Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Home Again...

This is just a quick note to let you all know that we were able to bring mom home from HUP yesterday (Tuesday, 5/5). The jury's still out regarding the effectiveness of the latest chemo regimen, but knowing how slowly mom can react after receiving treatment, we all remain hopeful that anything is possible.

Mom was relatively consistent with her pain regimen today and as a result she was able to venture out with me on a quest for a comfortable chair. Those of you who have visited the Teklits home on Tennis Way may understand that many of the chairs mom has selected to decorate her home over the years are far from comfortable, let alone functional. They all complement her country-style decor, however, they are too low or too high, too hard or too soft, or do not have arms. So I took goldilocks out on a mission to find a 'compact country-style recliner with legs' and you can imagine the looks sales people gave us. The beauty of this whole ordeal was that mom was not just out of the hospital, but she was out of the house, navigating the show room floors with her walker and able to get in and out of several chairs. The one we selected, and mom will tell you, is not something she would 'choose' if she weren't desperate. There were many far more beautiful patterns that could be custom ordered, however, they would take months to arrive. We settled for functional and mom was tired after our adventure.

Or so I thought - she sent me on a few errands while our beloved visiting nurse was with mom and I returned home to see her whirling through the kitchen determined to prepare some stuffing to go with the turkey I had set in a brine early this morning. Eager to reclaim her place in the kitchen, mom threw together stuffing, and mashed some potatoes I had boiling on the stove. At last she's really home again.

We're headed back to HUP tomorrow for labs and likely transfusions of blood and platelets. Mom's needing them every few days as a result of the chemo. Her dizziness and hearing continue to be problems, however, her back is still her main complaint. She's moving a little better than when she was admitted to HUP more than two weeks ago, however, she's on pain patches and round the clock heavy doses of narcotic medication.

I'm here in town until Friday and the plan is for dad to drag mom to the shore house for the weekend. Mom hasn't been there since September, and is really looking forward to the summer and memorial day weekend with the grandkids. She thanks you all again for the many cards, calls, blogs, and prayers - they mean so much to us.

Happy Mothers Day!




Anonymous Donna K. said...

Hey Deb,

So glad to hear you broke out of HUP! Glad to hear you and Jess were able to go on a "chair adventure" too and found something comfortable. (great blog Jess)
I knew if you could only get home to your own kitchen and bed you would kick up your recovery a couple notches. Happy to hear the meds are helping to keep the back pain a bit more tolerable--will pray it's on the mend and this last round of chemo will do it's job so you can continue to do what you do best--cooking, family, and friends and of course the beach.....
Hope to see you at soon!
Donna K. xoxo

5/06/2009 9:12 PM  
Blogger Bosszilla said...

Hey Deb and Jess,

Debbie I am so glad you are home and heading to the shore. I still feel like it was just yesterday when we were there.
Jess, thanks for the update. If you need anything, I'm just a call away.
Hugs to you all!

5/06/2009 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.............God is great and God is good!!! a recliner chair and oc in the same week...and if it rains, i'll heat some sand up for you for your back. keep the patches and meds going so the wknd. won't be a waste!
thanks do good! and happy mom's day to you too.
tony & jill

5/06/2009 10:05 PM  
Anonymous beach betty said...

How do you do it? You've been in the hospital for weeks, gone through chemo again and God only knows what else is going on with you and your shopping, cooking and probably running the vacuum. My family hasn't had a homecooked meal in over a week. You're a great example to all of us. Keep it up. Glad to hear you are home. Sunday should be nice so enjoy the beach.I'm working this wekend so I won't be down.There's a possibility I'll be down the following Sunday but I doubt it. With all the rain my jobs keep getting postponed so I'll probably be shooting spring sports until my summer swim teams start. Oh well, that's the way it is sometimes. Take care.

5/07/2009 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Kris said...


So glad to hear that you're home again, Chiz.

But honey, making a turkey dinner with all the bells and whistles your first full day home - after shopping all day?

You are just amazing.

It must feel so good to be home. I hope between your new Goldilocks chair and the pain meds your back pain will quiet down and you can get some relief. Right now, I'm thinking of you down in OC sitting on your deck (in a comfy chair), getting some sun on your face (just a little) and enjoying the ocean air. That's got to be good for you! I hope you have a great weekend.

Not much happening here this week. Mr. Marvin had a quick trip to Kansas and will be home this evening. That means I'll be cleaning house today. haha.

Lots of love to everyone there. Hmm. Today's word?


As a child of God, I am healthy and whole. I live a complete and balanced life.

I am more than my name, personality, career, and image portray me to be. I am a child of God who has been created to be healthy and whole.

I feel a resounding yes from the spirit of God within me each time I affirm: I am a child of God.

Knowing who I am and claiming this truth in every circumstance, I am both energized and at peace.

