & hopefully you'll be back down in O.C. in no time!
Take care & I miss seeing you!

6/02/2009 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.......well, poop!....or hallelujah anyway!
we're sorry you're taking another sabbatical at HUP and know you will be
back on the beach in no time. if you can miss the beach for all these other things-(don't you hate when all these affairs are in the summer? wonderful but beach is so necessary)!
anyway-feel the sun on your cheek and hear the traffic and pretend it's the ocean and let go and let God. will be praying you can do these things
tony & jill
and joe.....at least your car is staying clean!

6/02/2009 8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are just amazing. I can't get over your resilience! I just love reading when you post because I can hear you saying every word.

Mere sends her hellos and love. she and I are just sitting watching Law and Order reruns...my favorite thing to do. Colin is off with friends and Brendan is one week into his two week school trip to Paris, Switzerland and Germany. He is loving it! No surprise.

Dave added a new species of farm life to our zoo! Barbados Sheep. Not real cute...but low maintenance. All he likes is that they keep the grass lower. He neglected to check on their cycles as they give birth 2 times a year. Of course he got a ram and two ewes (yes...they are pregnant)...are you getting the picture...

Hope your stay is short and you get to all your social commitments on Saturday. Give Joe a hug for me. :)

Love, COD Eileen

6/02/2009 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, happy anniversary my ass!! debbie.. so sorry you are making another anpperance at HUP... and on such a holy day.. i hope its short.. i know when mark got cellulitis from a bug bite on his leg he was in the hospital for 5 days!!! Hope your tx is shorter but also worried about the pneumonia.. hmm..
Had a nice weekend last weekend.. patrick got a ride home from college and it was such a nice visit.. he is so much fun and a blast to be around.. we all had fun.. then mark had a double header bb game in auburn, so patrick left back down south, and we went up north for that..
I got the summer school job. only 19 days , 4 hrs each day. but figure the extra money will help pay for mark's senior year.. yearbooks.. grad nite,.. prom.. etc.. or.. books for patrick.. food .. whatever.. it will help..
having fun with this facebook you should do it .. its fun. have gotten ahold of some friends i haven't talked to for 22 years!! its like a hs reunion. but they don't have to see how much weight i've gained..
deb, i'll step up the prayers.. you stay strong. and i will hope for you laying out on the beach soon.. love ya.. mdf

6/03/2009 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Sorry to hear about the bug bite and infection. I have found that mosquitoes just love me, would love me to death if I let them. Don't know if it's because I'm making a new blood type since my transplant. So I just avoid nature, except my deck.

I'm sure everyone wants to ask, but feels sorry for you, so they don't, but what in the world were you thinking...working in the back yard with Joey??

Stay in the kitchen, that's your specialty.

Debbie, no one is more amazing than you. Most of us get exhausted, just reading what you're going through.

I would love to meet God's angels that are always with you. They must be from His Best Brigade.

Keep on trusting in God; don't give up Hope; know you are loved by many. Love and Prayers, Linda Mack

6/04/2009 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Donna said...

Hi Debbie and Family,
I am sad to hear that you are at HUP. You never cease to amaze me outside doing yard work.... It was so great to see you and the whole family down the shore. You look great. I always treasure our beach conversations....I could talk to you for hours. I always feel bad because I do not want to take time away from Jessie and the grandkids. Please know that you are always in my thoughs and prayers and looking forward to seeing alot you down the shore this summer with Jessie. Sending a big hug your way....gotta go Mackenzie is looking for treasures in Wyatt's nightstand drawers and how Wyatt loves her in his stuff...
Love ya,
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

6/04/2009 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Shelly Geib said...

Hi Debbie: Sorry to hear you are back at HUP - let's hope it is a short visit and everything gets straightened out and you are back to the shore again for the summer. Happy 35th Anniversary - it is amazing how many years we have all been married and how old are kids are getting. My baby "Ali" just turned 21 and will be entering her last year at Bloomsburg - can't believe that - now all I am waiting for is some grandbabies from Justin and Matt - maybe next year.
Anyway - prayers are with you and hope you get home for this weekend's festivities and you get to start the Chemo soon. Love to you. Shelly

6/04/2009 4:27 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, hoping that this note finds you doing MUCH better. I'm thinking of you as always and praying for good days!

6/04/2009 8:04 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Just wanted to say hello and see how you were doing. Praying that you had a good day and that you are on the road to recovery from the bug bite and that you will be back on Tennis soon soon soon!