I am physically strong, mentally alert, and spiritually centered. I speak words of faith about the life within the cells of my body, and that life responds as healing and renewal. I am whole and holy. God's spirit is both personal and transcendent, within me and everywhere around me. I have a vitality that sustains me in all that I do. Healthy and whole, I live a complete and balanced life.

"It is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God."--Romans 8:16

I love you and miss you, honey!

5/07/2009 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Jessie.
Dearest Debbie---I am ALWAYS thinking of you. Put a nice throw over the chair---dress it up a little. Glad you went with functional/comfort!
Going to the shore will do you wonders--I'm sure. I will be with you, oceanside, as I close my eyes-- if only in my mind!
Love you much.

5/07/2009 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOly smoke.. mashing potatoes??i just can't get over you. .you really are amazing. but. i bet you do feel better when you keep moving... would love to know what the chair looks like? does it rock? i picture it rocking and a light blue fake suede.. the kind of material that you can write your name in during commercials.. then rub your hand over it and erase it..
Good luck with your lab values and blood tx's..
will write more when i dont have 20 min to take a shower and get to work!! ha.. lots of love your way.. and prayers. mdf

5/07/2009 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Donna said...

What great news to hear that you are home....nothing like home sweet home. Jessie your update was so informative and funny. Okay Debbie once again you truly amaze for a recliner and making mashed potatoes and dinner after just getting out of the hopital. Well always thinking about you and always in my prayers.
I hope that you have a wonderful Mother's Day down Ocean City....
Mom and Dad are going down this weekend too. God Bless you my dear friend. Jessie Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Donna,Chuck,Wyatt and Mackenzie

5/07/2009 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... make me laugh and cry! Hope the transfusions and testing went without a hitch. I know those blood products take a lot of time...hopefully you got to sleep in your bed when all was done.

Love you to pieces....COD Eileen

5/07/2009 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Had to laugh when I first started to read the blog about the chair ordeal and 'goldilocks'. Everything in the house most definitely does complement the beautiful country style Ms.Debbie has. I am hoping everything is going well and that Debbie is feeling better. Have fun at the shore and have a great Mother's Day!!! You are all in my thoughts and prayers all of the time. Did Reen share the news that is joining our family as of July 4th?

xoxo MEG

5/09/2009 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, Fods, T's et al...
and here I am doing next to nothing . WOW as always Debbie, Jessie, you lighten my life, you inspire me.

Sam turned 18, an agreeable, easy child to raise he has nagged me the last 2 years for a tattoo. Now he was of age to do it himself. He wanted one with a particular girls name!>>>>

Recently his paternal grandmother Una passed (after waiting for Sam to arrive to Ireland from USA and talking to him from her hosptial bed)... Una battled cancer since before Sam was conceived.. .she battled hard to be in his life for as long as she could. She managed to be in his live for 17+ years..

so .... after much soul searching, and to Sam's amazement, I gave him a certificate for a tattoo for his b'day and brought him yesterday. I trickled tears as it was done.. for many, many reasons.. Una's name on my son's mother's gift to another... tonight it seems so right....

Sam's happy... I'm learning to be a Mum of an adult... thanks for teaching me Debbie... lots of love,
visitor Alison

5/09/2009 7:53 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

I hope you have a great Mother's Day!
Lots of love,

5/09/2009 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Shelly said...

So glad to hear you are out of the house even if it is to look for a confortable chair and making stuffing and mashed potatoes - you do more than I do. Hope you got down the shore and enjoyed this beautiful weather and had a Great Mother's Day. You deserve it. Prayers and thoughts with you today and everyday. Love Shelly

5/10/2009 8:34 PM  
Anonymous beach betty said...

Happy Mother's Day1

5/10/2009 8:59 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, glad you were able to make it to the shore....know how you love the ocean. I hope you had a good Mother's Day, you are the best!

5/10/2009 10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So friday i decided to schedule myself a much belated mammogram for after work.. that morning, i was talking to missy on the phone and i tripped.. landed on my hand.. now.. the size of my body now being impacted on one hand on the cement.. i was sure it was broken.. so.. i went to work. .after work i went for my mammo and asked the technician if i could just throw my hand on the " bucky " trap along with my breast.. well. as you get fatter so does all the rest of your body, if you know what i mean. and either there wasn't room on the tray for both my hand and breast.. or .. they just couldn't do it that way..
so.. first the mammo.. amazing how much fat and skin you can get pinched into one area.. and why, oh why do i feel the need to be modest and cover myself after i have just been manipulated in every which way..
After that , i went and got a request for my hand.. which turned out to be just fine..contusion.. strained.. but that is about it..
Mothers day was nice.. everytime i heard a car door shut i thought it might be patrick.. but he stayed down in san luis obispo for the weekend doing projects and stuff. but had a really nice visit with him on the phone. mark had alot of baseball buisness the weekend.. but we did go out to dinner on sat night.. well, at 4pm cause he had plans with his friends i think.... and the flowers he bought me at 8am and he kept in the car all day in 95 degree weather were somehow still nice when he gave them to me. at 5pm.ha. so.. all in all a nice day
Is it true you were at the beach all weekend? i hope you had a wonderful time.. i got your card. when do you find the time?? amazing.. keep strong.. and i will continue the prayers.. mdf

5/11/2009 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

Got your note! You are too much! Always thinking of others. Hoping you get to enjoy the shore this weekend. Will be thinking of you! Mere arrives home on Wednesday from Spain...YIPPEE!

COD Eileen

5/11/2009 10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.............missed saying bye on sunday but oh, so very special to see you and joe on the alley! tony was upset he wasn't asked to be part of the beach carry-on team so next time, you better yell!!! he really needed a break but we did finish the stairs so we can go back to our bedroom and the deck...we will finish the trim this wknd.
still praying for pain control as well as more beach trips and alan's clam bar!
grace,peace,love,hugs....tony & jill

5/12/2009 10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. I can visualize every word you write and can just see mom out shopping. You are all the best. Love you all. Cheryl Crone

5/14/2009 6:31 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie, just checking in to say hello and see how you are doing. Thank you so much for your Mother's Day note, it meant the world to me! Very busy at the store, so that is a good thing. Really looking forward to Graham Dalton's arrival in October.... wow, "My Three Grandson's" can't wait. Hope you are having a good weekend.

5/16/2009 8:55 PM  
Anonymous beach betty said...

Just checking in. I hope you are feeling a little better. I'm looking forward to this weekend. we're going to OC on Friday morning.I can't wait. Hopefully the beach will be nice. It will just be great to have 4 days off in a row! Hope to see you down there.

5/20/2009 7:34 AM  
Anonymous Kathy, Dan, Taylor and Ryan said...

Please let us know how OC was and how you're doing. You're in our thoughts and prayers!

5/20/2009 9:08 PM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Good Morning, looks like it is going to be a beautiful day... I hope you have a good one!

5/21/2009 7:54 AM  
Blogger Patty Gianfelice said...

Debbie & the Teklits clan... hope you guys have a great Memorial Day Holiday!

5/23/2009 7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't posted in awhile..i always look back on holidays to see how are you certain times of year....Been a little busy here.. Patrick is still in classes down at cal poly.. went to Irvine over the meemorial day .. said it was " hella upper class".. stayed with apparently a well to do family... Mark hung out with friends.. going to hispanic day at the fiesta days.. turned into sort of a "west side story" type night from what i hear.. he was home by 10:30..his car got painted.. again.. why do high school boys like to paint male genatalia on windshields???? took 2x to wash off the art work...
We have 13 more days till summer school.. had an interview to work summer school.. kind of blew the interview. .when asked to describe myself with 3 words. my first word was "thick".. don't think in retrospct they were talking physically.. ha
I sure hope you are doing ok this weekend.. and all the ones to come..and alison.. be ready.. i cried the minute i saw a male with black shoes and the cap and gown... and it was only the last names with A.. i had to continue crying till F... for good luck..
Prayers are with you deb.. mdf

5/25/2009 11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I just saw that my comments to you did not post. Trying again. I hope you had a beatiful Mother's Day, and a peaceful beautiful Memorial Day weekend. Hope you are rallying from your last round. As always you remain in our prayers daily.
Pam K

5/26/2009 8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb et al....

Made it to the other side....graduation party is behind us and tomorrow we send Brendan off on a 10 day school trip to Paris, Switzerland and Germany. This family has been traveling like crazy the first half of the year.

Colin got your card and now comes the fun part of keeping him on task for all of the thank yous. That should be interesting.

Mickey, Bev and Matthew came to the party and it was great to see them. All of Dave's siblings were here. The weather was less than cooperative as we were forced inside and onto the covered porches. Thankfully we had the space to accommodate everyone.

I have been wondering how you have been doing and if you were at OCNJ over the holiday weekend. Oh how we long to be at the beach with you.

Hope you have sand between your toes and a smile on your face.

As always .... miss you bunches!

COD Eileen

5/26/2009 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Kathy, Dan, Ryan and Taylor said...

Please update us when you have a minute. We're all worried about you, thinking of you and praying for you constantly!

5/26/2009 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really happy to know that your home from HUP. Hope you have a fun, well deserved vacation at the shore! Hope to see you soon!

Thinking of you,
Katie <3

5/27/2009 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie! You continue to amaze me & everyone! Hope you are feeling well, relatively speaking:) Hang in are still in my thoughts & prayers! Hope you made it down the shore last mom & I were in Cape May, it was beautiful! Jessie....thanks for the updates!

5/31/2009 12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary dearest Debbie & Joe.
Love you much.

5/31/2009 10:26 AM  

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