6/05/2009 7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Deb - so glad to hear from you. I need to be better about sending notes/cards to you. This last couple months at work have been so hectic and I am wiped at night. But summer is here - the kids are out of Carmel High School and I can play catch up in the athletic department and get ready for the fall sports! This is the second summer I am working since I started at LaVille in 1989 - I can't believe I will have 20 years in a school system this fall. I am eligible for PERF in 4 years - at 62 - not a great deal of money per month, but I could get a part time job and draw my PERF; but I love my athletic secretary job - and Carmel High School is awesome! Keeps me on my toes and my brain functioning (what little I have left!) And, my 40th high school reunion is this summer - yikes!! Jen and Thomas are great - she has been working on a case with a partner in her firm for the Venetian in Vegas - so she has been flying to Vegas for the last couple months for 2-3 days a week. She packed up a little over a week ago planning to spend a month there, as the trial was beginning this past Monday (and Thomas' brother is getting married on 6/20 in Los Angeles - so she took her bridesmaid dress, everything)! Well, the case settled on Monday and she drug all back to DC! They have a couple of friends living with them for a few weeks until they have possession of their house which is almost right across the street from Jen and Thomas (Jen's address is now 4437 Yuma Stn. NW in DC. And, they are going on a 2-week cruse this fall out of Spain to Greece, etc ; and I would guess that they will start trying to have a family after that (or while they are on it)! And, I can imagine what a basket case I will be since I worry about everything, even things that don't concern me! Shelly is in her last year of residency in anesthesiologoy (sure hoped I spelled that correctly - oh, well!) - Matt has 3 more years in urology because he switched from surgery a couple of years ago. They still work horrible hours and will continue to do so. But, Shelly has to find a job for next year - hopefully in Indy while Matt finishes up and then they may move - not sure where! She took another set of boards for this past year of residency and just got the results back - she scored in the top 2 percent in the nation - I know you would understand how unbelievable that is. She still of course has to take the final boards, but we are so proud. Katy is in her last year for her doctorate in psychology (it is a psy.d) (I definitely know how to spell that -'cause I always need it!) She continues to work on her thesis and pulls a 4.0 each quarter. The final year will be working in a paid internship - but she says she thinks it will be hard to find a job in Chicago as there are so many in her field wanting to stay there. But, I know she doesn't want to move back to Indiana and definitely not Indy. But I miss them all so much and would love to pick up the phone and talk to you about everything. I wish I could get to the shore this summer, but since I work through the summer, it is tough to get the vacation. If I do come to DC sometime, I will let you know. I miss you and can just see your face when you say "yikes"! Keep up the great work and stay out of the bushes! I have poisen ivy again - every summer since we moved here and I can't get rid of it without prednisone; and, you can imagine how hard Shelly is on me about taking that! I miss you - pray for you every day and am thankful for all the friendship and wisdom you gave me on Renfrew Street and always!!! Love you, Cheryl Crone

6/06/2009 8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie,

I called on Wednesday night hoping we could go to a movie or something and what do I find . . . you are back in the hospital. So I read the blog and got myself caught up.

I sure do miss you. I'm sorry that I haven't had alot of free time to visit but I swear that is going to change. Sarah was frantically searching for a job, crying on a pretty regular basis (always seemed to escalate just as I arrived home from work). But she has been accepted into University of Delaware's graduate program in nutrition so the crying has stopped. She also got a teaching asistant position so that should help with the tuition.

David is studying like crazy and only wants to see us if we have groceries in the car. Megan is doing well also - still dreaming of california. Maybe soon - we'll see.

Richard and I are running around like crazy - sandwiched between my mother and the kids, but what else would we do?

When things calm down please call me. I'd love to hear all about the kids and, more importantly, see YOU!

Hugs and kisses,

6/06/2009 10:33 AM  
Anonymous Bonnie said...

Good morning Debs. Hope this beautiful sunny day means it will be a good day for you.Hope all the antibiotics are working asap,and that soon you will be relaxing on the beach with all of your sugarplums:) David and I just got back from a vacation in Florida-it was wonderful and we got to spend time with my Mom,brother and sil,and David's sister and family.I was getting used to not going to work!! (Someday, we "old nurses" will get to slow down!!).

A Grammie thought: We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence,
Grammie,Nana,Grandmother you are that person to me..

A bit of encouragement: Isaiah 49:15-16
"I will not forget you! See,I have engraved you on the palms of my hands."
May the love and hugs of all who love and treasure you,lift you up today..
I love you Debs..

6/07/2009 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie,
You poor thing. Hope you are feeling much better by now. I think of you all the time. Sorry I had you "seeping" about Sam's tattoo story, but I thought of you and your love of your children and grandchildren. Know we are all rooting for you and feel so special to have you in our lives. Thanks so much for fighting so hard. We love you.

visitor Alison.

6/07/2009 1:27 PM  

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